Trump indictment would be a gift to Republicans

Trump is hated by Democrats like you because he does good things. Pelosi turned your Democrat House into a sewer. :eusa_hand:

Trump is not popular with his own party
Most Republicans don’t want him as their candidate

Why help him fight charges?
Trump is not popular with his own party
Most Republicans don’t want him as their candidate

Why help him fight charges?
He would kick Biden's ass now in an election. Biden's approval rating in the 30% range? With the media reporting 100% in his favor.
It would serve both parties well if they just forget about him. If he was charged with a crime you make him a martyr and you see a precedent that hurts both parties
It isn't the parties that should benefit. The American people should be #1. So far, President Trump has been the single contemporary President who put the
American people FIRST, put the American people first, and of course, he put the American people first before anything else. That's why people love him and cheer a lot at his rallies. He's a good man when it comes to service to the American people, to cleaning up the Atlantic of plastic, and organizing World People through strength and the promise of no starvation where countries become prosperous due to planning, which is Trump's forte. He's a good guy for the American people.

The current president has tens of thousands of illegal aliens bringing trouble and terror to border towns. Some small border towns are having two thousand people a day looking for some place to stay in cold weather and something to eat in a town where the population is less than a week of immigrants looking for food and lodging. It's absolutely a horror story and Biden doesn't give a rat's ass because he can't. He has third stage dementia, and he can't lead the pledge of allegiance much less be the leader of the free world, while the idiot Democrats want free speech to be taxed to death will bad laws that offend the Constitutional rights the founders gave the people in this country. Biden is bringing starvation to some families with small children. It's a freaking night mare.
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If the National Guard had authorization to enter DC....then why couldn't the governor of Maryland get authorization for the National Guard to enter DC?
"Hogan also said Hoyer told him that the U.S. Capitol Police were “overwhelmed.” The governor said Hoyer “was pleading with us” to send the National Guard, but Hogan said he had not received authorization.

“He was yelling across the room to Schumer who, and they were back and forth saying, ‘We do have the authorization,’ and I’m saying: ‘I’m telling you, we do not have the authorization.’”

It was an hour and a half after speaking with Hoyer that Hogan said he heard from Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy, who Hogan said asked: “Can you come as soon as possible?”"

You KNOW this. You've googled it. You know that Hogan could NOT get authorization to send the National Guard into DC, despite numerous requests to do so. Even with direct pleas from Pelosi and Schumer, he couldn't get authorization to send in the national guard.

Trump could have called the Secretary of the Army in 5 minutes at any time and authorized the national guard to enter. He didn't. Trump wasn't conferring with Hogan. Trump did nothing for almost 3 hours. As the capitol and the police under attack. With witnesses IN THE ROOM with Trump testifying that Trump was fixed watching TV rather than taking action.

This is what passes for 'leadership' among conservatives. And it is pathetic.
Trump requested the National Guard the Tuesday before J6.
Research the DC National Guard. They are weekend warriors. They need time to mobilize. You can't just call them on short notice, Not even Trump.

I hope the new GOP House publicizes these facts and finds out who failed to activate the NG.
1. Research the DC National Guard before typing nonsense.

Read the post responded to before typing nonsense.

2. The Border is Open. Just ask the CBP

So you are claiming that we have no gates, no security, no manpower at all at the border?

3. He should be impeached, but I doubt that DC Republicans have the stones.

That is what Dems said about Trump.

4. I saw Turley on TV. Its called google.
Why one man? Cherry picked with a history of partisonship? Do you know what the general consensus is?
Why won’t they just let Democrats do their dirty work for them?

Trump is dragging down the Republican Party. He is costing them elections and spoiling the agenda.
2024 will be another disaster for Republicans if he is allowed to run again.

Why don’t Republicans just fake indignation, give Trump token support and allow the Democrats to take care of their dirty laundry?
Because the GOP doesn’t want to take on what is coming!
Trump is not popular with his own party
Most Republicans don’t want him as their candidate

Why help him fight charges?
Trump will be the next President. He has the silent majority because his honesty is loved by us all. Creating alleged phony criminal acts has made the Democrats look like a bunch of sewer rats. The Jan. 6 committee set out to destroy Trump as did the fake impeachments by way of Nancy Pelosi. They did not succeed.
Why don’t Republicans just fake indignation, give Trump token support and allow the Democrats to take care of their dirty laundry?
Because the Democrats aren't anxious to do that, as they find Trump useful, keeping the Republicans in disarray.
Because the Democrats aren't anxious to do that, as they find Trump useful, keeping the Republicans in disarray.
The majority of Republicans still love Donald Trump because his first priority as President was to care for the Moms and Dads. It will be a delight to have the Trump family living in the exquisite White House again. It's an honor to speak well of the man. Good evening, everybody! May the road rise up to meet you, the wind be always at your back! :sleep:
Why won’t they just let Democrats do their dirty work for them?

Trump is dragging down the Republican Party. He is costing them elections and spoiling the agenda.
2024 will be another disaster for Republicans if he is allowed to run again.

Why don’t Republicans just fake indignation, give Trump token support and allow the Democrats to take care of their dirty laundry?
That is just the media blabbering with their Democrat polls, and jealous RINOs. Ho hum. Trump has had the backing of most Americans, all along, and will again in 2024.
Because the Democrats aren't anxious to do that, as they find Trump useful, keeping the Republicans in disarray.
What is in disarray is Democrats confused in a bubble of distortion of their own making. Trump will be president again in 2024.
If Trump is charged with anything at all, and it goes to trial enemy democrats will have to face something they never had. They had two impeachments and a sham congressional hearing all to themselves. No defense, no cross examination, no exculpatory evidence. They enjoyed a total Railroad. In a real trial, the entire democrat fabrication will be exposed and unraveled.
Read the post responded to before typing nonsense.
So you are claiming that we have no gates, no security, no manpower at all at the border?
That is what Dems said about Trump.
Why one man? Cherry picked with a history of partisanship? Do you know what the general consensus is?
1. This is your post that I replied to. Your post is a LIE.
"Trump didn't request the NG. If he had, they would have been there since he was the commander in chief"


2. The border is open. The wall construction was stopped. Migrants are being bused all over the US. Trump made them wait in Mexico for their hearing. Biden is a disaster. A recession is coming and now we have more people that can't work.

3. I hope Biden is impeached. The betting odds are 2:1. Looks likely.

4. You asked for a link, I gave you a link. Turley is a Law Professor, an expert opinion. He's a democrat. If you want a partisan opinion read the J6 Committee Referral. There is a Special Prosecutor on the case, and he is very thorough, so we'll need to wait and see what his findings are.
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