Trump indictment would be a gift to Republicans

Why won’t they just let Democrats do their dirty work for them?

Trump is dragging down the Republican Party. He is costing them elections and spoiling the agenda.
2024 will be another disaster for Republicans if he is allowed to run again.

Why don’t Republicans just fake indignation, give Trump token support and allow the Democrats to take care of their dirty laundry?

The real threat to democracy of course is from inside your own tent. That's why your masters keep banging on and on about Trump...and of course you buy it lock, stock and barrel
The real threat to democracy of course is from inside your own tent. That's why your masters keep banging on and on about Trump...and of course you buy it lock, stock and barrel
Actually, we bang on Trump because he was the worst suited man ever to be President and attempted to destroy our democracy to remain in power
1. This is your post that I replied to. Your post is a LIE.
"Trump didn't request the NG. If he had, they would have been there since he was the commander in chief"


Because you are being lied too. Funny how the same person tells different stories to hannity and tucker then when under oath.

"When asked directly if there was a direct order from Trumpt , Miller said, "that's correct, there was no order from the president."
"The committee also showed recorded testimony of Pence's national security adviser, Keith Kellogg, saying that he never heard of the president asking for a National Guard or law enforcement response. Kellogg said if troops were called up to help defend the Capitol, he would have heard of that. And Nick Luna, an aide to Trump, also said in recorded testimony that he was unaware of any requests Trump made to the National Guard, Pentagon, FBI, Homeland Security, Service Service or Capitol Police."

Trump did not have 10,000 troops ready to deploy on Jan. 6, his defense secretary says

2. The border is open. The wall construction was stopped. Migrants are being bused all over the US. Trump made them wait in Mexico for their hearing. Biden is a disaster. A recession is coming and now we have more people that can't work.

The wall is dumb. I am glad construction was stoped.

Yep. Claim of open borders from prominent Republicans, free bus rides, free motels; no wonder illegals are spilling over.

3. I hope Biden is impeached. The betting odds are 2:1. Looks likely.

I am sure you do. That is what you are trained to think.

4. You asked for a link, I gave you a link. Turley is a Law Professor, an expert opinion. He's a democrat. If you want a partisan opinion read the J6 Committee Referral. There is a Special Prosecutor on the case, and he is very thorough, so we'll need to wait and see what his findings are.
So you seek out cherry picked sources from the right wing noise machine, but ignore the overwhelming majority of legal scholars. Color me shocked.
Republicans have had multiple chances to rid themselves of the curse of Trump, yet insisted on providing him political cover.

Now, they have Trump as a private citizen facing multiple charges in multiple courts

Why don’t they just look the other way ?
they are cowards if they say anything derogative trump comes out after them .... look who trump went after the 10 republicans who did the right thing by voting to impeach him ...9 of them lost their seats... those 9 are the only honest republicans ... the rest of these republicans are a bunch of chicken shits ...
they are cowards if they say anything derogative trump comes out after them .... look who trump went after the 10 republicans who did the right thing by voting to impeach him ...9 of them lost their seats... those 9 are the only honest republicans ... the rest of these republicans are a bunch of chicken shits ...

Why Trump will get the GOP nomination again
The rest of the party is afraid to criticize him

Why they should stand back and let Democrats take care of their Trump problem
Trump is the Republicans worst nightmare

Why would they want to rescue him again?
Dems will solve their Trump problem for them

You're going to try:

Because you are being lied too. Funny how the same person tells different stories to hannity and tucker then when under oath.
"When asked directly if there was a direct order from Trumpt , Miller said, "that's correct, there was no order from the president."
"The committee also showed recorded testimony of Pence's national security adviser, Keith Kellogg, saying that he never heard of the president asking for a National Guard or law enforcement response. Kellogg said if troops were called up to help defend the Capitol, he would have heard of that. And Nick Luna, an aide to Trump, also said in recorded testimony that he was unaware of any requests Trump made to the National Guard, Pentagon, FBI, Homeland Security, Service Service or Capitol Police."
Trump did not have 10,000 troops ready to deploy on Jan. 6, his defense secretary says
The wall is dumb. I am glad construction was stopped.
Yep. Claim of open borders from prominent Republicans, free bus rides, free motels; no wonder illegals are spilling over.
I am sure you do. That is what you are trained to think.
So you seek out cherry picked sources from the right wing noise machine, but ignore the overwhelming majority of legal scholars. Color me shocked.
Don't be confused. You're conflating the various J6 requests for NG troops with the early J3 request. There was a J3 request from Trump. There was no J6 request from Trump.
1. That's why we need a real J6 House Committee, run by Republicans. There are too many inconsistencies in what's reported and sworn to. I furnished links verifying that Trump requested 10,000 NG troops on J3. There were many there at the meeting who heard the request. Capitol Police Chief Sund also requested the NG. Both requests were ignored. So who stopped the NG? IMHO it was Sgt at Arms Irving who declined the request based on his understanding of Nancy Pelosi's policy.

2. The border is open, migrants are flooding in. Trump had the border shut tight, and made them wait in Mexico for their hearing. The wall worked, so says the CBP.
p.s. Biden said he's now finishing the wall.

3. What overwhelming majority of legal scholars? I don't see any links from you saying that Trump is toast, its a slam-dunk indictment and conviction. Let me guess, the usual commie libs like Larry Tribe? Then Dershowitz says the exact opposite. No point in debating Trump's fate. What happens happens.
The stupid fuck had the WH and blew-it with his fucked up ego in the 1st debate. My wife said "no way I can vote for that AH". All he had to do is "act" presidential and he'd have won.
Don't be confused. You're conflating the various J6 requests for NG troops with the early J3 request. There was a J3 request from Trump. There was no J6 request from Trump.
1. That's why we need a real J6 House Committee, run by Republicans. There are too many inconsistencies in what's reported and sworn to. I furnished links verifying that Trump requested 10,000 NG troops on J3. There were many there at the meeting who heard the request. Capitol Police Chief Sund also requested the NG. Both requests were ignored. So who stopped the NG? IMHO it was Sgt at Arms Irving who declined the request based on his understanding of Nancy Pelosi's policy.

None of those articles states Trump requested national guard.

2. The border is open, migrants are flooding in. Trump had the border shut tight, and made them wait in Mexico for their hearing. The wall worked, so says the CBP.
p.s. Biden said he's now finishing the wall.

Yawn. Democrats, include ding Biden have always supported strategic placing of walls.

3. What overwhelming majority of legal scholars? I don't see any links from you saying that Trump is toast, its a slam-dunk indictment and conviction. Let me guess, the usual commie libs like Larry Tribe? Then Dershowitz says the exact opposite. No point in debating Trump's fate. What happens happens.

I never said it was a slam dunk.

I am simply saying that for a legal mind to claim they have nothing on Trump is partison nonsense, just as much as a lawyer saying Trump is toast.

The stupid fuck had the WH and blew-it with his fucked up ego in the 1st debate. My wife said "no way I can vote for that AH". All he had to do is "act" presidential and he'd have won.
None of those articles states Trump requested national guard.
Yawn. Democrats, include ding Biden have always supported strategic placing of walls.
I never said it was a slam dunk.
I am simply saying that for a legal mind to claim they have nothing on Trump is partisan nonsense, just as much as a lawyer saying Trump is toast.
1. Trump requested the NG on J3. That is an established fact. What we don't know is why it didn't happen.

2. What's iffy yet is why the NG were NOT deployed as requested by Trump and Capital Police Chief Sund on J3.

3. Looks like Sgt at Arms Irving will fall on his sword for Nancy Pelosi, saying he denied the request for the NG, but we still need that decision firmed up.
1. Trump requested the NG on J3. That is an established fact. What we don't know is why it didn't happen.

"I was never given any director or order or knew of any plans of that nature, so I was surprised by seeing that publicly," Miller said when asked about the claims on cable news. "Obviously we had plans for acting more folks, but that was not anything more than contingency planning. There was no official message traffic or anything of that nature."

Lol, this guy is talking out both sides of his ass.

2. What's iffy yet is why the NG were NOT deployed as requested by Trump and Capital Police Chief Sund on J3.

Because trump didn't request them.

3. Looks like Sgt at Arms Irving will fall on his sword for Nancy Pelosi, saying he denied the request for the NG, but we still need that decision firmed up.
Leftwhiner contends (in his typically dishonest thread headline) that:

Trump indictment would be a gift to Republicans​

Instead, the truth is that a Trump indictment would only confirm that the Brandon DOJ is utterly politicized and corrupted. It’s rotting from within.

Do you feel stupid?

Excellent commentary. Great post. Appreciate your sharing it. And the speaker in that video was absolutely spot on. Up and down the list. It wasn’t just a dead center bullseye; it was splitting the prior arrow which had hit the bullseye dead center.
Excellent commentary. Great post. Appreciate your sharing it. And the speaker in that video was absolutely spot on. Up and down the list. It wasn’t just a dead center bullseye; it was splitting the prior arrow which had hit the bullseye dead center.
Haha, just announce to the world that you didn't watch it. Don't worry, he didn't either.

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