Trump insults a war hero

I remember the resident Libtards blaming McCain for letting himself get shot down and captured
What do we know of him getting shot down, other than his own account?

I haven't been able to find anything other than his account. Which makes little sense. He claims he was hit by an SA-2 Guidline missile that tore the wing off of his jet. You would have to be blind to not see a SA-2 coming at you, and the A-4 is one of the aircraft that could dodge an SA-2 the easiest. There obviously is no doubt that he was shot down and severely injured from his ejection (he screwed the pooch and didn't follow proper ejection procedures, which means he either didn't know them, didn't follow them for reasons of his own, or was drunk, which jibes with what others have said). The method of his shootdown are unknown.

His account says that he was just about to release his bombs, so he went ahead with doing that rather than taking evasive action. Sounds like it wasn't the nicest experience in the sky at the time and he didn't want to go back in, so he dropped his bombs and then went to get out of there and got hit.

Was it his fault, probably, but at the same time you have a split second to make decisions in battle and sometimes you choose the wrong one. Doesn't mean he deserves to be attacked by a loser like Trump.

But it's alright for McCain to attack Trump and call thousands of his supporters crazy, huh??
Jun McCain needs to head off into the sunset, hopefully toward Mexico. He ran the worst campaign ever, I think Soros must have paid him a fortune to let Obama win.
The liberal demagoguery over Trump's comments on McCain is something to behold.

Were was the liberal "outrage" in the 2008 campaign when liberal bloggers questioned McCain's military record and suggested he was a traitor for participating in North Vietnamese propaganda films and for signing anti-American statements? Remember that? (See, for example, Some on left target McCain s war record - Ben Smith - ) Where was the liberal outrage then over attacks on this "war hero"?

Or how about when Obama ran an ad that made fun of McCain's disability by mocking his inability to send an e-mail in the 2008 campaign? Did Obama ever apologize for that ad? To his credit, Joe Biden, going off-script, attacked the ad, but did Obama ever utter word of apology for it?

But, oh, now that Donald Trump, in an annoyed reaction to McCain's rude comments about his supporters, has called McCain a "loser" (only in the context that he "lost" the 2008 election) and has questioned McCain's status as a war hero because he was captured, liberals are now coming to McCain's defense! It's phony posturing.
Trump was right, but he was was quoted out of context. Time to move on to what really matters to the American people
Donald Trump Wants the End of ‘Gun-Free’ Zones, Declares He’s Pro-Life, and Explains His Beef With John McCain
Jul. 17, 2015 2:05pm Mike Opelka

While the Huffington Post has relegated Donald Trump’s presidential campaign to the entertainment pages, MSNBC is still covering Trump. And that was on full display Friday morning.


Image source: YouTube

The second hour of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” started with a lengthy interview with Trump. In the course of the 14-minute question-and-answer session with Trump we learned the following:

  • Trump wants “gun free” zones eliminated.
  • The self-proclaimed multi-billionaire is also pro-life.
  • On the topic of gay marriage, he said, “I would have preferred the courts let the states make the decision.”
  • Concerning Obamacare, Trump openly differs from his party’s position on healthcare as a right. Speaking on universal healthcare, Trump said, “You cannot let twenty-five percent of the people in the country — because they have no money — go without something.”
  • The reason why he went after Senator John McCain (R-AZ) on Twitter: “John McCain was very disloyal to me,” he told Andrea Mitchell.
Watch the interview from this morning:

ALL of it here:
Donald Trump Wants the End of Gun-Free Zones Declares He s Pro-Life and Explains His Beef With John McCain Video
I think it's awesome that "tinydancer" considers herself to be a "follower" of Donald Trump.

Listen up, nutbags. You are drawn to Trump because he speaks to the citizenry as though it is made up of simpletons. You cannot think beyond your initial gut reaction to you find his shallow approach to policy to be "refreshing".

Mexico will pay for the wall? Come have to be embarrassed.

That asshole is happy with full on support from 10% of the electorate. It's enough to keep his twitter account active and feed his fragile ego.
Trump's appeal doesn't come from his rambling-on about Walls, etc.

Trump's appeal springs from a tough stance on Illegal Aliens.

Regardless of which of a thousand-and-one solutions he might serve-up as possibilities.

It's the Tough Stance itself which appeals.
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I think it's awesome that "tinydancer" considers herself to be a "follower" of Donald Trump.

Listen up, nutbags. You are drawn to Trump because he speaks to the citizenry as though it is made up of simpletons. You cannot think beyond your initial gut reaction to you find his shallow approach to policy to be "refreshing".

Mexico will pay for the wall? Come have to be embarrassed.

That asshole is happy with full on support from 10% of the electorate. It's enough to keep his twitter account active and feed his fragile ego.

It is made up of simpletons.
If a candidate wants to beat Hildabeast, they should run as an independent.

Ross Perot would have won had he not withdrawn from the race, as scary as that may seem to some.

However, he would never have beaten Bush for the GOP nomination.

That's an interesting thought, but I am sorry, polling never ever showed Perot leading even in one single state of the Union in 1992. Ever. So, no, he would not have won.

He led in the popular vote, but the fixed system they have in place ignores the popular vote. Even Hillary got more votes than Obama but lost in the DNC

Having said that, I guess you are right. Our only choices will be the corporate darlings Hillary or Jeb.
Kondor.....tough talk without thought attracts simpletons. Exactly.

Immigrants.....both legal and otherwise....are VITAL to the health of our economy. It's a nuanced issue. Tough, thoughtless rhetoric is counterproductive.
The dingleberry admires Ronald "diapers" Reagan and thinks he is on my side......also admires Scott "I serve the Koch brothers" Walker...yeah on my political side ...sure sure...
"[The Reagan Administration] was a PR outfit that became president and took over the country. And to the degree that the Constitution forced them to do things like make a budget, run foreign policy and all that, they sort of did it. But their first, last and overarching activity was public relations."
Leslie Janka, a deputy White House press secretary under Ronald Reagan

Well, you're right. I'm not on the "Crazy Side Totally detached from Reality" that you seem to be on.

How is Reagan any less of a "PR Outfit" than "Hope and Change"?
And you are nutty as a fruitcake... just sayin'.

sorry, guy, Reagan is still popular today for a reason. Even Obama wants to be on the right side of Reagan.

your opinions and a quarter still gets me 10 minutes parking...I am just may love Ronald Reagan who had the most members of his administration charged with crimes and who had to flee screaming from International Courts after CIA terrorist put terrorist mines in Nicaragua's harbors ....but guess whats I loathe the sick bastard and thought it was appropriate he end his days incoherent and wearing diapers.....

If a candidate wants to beat Hildabeast, they should run as an independent.

Ross Perot would have won had he not withdrawn from the race, as scary as that may seem to some.

However, he would never have beaten Bush for the GOP nomination.

That's an interesting thought, but I am sorry, polling never ever showed Perot leading even in one single state of the Union in 1992. Ever. So, no, he would not have won.

He led in the popular vote, but the fixed system they have in place ignores the popular vote. Even Hillary got more votes than Obama but lost in the DNC

Having said that, I guess you are right. Our only choices will be the corporate darlings Hillary or Jeb.

No. That is also completely incorrect. In not one single national poll and also in not one single state poll was Ross Perot ever ahead of Clinton and Bush. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it never happened. The one state in which he came the closest to being second was in Maine, which was almost a three-way-split.

As for 2008, the delegate system is also somewhat influenced by Superdelegates, who can vote irregardless of the leanings of their respective states. And a state like Texas, with the famous Texas 2-Step dance (primary, then caucuses), makes it even harder. The same thing happened to the Republicans in Iowa in 2012. Santorum just barely one the caucuses, but Ron Paul walked away with more delegates.
I think it was unwise and unfair for Trump to question McCain's status as a war hero. McCain endured terrible torture before he finally agreed to participate in North Vietnamese propaganda films and sign anti-American statements. Many other POWs did the same thing--again, after enduring a lot of torture.

But the liberal and weak-kneed Republican posturing over Trump's comments is absurd. Liberals have questioned McCain's war record and have even suggested he was a traitor. They have launched attacks on McCain that make Trump's comments seem mild (which they really were, when you view the whole clip). Their whining and posturing over Trump's comments about McCain are a bunch of phony posturing.

Trump's critics ignore the fact that McCain started the feud by calling Trump's supporters "crazies." When 15,000 people showed up at a Trump rally in Arizona recently, McCain called them "crazies." That was totally uncalled for. There is nothing "crazy" about acknowledging that a sizable number of illegals have committed crimes and that illegals are obviously people with "lots of problems" (that's why they fled their country and entered ours illegally). Nor is there anything "crazy" about wanting good trade deals, a balanced budget, a stronger economy, lower taxes, energy independence, a stronger military, a leaner and more efficient federal government, etc., etc.
I think it was unwise and unfair for Trump to question McCain's status as a war hero. McCain endured terrible torture before he finally agreed to participate in North Vietnamese propaganda films and sign anti-American statements. Many other POWs did the same thing--again, after enduring a lot of torture.

But the liberal and RINO posturing over Trump's comments is absurd. Liberals have questioned McCain's war record and have even suggested he was a traitor. They have launched attacks on McCain that make Trump's comments seem mild (which they really were, when you view the whole clip). They're whining and posturing over Trump's comments about McCain are a bunch of phony posturing.

Trump's critics ignore the fact that McCain started the feud by calling Trump's supporters "crazies." When 15,000 people showed up at a Trump rally in Arizona recently, McCain called them "crazies." That was totally uncalled for. There is nothing "crazy" about acknowledging that a sizable number of illegals have committed crimes and that illegals are obviously people with "lots of problems" (that's why they fled their country and entered ours illegally). Nor is there anything "crazy" about wanting good trade deals, a balanced budget, a stronger economy, lower taxes, energy independence, a stronger military, a leaner and more efficient federal government, etc., etc.

Look at this forum and the list of Trump supporters. Don't you see just a wee bit of "crazy"? You must.
Kondor.....tough talk without thought attracts simpletons. Exactly....
I understand your Let-Them-Stay position.

I'm not sure, however, that you appreciate just how disgusted your fellow countrymen are, with that approach.

That is not simple-mindedness.

That is insistence upon enforcing our own laws and sovereignty, in the face of an invasion of 12,000,000 over the past couple of decades.

...Immigrants.....both legal and otherwise....are VITAL to the health of our economy. It's a nuanced issue. Tough, thoughtless rhetoric is counterproductive.
Yes and No.

Immigration has traditionally been a key factor in our growth.

But we're now expanded coast-to-coast, the jobs aren't there, social services are strained, and we just don't need 'em in the 21st Century like we did in the 19th.

Subtlety and nuance haven't worked... the 12,000,000 are still here... and they keep coming... and Americans are tired of it... so the talk gets tougher... and folks resonate to that.

No point in continuing to spin our wheels with approaches that have already been proven not to work.

Other things then rush-in to fill that vacuum.

A tough stance coupled with viable solutions is needed.

Trump may not yet have articulated Viable Solutions but he (and America) will not reach that state without a preliminary burst of Tough Talk.

One step at a time...
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Sadly, McCain suffered at the hands of the north vietnamese. But his time has passed. He needs to ride off into the Arizona sunset and cook ribs on his barbeque.

He probably would have been a better president than obama, hell a head of cabbage would be a better president than obama. He needs to shut up and retire.

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