Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

I would like you to say, yes. I stated the evidence presented, including things Trump said himself, so, please do reply.

You presented no physical evidence and then fine I think that it's all a bunch of lies.
Trump will appeal and win.

Their "evidence" was the audio tape of Trump saying "grab 'em by the pussy".

They got around the statute of limitations by falsely calling it "rape"...then did not find him guilty of rape.

This crock of bullshit allows the MSM to go crazy with the story for as long as they want.
Blah Blah Blah

Voters will see him as a sexual assaulter.
Give the responses in this thread?

The whole trial & media coverage, as Don't Taz me has pointed out, it hasn't seemed to have moved the needle an inch.

Just grabbing women on airplanes and in women's dressing rooms that he's never met before. Maybe in your sick world that is normal.....
So you admit there is something wrong with Joe Biden and Bill Clinton, enough to impeach them obvviously since you feel so strongly about accusations.
You mean hearsay. And if the accused testified, and can be cross examined in her claim, it is not hearsay.

Her testimony is evidence. But it ain’t much evidence.

And the truth is even now, we don’t know precisely what the jury determined:

A lousy case and shorty legal instructions. Eminently appealable.

I fixed it but I'm talking about Trump being caught at it on camera or something.
While I do sort of agree with this. . . ????

It is incumbent upon mothers & fathers to teach their daughters & sons, to say, "NO," when someone is doing something they don't like.

When we were at Uni, and freshmen, there was this whole, "No means No," anti-date rape PR campaign on campus. And that was thirty years ago now. . .

SO many times, men are blamed for date rape, when women are too drunk to remember what happened the night before, but society and women themselves, give little or next to no thought, that if the woman can't remember what went on, chances are, the guy doesn't remember what went on either.

If the girl can't be held responsible for her actions, if she can't remember what they did, or what they were up to the previous night, why the hell should the guy, if he can't remember what the hell he was doing, be held more accountable? What happened to the notion of, "equal rights?"

I am reading in reports of this trial, that Trump can't even remember who this woman is. . . . :dunno:

Why do men have some sort of extra social responsibility, to control their drinking, or partying, so they don't black out, and lose control of their behavior, but girls can just be as irresponsible as they like? When it comes to drugs and alcohol, I see this as a social problem, crop up, over and over. I have a sneaking suspicion, this is at the core here.

Folks taking responsibility for their behavior, under the influence, and then, double thinking it, when they are more sober.

How do we, as society, really know, if sexual activity is consensual or not, in such cases? We only have women saying, they were black-out drunk, or otherwise under the influence, so they could not possibly have consented, or they were taken, "advantage of," . . . well???

I really don't know what goes in in the world of celebrity, with their drugging and boozing, thirty, forty and fifty years ago.
I do know, Trump was a regular in the Studio 54 crowd, among models, actors and celebrities.

He had little control, and little desire to exercise any control. . . it was his own, "personal Vietnam," as he has told us. He has admitted as much. I do believe, he never had any use for loyalty or fidelity, to any one particular woman, whether it was in a relationship, or with a wife.

OTH? I seriously doubt, he ever intentionally raped or sexually abused anyone. It seems, very much out of character for him. I have no doubt, though, he left in his wake, many, MANY women who felt used after the party was over. And once he became very rich, and very powerful? Once he became a celebrity? Those same women saw opportunity, by writing about how they felt used, and even, bringing legal action for whomever Trump's corporate or political enemies might be.

What I do suspect, is a lot of these reports and accusations today, are more motivated, completely by politics, than anything else. And anyone that buys into this epistemology, at this time in his life, is pretty dull, IMO.

It is a pretty transparent story, IMO.
It is incumbent upon mothers & fathers to teach their daughters & sons, to say, "NO," when someone is doing something they don't like.
Sure. Yet people all the time still get sexually assaulted. And people all the time don't report it to the police neither. The reason is simple, it is confronting and humiliating. The whole idea that it is the victim's responsibility to prevent sexual assault when it invariably starts from a power disparity (a 100 pound women doesn't assault a 200 pound male usually) is insane.
Dude, we have a fucking congress fund that WE PAY FOR where they can do whatever in the hell they want.
We have a President now, that has been accused by several women of doing the same shit trump just lost for. He even had the SS ADMIT they threw away the records of when he assaulted one of his guys wives.
It is nice to see a pol actually go down for something but the level of disingenuous celebration is hilarious.
And your half off-topic post isnt going to change that :thup:
I believe in our legal system. When others are convicted of the same issues, I would have the same feelings.
Innocent until proven guilty.
As a Trump trained monkey, you may not know that Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct 26 times.
Plus the dumbass Trump brags about it. But he is your moral leader.

Sure. Yet people all the time still get sexually assaulted. And people all the time don't report it to the police neither. The reason is simple, it is confronting and humiliating. The whole idea that it is the victim's responsibility to prevent sexual assault when it invariably starts from a power disparity (a 100 pound women doesn't assault a 200 pound male usually) is insane.

So then why report it at all if that was the case here instead of waiting until after Trump announced his 2024 presidential bid?
Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
Too Many Older Men Are Still Screened for Prostate Cancer
Can Actual Rats Save the Mall?
Bush: Whatever you want.
Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.
Bush: Uh, yeah, those legs, all I can see is the legs.

Trump: Oh, it looks good.
That's not the transcript, you or your source is creating a false narrative the wording was Could not that he did, and it's true, groupies are a well known phenom that even your liberal movies and tv directors depict the same way, so why is it ok when leftist reveal it broadly publically, but not people having private conversations about it when they are opposite political spectrum.-oops!
That's not evidence that's hearsay.
you have no clue what hearsay is. From the victim's mouth to a witness is not hearsay. Expert witness opinions are not hearsay. A person saying what happened to them is not hearsay. Looking at a tape and listening to what's being said is not hearsay. This is all direct evidence.
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If you say he did stick it in her against her will in the changing room, I believe you, and sounds like the jury believes you, also, based on the preponderance of testimony and held him responsible. I may have made straight "A"s in business law courses in college, taught by a high-powered prominent lawyer, now a judge, but that does not qualify me to pass judgement on the Judge's conduct of the trial, including instructions, clarifications or lack there of, to the jury. I'm better with contracts related to business.
I didn’t say he stuck it in her nor did I say he didn’t. I wasn’t there. I’m not sure that Trump was either on whatever fanciful date it may have been. So I’m kind of confused about your opening sentence.

In this case, we don’t know if the jury itself determined that he did so either. He was sued for “battery” and she alleged rape. Rape would qualify. But according to the judge’s instructions, it is an undetermined thing. It is conceivable that the jury determined that Trump gave E. Jean an unwanted peck on the cheek.

That aside, I believe it is the height of lethal absurdity to contend that denying a rape is actionable as a defamation.

I don’t have a crystal ball. But it seems pretty clear that this case might very well get reversed on an appeal.

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