Trump insults a war hero

Amazing how quickly the right will turn against veterans. Here's a guy who was captured and tortured in the name of his country, against a man born into wealth who was able to defer service multiple times.

I'm not the least bit surprised what side the lunatic right has chosen.

Oh bite me. The left has derided McCain's service and POW standing right on this USMB board.

Senator McCain not POW McCain was insulting the shit out of Trump and his followers.

Trump fired back. Too bad so sad. About time someone slapped McCain upside the head for an insult.
The pattern to get Trump is emerging. Some member of the chattering class will attack Trump. Trump will not back down. He attacks back. The fake outrage and phony hurt feelings takes center stage.
Trump was responding to McCain who said he stirred up the know, the ones he lied too last time he was elected promising he had learned his lesson on amnesty and as soon as he was re-elected went right back to spouting amnesty. McCain deserves every bit of derision and mockery that can be heaped on him.
Amazing how quickly the right will turn against veterans. Here's a guy who was captured and tortured in the name of his country, against a man born into wealth who was able to defer service multiple times.

I'm not the least bit surprised what side the lunatic right has chosen.

Oh bite me. The left has derided McCain's service and POW standing right on this USMB board.

Senator McCain not POW McCain was insulting the shit out of Trump and his followers.

Trump fired back. Too bad so sad. About time someone slapped McCain upside the head for an insult.
You know what? If it helps Trump campaign... then I'm all for it!

Fuck you McCain! You got captured and tortured by the enemy while fighting for your country?! TRAITOR!!!

Trumps political career has just crashed and burned

Even the staunchest conservative can't support that asshole

You're wrong. They will support him so long as he keeps speaking, and attacking the GOP hierarchy as he is doing. He probably can't win the election but if he stays in he will certainly stir things up. You remind me of all the silly people who said Reagan didn't have a prayer.
Westwall: Trump=Reagan
As I said in the other thread.

None of the Democrats gave a crap about that when he (McCain) was Running for President

so now today he's back to being a war hero. And we are suppose to get all bent over what Trump said?

who cares he's free to say what he wants. Him and McCain has some feud going on and I could care less about McCain. he should have retired after his failed Presidential run
I remember the resident Libtards blaming McCain for letting himself get shot down and captured
McCain himself, in his auto biography admits that 2 of the 5 multi million dollar jets he crashed were his fault and the third one doesn't count because that one wasn't crashed that badly even though he cost thousands of people their power because he hit a power line while grandstanding.

The fourth jet was destroyed on the Forestall. The Navy exonerated McCain even though it was his jet where the conflagration began that cost the lives of over 130 seamen. Thank God his father and grandfather were admirals.

And the 5th jet was shot down in Vietnam even though some have said that McCain was flying against orders too low.

Some have called McCain stupid but not me. The guy was involved with the destruction of 5 jets and over 130 Navy seamen dying and McCain managed to come out clean as a whistle on each one.

Just because he gradated 5th from the bottom out of nearly 900 graduating cadets doesn't mean he's stupid. After all he did graduate and I'm sure his Admiral grand father and Admiral grandfather had nothing to do with it.

OUTSTANDING.... That was a great fact enema.

Yes, McCain sucked as a pilot but at least he had the balls to fly combat missions unlike Bush who got a cushy gig with the Texas Air National Guard and even then he went AWOL.

Bush however flew an aircraft that was known as a widow maker. The F-102 was an unforgiving aircraft that had a design flaw that didn't become apparent till it had killed many of its pilots. Only the very best were even allowed to fly the fighter as it was so demanding. The A-4 that McCain flew on the other hand was considered a hot rod and was one of the most forgiving aircraft of its day. The accident rate for the F-102 is 13.69 incidents per 100,000 hours flown, while the A-4 is under 4.
You dont get a lifetime pass to lie your ass off simply because you served....less your name is Kerry
Trumps political career has just crashed and burned

Even the staunchest conservative can't support that asshole

You're wrong. They will support him so long as he keeps speaking, and attacking the GOP hierarchy as he is doing. He probably can't win the election but if he stays in he will certainly stir things up. You remind me of all the silly people who said Reagan didn't have a prayer.
Westwall: Trump=Reagan

Yes. I know. Reagan WON!
John McCain is the Teddy Kennedy of the GOP. If not for his POW experience, he wouldn't have been elected dogcatcher. He only ran for the GOP nomination to burnish his resume; as soon as he was nominated, he sabotaged his own campaign (and Sarah Palin, too). I wouldn't be surprised if he put a "D" by his name if he thought it would gain him greater accolades.
I remember the resident Libtards blaming McCain for letting himself get shot down and captured
McCain himself, in his auto biography admits that 2 of the 5 multi million dollar jets he crashed were his fault and the third one doesn't count because that one wasn't crashed that badly even though he cost thousands of people their power because he hit a power line while grandstanding.

The fourth jet was destroyed on the Forestall. The Navy exonerated McCain even though it was his jet where the conflagration began that cost the lives of over 130 seamen. Thank God his father and grandfather were admirals.

And the 5th jet was shot down in Vietnam even though some have said that McCain was flying against orders too low.

Some have called McCain stupid but not me. The guy was involved with the destruction of 5 jets and over 130 Navy seamen dying and McCain managed to come out clean as a whistle on each one.

Just because he gradated 5th from the bottom out of nearly 900 graduating cadets doesn't mean he's stupid. After all he did graduate and I'm sure his Admiral grand father and Admiral grandfather had nothing to do with it.

OUTSTANDING.... That was a great fact enema.

Yes, McCain sucked as a pilot but at least he had the balls to fly combat missions unlike Bush who got a cushy gig with the Texas Air National Guard and even then he went AWOL.

And as opposed to both Bill Clinton and Obama who did nothing.

Hey there Eisenstein, Obama was a child during the Vietnam war and Clinton was a CO. BTW, Al Gore served in Vietnam as a combat photographer while Cheney faked a disability.

  1. Cheney' - s Five Draft Deferments During the Vietnam Era ...
    The New York Times
    May 1, 2004 - By the time Dick Cheney turned 26 in January 1967 and was no longer eligible for the draft, he had asked for and received five deferments.
Romney was hiding out in France riding a bicycle for the racist Mormon church.

I think you require some education about Chicken Hawks. Follow along with the lyrics.

Well, my son asked me today, "Is this another Vietnam?"
I said, "Son, you know it's, well it's, no it's,
hmm, go ask your mom."
It brought back such precious memories
Of my days in business school
My favorite stool

Then my wife said, "Hey, I'm worried
'cause they're starting to deploy."
I said, "Honey, don't be silly,
we'll send someone else's boy."
'Cause we all make sacrifices
And in a war, that's what the poor
People are for

I said fight on for freedom's sake
'Long as I don't shake and bake

Chickenhawk - Call me a Chickenhawk
Chickenhawk - proud to be a Chickenhawk
A loyal arm chair jock
Let's check that Lockheed stock

I didn't walk the walk, but I can talk the talk
Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawwwwk!

Just because you might have seen some action
there on the front line
Don't insult the guys who served their country
here on the back nine
I was gung ho for gunnin' Ho
But I just had other priorities
Like feeling more at ease

I said bomb them to hell, but I'd
Rather not be Kentucky fried

Chickenhawk - Call me a Chickenhawk
Chickenhawk - proud to be a Chickenhawk
Watch while I bring democ-
Racy to all Iraq

I didn't walk the walk, but I can talk the talk
Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawwwwk!

Why did the chicken cross the road, well I'll tell ya, Pard
The chicken crossed the road to join
the Texas Air National Guard

Roll call!
Bush - Bawk!
Card - Bawk!
Rove - Bawk!
Ashcroft - Bawk!

Rumsfeld - Bawk!
Wolfowitz - Bawk!
Perle - Bawk!
Cheney - Go Bawk yourself!

O'Reilly, Hannity, Hume - Bawk bawk bawk!
Bennet, Kristol, Lim-Bawk!
Hastert, Gingrich, Lott, Delay - Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk...

Chickenhawk - Call me a ChickenHAWK!
Chickenhawk - proud to be a ChickenHAWK!
Watch while I bring de-MAWK!
Racy to all I-RAWK!

I didn't walk the walk, but I can talk the talk
Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawwwwk!

Let me make this perfectly clear
The BAWK stops here

Hey Einstein. Obama could have joined the military at anytime and didn't. What a chickenshit.

Deflection FAIL.
I remember the resident Libtards blaming McCain for letting himself get shot down and captured
What do we know of him getting shot down, other than his own account?

I haven't been able to find anything other than his account. Which makes little sense. He claims he was hit by an SA-2 Guidline missile that tore the wing off of his jet. You would have to be blind to not see a SA-2 coming at you, and the A-4 is one of the aircraft that could dodge an SA-2 the easiest. There obviously is no doubt that he was shot down and severely injured from his ejection (he screwed the pooch and didn't follow proper ejection procedures, which means he either didn't know them, didn't follow them for reasons of his own, or was drunk, which jibes with what others have said). The method of his shootdown are unknown.
You dont get a lifetime pass to lie your ass off simply because you served....less your name is Kerry

OMG yet ANOTHER veteran EVISCERATED DAILY by the right! In defense of a man who's rich pappy bought as many deferments as he wanted!

Lol Trump the quintessential Fortunate Son!

Go Trump! :rofl:

It really boils down to McCain being an asshole. An insulting pompous asshole at the best of times.

A war hero to have survived what he did in my mind. But that has nothing to do with the here and now.

McCain is a pompous insulting arrogant motherfucker who deserves to get slapped back every time he badmouths someone.
I'm appalled that people who claim to be conservatives are defending an attack against McCain which is aimed at insulting his military service as it relates to having been a Prisoner of War.

Disagree with McCain's politics all you want, decry his positions on immigration, whatever. Do not insult on for having been held captive in conjunction with is military service during an armed conflict. For fuck's sake, that's right there up with the radical fucktard liberals who would spit in soldiers' faces when they came back home.
As I said in the other thread.

None of the Democrats gave a crap about that when he (McCain) was Running for President

so now today he's back to being a war hero. And we are suppose to get all bent over what Trump said?

who cares he's free to say what he wants. Him and McCain has some feud going on and I could care less about McCain. he should have retired after his failed Presidential run
I remember the resident Libtards blaming McCain for letting himself get shot down and captured
McCain himself, in his auto biography admits that 2 of the 5 multi million dollar jets he crashed were his fault and the third one doesn't count because that one wasn't crashed that badly even though he cost thousands of people their power because he hit a power line while grandstanding.

The fourth jet was destroyed on the Forestall. The Navy exonerated McCain even though it was his jet where the conflagration began that cost the lives of over 130 seamen. Thank God his father and grandfather were admirals.

And the 5th jet was shot down in Vietnam even though some have said that McCain was flying against orders too low.

Some have called McCain stupid but not me. The guy was involved with the destruction of 5 jets and over 130 Navy seamen dying and McCain managed to come out clean as a whistle on each one.

Just because he gradated 5th from the bottom out of nearly 900 graduating cadets doesn't mean he's stupid. After all he did graduate and I'm sure his Admiral grand father and Admiral grandfather had nothing to do with it.

OUTSTANDING.... That was a great fact enema.

Yes, McCain sucked as a pilot but at least he had the balls to fly combat missions unlike Bush who got a cushy gig with the Texas Air National Guard and even then he went AWOL.

Bush however flew an aircraft that was known as a widow maker. The F-102 was an unforgiving aircraft that had a design flaw that didn't become apparent till it had killed many of its pilots. Only the very best were even allowed to fly the fighter as it was so demanding. The A-4 that McCain flew on the other hand was considered a hot rod and was one of the most forgiving aircraft of its day. The accident rate for the F-102 is 13.69 incidents per 100,000 hours flown, while the A-4 is under 4.

Are you talking about the Convair F-102? It was a supersonic interceptor and that is the natural choice for home defense because it was fast. McCain was flying a slower tactical aircraft under combat conditions. McCain had to make carrier landings and he muffed one of them and killed 130 sailors.

One reason for the higher attrition rate of the F-102 is because it flew bomber escort missions in Vietnam which were the most dangerous. They had to deal with MIGs and SAMS.

You may find this interesting if you are into aircraft. Convair F-102 Delta Dagger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Who's the better patriot?

Who's more pro-veteran?

Who's more pro-America?

Who's more pro-White -- at least implicitly?

It seems to me that Trump is behaving far more like a hero today than McCain is or ever has.

Weren't there questions about whether McCain cooperated with the enemy? Maybe the reason he tows the enemy's line so carefully today is that they have something on him.

Who's the better patriot? McCain

Who's more pro-veteran? McCain

Who's more pro-America? McCain

Who's more pro-White -- at least implicitly? OH! You wanted me to say TRUMP the first 3 times. But that would be lying. If Trump cared about this nation a little, he would consider his solutions deeply instead of throwing out unfeasible BS to the base.

Trump is a Con-artist. You have been conned.
You are really 'Fucked' in the head. Let me tell you something. Trump cant be bought.
As I said in the other thread.

None of the Democrats gave a crap about that when he (McCain) was Running for President

so now today he's back to being a war hero. And we are suppose to get all bent over what Trump said?

who cares he's free to say what he wants. Him and McCain has some feud going on and I could care less about McCain. he should have retired after his failed Presidential run
I remember the resident Libtards blaming McCain for letting himself get shot down and captured
McCain himself, in his auto biography admits that 2 of the 5 multi million dollar jets he crashed were his fault and the third one doesn't count because that one wasn't crashed that badly even though he cost thousands of people their power because he hit a power line while grandstanding.

The fourth jet was destroyed on the Forestall. The Navy exonerated McCain even though it was his jet where the conflagration began that cost the lives of over 130 seamen. Thank God his father and grandfather were admirals.

And the 5th jet was shot down in Vietnam even though some have said that McCain was flying against orders too low.

Some have called McCain stupid but not me. The guy was involved with the destruction of 5 jets and over 130 Navy seamen dying and McCain managed to come out clean as a whistle on each one.

Just because he gradated 5th from the bottom out of nearly 900 graduating cadets doesn't mean he's stupid. After all he did graduate and I'm sure his Admiral grand father and Admiral grandfather had nothing to do with it.

OUTSTANDING.... That was a great fact enema.

Yes, McCain sucked as a pilot but at least he had the balls to fly combat missions unlike Bush who got a cushy gig with the Texas Air National Guard and even then he went AWOL.

Bush however flew an aircraft that was known as a widow maker. The F-102 was an unforgiving aircraft that had a design flaw that didn't become apparent till it had killed many of its pilots. Only the very best were even allowed to fly the fighter as it was so demanding. The A-4 that McCain flew on the other hand was considered a hot rod and was one of the most forgiving aircraft of its day. The accident rate for the F-102 is 13.69 incidents per 100,000 hours flown, while the A-4 is under 4.

Are you talking about the Convair F-102? It was a supersonic interceptor and that is the natural choice for home defense because it was fast. McCain was flying a slower tactical aircraft under combat conditions. McCain had to make carrier landings and he muffed one of them and killed 130 sailors.

One reason for the higher attrition rate of the F-102 is because it flew bomber escort missions in Vietnam which were the most dangerous. They had to deal with MIGs and SAMS.

You may find this interesting if you are into aircraft. Convair F-102 Delta Dagger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I am very familiar with aircraft. The F-102 was a high performance aircraft (speed wise, didn't turn too well), so was the A-4 (not so fast, but turns on a dime). The A-4 was a mainstay of Top Gun for many years as a dissimilar airframe for air to air combat training.
McCain's no hero. He's a villain. And OP, you were not calling McCain a hero in 08 or worrying about reverencing him for being a so-called war hero.

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