Trump is incredibly p*ssed off no one believes his Obama wiretaps story, says adviser

The internet:

Trump has shown more outrage over the false charge that Obama "attacked" US democracy

than the accurate charge that Putin did
There is nothing accurate about the Putin Russian Trump connection at all and everyone has admitted it. it's a witch hunt by a bunch of butthurt anti Americans.
The internet:

Trump has shown more outrage over the false charge that Obama "attacked" US democracy

than the accurate charge that Putin did
There is nothing accurate about the Putin Russian Trump connection at all and everyone has admitted it. it's a witch hunt by a bunch of butthurt anti Americans.
^ Holds a platinum level, card-carrying membership in the Trump cult.
Trump has them by the balls. Did you notice the story is now changing from no way his phones were tapped to you can't prove Obie ordered it.
Trumps incredibly stupid if he believes his bullshit isnt incredibly stupid for a POTUS to whine about.
Trump is incredibly p*ssed off no one believes his Obama wiretaps story, says adviser
Trump is incredibly ‘p*ssed off’ no one believes his Obama ‘wiretaps’ story, says adviser


Trump is incredibly ‘p*ssed off’ no one believes his Obama ‘wiretaps’ story, says adviser reported that CEO Christopher Ruddy published an essay on Sunday attacking Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY) and praising his boss’ performance through a week rocked by major revelations regarding Trump and his staff’s communications with agents of the Russian government during the 2016 campaign and White House transition.

“I’ve been watching Chuck Todd’s ‘Meet the Press’ as I write this. There is actually little talk about this unprecedented wire-tapping and even less worry over it,” wrote Ruddy.

On Sunday morning, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told “Meet the Press” emphatically that the wiretapping does not exist. It never happened, he said, “There was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time as a candidate or against his campaign.”

Ruddy said, “I spoke with the President twice yesterday about the wiretap story. I haven’t seen him this p*ssed off in a long time. When I mentioned Obama ‘denials’ about the wiretaps, he shot back: ‘This will be investigated, it will all come out. I will be proven right.’”

This is what happens when you're a liar and make shit up! People call you on it! Grow up Donald Trump.

What the hell do you expect when you're hanging around with the Newsmax CEO.

Having said that, quite a few years ago, I started to notice something that at one time seemed relatively rare but had become increasingly common. It was the tendency of some people on message boards to post what were ostensibly "news" stories which almost always didn't hold up to any kind of close scrutiny. In other words, with very little effort, the stories could be debunked with little more than a cursory Internet search.

Three things about it surprised me at the time. One was how common it had become. The second was how transparent it always seemed. And the third was that the transparency of the story or the glaringly false 'feel' of the stories didn't seem to make any difference. I didn't know exactly what to think about the 3rd aspect. Were people just trying to provoke the opposition? And as such, they simply didn't care about the truth or lack of truth of the stories? That was certainly possible. Or were some people so gullible and so unsophisticated (not to mention, blindly trusting) that they were unable to see through the phony aspect of the stories? There was no way to know. However, I tried to reassure myself that educated people in positions of authority would not be so easily fooled by false stories in much the same way that savvy investors generally tend not to fall for get rich quick schemes like less intelligent and more gullible people do.

Regardless, the trend only seemed to get worse as anyone with both an agenda and a desire to financially capitalize on the fears and prejudices of like-minded individuals could create a website to spin any alternate version of reality they happened to fancy. In fact, one could argue that, if and when there's money to be made, these people don't even have to believe their own arguments in order to promote them. But again, I told myself that savvy and sophisticated decision makers would not be misled.

Then, again, something happened. It started when I heard conservative Republican candidates (and sometimes House members) go on talk radio and tacitly embrace conspiracy theories on the air. At the time, it seemed as if it was mostly meant to fire up the base, and hence, run up the vote in their favor as an election approached. However, when obfuscating the truth becomes more important than clarifying or elucidating the facts, I knew our democracy was quite possibly approaching a crisis point. Now we have a president who has proven time and time again that he is willing, for whatever reason, to embrace conspiracy theories. And now, as I once feared, the crisis is upon us.
Again, you asserting things doesnt mean it really happened.

We all know who Obama and the Clinton's are. That and the word of my president is all the proof I need. Oh yeah the truth will come out and people will go to jail. Starting with Obama's Attorney General.
Trump has them by the balls. Did you notice the story is now changing from no way his phones were tapped to you can't prove Obie ordered it.

did you notice any President doesnt have the authority to order wiretaps ... no of course you didnt, youre a dumbass partisan hack.
Trumps incredibly stupid if he believes his bullshit isnt incredibly stupid for a POTUS to whine about
It only sounds stupid because we have never in our lifetime had a more open and honest man in the White House. Get use to losing. The truth is coming...
Why do snowflakes INSIST on rewriting history?


I believe he spied on Trump, because he has a track record of spying on American citizens.
President Trump spent the weekend at “the winter White House,” Mar-a-Lago, the secluded Florida castle where he is king. The sun sparkles off the glistening lawn and warms the russet clay Spanish tiles, and the steaks are cooked just how he likes them (well done). His daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner — celebrated as calming influences on the tempestuous president — joined him. But they were helpless to contain his fury.

Trump was mad — steaming, raging mad.

Trump’s young presidency has existed in a perpetual state of chaos. The issue of Russia has distracted from what was meant to be his most triumphant moment: his address last Tuesday to a joint session of Congress. And now his latest unfounded accusation — that Barack Obama tapped Trump’s phones during last fall’s campaign — had been denied by the former president and doubted by both allies and fellow Republicans.

When Trump ran into Christopher Ruddy on the golf course and later at dinner Saturday, he vented to his friend. “This will be investigated,” Ruddy recalled Trump telling him. “It will all come out. I will be proven right.”

“He was pissed,” said Ruddy, the chief executive of Newsmax, a conservative media company. “I haven’t seen him this angry.”

Much More: Inside Trump’s fury: The president rages at leaks, setbacks and accusations

It sounds like Trump is really losing it. How could he handle a major national security crisis? No wonder Obama is staying in town. He was probably asked to.

It's only going to get worse.
Here are a few of the people that OBAMA spied on.

Gee, why would anyone think he spied on Trump?

* The US National Security Agency bugged a private climate change strategy meeting; between UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin;

* Obama bugged Chief of Staff of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for long term interception targetting his Swiss phone;

* Obama singled out the Director of the Rules Division of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Johann Human, and targetted his Swiss phone for long term interception;

* Obama stole sensitive Italian diplomatic cables detailing how Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu implored Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to help patch up his relationship with US President Barack Obama, who was refusing to talk to Netanyahu;

* Obama intercepted top EU and Japanese trade ministers discussing their secret strategy and red lines to stop the US “extort[ing]” them at the WTO Doha arounds (the talks subsequently collapsed);

* Obama explicitly targeted five other top EU economic officials for long term interception, including their French, Austrian and Belgium phone numbers;
* Obama explicitly targetted the phones of Italy’s ambassador to NATO and other top Italian officials for long term interception; and

* Obama intercepted details of a critical private meeting between then French president Nicolas Sarkozy, Merkel and Berluscon, where the latter was told the Italian banking system was ready to “pop like a cork”.

In addition to the above list we also know now that Obama wire tapped various individuals in the US media that were reporting information not flattering to the Obama Administration. It is widely known that Obama’s Justice Department targeted journalists with wiretaps in 2013:

* In 2013 the liberal Washington Post expressed outrage after the revelation that the Justice Department had investigated the newsgathering activities of a Fox News reporter as a potential crime in a probe of classified leaks. The reporter, Fox News’ James Rosen and his family, were part of an investigation into government officials anonymously leaking information to journalists. Rosen was not charged but his movements and actions were tracked.

* Also in 2013, members of the Associated Press were also a target of the surveillance. The ultra liberal New Yorker even noted that “In moderate and liberal circles, at least, the phone-records scandal, partly because it involves the dear old A.P. and partly because it raises anew the specter of Big Brother, may well present the most serious threat to Obama’s reputation.”

* Reporter Sharyl Attkisson said in 2014 that her personal computer and CBS laptop were hacked after she began filing stories about Benghazi that were unflattering to the Obama administration. A source who checked her laptop said the hacker used spyware “proprietary to a government agency,” according to an article in the New York Post.

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