Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

Actually they found him not guilty of rape.

The rest is nonsense, “defamation” for hurting her feelings.

They found him guilty of battery and sexually abusing her. And then he called her a liar in the press. He digitally penetrated her, but even Carol said she didn’t know for sure whether or not he put his penis in her. That’s why he got a pass on the rape.

Carroll is one of 26 women who have come forward and confirmed that Trump sexually assaulted him exactly as he described in the Access Hollywood tape.

Trump has never denied sexually assaulting women. He now saying it’s his right as a “star”. He just denies that he sexually assaulted any of “these” women. Not his type.
The scorecard reads thusly........settled a housing discrimination suit, settled a fraud suit concerning his real estate school scam, NY officials found that he stole money from his charitable
foundation, the Trump Org. was found guilty of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records, Don has been charged with 34 felony counts in NY, is under investigation by the DoJ for stealing classified docs and possible seditious conspiracy, under investigation in GA for pressuring election officials to overturn the state's verified results, and guilty of sexual battery and defamation.

What's not to love?
Buckle up, tomorrow is going to be a rough day for democrats. :laugh:
It's amazing how low a Trumptard will stoop do defend the indefensible. Were this ANY Democrat, they'd be shooting off fireworks.

There literally is nothing Trump can do wrong. Grab pussies, commit adultery, steal from the elderly, defraud his base, defraud his investors, defraud his fake charitable foundation, there is no low which will shock the Trumptards to their senses.
Don't forget about the guy (Bannon) who steals from them, gets caught, gets convicted, Trump pardons him and trumpers cheer.

Talk about cuckolds.
Why are Dems in for a rough day tomorrow?
LOL, that left wing media is not doing you guys any favors. They never tell you about your parties own issues. Its all attacks on the GOP 24/7. :laugh:

Tomorrow Congress is going to release a shitload of information about Biden's criminal scheme to take bribes and hide the money. I believe the quote from Comer was, "Wednesday is Judgement Day for the White House".
Hunter can be indicted.

President Biden can be impeached. So what. Trump was impeached twice
Hunter ought to be indicted.

And an impeachment — standing alone — doesn’t mean shit. We recently saw that with Bubba Clinton as well as with President Trump. But it would lead to a lot of public exposure of Potato’s corruption. That is: evidence being aired against the demented Potato.

Wow. imagine that. An exposure of actual corruption which might have an impact on voters otherwise inclined to vote for our seriously demented incumbent President.

Makes ya proud, MAGA?

Dennis Prager is right.......whatever you leftists touch, you destroy.

We had one of the best legal systems in the world.......and you guys have destroyed it.

The democrat party in the south used the courts to convict innocent black men....this is no different...the democrats in New York wanted to convict Trump, and they did....

You have destroyed our system of justice...from the persecution of the Jan. protestors, to the impeachments of Trump, to his arrest for fake charges New York, now this....

This wasn't a trial, this was a democrat party star chamber....
It means nothing. A NY jury will convict him of anything he is charged with, no matter how outlandish the charge is. There are no witnesses for this alleged assault, she never told anyone it happened, and waited 30 years to take it to the police. I mean, what the fuck are we supposed to do with such an empty claim? :dunno:

For the record, i feel the same about Biden's accusers.

But you are a trump-santos MAGA
So it is expected.
Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, and Now Donald Trump

juries say...

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"A Manhattan jury has found that Trump sexually abused and defamed E. Jean Carroll, and awarded $5 million in damages." - Why? He lied about the rape.

He's a fucking rapist. That is what the jury said in a civil trial, just like a jury in a civil trial said OJ Simpson murdered his wife.

What evidence was there in the civil trial that convicted OJ Simpson of murdering his Wife and Ron Goldman?
That's not what the jury said... they said Trump was not guilty of assault but he was guilt of defamation... imagine that... Biden gets accused of rape by a woman who worked for him and doesn't have any negative effects from it.... Trump gets accused of rape and lashes back at his accuser and then gets sued for defamation.... this country is corrupt as hell....
It was proven that he sexually assaulted her.
There was no hard evidence. It is nothing but a circumstantial case.

C'mon, stahp being a lying liar.

It was just, "he said," "she said." You know, things she claimed to have told friends, years ago when it happened, from her point of view on it.

I'm not sure, if Trump even was aware that he did anything wrong in that moment. It was a very different time, with very different standards. If, it really went down, like she says it did. . . though, again, it is a "she said/he said" thing. We don't even know Trump's sade, if he has one, as he claims, he doesn't remember her???

". . . At the time Carroll was a media celebrity in her own right thanks to her advice column with Elle magazine, Ask E. Jean, and her cable TV show of the same name.

Trump asked her to help him choose a gift for a girl and after some 'playful banter' they went up to the sixth floor to the lingerie department.

As Carroll told it, she thought the whole thing was a 'fun New York story', made all the more amusing when Trump told her to try on a see-through bodysuit. She told him to try it on, continuing the banter as he showed her into a changing room.

But then the mood suddenly became 'dark', Carroll told the jury.

Trump 'shut the door and shoved me against the wall,' Carroll said. She told the court: 'I pushed him back, and he thrust me back against the wall, banging my head.

'He put his shoulder against me and held me against the wall'.

Carroll could not see Trump as he allegedly penetrated her but she could 'certainly feel that pain'.

After fighting him off, she ran outside and called a friend, Lisa Birnbach, a journalist, who told her to go to the police.

Carroll also spoke to Carol Martin, the former TV anchor, who told her to keep quiet as Trump would 'bury her'.

She did exactly that for 20 years until 2019 when he had become President and she wrote a memoir publicly accusing him for the first time.

Carroll claims that Trump set out to 'destroy' her, calling her a liar and saying her allegations were a 'hoax'.

She endured a deluge of hate mail and tweets and allegedly lost her job with Elle because her readers couldn't trust her any more.

Under cross examination from Trump's lawyer Joe Tacopina, Carroll became emotional when asked repeatedly why she didn't scream.

'Mr Tacopina,' Carroll said, 'I was born in 1943. I am a member of the silent generation. Women like me were taught and trained to keep our chins up and to not complain.. . . "

^ This type of rhetoric makes me believe that this whole trial and verdict is staged. IMO? This verdict plays more into the hands of the Trump people, than those who oppose him. . . .

This is really dangerous. Handing down a judgement like this, based on thirty-year old testimony of some phone calls and memories, and some bad PR video tape?

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That's not what the jury said... they said Trump was not guilty of assault but he was guilt of defamation... imagine that... Biden gets accused of rape by a woman who worked for him and doesn't have any negative effects from it.... Trump gets accused of rape and lashes back at his accuser and then gets sued for defamation.... this country is corrupt as hell....
You are very confused...or a MAGA LIAR.

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