Trump insults a war hero

This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


Indeed. It started with a nasty tweet.

Well, ok, a tweet is a tweet is a tweet, but in today's technological landscape, a tweet can cause a lavine to happen. And then this. Wow.

I mean, John McCain is not really my style, but I have respected the man and cannot even begin to imagine the horrors he suffered in captivity. He really is an American hero and I think that Donald Trump may end up rueing this one.
You have missed no opportunity to smear McCain as a whack job whenever he says something you disagree with.
Your piety is disgusting, as is your partisan hackery.
Fox should definitely not ban him from the debates.

He is the leading candidate. He should be on stage.

Regardless of his position.....if I were a Republican, I would refuse to take the stage with him

Why? Because he doesn't agree with you that McCain is a hero? What else does he have to agree with you on to share the same stage with you?

Trump has insulted all POWs

I don't see how ANY republican can tolerate him

John Kerry insulted the entire military you still love him.

Trump feels just being captured by the enemy doesn't make you a what? Maybe he has a point. I think McCain is hero, and I disagree with Trump about him specifically, but Trump is entitled to his opinion.
John Kerry was an American patriot
He came back from a war that he saw was a disaster and did everything in his power to end the killing of his fellow soldiers

Those who ignored the facts and pushed to expand the war were traitors
your a traitor to this country

And why is that? Is it because is put the American People's best interests ahead to those who have invaded our borders?


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Who's the better patriot?

Who's more pro-veteran?

Who's more pro-America?

Who's more pro-White -- at least implicitly?

It seems to me that Trump is behaving far more like a hero today than McCain is or ever has.

Weren't there questions about whether McCain cooperated with the enemy? Maybe the reason he tows the enemy's line so carefully today is that they have something on him.

Who's the better patriot? McCain

Who's more pro-veteran? McCain

Who's more pro-America? McCain

Who's more pro-White -- at least implicitly? OH! You wanted me to say TRUMP the first 3 times. But that would be lying. If Trump cared about this nation a little, he would consider his solutions deeply instead of throwing out unfeasible BS to the base.

Trump is a Con-artist. You have been conned.


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No, Trump was wrong to lash-out at McCain in that fashion, especially since Trump has never so much as put on a uniform in his own right.

Most big mouths eventually find a way to stick their foot in that mouth... heck, I'm surprised that Trump took so long to reach this state of affairs.

Still, he talks a great game, when it comes to dealing with Illegal Aliens.

What he needs to do now is to publicly apologize to McCain.

He won't thought... he hasn't got it in him.

A fairly obvious and pivotal character flaw.
I remember the resident Libtards blaming McCain for letting himself get shot down and captured
McCain himself, in his auto biography admits that 2 of the 5 multi million dollar jets he crashed were his fault and the third one doesn't count because that one wasn't crashed that badly even though he cost thousands of people their power because he hit a power line while grandstanding.

The fourth jet was destroyed on the Forestall. The Navy exonerated McCain even though it was his jet where the conflagration began that cost the lives of over 130 seamen. Thank God his father and grandfather were admirals.

And the 5th jet was shot down in Vietnam even though some have said that McCain was flying against orders too low.

Some have called McCain stupid but not me. The guy was involved with the destruction of 5 jets and over 130 Navy seamen dying and McCain managed to come out clean as a whistle on each one.

Just because he gradated 5th from the bottom out of nearly 900 graduating cadets doesn't mean he's stupid. After all he did graduate and I'm sure his Admiral grand father and Admiral grandfather had nothing to do with it.

OUTSTANDING.... That was a great fact enema.

Yes, McCain sucked as a pilot but at least he had the balls to fly combat missions unlike Bush who got a cushy gig with the Texas Air National Guard and even then he went AWOL.

And as opposed to both Bill Clinton and Obama who did nothing.

Hey there Eisenstein, Obama was a child during the Vietnam war and Clinton was a CO. BTW, Al Gore served in Vietnam as a combat photographer while Cheney faked a disability.

  1. Cheney' - s Five Draft Deferments During the Vietnam Era ...
    The New York Times
    May 1, 2004 - By the time Dick Cheney turned 26 in January 1967 and was no longer eligible for the draft, he had asked for and received five deferments.
Romney was hiding out in France riding a bicycle for the racist Mormon church.

I think you require some education about Chicken Hawks. Follow along with the lyrics.

Well, my son asked me today, "Is this another Vietnam?"
I said, "Son, you know it's, well it's, no it's,
hmm, go ask your mom."
It brought back such precious memories
Of my days in business school
My favorite stool

Then my wife said, "Hey, I'm worried
'cause they're starting to deploy."
I said, "Honey, don't be silly,
we'll send someone else's boy."
'Cause we all make sacrifices
And in a war, that's what the poor
People are for

I said fight on for freedom's sake
'Long as I don't shake and bake

Chickenhawk - Call me a Chickenhawk
Chickenhawk - proud to be a Chickenhawk
A loyal arm chair jock
Let's check that Lockheed stock

I didn't walk the walk, but I can talk the talk
Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawwwwk!

Just because you might have seen some action
there on the front line
Don't insult the guys who served their country
here on the back nine
I was gung ho for gunnin' Ho
But I just had other priorities
Like feeling more at ease

I said bomb them to hell, but I'd
Rather not be Kentucky fried

Chickenhawk - Call me a Chickenhawk
Chickenhawk - proud to be a Chickenhawk
Watch while I bring democ-
Racy to all Iraq

I didn't walk the walk, but I can talk the talk
Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawwwwk!

Why did the chicken cross the road, well I'll tell ya, Pard
The chicken crossed the road to join
the Texas Air National Guard

Roll call!
Bush - Bawk!
Card - Bawk!
Rove - Bawk!
Ashcroft - Bawk!

Rumsfeld - Bawk!
Wolfowitz - Bawk!
Perle - Bawk!
Cheney - Go Bawk yourself!

O'Reilly, Hannity, Hume - Bawk bawk bawk!
Bennet, Kristol, Lim-Bawk!
Hastert, Gingrich, Lott, Delay - Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk...

Chickenhawk - Call me a ChickenHAWK!
Chickenhawk - proud to be a ChickenHAWK!
Watch while I bring de-MAWK!
Racy to all I-RAWK!

I didn't walk the walk, but I can talk the talk
Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawwwwk!

Let me make this perfectly clear
The BAWK stops here

Hey Einstein. Obama could have joined the military at anytime and didn't. What a chickenshit.

Actually, Obama was in law school though he could have had a good career as a JAG officer and in fact he probably would have made general quite easily. The man did graduate from Harvard Law School magna cum laude and headed the Harvard Law review. Your hero Bush was a D student. I bet it bothers you that a Black man is so much better than your right wing losers.

Had there been a major war perhaps Obama would have served but he has served his country admirably in both the private and public sector. Your hero Bush is back on the bottle and probably coke.

So BluGin, tell us in which branch of the service did you serve?
Trumps political career has just crashed and burned

Even the staunchest conservative can't support that asshole

The polls say otherwise. Trump is saying the hateful garbage that Republicans love. Trump is an uncouth narcissistic blowhard. If only he had a kids with criminal records and a few arrests of his own he'd be the perfect Republican.

Hard to believe this is the man who is the leading candidate for the Republican nomination

Conservatives like Trump because he....tells it like it is

Captured soldiers are cowards worthy of contempt

No. McCain insulted Trump. McCain insulted the electorate that came out to hear Trump.

And guess what? Trump's pushing back against McCain.

One can respect McCain's service like I and others do, but his service to the country does not give him cart blanche to insult other party members or their followers. Without expecting payback.

It's about time that McCain the Senator who shoots his mouth off insulting other Republicans got slapped upside the head.

The old mother fucker deserves a smack down.
Trumps political career has just crashed and burned

Even the staunchest conservative can't support that asshole

The polls say otherwise. Trump is saying the hateful garbage that Republicans love. Trump is an uncouth narcissistic blowhard. If only he had a kids with criminal records and a few arrests of his own he'd be the perfect Republican.

Hard to believe this is the man who is the leading candidate for the Republican nomination

Conservatives like Trump because he....tells it like it is

Captured soldiers are cowards worthy of contempt

No. McCain insulted Trump. McCain insulted the electorate that came out to hear Trump.

And guess what? Trump's pushing back against McCain.

One can respect McCain's service like I and others do, but it his service to the country does not give him cart blanche to insult other party members or their followers.

It's about time that McCain the Senator who shoots his mouth off insulting other Republicans got slapped upside the head.

The old mother fucker deserves a smack down.

McCain should know better. He's a lightweight compared to the Donald.
I never said I was your instructor at Nha Trang as you well know: a simple lie by you. I never said I was in-country or with 5th SFG: a simple lie by you.

You lied because I was able to reveal your ignorance about the various training facilities in country, your statements unsupported by the official sources.

You may have been in-country, you may have been with 5th SFG, but your comments don't hold up. You are too ignorant about it , its facilities, and its histories.

And trying to pretend you were a Marine was a final straw, so you were called out by vets left, center, and right.

Never said I was USMC, never said I was 5th SFG, never forgot you claiming to be an instructor at Nha know I put your ass in the soup and discovered your ass WAS soup, boy. Old grudges die hard with your kind....but the fact is you didn't fight that war and I with it or hang yourself, who cares?
You claimed your were Marine...and then you talked about your's a DD-214, moron. Then you said that Kerry awarded himself his own Silver Star when ANYONE who served knows that's not how it's done. You are a are Stolen Valor.
The source for the attack on Kerry's war record was an alcoholic rear admiral that Kerry had beat the snot out of in an officer club brawl.

Reading all the comments from those around him, the closer you got to all the men in the boat, the conclusion is that JK was correctly recognized for his merit and valor.
This is from the doctor who treated Kerry's horrible wound that gave him his first purple heart.

Kerry Purple Heart Doc Speaks Out National Review Online
A wound is a wound.
A boo boo is a boo boo. Kerry lied and said it was from enemy fire. It was from HIM. Try going back and reading the damn article, hack.

Remember how Kerry's party came out and SMEARED all the service members who served with Kerry? they called it: Swiftboating.
another reminder of how the LEFT/DEMS hates our military.... unless they can USE them for their dirty politics
Um..Swiftboating is what they did to Kerry. Nice try at turning what your people did and try to blame that on Kerry. :lol:
McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

Libs have been insulting McCain's service for years.

All of a sudden libs care about McCain's service?



How's this? Already gave Bod one.


Well, I've just found this highly reputable-looking site that completely exposes the good senator.
The truth will shock you.

Not only
It is well known that during John SIDNEY McCain's interrogations, he was given special attention since his father was an admiral in the US NAVY. As a navy pilot, John SIDNEY McCain also had a great knowledge about weapons, radar systems and deployment; information which was highly valuable to the North Vietnamese and their Soviet patrons. Several of SIDNEY McCain's fellow prisoners witness part of an interrogation, where McCain was questioned by Russian speaking officers. After this interrogation, John SIDNEY McCain was removed from the bamboo holding cage with his fellow prisoners and given extra rations of rice and canned yams. We can deduce from this that John SIDNEY McCain gave his captors vital information during this interrogation in order to get this special treatment, and thus put the lives of thousands of AMERICAN servicemen in danger. Hopefully, the extra rice rations were enough to fill not only the hunger in his belly, but also the deep hole in his conscience...
but also

In all, John McCain was held as a prisoner of war for six years, even though he could have left as soon as the first year. There are many reports that he was constantly bound with ropes and tortured. Why would this be done if he had already given all his information to his captors.

The answer is simple. From John SIDNEY McCain's own accounts of his torture, the acts he was involved in correlate closely to those of SADO MASOCHISM. These are acts that are regularly celebrated by the HOMOSEXUAL/PERVERT community.

Before he was killed in a highly suspicious car accident, one of McCain's fellow prisoners testified on the BIBLE that during his time in the prison camp, John SIDNEY McCain had been a "bottom" (this is a pervert designation for a homosexual who receives sodomy rather than give it). This brave soldier also claimed that McCain frequently tried to dress in a feminine manner, and had sex with other prisoners and sometimes even his captors for extra cigarettes and plantains.

Even after his release, it seems that John SIDNEY McCain continued on with his homosexual acts. Several people have testified under oath that McCain was a constant figure in bars frequented by the homosexual/pervert community in Florida. It is these encounters that are widely known to have led to the end of McCain's first marriage.

The Truth About John McCain ||

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Classy stuff, Tiny. Very classy stuff.
Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.

Oh look another from Lakota

THE MEN McCAIN LEFT BEHIND. Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.

Oh look another from Lakota

THE MEN McCAIN LEFT BEHIND. Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
A minor note...I'm noticing that all these links are from last year....not 2008 when he was running for President like you claimed.
Ben Carson steps in his own doo doo tonight and says he's not sure if McCain is a hero.
Presidential candidate Ben Carson followed Donald Trump at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa Saturday and similarly questioned whether John McCain was a war hero or not. After dodging a question about Trump's remarks specifically, Carson said "It depends on your definition of a war hero." When he was questioned further, Carson simply said "he's done some good things."

Read more: Carson Not Sure McCain is War Hero - The Daily Beast

This is hilarious, before the end of the week the entire Republican set of presidential wannabees are going to lose the military vote they say they cherish. LOL
He put up with some serious shit.

I respect HIS service and I feel bad for what he had to suffer.

I still very much dislike his politics. For a Republican, he makes an ok Democrat.

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