Trump is currently addressing the March against Women's Reproductive Rights

I don't even give a shit if leftist sociopaths kill their children at the 127th trimester.
I wont ever get to the point of supporting the forcing of a woman to go through gestation if she doesnt want to. I am far from a statist.
If science didnt lead me to believe it wasnt a human, it would be different.

Since science has told you it is not human, please tell us what species science tells you it is.

Sent from my iPhone using
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

Question: Is a fetus an unborn human?:popcorn:

Yes it is and you know it.
No i dont. It is a potential human.
All human zygotes start out as female. Does that mean the ones that turn male, always were male?
You ASSUME every person who aborts would be a bad mother. Fascinating. That's very revealing.

Pro-choicers are ugly inside. Through and through. You hold victims of rape and incest as human shields. You threaten, "Pay for my baby or I'll kill it".


We had a totally unexpected child. My wife got pregnant at the worst possible time. We had moved 3,000 miles from our families, had just had twins which were exhausting us, and I was laid off from the job which had brought me 3000 miles.

Everyone we knew suggested abortion.


Inconveniences are temporary. Life is forever.

I cannot imagine life without our youngest child.
I don’t assume every, but it’s a safe assumption that some certainly will not be good parents. Look at all the stories of child abuse we have now.

Child abuse sky rocketed since the advent of abortion.

Which makes sense. Pro-abortion fruitcakes maintain that humanity is dependent upon age, and that there is no such thing as an inalienable right..rights go to the strong and the aggressive. Not to the vulnerable and passive.
Did it? Link?
" Those claiming that abortion is needed to reduce child abuse must contend with the empirical reality that child abuse increased by over 500 percent in the decade following Roe v. Wade. In fact, in less than a decade after Roe, child abuse had already risen by over 500 percent. These stats come right from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services."

Mike Adams - Does Abortion Really Prevent Child Abuse?

  • Trends in Reporting Rates (per 1,000)
1976: 10
1977: 13
1978: 13
1979: 15
1980: 18
1981: 19
1982: 20
1983: 24
1984: 27
1985: 31
1986: 33
1987: 34
1988: 35
1989: 38
1990: 41
1991: 41
1992: 43

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau. 1993 and 1999. Child Maltreatment (1993,1997): Reports from the States to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Crimes Against Children Research Center

It is hard to abuse a child that doesn’t exist.
Tearing them apart is abuse.
So you think people who would otherwise abort a child will make great parents? Fascinating.
You ASSUME every person who aborts would be a bad mother. Fascinating. That's very revealing.

Pro-choicers are ugly inside. Through and through. You hold victims of rape and incest as human shields. You threaten, "Pay for my baby or I'll kill it".


We had a totally unexpected child. My wife got pregnant at the worst possible time. We had moved 3,000 miles from our families, had just had twins which were exhausting us, and I was laid off from the job which had brought me 3000 miles.

Everyone we knew suggested abortion.


Inconveniences are temporary. Life is forever.

I cannot imagine life without our youngest child.
I don’t assume every, but it’s a safe assumption that some certainly will not be good parents. Look at all the stories of child abuse we have now.

Child abuse sky rocketed since the advent of abortion.

Which makes sense. Pro-abortion fruitcakes maintain that humanity is dependent upon age, and that there is no such thing as an inalienable right..rights go to the strong and the aggressive. Not to the vulnerable and passive.

actually, nutter butter, child abuse escalates when women are forced to have children they don't want, aren't ready for and can't afford. anti-choice religious extremists think women should be denied sex ed, birth control and abortion. if you had a modicum of decency and tried to help babies AFTER they were born and weren't just pro-birth, maybe we'd give a damn about what you have to say

people who can't run their own lives really shouldn't try to run the lives of other people.
Translation: "Pay for my baby or I'll kill it!"

no. translation... pro-birth activists are hypocrites who don't give a damn about children once they're born.
it's also -- don't tell me an embryo is a baby and leave other people alone to follow their own consciences within the law as defined constitutionally because this isn't a theocracy and I personally couldn't care less what religious zealots want.

End the life of a human baby is not a reproductive right.

A reproductive right would be the right not to get pregnant

Sent from my iPhone using

The Constitution says otherwise.

Actually, it doesn't. A handful of unelected judges said otherwise, reading something new into the Constitution that was never there and rendering a decision that even Bader-Ginsburg admitted was poorly written. That said, the government needs to stay out of people's private lives. People who don't approve of abortion don't need to have one. What someone else decides is really nobody else's business.
One third of all "involuntarily uninsured" are high school dropouts. Now we have to carry all of them on our backs for the rest of our lives.

We let people make bad choices and force others to pay for them.

Time to start rolling that shit back and make people suffer the consequences of their bad choices instead of everyone else.

How will forcing people to have babies fix that?
There you go again. You are really stuck in the liberal mindest that refuses to acknowledge your poor "victims" are responsible for their own predicament!

No one is forcing people to fuck without birth control.

No one.

Literally HALF of all abortions are the result of not using birth control. Another FIFTH are the result of inconsistent or improper use of birth control.

And despite what the hack libtard propagandists tell you, no one is unable to get access to birth control.

No one.

And yet there are still abortions when women are pregnant but don’t want a child. And you think having that baby is the road to success?
Since science has told you it is not human, please tell us what species science tells you it is.

Sent from my iPhone using
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

Question: Is a fetus an unborn human?:popcorn:

Yes it is and you know it.
No i dont. It is a potential human.
All human zygotes start out as female. Does that mean the ones that turn male, always were male?

All humans were once fetus....
You ASSUME every person who aborts would be a bad mother. Fascinating. That's very revealing.

Pro-choicers are ugly inside. Through and through. You hold victims of rape and incest as human shields. You threaten, "Pay for my baby or I'll kill it".


We had a totally unexpected child. My wife got pregnant at the worst possible time. We had moved 3,000 miles from our families, had just had twins which were exhausting us, and I was laid off from the job which had brought me 3000 miles.

Everyone we knew suggested abortion.


Inconveniences are temporary. Life is forever.

I cannot imagine life without our youngest child.
I don’t assume every, but it’s a safe assumption that some certainly will not be good parents. Look at all the stories of child abuse we have now.

Child abuse sky rocketed since the advent of abortion.

Which makes sense. Pro-abortion fruitcakes maintain that humanity is dependent upon age, and that there is no such thing as an inalienable right..rights go to the strong and the aggressive. Not to the vulnerable and passive.
Did it? Link?
" Those claiming that abortion is needed to reduce child abuse must contend with the empirical reality that child abuse increased by over 500 percent in the decade following Roe v. Wade. In fact, in less than a decade after Roe, child abuse had already risen by over 500 percent. These stats come right from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services."

Mike Adams - Does Abortion Really Prevent Child Abuse?

  • Trends in Reporting Rates (per 1,000)
1976: 10
1977: 13
1978: 13
1979: 15
1980: 18
1981: 19
1982: 20
1983: 24
1984: 27
1985: 31
1986: 33
1987: 34
1988: 35
1989: 38
1990: 41
1991: 41
1992: 43

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau. 1993 and 1999. Child Maltreatment (1993,1997): Reports from the States to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Crimes Against Children Research Center

It is hard to abuse a child that doesn’t exist.
When confronted with the evidence you asked for, you are making totally nonsensical responses pulled from your ass, with no basis in fact.
I wont ever get to the point of supporting the forcing of a woman to go through gestation if she doesnt want to. I am far from a statist.
If science didnt lead me to believe it wasnt a human, it would be different.

Since science has told you it is not human, please tell us what species science tells you it is.

Sent from my iPhone using
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

The species of the fish that laid the eggs.

They have to be something. So, if they are not human, what are they? You claim to base your view on science, so what species does science say the fetus in the womb of a human is?

Sent from my iPhone using
a potential human.

Stage of development of a human, Every living human was once one.
Yes, a potential human.
You can pretend if you want, but that doesnt change reality, sassy.
They arent human. They dont meet the qualities of life. Thats just the way it is.
Since science has told you it is not human, please tell us what species science tells you it is.

Sent from my iPhone using
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

Question: Is a fetus an unborn human?:popcorn:

Yes it is and you know it.
No i dont. It is a potential human.
All human zygotes start out as female. Does that mean the ones that turn male, always were male?

But it's still a human. Not a part of a human. A human. At a particular stage of development.

But we all know we aren't talking about zygotes here. Baby killers like to pretend that's the issue..but it isn't, and never has been. Doctors have always been willing to abort zygotes...and in fact, women can just take a handful of birth control pills and abort zygotes.

We're talking about clinics set up to dismember and kill babies, for the express purpose of making money and protecting those who engage in incest, child sexual abuse, human trafficking, sex slavery, and pornography.
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

Question: Is a fetus an unborn human?:popcorn:

Yes it is and you know it.
No i dont. It is a potential human.
All human zygotes start out as female. Does that mean the ones that turn male, always were male?

All humans were once fetus....
So? All humans were once sperm, too. Do you want me to call you that?
Question: Is a fetus an unborn human?:popcorn:

Yes it is and you know it.
No i dont. It is a potential human.
All human zygotes start out as female. Does that mean the ones that turn male, always were male?

All humans were once fetus....
So? All humans were once sperm, too. Do you want me to call you that?

Call me what you want, by now you must realize I don't care. Sperm is just sperm until it joins the egg...and becomes a human
I don't even give a shit if leftist sociopaths kill their children at the 127th trimester.
They would never risk their own lives that way.

They just want poor, minority, and abused women to go through that. Because they think they are worthless, and their children are worthless, and they are terrified they might have to support them.
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

Question: Is a fetus an unborn human?:popcorn:

Yes it is and you know it.
No i dont. It is a potential human.
All human zygotes start out as female. Does that mean the ones that turn male, always were male?

But it's still a human. Not a part of a human. A human. At a particular stage of development.

But we all know we aren't talking about zygotes here. Baby killers like to pretend that's the issue..but it isn't, and never has been. Doctors have always been willing to abort zygotes...and in fact, women can just take a handful of birth control pills and abort zygotes.

We're talking about clinics set up to dismember and kill babies, for the express purpose of making money and protecting those who engage in incest, child sexual abuse, human trafficking, sex slavery, and pornography.
All that shit that came out about planned parenthood made me sick to my stomach. I couldnt believe that shit.
Question: Is a fetus an unborn human?:popcorn:

Yes it is and you know it.
No i dont. It is a potential human.
All human zygotes start out as female. Does that mean the ones that turn male, always were male?

All humans were once fetus....
So? All humans were once sperm, too. Do you want me to call you that?
Not true.
Obviously you need to take a science class. You probably shouldn't quote *science* from here on in, because it will cause people to laugh at you.
I don’t assume every, but it’s a safe assumption that some certainly will not be good parents. Look at all the stories of child abuse we have now.

Child abuse sky rocketed since the advent of abortion.

Which makes sense. Pro-abortion fruitcakes maintain that humanity is dependent upon age, and that there is no such thing as an inalienable right..rights go to the strong and the aggressive. Not to the vulnerable and passive.
Did it? Link?
" Those claiming that abortion is needed to reduce child abuse must contend with the empirical reality that child abuse increased by over 500 percent in the decade following Roe v. Wade. In fact, in less than a decade after Roe, child abuse had already risen by over 500 percent. These stats come right from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services."

Mike Adams - Does Abortion Really Prevent Child Abuse?

  • Trends in Reporting Rates (per 1,000)
1976: 10
1977: 13
1978: 13
1979: 15
1980: 18
1981: 19
1982: 20
1983: 24
1984: 27
1985: 31
1986: 33
1987: 34
1988: 35
1989: 38
1990: 41
1991: 41
1992: 43

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau. 1993 and 1999. Child Maltreatment (1993,1997): Reports from the States to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Crimes Against Children Research Center

It is hard to abuse a child that doesn’t exist.
Tearing them apart is abuse.

And what do you remember from before you were born?
Question: Is a fetus an unborn human?:popcorn:

Yes it is and you know it.
No i dont. It is a potential human.
All human zygotes start out as female. Does that mean the ones that turn male, always were male?

But it's still a human. Not a part of a human. A human. At a particular stage of development.

But we all know we aren't talking about zygotes here. Baby killers like to pretend that's the issue..but it isn't, and never has been. Doctors have always been willing to abort zygotes...and in fact, women can just take a handful of birth control pills and abort zygotes.

We're talking about clinics set up to dismember and kill babies, for the express purpose of making money and protecting those who engage in incest, child sexual abuse, human trafficking, sex slavery, and pornography.
All that shit that came out about planned parenthood made me sick to my stomach. I couldnt believe that shit.
I believed it, and have been preaching it for decades.

While people called me a *fundy* and a *fanatic* and all sorts of nasty names.

The reality of PP is that it is a racket. And they are exploiting women and children, for the purpose of funding a variety of disgusting operations.
You're halfway there....there is hope yet
I wont ever get to the point of supporting the forcing of a woman to go through gestation if she doesnt want to. I am far from a statist.
If science didnt lead me to believe it wasnt a human, it would be different.

Since science has told you it is not human, please tell us what species science tells you it is.

Sent from my iPhone using
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

The species of the fish that laid the eggs.

They have to be something. So, if they are not human, what are they? You claim to base your view on science, so what species does science say the fetus in the womb of a human is?

Sent from my iPhone using
a potential human.

Please provide the scientific basis for a potential human

Sent from my iPhone using
I don’t assume every, but it’s a safe assumption that some certainly will not be good parents. Look at all the stories of child abuse we have now.

Child abuse sky rocketed since the advent of abortion.

Which makes sense. Pro-abortion fruitcakes maintain that humanity is dependent upon age, and that there is no such thing as an inalienable right..rights go to the strong and the aggressive. Not to the vulnerable and passive.
Did it? Link?
" Those claiming that abortion is needed to reduce child abuse must contend with the empirical reality that child abuse increased by over 500 percent in the decade following Roe v. Wade. In fact, in less than a decade after Roe, child abuse had already risen by over 500 percent. These stats come right from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services."

Mike Adams - Does Abortion Really Prevent Child Abuse?

  • Trends in Reporting Rates (per 1,000)
1976: 10
1977: 13
1978: 13
1979: 15
1980: 18
1981: 19
1982: 20
1983: 24
1984: 27
1985: 31
1986: 33
1987: 34
1988: 35
1989: 38
1990: 41
1991: 41
1992: 43

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau. 1993 and 1999. Child Maltreatment (1993,1997): Reports from the States to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Crimes Against Children Research Center

It is hard to abuse a child that doesn’t exist.
When confronted with the evidence you asked for, you are making totally nonsensical responses pulled from your ass, with no basis in fact.

Those numbers don’t really prove anything. There have always been abortions.

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