Trump insults a war hero

Trump isn't taking care of them either.

He has plenty of money to do something to help them.
I was hoping that the retard Trump would be on stage at the debates on August 6.

That is looking less likely now.

Most of the Republican party aren't retarded like his supporters.

Regardless of his place in the polls....Fox should ban him from the debates

If I were Republican, I would not share the stage with him
Then he would walk away with the nomination. We can only hope.
McCain insults Trump and his followers and Trump's just supposed to eat it?

I don't fucking think so. The old bastard has shot off his mouth one too many times and frankly it's refreshing to witness someone pushing back.
Christ, McCain crashed about FIVE Navy jets. Apparently he didn't know they had wheels.
Could you imagine the NAVY letting anyone else crash 5 multi million dollar jets? I would be surprised if anyone else got farther than two.
I remember the resident Libtards blaming McCain for letting himself get shot down and captured
McCain himself, in his auto biography admits that 2 of the 5 multi million dollar jets he crashed were his fault and the third one doesn't count because that one wasn't crashed that badly even though he cost thousands of people their power because he hit a power line while grandstanding.

The fourth jet was destroyed on the Forestall. The Navy exonerated McCain even though it was his jet where the conflagration began that cost the lives of over 130 seamen. Thank God his father and grandfather were admirals.

And the 5th jet was shot down in Vietnam even though some have said that McCain was flying against orders too low.

Some have called McCain stupid but not me. The guy was involved with the destruction of 5 jets and over 130 Navy seamen dying and McCain managed to come out clean as a whistle on each one.

Just because he gradated 5th from the bottom out of nearly 900 graduating cadets doesn't mean he's stupid. After all he did graduate and I'm sure his Admiral grand father and Admiral grandfather had nothing to do with it.

OUTSTANDING.... That was a great fact enema.

Yes, McCain sucked as a pilot but at least he had the balls to fly combat missions unlike Bush who got a cushy gig with the Texas Air National Guard and even then he went AWOL.

And as opposed to both Bill Clinton and Obama who did nothing.
How old was Obama during Viet Nam? How dare he not volunteer at the great age of.....10-14!

Couldn't sign up and serve in the Gulf War or what?

I think he was past 35 years old then. That's what. Care to ask another dumb question?

BTW, you never told us with which branch of the military you severed and no the Girl Scouts are not part of the US military.
you guys loved trashing the war hero Kerry
That's because Kerry not only lied about his experiences in Vietnam, he also came back and trashed the United States
Republicans have so much contempt for the military, they think medals are simply passed out like snacks. They don't believe there is a big investigation and that is only the first step.
I think I'm beginning to understand Republicans, They like wars and love to see the US involved in a war, but believe if a Republican is involved in the war he is a turncoat.
Then again maybe it's more that just being involved in a war, but rather a good Republican does not go into combat. Since Reagan made movies, he was OK but McCain not so. No wonder Republicans called Kerry names.
No, Trump was wrong to lash-out at McCain in that fashion, especially since Trump has never so much as put on a uniform in his own right.

Most big mouths eventually find a way to stick their foot in that mouth... heck, I'm surprised that Trump took so long to reach this state of affairs.

Still, he talks a great game, when it comes to dealing with Illegal Aliens.

What he needs to do now is to publicly apologize to McCain.

He won't thought... he hasn't got it in him.

A fairly obvious and pivotal character flaw.
MCCain being a veteran protects him from all criticism of his betrayal of his country and his oath of office? Bullshit.

Bucky never served in the military either, are his opinions of veterans invalid too?

Just how far do you want to ride this absurd notion that anyone who served is immune from political reprisals and anyone who didn't serve has no right to speak?

He really is an American hero
He's not an American hero. I've never understood this thinking. Because he survived?
He's an American hero because he volunteered to serve and took the risk that he would be killed or captured serving his country.
OK, if that is the definition, then everyone who ever served, in any capacity is an American hero.

Kinda waters down the meaning, in my opinion.
The difference being if you were killed or captured.
That's different than what you said. You said:

He's an American hero because he volunteered to serve and took the risk that he would be killed or captured serving his country.

That applies to everyone who served. My point stands.
Your point is crap and McCain is a certifiable and verified hero,
As a politician I think John McCain is only out for John McCain.

But this degrading of our veterans disgusts me to no end. It was the same with John Kerry and there was a vet that mAnn Coulter degraded because he was a Democrat.

McCain, Kerry, and the other vets that WENT TO WAR and served the country are beyond reproach regarding their service.

Political party doesn't matter, degrading veterans is despicable.
As a politician I think John McCain is only out for John McCain.

But this degrading of our veterans disgusts me to no end. It was the same with John Kerry and there was a vet that mAnn Coulter degraded because he was a Democrat.

McCain, Kerry, and the other vets that WENT TO WAR and served the country are beyond reproach regarding their service.

Political party doesn't matter, degrading veterans is despicable.
McCain's military service was not upbraided.
Trumps political career has just crashed and burned

Even the staunchest conservative can't support that asshole

You're wrong. They will support him so long as he keeps speaking, and attacking the GOP hierarchy as he is doing. He probably can't win the election but if he stays in he will certainly stir things up. You remind me of all the silly people who said Reagan didn't have a prayer.
I think I'm beginning to understand Republicans, They like wars and love to see the US involved in a war, but believe if a Republican is involved in the war he is a turncoat.
Then again maybe it's more that just being involved in a war, but rather a good Republican does not go into combat. Since Reagan made movies, he was OK but McCain not so. No wonder Republicans called Kerry names.

Democrat POTUS's have placed in more wars than Repubs have. Best get your facts straight.
Amazing how quickly the right will turn against veterans. Here's a guy who was captured and tortured in the name of his country, against a man born into wealth who was able to defer service multiple times.

I'm not the least bit surprised what side the lunatic right has chosen.
Damn, this is getting to be fun. I wish the DON would drop another bomb somewhere tonight, the threads would be lighting up like a Christmas Tree on a Pinata full of scotch-whiskey!
I dont want him to completely lose it. I want him to win the nomination for the GOP.

No, you really don't. If he gets the nomination I figure he has a honest 50/50 chance of winning. I don't like those kind of odds.
Trumps political career has just crashed and burned

Even the staunchest conservative can't support that asshole
The Trump Campaign’s Turning Point


Donald Trump was riding high, until Saturday. Credit Ian Thomas Jansen-Lonnquist for The New York Times

OMG, stop yer grinnin and drop yer linen!

Look at this chart from within the article:

View attachment 44913


(Look at the form)


(falling off my chair)


Yepp, you can say that Trump really IS sticking it to the GOP.


Here, form and fucktion, uh, function, are united!


That actually concerns the hell out of me.
Amazing how quickly the right will turn against veterans. Here's a guy who was captured and tortured in the name of his country, against a man born into wealth who was able to defer service multiple times.

I'm not the least bit surprised what side the lunatic right has chosen.

It shows that Republicans only cheer military personnel when they are heading to war to fight the fights Republicans won't fight themselves. But as soon as these people come home and need help medically, monetarily, physically, or mentally Republicans throw these people on the trash heap.

It is DISGUSTING. McCAin and Kerry, both deserve utmost respect for going to war for the country. This isn't a political issue.

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