Trump insults a war hero

Yeah, they had to dig deep to make that "traitor" to his own fellow service members out to be some; war hero.
the people ALIVE back then when he came home after FOUR frikken months in Vietnam and testified against his fellow Military soldiers knows what he is and is Appalled he is now Sos. BUT that's OBAMA for you. Shove things in our face and piss on us at the same time. NASTY snakes all the Democrat party

So, we already had this yesterday, you stupid fool.

Kerry served FOUR years in the Vietnam war, from 1967-1971. The four months you are referring to were his LAST tour of duty.

Are you mentally ill, or just plain a useless idiot?
yeah, Ty, you seriously need to get your meds adjusted.

No one faulted Reagan at the time because he was trying to save American lives. Why you guys still think this is a valid point 30 years later is mind-boggling.
You are not a Doctor or a Psychiatrist and if you were a Dr or shrink and I went to you that would prove me stupid which I ain't you are.......... Ronald Reagan was a horoscope believing feeble minded third rate actor but a great one at advertizing cigarettes ............or cancer sticks as we called them........get bent ...oh wait you already are a "political mobius strip"

war hero ????? :lmao:... :lmao:... :lmao:... :lmao:

are you referring to the three band-aid wounded coward who shot an innocent kid in the back when running away to save his life ? that war hero ??

As opposed to McCain who bombed civilians? The problem with anyone being a "war hero" in Vietnam was that from the Vietnamese perspective, they were all war criminals. We essentially brutalized a smaller country for a decade because we didn't like the political system they chose.

The fact we are still arguing 50 years later about who protested the war and who got a deferment and who got a medal he didn't deserve and who was a "hero" or not shows we still need national therapy over the issue.

Meanwhile, Vietnam has kind of just moved on and are trying to become an industrial country.
Who's the better patriot?

Who's more pro-veteran?

Who's more pro-America?

Who's more pro-White -- at least implicitly?

It seems to me that Trump is behaving far more like a hero today than McCain is or ever has.

Weren't there questions about whether McCain cooperated with the enemy? Maybe the reason he tows the enemy's line so carefully today is that they have something on him.
You know, McCain destroyed what little credibility he had with me when he called me a "crazie".
You are not a Doctor or a Psychiatrist and if you were a Dr or shrink and I went to you that would prove me stupid which I ain't you are.......... Ronald Reagan was a horoscope believing feeble minded third rate actor but a great one at advertizing cigarettes ............or cancer sticks as we called them........

Guy, when people on your side start saying you are crazy, you are probably crazy.

Just sayin'.
I do find it funny that the same people who called McCain names like "Juan McAmnesty" are the ones who are horrified, just horrified, that Trump dissed McCain's war record.

If the right wing really respected McCain, they'd have made him the nominee in 2000.

Now, yeah, in a sane world, this should be the end of Trump. But the fact is, the people who make up the GOP base have never forgiven McCain for losing to Obama.

And that is a HUGE difference between Democrats and Republicans. You don't see Democrats unloading on Michael Dukakis or Al Gore or John Kerry. Because we know that in every presidential cycle, there can, at the end of the day, only be one winner.

Well, that and Democrats just got so used to losing!


LOL, but that is also not so true.

Lets look at this:

1932 FDR -D
1936 FDR - D
1940 FDR - D
1944 FDR - D
1948 Truman - D
1952 Ike - R
1956 Ike - R
1960 JFK - D
1964 LBJ - D
1968 Nixon -R
1972 Nixon - R
1976 Carter - D
1980 Reagan - R
1984 Reagan - R
1988 Bush 41 - R
1992 Clinton - D
1996 Clinton - D
2000 Bush 43 - R
2004 Bush 43 - R
2008 Obama -D
2012 Obama - D

80 years, 21 cycles, 12 D, 9 R.

Reduce that to the 14 cycles since 1960, it's 7 D, 7 R.

Any other thoughts?

Amazing how quickly the right will turn against veterans. Here's a guy who was captured and tortured in the name of his country, against a man born into wealth who was able to defer service multiple times.

I'm not the least bit surprised what side the lunatic right has chosen.

It shows that Republicans only cheer military personnel when they are heading to war to fight the fights Republicans won't fight themselves. But as soon as these people come home and need help medically, monetarily, physically, or mentally Republicans throw these people on the trash heap.

It is DISGUSTING. McCAin and Kerry, both deserve utmost respect for going to war for the country. This isn't a political issue.
War is always as political as it is anything.
but but lets all worry over Trump saying something about some nasty old coot Senator.

Levin on Chattanooga Attack: ‘We are Committing Suicide as a Nation'
By Margaret Knapp | July 17, 2015 | 1:23 PM EDT

Remarking on Kuwaiti-born Muhammad Abdulazeez’s attack on a military recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee on Thursday that killed four Marines, nationally syndicated radio show host Mark Levin said that because of U.S. immigration rules, “we are slowly but truly committing suicide as a nation."

“Twenty years ago or so, these sorts of domestic terrorist attacks by people born in the Middle East didn’t happen, or they rarely happened. Now they’re becoming almost commonplace, are they not?” Levin asked on his July 16 show.

“This country would be a safer place but for our immigration laws, there’s no question about it,” he added.

ALL of it here:
Levin on Chattanooga Attack We are Committing Suicide as a Nation CNS News
Yeah, they had to dig deep to make that "traitor" to his own fellow service members out to be some; war hero.
the people ALIVE back then when he came home after FOUR frikken months in Vietnam and testified against his fellow Military soldiers knows what he is and is Appalled he is now Sos. BUT that's OBAMA for you. Shove things in our face and piss on us at the same time. NASTY snakes all the Democrat party

So your argument isn't on the merits of whether he deserved medals or not, but because you are angry that he came back and denounced the war.

That's not an argument. the thing was, about 1971 when Kerry did that, everyone realized the Vietnam War was a mistake, including Nixon, who was trying to get us out of it. You might not have liked the way he said it- I know I don't - but the fact is what he said had nothing to do with whether or not he earned the medals he won.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


Indeed. It started with a nasty tweet.

Well, ok, a tweet is a tweet is a tweet, but in today's technological landscape, a tweet can cause a lavine to happen. And then this. Wow.

I mean, John McCain is not really my style, but I have respected the man and cannot even begin to imagine the horrors he suffered in captivity. He really is an American hero and I think that Donald Trump may end up rueing this one.

He is no more heroic than scores of other former POW's.

He is a mediocre person who traded on the fame of his father and grandfather all his life.

He would have been a nobody without them.
McCain insults Trump and his followers and Trump's just supposed to eat it?

I don't fucking think so. The old bastard has shot off his mouth one too many times and frankly it's refreshing to witness someone pushing back.
That's the thing right there. Americans have been hearing crap from politicians all of our lives; we've been preached at and threatened and ripped off and lied to and our intelligence insulted til we crave some non-politician to come along and put all of these ungrateful, corrupt, lying, self-serving bitches and bastards in their place. This is why Americans are flocking to Trump, and I say good for him and good for us. F**k Trump-haters.
The dingleberry admires Ronald "diapers" Reagan and thinks he is on my side......also admires Scott "I serve the Koch brothers" Walker...yeah on my political side ...sure sure...
"[The Reagan Administration] was a PR outfit that became president and took over the country. And to the degree that the Constitution forced them to do things like make a budget, run foreign policy and all that, they sort of did it. But their first, last and overarching activity was public relations."
Leslie Janka, a deputy White House press secretary under Ronald Reagan
I'm sorry, what is that crap about John McCain being a war hero?

does anyone here with common sense and a brain recall in one of his speeches, he said "they broke me", something a true war hero would never do or say.

I always liked to strut a little after I'd been roughed up to show the other guys I was tough enough to take it. But after I turned down their offer, they worked me over harder than they ever had before. For a long time. And they broke me.

it is all right here if anyone care to read it.

Transcript John McCain s Speech NPR
...You know, McCain destroyed what little credibility he had with me when he called me a "crazie".
Yes. It's interesting, how somebody like McSame, is willing to label as 'crazy', anybody whose stance on Illegal Aliens does not mirror his own sovereignty-eroding approach.

Ol' John is one of the Old Republican Guard whose Chamberlain-like concessions to Illegals and the Illegals Situation has propelled The Donald into such high polling numbers.

My guess is - Johnny can't bring himself to admit he's been wrong, all along, and that Americans have had a bellyful of that approach, so, he resorts to name-calling.

But, he's yesterday's news, and represents yesterday's failed approach and failed ideas - he needs to face reality, and his rebuffing by the American People, and go quiet.
OUTSTANDING.... That was a great fact enema.

Yes, McCain sucked as a pilot but at least he had the balls to fly combat missions unlike Bush who got a cushy gig with the Texas Air National Guard and even then he went AWOL.

And as opposed to both Bill Clinton and Obama who did nothing.
How old was Obama during Viet Nam? How dare he not volunteer at the great age of.....10-14!

Couldn't sign up and serve in the Gulf War or what?

He was 29 when the Gulf War I began. How many 29-30 year olds sign up at that age? I think you already know the answer to that one.

Why didnt he sign up before? Nobody was stopping him.

For what? What war was raging in 1981? Come, use some of your intelligence.
I think it's awesome that "tinydancer" considers herself to be a "follower" of Donald Trump.

Listen up, nutbags. You are drawn to Trump because he speaks to the citizenry as though it is made up of simpletons. You cannot think beyond your initial gut reaction to you find his shallow approach to policy to be "refreshing".

Mexico will pay for the wall? Come have to be embarrassed.

That asshole is happy with full on support from 10% of the electorate. It's enough to keep his twitter account active and feed his fragile ego.
this is WHY they want YOU to focus on Trump all the time folks. WAKE up to what's going on UNDER this Obama administration as you get distracted OVER some comment about an old nasty Senator

Krauthammer: Obama Always Downplaying Threat of Radical Islam


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