Trump insults a war hero

Kondor.....tough talk without thought attracts simpletons. Exactly....
I understand your Let-Them-Stay position.

I'm not sure, however, that you appreciate just how disgusted your fellow countrymen are, with that approach.

That is not simple-mindedness.

That is insistence upon enforcing our own laws and sovereignty, in the face of an invasion of 12,000,000 over the past couple of decades.

...Immigrants.....both legal and otherwise....are VITAL to the health of our economy. It's a nuanced issue. Tough, thoughtless rhetoric is counterproductive.
Yes and No.

Immigration has traditionally been a key factor in our growth.

But we're now expanded coast-to-coast, the jobs aren't there, social services are strained, and we just don't need 'em in the 21st Century like we did in the 19th.

Subtlety and nuance haven't worked... the 12,000,000 are still here... and they keep coming... and Americans are tired of it... so the talk gets tougher... and folks resonate to that.

No point in continuing to spin our wheels with approaches that have already been proven not to work.

Other things then rush-in to fill that vacuum.

A tough stance coupled with viable solutions is needed.

Trump may not yet have articulated Viable Solutions but he (and America) will not reach that state without a preliminary burst of Tough Talk.

One step at a time...

yes, Trump is providing a valuable service to the country by forcing both parties to address this real problem, and you are correct, americans are fed up with illegal immigration and a government that does nothing about it.
America has been addressing the problem for decades.

Trump has never excited "the majority" of Americans about this issue. That is a gross overstatement of his impact.
your opinions and a quarter still gets me 10 minutes parking...I am just may love Ronald Reagan who had the most members of his administration charged with crimes and who had to flee screaming from International Courts after CIA terrorist put terrorist mines in Nicaragua's harbors ....but guess whats I loathe the sick bastard and thought it was appropriate he end his days incoherent and wearing diapers.....

That would be the Nicaragua with the child-molesting dictator?

You know why Reagan won two landslides? Because the Democrats got taken over by hippies like you.
Trumps political career has just crashed and burned

Even the staunchest conservative can't support that asshole

You're wrong. They will support him so long as he keeps speaking, and attacking the GOP hierarchy as he is doing. He probably can't win the election but if he stays in he will certainly stir things up. You remind me of all the silly people who said Reagan didn't have a prayer.
Westwall: Trump=Reagan

I'm probably the last person who is going to defend WW about anything, but I don't think the man meant it that way.

It is true that when Ronald Reagan, after having narrowly lost the nomination to incumbent non-elected Ford by about 100 delegates in 1976, came back in 1980 to snatch the nomination, many of the so-called Republican blue bloods and many, many Democrats were snickering that he had no chance. Of course, 444 hostages in Iran, a sputtering economy, a crippling energy crisis, a major-challenge to Carter from within the Democratic Party (Ted Kennedy) and a third-party run from Republican turned Libertarian weirdo John Anderson all helped Reagan to get to +9.74 over Carter and to 50.7% of the NPV.

The difference is that once Reagan was elected (and I consider him to be a pretty good President, all in balance), he governed mostly from the center.

A President Trump :eek: would be dropping these kinds of neutron bombs all the time, because he is a media craving attention whore. A Donald Trump would not have had a snowball's chance in Hell in any party just 20 years ago. This is how utterly batshit crazy to the Right the GOP has shifted.

The other big, big difference between Reagan and most of the wannabees that have deified him in the Republican party is that Reagan offered a message of optimism and hope. He made Americans feel good about themselves again. Liberals often pooh-pooh this, but it was a big deal. Leadership is inspiring people. Reagan had that in spades.

You don't have that in the Republican party today, at least at the national level. Instead, you hear a lot of anger. And that anger is driven by the base. So you have candidates such as Trump who are a manifestation of that anger.

These people are as far away from Reagan in terms of style as could be. And the Republican Party will likely lose again in 2016, and the base will continue to think that they keep losing because they aren't conservative (and angry) enough.
So basically, Obama was more like Ronnie than any other politician.
America has been addressing the problem for decades...
Or, alternatively, America has been allowing its bipartisan leadership elites to lull it into a false sense that the problem was being addressed.

...Trump has never excited "the majority" of Americans about this issue. That is a gross overstatement of his impact.
I don't know about 'majorities', but the surprising and remarkable poll surge is a fact, and its basis is unmistakable - Americans want this invasion stopped.
America has been addressing the problem for decades...
Or, alternatively, America has been allowing its bipartisan leadership elites to lull it into a false sense that the problem was being addressed.

...Trump has never excited "the majority" of Americans about this issue. That is a gross overstatement of his impact.
I don't know about 'majorities', but the surprising and remarkable poll surge is a fact, and its basis is unmistakable - Americans want this invasion stopped.

the dems see illegals as potential voters, both parties see them as cheap labor. Real americans see them as an ever increasing danger. Trump is speaking for real americans.
America has been addressing the problem for decades...
Or, alternatively, America has been allowing its bipartisan leadership elites to lull it into a false sense that the problem was being addressed.

...Trump has never excited "the majority" of Americans about this issue. That is a gross overstatement of his impact.
I don't know about 'majorities', but the surprising and remarkable poll surge is a fact, and its basis is unmistakable - Americans want this invasion stopped.

You use rhetoric as well. It fails.

The "invasion" that you speak of is simply an example of what humans have done since we first walked this earth. We move when it becomes beneficial for us to do so. Humans don't "invade" those places we move to unless we take up arms and kill or enslave the people who may already be there. Likewise..if said inhabitants don't kill or enslave the's likely a mutually beneficial event.

Your characterization of immigrants as "invaders" puts you in a camp with people who haven't given the matter enough thought and therefore cannot contribute to the discussion positively. Just like Trump.

Well done.
Who's the better patriot?

Who's more pro-veteran?

Who's more pro-America?

Who's more pro-White -- at least implicitly?

It seems to me that Trump is behaving far more like a hero today than McCain is or ever has.

Weren't there questions about whether McCain cooperated with the enemy? Maybe the reason he tows the enemy's line so carefully today is that they have something on him.
What has Trump ever done that is patriotic?
America has been addressing the problem for decades...
Or, alternatively, America has been allowing its bipartisan leadership elites to lull it into a false sense that the problem was being addressed.

...Trump has never excited "the majority" of Americans about this issue. That is a gross overstatement of his impact.
I don't know about 'majorities', but the surprising and remarkable poll surge is a fact, and its basis is unmistakable - Americans want this invasion stopped.

the dems see illegals as potential voters, both parties see them as cheap labor. Real americans see them as an ever increasing danger. Trump is speaking for real americans.

Trump is billionaire who still feels the need, or desire, to profit off Chinese imports while he's trying to advance his political 'career' railing against Chinese imports.
Amazing how quickly the right will turn against veterans. Here's a guy who was captured and tortured in the name of his country, against a man born into wealth who was able to defer service multiple times.

I'm not the least bit surprised what side the lunatic right has chosen.
It's interesting to watch their progression. Early yesterday, they were appalled and stated over and over that this would kill Trump's the day went on, they made excuses for him and then started to agree with him until this morning, the line is that he was right in attacking McCain's military/POW record.

Fascinating study in RW human nature.
I've been upset with John McCain since he insulted the American people with Sarah Palin. But I'm also sick of Trump saying dirty words about others. Actually, he is not better. May be in some aspects even worse.
Wow, they must have really messed you up in that prison, son!

On a serious note, what we have going on here is what we had going on in 2011. The GOP frontrunner is someone that the rank and file doesn't want, so we are going to take turns looking at each of these clowns as the "Not Not Bush" before settling on the Establishment pick.

If the GOP were smart, it would nominate either Walker or Rubio, guys who are young, dynamic and aren't tainted by belonging to a family that produced three of the worst presidents in our history.*

(*- Fun trivia fact. On his mother's side, Jeb is related to Franklin Pierce, one of the guys who failed to keep the Civil War from happening.)

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