Trump insults a war hero

I remember the resident Libtards blaming McCain for letting himself get shot down and captured
What do we know of him getting shot down, other than his own account?

I haven't been able to find anything other than his account. Which makes little sense. He claims he was hit by an SA-2 Guidline missile that tore the wing off of his jet. You would have to be blind to not see a SA-2 coming at you, and the A-4 is one of the aircraft that could dodge an SA-2 the easiest. There obviously is no doubt that he was shot down and severely injured from his ejection (he screwed the pooch and didn't follow proper ejection procedures, which means he either didn't know them, didn't follow them for reasons of his own, or was drunk, which jibes with what others have said). The method of his shootdown are unknown.

His account says that he was just about to release his bombs, so he went ahead with doing that rather than taking evasive action. Sounds like it wasn't the nicest experience in the sky at the time and he didn't want to go back in, so he dropped his bombs and then went to get out of there and got hit.

Was it his fault, probably, but at the same time you have a split second to make decisions in battle and sometimes you choose the wrong one. Doesn't mean he deserves to be attacked by a loser like Trump.
I remember the resident Libtards blaming McCain for letting himself get shot down and captured
What do we know of him getting shot down, other than his own account?

I haven't been able to find anything other than his account. Which makes little sense. He claims he was hit by an SA-2 Guidline missile that tore the wing off of his jet. You would have to be blind to not see a SA-2 coming at you, and the A-4 is one of the aircraft that could dodge an SA-2 the easiest. There obviously is no doubt that he was shot down and severely injured from his ejection (he screwed the pooch and didn't follow proper ejection procedures, which means he either didn't know them, didn't follow them for reasons of his own, or was drunk, which jibes with what others have said). The method of his shootdown are unknown.

His account says that he was just about to release his bombs, so he went ahead with doing that rather than taking evasive action. Sounds like it wasn't the nicest experience in the sky at the time and he didn't want to go back in, so he dropped his bombs and then went to get out of there and got hit.

Was it his fault, probably, but at the same time you have a split second to make decisions in battle and sometimes you choose the wrong one. Doesn't mean he deserves to be attacked by a loser like Trump.

He says he had just rolled in. He could have dumped the bombs and gone evasive with no problem had he seen it. If he didn't see it he's screwed and he is not at fault in any way. Hard to believe he couldn't see it as they were massive, but not impossible, especially if it came from below a cloud. If he saw it, and didn't respond, he is either stupid or drunk as others have claimed.
He says he had just rolled in. He could have dumped the bombs and gone evasive with no problem had he seen it. If he didn't see it he's screwed and he is not at fault in any way. Hard to believe he couldn't see it as they were massive, but not impossible, especially if it came from below a cloud. If he saw it, and didn't respond, he is either stupid or drunk as others have claimed.

If you're concentrating on your target, would you see it? Sounds like it was more a case of he heard the signal informing him there was one there, rather than seeing it.

Either way, he was going into combat for other people's agendas and he ended up in a prisoner of war camp in a country that didn't treat PoWs especially well. That's the point.
He says he had just rolled in. He could have dumped the bombs and gone evasive with no problem had he seen it. If he didn't see it he's screwed and he is not at fault in any way. Hard to believe he couldn't see it as they were massive, but not impossible, especially if it came from below a cloud. If he saw it, and didn't respond, he is either stupid or drunk as others have claimed.

If you're concentrating on your target, would you see it? Sounds like it was more a case of he heard the signal informing him there was one there, rather than seeing it.

Either way, he was going into combat for other people's agendas and he ended up in a prisoner of war camp in a country that didn't treat PoWs especially well. That's the point.

He claims he saw it. I don't think he did. I don't think he was actually hit by an SA-2 either. I think he was too low and was taken out by AAA, which explains why know one else saw what happened to him. That means he wasn't with the rest of his flight and that is weird, bordering on unforgiveable.
Odd that the "Now we love veterans" GOP phonies are up in arms they sure loved mocking the wounds suffered by John Kerry...

Odd that the "Now we love veterans" GOP phonies are up in arms they sure loved mocking the wounds suffered by John Kerry...

Mocking or exposing (or both)? Kerry was/is as phony as they come.
Phony is being a Connecticut prep boy cheer leader and pretending to be a brush cutting Rancher like "I got in a Champagne Unit during the VN war because of my daddy" 43...........
Odd that the "Now we love veterans" GOP phonies are up in arms they sure loved mocking the wounds suffered by John Kerry...

Mocking or exposing (or both)? Kerry was/is as phony as they come.
Phony is being a Connecticut prep boy cheer leader and pretending to be a brush cutting Rancher like "I got in a Champagne Unit during the VN war because of my daddy" 43...........

Vets will tell you in overwhelming percentages that Kerry was a disgrace, dude. I don't give a fuck about your partisan politics. But thanks for the laugh on the image even if that wasn't your intention.
Odd that the "Now we love veterans" GOP phonies are up in arms they sure loved mocking the wounds suffered by John Kerry...

Mocking or exposing (or both)? Kerry was/is as phony as they come.
Phony is being a Connecticut prep boy cheer leader and pretending to be a brush cutting Rancher like "I got in a Champagne Unit during the VN war because of my daddy" 43...........

I posted this slam of Dubya four minutes before you made this shameless deflection.....

See, some of us don't come on here to do the meaningless Democrat vs. Repulican stuff all day long... You want to talk about cheerleaders? That's all you are.
Fact Check: The Washington Post on Donald Trump and John McCain

Sharyl Attkisson ^ | Attiksson | Sharyl
Donald Trump appears to have gotten under the skin of not only Democrats, but also fellow Republicans and the news media. Has that subjected Trump, a Republican presidential candidate, to unfair and/or inaccurate reporting? An article in the Washington Post today is headlined, “Trump slams McCain for being ‘captured’ in Vietnam.” The article’s lead sentence states, “Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump slammed Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), a decorated Vietnam War veteran, on Saturday by saying McCain was not a war hero because he was captured by the North Vietnamese [emphasis added].” Is this report accurate? In fact, Trump’s actual quote...
Fox should definitely not ban him from the debates.

He is the leading candidate. He should be on stage.

Regardless of his position.....if I were a Republican, I would refuse to take the stage with him

The Republican candidates are scared shitless of Trump. He probably has some serious dirt on all of them. All Trump has to say to them is, "While you jokers were being career politicians and taking bribes from guys like me, I was actually creating real jobs and lots of them." That will bring him huge applause and approval from the 10 or 20 percent of sane Republicans because that would be the truth.

Actually, he essentially said that yesterday:

Trump insults a war hero Page 34 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

11:24 "I've contributed to everybody, they've done whatever I said"
Fox should definitely not ban him from the debates.

He is the leading candidate. He should be on stage.

Regardless of his position.....if I were a Republican, I would refuse to take the stage with him

Why? Because he doesn't agree with you that McCain is a hero? What else does he have to agree with you on to share the same stage with you?

Trump has insulted all POWs

I don't see how ANY republican can tolerate him

But they will, they will. These elephants have memories like sieves.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


Indeed. It started with a nasty tweet.

Well, ok, a tweet is a tweet is a tweet, but in today's technological landscape, a tweet can cause a lavine to happen. And then this. Wow.

I mean, John McCain is not really my style, but I have respected the man and cannot even begin to imagine the horrors he suffered in captivity. He really is an American hero and I think that Donald Trump may end up rueing this one.
You have missed no opportunity to smear McCain as a whack job whenever he says something you disagree with.
Your piety is disgusting, as is your partisan hackery.

Only, you just lied right our your ass. I challenge you to find postings where I have smeared John McCain. In fact, I have barely written about him.

Good luck with that one, you will need it.

Oh, and your prediction time for Greece is running out, genius. The 26th is just 7 days away.....
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I never said I was your instructor at Nha Trang as you well know: a simple lie by you. I never said I was in-country or with 5th SFG: a simple lie by you.

You lied because I was able to reveal your ignorance about the various training facilities in country, your statements unsupported by the official sources.

You may have been in-country, you may have been with 5th SFG, but your comments don't hold up. You are too ignorant about it , its facilities, and its histories.

And trying to pretend you were a Marine was a final straw, so you were called out by vets left, center, and right.

Never said I was USMC, never said I was 5th SFG, never forgot you claiming to be an instructor at Nha know I put your ass in the soup and discovered your ass WAS soup, boy. Old grudges die hard with your kind....but the fact is you didn't fight that war and I with it or hang yourself, who cares?
You claimed your were Marine...and then you talked about your's a DD-214, moron. Then you said that Kerry awarded himself his own Silver Star when ANYONE who served knows that's not how it's done. You are a are Stolen Valor.

He really is an American hero
He's not an American hero. I've never understood this thinking. Because he survived?

Yes. Surviving almost 6 years of torture under the N. Vietnamese certainly qualifies him to be a hero, whether anyone likes it or now.

I don't question his war record at all. I never have. I questioned his abilities as a presidential nominee, a long time ago, but never questioned his patriotism or his courage.

When you have first been tortured for almost 6 years, then you have a right to come back and tell us who a hero is, and who is not.
As I said in the other thread.

None of the Democrats gave a crap about that when he (McCain) was Running for President

so now today he's back to being a war hero. And we are suppose to get all bent over what Trump said?

who cares he's free to say what he wants. Him and McCain has some feud going on and I could care less about McCain. he should have retired after his failed Presidential run
I remember the resident Libtards blaming McCain for letting himself get shot down and captured
McCain himself, in his auto biography admits that 2 of the 5 multi million dollar jets he crashed were his fault and the third one doesn't count because that one wasn't crashed that badly even though he cost thousands of people their power because he hit a power line while grandstanding.

The fourth jet was destroyed on the Forestall. The Navy exonerated McCain even though it was his jet where the conflagration began that cost the lives of over 130 seamen. Thank God his father and grandfather were admirals.

And the 5th jet was shot down in Vietnam even though some have said that McCain was flying against orders too low.

Some have called McCain stupid but not me. The guy was involved with the destruction of 5 jets and over 130 Navy seamen dying and McCain managed to come out clean as a whistle on each one.

Just because he gradated 5th from the bottom out of nearly 900 graduating cadets doesn't mean he's stupid. After all he did graduate and I'm sure his Admiral grand father and Admiral grandfather had nothing to do with it.

OUTSTANDING.... That was a great fact enema.

Yes, McCain sucked as a pilot but at least he had the balls to fly combat missions unlike Bush who got a cushy gig with the Texas Air National Guard and even then he went AWOL.

And as opposed to both Bill Clinton and Obama who did nothing.
How old was Obama during Viet Nam? How dare he not volunteer at the great age of.....10-14!

He was 5 when the big troop movements happened starting in 66-67, he was 13 when the last Americans were helicoptered out of Saigon in May of 1975.

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