Trump insults a war hero

I remember the resident Libtards blaming McCain for letting himself get shot down and captured
McCain himself, in his auto biography admits that 2 of the 5 multi million dollar jets he crashed were his fault and the third one doesn't count because that one wasn't crashed that badly even though he cost thousands of people their power because he hit a power line while grandstanding.

The fourth jet was destroyed on the Forestall. The Navy exonerated McCain even though it was his jet where the conflagration began that cost the lives of over 130 seamen. Thank God his father and grandfather were admirals.

And the 5th jet was shot down in Vietnam even though some have said that McCain was flying against orders too low.

Some have called McCain stupid but not me. The guy was involved with the destruction of 5 jets and over 130 Navy seamen dying and McCain managed to come out clean as a whistle on each one.

Just because he gradated 5th from the bottom out of nearly 900 graduating cadets doesn't mean he's stupid. After all he did graduate and I'm sure his Admiral grand father and Admiral grandfather had nothing to do with it.

OUTSTANDING.... That was a great fact enema.

Yes, McCain sucked as a pilot but at least he had the balls to fly combat missions unlike Bush who got a cushy gig with the Texas Air National Guard and even then he went AWOL.

And as opposed to both Bill Clinton and Obama who did nothing.
How old was Obama during Viet Nam? How dare he not volunteer at the great age of.....10-14!

Couldn't sign up and serve in the Gulf War or what?

He was 29 when the Gulf War I began. How many 29-30 year olds sign up at that age? I think you already know the answer to that one.
Trumps political career has just crashed and burned

Even the staunchest conservative can't support that asshole

You're wrong. They will support him so long as he keeps speaking, and attacking the GOP hierarchy as he is doing. He probably can't win the election but if he stays in he will certainly stir things up. You remind me of all the silly people who said Reagan didn't have a prayer.
Westwall: Trump=Reagan

I'm probably the last person who is going to defend WW about anything, but I don't think the man meant it that way.

It is true that when Ronald Reagan, after having narrowly lost the nomination to incumbent non-elected Ford by about 100 delegates in 1976, came back in 1980 to snatch the nomination, many of the so-called Republican blue bloods and many, many Democrats were snickering that he had no chance. Of course, 444 hostages in Iran, a sputtering economy, a crippling energy crisis, a major-challenge to Carter from within the Democratic Party (Ted Kennedy) and a third-party run from Republican turned Libertarian weirdo John Anderson all helped Reagan to get to +9.74 over Carter and to 50.7% of the NPV.

The difference is that once Reagan was elected (and I consider him to be a pretty good President, all in balance), he governed mostly from the center.

A President Trump :eek: would be dropping these kinds of neutron bombs all the time, because he is a media craving attention whore. A Donald Trump would not have had a snowball's chance in Hell in any party just 20 years ago. This is how utterly batshit crazy to the Right the GOP has shifted.
Trumps political career has just crashed and burned

Even the staunchest conservative can't support that asshole

You're wrong. They will support him so long as he keeps speaking, and attacking the GOP hierarchy as he is doing. He probably can't win the election but if he stays in he will certainly stir things up. You remind me of all the silly people who said Reagan didn't have a prayer.
Westwall: Trump=Reagan

Yes. I know. Reagan WON!

And every other conservative to whom the phrase "That's what they said about Reagan" was applied when running for President lost.
The War Secrets Sen. John McCain Hides
Former POW Fights Public Access to POW/MIA Files
By Sydney Schanberg

The War Secrets Sen. John McCain Hides


John McCain: War Hero Or War Criminal?

By Philip Giraldi

John McCain War Hero Or War Criminal

The truth will set you free. Trump is hated for telling the truth about illegal immigration, etc. No one wants a honest politician. Trump can afford to tell the truth because he has nothing to lose. At least he got us talking about illegal immigrants and maybe something will be done about the border being wide open. We do not see illegal aliens crossing the border illegally with college degrees. Our prisons are full of illegal aliens who have murdered and raped Americans. Most of the gangs are illegal aliens. Costing American taxpayers billions.

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Trumps political career has just crashed and burned

Even the staunchest conservative can't support that asshole

You're wrong. They will support him so long as he keeps speaking, and attacking the GOP hierarchy as he is doing. He probably can't win the election but if he stays in he will certainly stir things up. You remind me of all the silly people who said Reagan didn't have a prayer.
Westwall: Trump=Reagan

I'm probably the last person who is going to defend WW about anything, but I don't think the man meant it that way.

It is true that when Ronald Reagan, after having narrowly lost the nomination to incumbent non-elected Ford by about 100 delegates in 1976, came back in 1980 to snatch the nomination, many of the so-called Republican blue bloods and many, many Democrats were snickering that he had no chance. Of course, 444 hostages in Iran, a sputtering economy, a crippling energy crisis, a major-challenge to Carter from within the Democratic Party (Ted Kennedy) and a third-party run from Republican turned Libertarian weirdo John Anderson all helped Reagan to get to +9.74 over Carter and to 50.7% of the NPV.

The difference is that once Reagan was elected (and I consider him to be a pretty good President, all in balance), he governed mostly from the center.

A President Trump :eek: would be dropping these kinds of neutron bombs all the time, because he is a media craving attention whore. A Donald Trump would not have had a snowball's chance in Hell in any party just 20 years ago. This is how utterly batshit crazy to the Right the GOP has shifted.

The other big, big difference between Reagan and most of the wannabees that have deified him in the Republican party is that Reagan offered a message of optimism and hope. He made Americans feel good about themselves again. Liberals often pooh-pooh this, but it was a big deal. Leadership is inspiring people. Reagan had that in spades.

You don't have that in the Republican party today, at least at the national level. Instead, you hear a lot of anger. And that anger is driven by the base. So you have candidates such as Trump who are a manifestation of that anger.

These people are as far away from Reagan in terms of style as could be. And the Republican Party will likely lose again in 2016, and the base will continue to think that they keep losing because they aren't conservative (and angry) enough.
Trumps political career has just crashed and burned

Even the staunchest conservative can't support that asshole

The polls say otherwise. Trump is saying the hateful garbage that Republicans love. Trump is an uncouth narcissistic blowhard. If only he had a kids with criminal records and a few arrests of his own he'd be the perfect Republican.

Hard to believe this is the man who is the leading candidate for the Republican nomination

Conservatives like Trump because he....tells it like it is

Captured soldiers are cowards worthy of contempt

No. McCain insulted Trump. McCain insulted the electorate that came out to hear Trump.

And guess what? Trump's pushing back against McCain.

One can respect McCain's service like I and others do, but his service to the country does not give him cart blanche to insult other party members or their followers. Without expecting payback.

It's about time that McCain the Senator who shoots his mouth off insulting other Republicans got slapped upside the head.

The old mother fucker deserves a smack down.
One of the reasons Trump is incapable of being President. Guess what? Presidents get insulted. Like a small child, Trump can't accept criticism without coming back with a worse insult

What Trump said insulted all POWs. And yes, anyone who supports Trump is worthy of derision
The other big, big difference between Reagan and most of the wannabees that have deified him in the Republican party is that Reagan offered a message of optimism and hope. He made Americans feel good about themselves again. Liberals often pooh-pooh this, but it was a big deal. Leadership is inspiring people. Reagan had that in spades.

You don't have that in the Republican party today, at least at the national level. Instead, you hear a lot of anger. And that anger is driven by the base. So you have candidates such as Trump who are a manifestation of that anger.

These people are as far away from Reagan in terms of style as could be. And the Republican Party will likely lose again in 2016, and the base will continue to think that they keep losing because they aren't conservative (and angry) enough.

Nails it.

I do find it funny that the same people who called McCain names like "Juan McAmnesty" are the ones who are horrified, just horrified, that Trump dissed McCain's war record.

If the right wing really respected McCain, they'd have made him the nominee in 2000.

Now, yeah, in a sane world, this should be the end of Trump. But the fact is, the people who make up the GOP base have never forgiven McCain for losing to Obama.
Look, asshole.I have a purple heart that hangs in our den and will someday be given to the son of the man that earned it. It was paid for in blood and sacrifice, don't you EVER try to tell me what a hero is. Kerry is no fucking hero. No way, no how

Kerry Served. He won three purple hearts, the Bronze Star and the Silver Star. Now, you might make an argument about how he won those. Anyone who has served in the military know that the awarding of medals usually has more to do with politics than valor. (Officers get more medals than enlisted, for instance.)

But let's get down to brass tacks. People aren't upset that Kerry got a Purple heart for minor injuries, because LOTS of people got those. My dad was a medic in WWII, and talked about guys who got Purple Hearts because they cut their hands opening C-rations.

(Me, I think you deserved a purple heart for actually EATING a C-ration. Ugh, they were nasty. But I digress.)

People are upset because after the war, he took the credibility those medals gave him and denounced the war. (At a time most Americans realized it was a huge mistake, but couldn't think of an easy way out that allowed us to save face.)

42 years later, and we are still arguing over the Vietnam War. Even the Vietnamese aren't this obsessed about the subject anymore.
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The other big, big difference between Reagan and most of the wannabees that have deified him in the Republican party is that Reagan offered a message of optimism and hope. He made Americans feel good about themselves again. Liberals often pooh-pooh this, but it was a big deal. Leadership is inspiring people. Reagan had that in spades.

You don't have that in the Republican party today, at least at the national level. Instead, you hear a lot of anger. And that anger is driven by the base. So you have candidates such as Trump who are a manifestation of that anger.

These people are as far away from Reagan in terms of style as could be. And the Republican Party will likely lose again in 2016, and the base will continue to think that they keep losing because they aren't conservative (and angry) enough.

Wow. That was really... good!
Trump and McCain are both assholes. I don't feel the need to defend either of them.
Personally, I'll cut McCain more slack because of his former service and the hell that he want through as a result of that service.

He has credit with me and with most veterans and many Americans at-large.

But, for the more discriminating, anyway, it is entirely possible to honor the man's service while disagreeing with or even denouncing who-and-what he eventually morphed into and/or his positions on several key issues such as determining flash-points for foreign intervention or Illegal Aliens or other contentious matters.

I, for one, will defend attacks upon his service, while joining the rock-throwing against him on several issues.

In our context here, I'm content to say that Trump was wrong, and needs to apologize, personally, to McCain.
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Vets will tell you in overwhelming percentages that Kerry was a disgrace
Oh, did overwhelming percentages of vets serve alongside John Kerry?

You're a retard.

I didn't say they had to; but there were plenty that did who slammed him. So stfu, 'retard.'
Get bent wing nut your hero Bush 43 is a yellow punk ...GOP detached from reality and proud of it.........that is why T-Rump is leading the polls...detachment from reality...
Im sure some of the "crazies" McCain belittled are just as much heroes as he claims to be. McCain should apologize. McCrap likes to spew out the insults, like calling cruz a wacko bird, but he cant seem to take it.
I do find it funny that the same people who called McCain names like "Juan McAmnesty" are the ones who are horrified, just horrified, that Trump dissed McCain's war record.

If the right wing really respected McCain, they'd have made him the nominee in 2000.

Now, yeah, in a sane world, this should be the end of Trump. But the fact is, the people who make up the GOP base have never forgiven McCain for losing to Obama.

And that is a HUGE difference between Democrats and Republicans. You don't see Democrats unloading on Michael Dukakis or Al Gore or John Kerry. Because we know that in every presidential cycle, there can, at the end of the day, only be one winner.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


I have no real respect for John McCain. My respect evaporated once doctors from the VA in his own state came to him for help regarding the scandal. As soon as they notified John McCain, the said doctors were fired shortly afterwards.

If it had not been for an obscure Congressman from Florida, the scandal would probably have never seen the light of day.

You would think that a former veteran like John McCain would be the first to defend veterans in need, but that does not seem to be the case. John McCain tried to turn his back on them and tried to let them die of neglect.


I'm sorry, what is that crap about John McCain being a war hero?
I'm appalled that people who claim to be conservatives are defending an attack against McCain which is aimed at insulting his military service as it relates to having been a Prisoner of War.

Disagree with McCain's politics all you want, decry his positions on immigration, whatever. Do not insult on for having been held captive in conjunction with is military service during an armed conflict. For fuck's sake, that's right there up with the radical fucktard liberals who would spit in soldiers' faces when they came back home.
Even a broken clock is accurate twice a day, and that's what we have here.

I agree.

As much as it pains me to say it.

The Donald scares the shit out of the Republican Old Guard.

The vast numbers of Americans who (1) are not Democrats and (2) are sick-and-tired of existing Republican leadership - those folks see Trump as a breath of fresh air.

This is especially true when it comes to Trump's perspective on dealing with that 12,000,000 -strong plague of locusts that we call Illegal Aliens.

And, when that 'breath of fresh air' screws-up in a big way - as Trump did vs. McCain - it's difficult to concede the point, for fear of losing momentum.

Even most Trump supporters will realize Trump was wrong - and concede the point - given a day or two or three.

But, until they snap out of it, concede that it was wrong, call for an apology to McSame, then move beyond this 'glitch'... yeah... unfortunately... you've got a point.

Then again, it's nothing worse than some of the backstabbing that we see going-on, Left-of-Center, on the Democratic side of the aisle, from time to time.

They, too, can play the part of the Insensitive and Inappropriate and Scheming and Backstabbing Bastard, without even breaking a sweat.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


McCain has no dignity. He's been trading on his war hero status for decades so he can sell out the voters of his state.
Politics doesn't supercede what that man did in Vietnam, nor what happened to him there.


If John McCain turns his back on his former soldiers and lets the die because the VA has put them on secret death lists because they are too expensive to care for, I could care less what John McCain did in the war.

Incidentally, Hitler was also a war veteran. Who gives a damn? Not me.
The other big, big difference between Reagan and most of the wannabees that have deified him in the Republican party is that Reagan offered a message of optimism and hope. He made Americans feel good about themselves again. .

Alcohol also makes Americans feel good about themselves ....then comes the hang over....Reagan gave missiles to Iran..........

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