Trump is amazing because...

about the "popular vote" that means you surrendered.


:crybaby: Blues is so mean rubbing salt in our wounds daily :crybaby: Blues refuses to acknowledge the popular vote :crybaby: Blues unfriended me on facebook.
No he didn't. .

He lsot the popular vote by 2.1 percent ...its documented :badgrin:
According to Trump we are in the midst of an "American Carnage" yet the outgoing President left with 60 percent approval ...Amazing

No he didn't. Do you think if you keep telling the same lie over and over again...wait...Hillary is that you?
That is what the record does show he lost the popular vote by 3 million

you have some alternative facts ?

No he didn't. There was no popular vote election, no popular vote campaign, no popular vote campaign strategy, no popular vote campaign stops. I know you libs are dense but come on. Hello, earth to libs. I give up, can one of you conservatives have your 6 year old kid explain it to these libs.

You wonder how stupid these idiot leftists are. I guess they're saying the dumb ho Hillary didn't know what you accurately pointed out and ran for the popular vote. So it wasn't the Russians ...
No he didn't. .

He lsot the popular vote by 2.1 percent ...its documented :badgrin:
According to Trump we are in the midst of an "American Carnage" yet the outgoing President left with 60 percent approval ...Amazing

No he didn't. Do you think if you keep telling the same lie over and over again...wait...Hillary is that you?
That is what the record does show he lost the popular vote by 3 million

you have some alternative facts ?

No he didn't. There was no popular vote election, no popular vote campaign, no popular vote campaign strategy, no popular vote campaign stops. I know you libs are dense but come on. Hello, earth to libs. I give up, can one of you conservatives have your 6 year old kid explain it to these libs.

You wonder how stupid these idiot leftists are. I guess they're saying the dumb ho Hillary didn't know what you accurately pointed out and ran for the popular vote. So it wasn't the Russians ...
All I am saying, and it is both accurate and documented, is that Donald Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million...its a fact
Trump is an idiot blah blah, yet he whooped your asses libs. He squashed Hillary, the MSM, and all of you libs like a bug then marched into the White House. :Boom2:

how are our asses "whooped" [sic] when we got 3 million more votes, loon?

barely losing the electoral college is not getting whupped.

the right lost seats in the senate and seats in the house and got almost 3 million votes less in the presidential election.

you keep deluding yourself though, hack

Lib please, Trump spanked you fools. He stormed into the blue states like a tank and squashed you. You were busy celebrating and he knocked you out cold with one punch WHAM! You libs hit the floor and when you woke up the lot of you became unhinged it was hilarious.
the record shows Clinton received 3 million more votes will always show that:badgrin:

History will show Trump was sworn in as POTUS on January will always show that :banana:

with fewer votes than Romney lost with.

amazing what putin can do, right? :cuckoo:

Trump says women need to get busy doing laundry , vacuuming and dusting ...also those ham sandwiches are not gonna get made by themselves
Trump is an idiot blah blah, yet he whooped your asses libs. He squashed Hillary, the MSM, and all of you libs like a bug then marched into the White House. :Boom2:

how are our asses "whooped" [sic] when we got 3 million more votes, loon?

barely losing the electoral college is not getting whupped.

the right lost seats in the senate and seats in the house and got almost 3 million votes less in the presidential election.

you keep deluding yourself though, hack

Lib please, Trump spanked you fools. He stormed into the blue states like a tank and squashed you. You were busy celebrating and he knocked you out cold with one punch WHAM! You libs hit the floor and when you woke up the lot of you became unhinged it was hilarious.
the record shows Clinton received 3 million more votes will always show that:badgrin:

History will show Trump was sworn in as POTUS on January will always show that :banana:

with fewer votes than Romney lost with.

amazing what putin can do, right? :cuckoo:

Or how awful Cankles was.
Trump’s grammar in speeches ‘just below 6th grade level,’ study finds

Because his grammar is better than George W. Bush's, yep, it's official. Trump with 6th grade and Bush W. was 5th grade.


Though his vocabulary is the worst. But Reagan man, his was damn good.

Reading your link seems to contradict your conclusion. A speech is written by speech writers, those skilled in putting words on paper geared to the audience.

A better measure is the vocabulary and syntax when speaking to others off the cuff. Sometimes the speaker has a ready response which they use whenever required to do so, others obviously think as they speak and use fillers ("you know", "Um"), and some are natural contemporaneous and extemporaneous speakers, those who have studied myriad issues and thought them through.

I think those examples - sans Lincoln - we have heard speak without preparation and are clearly different. trump relies on fillers, rote comments and deflections; Obama's thinks as he speaks, thus the stutter, he is concerned with being precise, GWB was, well GWB, Bill Clinton was the most accomplished speaker and likely the smartest, and Reagan the most polished who could charm the rust off of a squeaky gate.

I agree, though I'm not sure why it's contradictory. They took into account lots of speech, and then came up with this, I would doubt that they looked too much at prepared speeches.
Trump’s grammar in speeches ‘just below 6th grade level,’ study finds

Because his grammar is better than George W. Bush's, yep, it's official. Trump with 6th grade and Bush W. was 5th grade.


Though his vocabulary is the worst. But Reagan man, his was damn good.

Reading your link seems to contradict your conclusion. A speech is written by speech writers, those skilled in putting words on paper geared to the audience.

A better measure is the vocabulary and syntax when speaking to others off the cuff. Sometimes the speaker has a ready response which they use whenever required to do so, others obviously think as they speak and use fillers ("you know", "Um"), and some are natural contemporaneous and extemporaneous speakers, those who have studied myriad issues and thought them through.

I think those examples - sans Lincoln - we have heard speak without preparation and are clearly different. trump relies on fillers, rote comments and deflections; Obama's thinks as he speaks, thus the stutter, he is concerned with being precise, GWB was, well GWB, Bill Clinton was the most accomplished speaker and likely the smartest, and Reagan the most polished who could charm the rust off of a squeaky gate.
While I'll agree with Clinton and Reagan, I don't know about Obama. The times his teleprompter went out he looked like the proverbial deer in the headlights. I tend to think of him as more of an actor reading lines.

Something I find interesting is the difference between US politicians and British. While some US politicos are accomplished speakers, I can't think of one that would stand to some of the debates I see among the Brits. And I mean real debates not the canned crap we get served.

The PM has to cope with PM question time, it's a high pressure environment, they need to be clued up on all the issues that might come their way, MPs have to ask questions and make themselves heard in such an environment.
Trump’s grammar in speeches ‘just below 6th grade level,’ study finds

Because his grammar is better than George W. Bush's, yep, it's official. Trump with 6th grade and Bush W. was 5th grade.


Though his vocabulary is the worst. But Reagan man, his was damn good.
"Your black President with the oversized ears and un-American name was a smooth talker; like a pitch man selling snake oil he made you feel warm and fuzzy inside. He wasn't a do'er. Trump is a billionaire not because he's a smooth talker but because he's a do'er...he gets shit done."
So what do you pussies want...a soft spoken intellectual sounding voice to comfort you or someone direct, concise and getting shit done?

Do you know what I really want? I want a change in the way people vote so there are more parties, more choice.

Trump says he'll get stuff done. What would he have got done 8 years ago when the recession was destroying lives? He's walked into a great situation, just as Dubya did. What he does needs to make things BETTER in the long term, it needs to prevent a massive recession in the future, it needs to make the US competitive, not in the next 4 years, but in the next 30 or 40 years, it needs to be a place where education is making the US stay ahead of the competition.

Trump isn't going to do any of that.
He's going to push the economy for a bit, it'll go up, then go down again.

Obama's legacy won't be seen for years to come. Trump's won't be seen for years to come hopefully. Bush's hit everyone in the balls before he'd even left office.
Trump’s grammar in speeches ‘just below 6th grade level,’ study finds

Because his grammar is better than George W. Bush's, yep, it's official. Trump with 6th grade and Bush W. was 5th grade.


Though his vocabulary is the worst. But Reagan man, his was damn good.

Reading your link seems to contradict your conclusion. A speech is written by speech writers, those skilled in putting words on paper geared to the audience.

A better measure is the vocabulary and syntax when speaking to others off the cuff. Sometimes the speaker has a ready response which they use whenever required to do so, others obviously think as they speak and use fillers ("you know", "Um"), and some are natural contemporaneous and extemporaneous speakers, those who have studied myriad issues and thought them through.

I think those examples - sans Lincoln - we have heard speak without preparation and are clearly different. trump relies on fillers, rote comments and deflections; Obama's thinks as he speaks, thus the stutter, he is concerned with being precise, GWB was, well GWB, Bill Clinton was the most accomplished speaker and likely the smartest, and Reagan the most polished who could charm the rust off of a squeaky gate.
While I'll agree with Clinton and Reagan, I don't know about Obama. The times his teleprompter went out he looked like the proverbial deer in the headlights. I tend to think of him as more of an actor reading lines.

Something I find interesting is the difference between US politicians and British. While some US politicos are accomplished speakers, I can't think of one that would stand to some of the debates I see among the Brits. And I mean real debates not the canned crap we get served.

I've watched the debates in the H. of Commons, most are intermingled with cheers and jeers, they almost make our members of the H. of Rep. look civilized - emphasis on almost make.
I've often been impressed with many of the Brits when they are taking questions from audiences. I don't believe any US politician could speak off the cuff to the level I often see with the Brits.

Answering questions with an English accent, just kind of turns you on, huh? How can anyone with an English accent not sound intelligent?

Listening to Sen. Sessions has the exact same effect, how can anyone with a Southern drawl not sound stupid?
If anyone has ever lived or visited The Big Apple they are well familiar with Trump's speech. But I'd like to know how Obama's uhhs ahhhs umms etc that are routinely peppered in his speaking is more intelligent?

They're fillers, but thoughtful fillers sense they stay focused on the issue at hand, trump by contrast meanders all over the place, and if the question is too challenging he becomes overly defensive and attacks - what he feels - is the inquisitor.
If anyone has ever lived or visited The Big Apple they are well familiar with Trump's speech. But I'd like to know how Obama's uhhs ahhhs umms etc that are routinely peppered in his speaking is more intelligent?

They're fillers, but thoughtful fillers sense they stay focused on the issue at hand, trump by contrast meanders all over the place, and if the question is too challenging he becomes overly defensive and attacks - what he feels - is the inquisitor.

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