Trump is ineligible to run for office.

Trump is running. Deal with it.
The Nation will, indeed, "deal with it"... in effect, refusing to vote him back into office.

Outside of your own shrinking base, January 6, 2021 has rendered your Orange Phatt Phukk un-electable.

It would seem that the Nation would rather be led by an ancient and corrupt career politician than by a traitorous POS who $hits on the Constitution like Rump.

You no longer have the numbers to win on your own and January 6 2021 guarantees that you won't get enough Indies and Reagan Dems to win in Nov 2024.

Why waste your time - and that of the rest of America beyond your base - on someone who can no longer win?

The nation cannot afford to give the LibProgs another four years controlling the Oval Office and the House.

But that is what you are condemning us to if you run that Orange piece-of-$hit again.

Don't do it.

Find someone else willing to advance much of the Rump agenda without the Rump baggage - someone younger and more sane - a better Public Servant.

There is still time.

Then again, that would involve you retards getting your heads out of Rump's rump long enough to clear your minds and rediscover your courage.
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Odd, The Nation will, indeed, "deal with it"... in effect, refusing to vote him back into office.
But he got the most votes of any sitting president in history and his popularity just keeps growing. Meanwhile, it is Joe Biden the democrats are begging not to run again.

Outside of your own shrinking base,
Odd, the country is swinging more conservative.

January 6, 2021 has rendered your Orange Phatt Phukk un-electable.
Wasn't that the whole point to setting up J6 to look like a Trump thing? Meantime, all evidence points to him being right.

It would seem that the Nation would rather be led by an ancient and corrupt career politician than by a traitorous POS who $hits on the Constitution like Rump.
Nothing traitorous about Trump at all, nor unconstitutional. You need to watch less CNN propaganda. But thanks for admitting Biden is corrupt. That is putting it mildly, and only a fool would rather have the crisis of 2023 America under Biden compared to the glory days of Trump's 2019.

You no longer have the numbers to win on your own and January 6 2021 guarantees that you won't get enough Indies and Reagan Dems to win in Nov 2024.
We will see. Kind of a moot point since they will probably rig the election anyway as the government has been setting itself up to do for the past few years.

Why waste your time - and that of the rest of America beyond your base - on someone who can no longer win?
Better to vote for an American Patriot Leader than some treasonous Chinese/Soros globalist fascist clown.
But he got the most votes of any sitting president in history
Indeed. And it STILL wasn't enough. And, to make matters worse for you, all that was BEFORE January 6, 2021.
...and his popularity just keeps growing.
Not amongst Independents and Reagan Democrats, which are the groups you'll need to pull-in, in order to win.
Meanwhile, it is Joe Biden the democrats are begging not to run again.
Seriously? The Dems are licking their chops at the prospect of you fools running Rump again.
Odd, the country is swinging more conservative.
Unfortunately for you, your Standard Bearer is toxic, outside of your own narrow political universe.
Wasn't that the whole point to setting up J6 to look like a Trump thing? Meantime, all evidence points to him being right.
January 6, 2021 was not "set up" to "look like" a "Trump thing"... January 6, 2021 WAS a "Trump thing"...and the nation at-large will never forgive him for it.
Nothing traitorous about Trump at all, nor unconstitutional. You need to watch less CNN propaganda. But thanks for admitting Biden is corrupt. That is putting it mildly, and only a fool would rather have the crisis of 2023 America under Biden compared to the glory days of Trump's 2019.

We will see. Kind of a moot point since they will probably rig the election anyway as the government has been setting itself up to do for the past few years.

Better to vote for an American Patriot Leader than some treasonous Chinese/Soros globalist fascist clown.
You, unfortunately, are too far gone down the Rumpian Rabbit Hole to be saved... the same may very well prove to be true about the Grand Old Party itself... TBD.
Indeed. And it STILL wasn't enough.
Not when democrats cheat. C'mon, you can't seriously be telling me you think 81 million people voted FOR Joe Biden?! That is more than 20 million more than voted for Obumma your superstar!

that was BEFORE January 6, 2021.
That was a long time ago and a lot has changed since then.

Seriously? The Dems are licking their chops at the prospect of you fools running Rump again.
I'm not running anyone. I can't help it that in every poll, Trump is SMASHING it over both Biden AND every other GOP hopeful!

Unfortunately for you, your Standard Bearer is toxic, outside of your own narrow political universe.
He's not looking very toxic in early straw polls. Trump made America work. Trump is pro-America. Trump is energetic, passionate, funny and charismatic. I've seen dinosaur skeletons in the museum that had more personality than Joe Biden.

January 6, 2021 was not "set up" to "look like" a "Trump thing"... January 6, 2021 WAS a "Trump thing".
So you claim.

..and the nation at-large will never forgive him for it.
What millions will never forgive, is voting for Biden, and GETTING Biden, him and his cokehead son, fake doctor wife and his whole tribe of freaks, sickos and goons.
But he got the most votes of any sitting president in history and his popularity just keeps growing. Meanwhile, it is Joe Biden the democrats are begging not to run again.

Odd, the country is swinging more conservative.

Wasn't that the whole point to setting up J6 to look like a Trump thing? Meantime, all evidence points to him being right.

Nothing traitorous about Trump at all, nor unconstitutional. You need to watch less CNN propaganda. But thanks for admitting Biden is corrupt. That is putting it mildly, and only a fool would rather have the crisis of 2023 America under Biden compared to the glory days of Trump's 2019.

We will see. Kind of a moot point since they will probably rig the election anyway as the government has been setting itself up to do for the past few years.

Better to vote for an American Patriot Leader than some treasonous Chinese/Soros globalist fascist clown.

But he got the most votes of any sitting president in history

I'll let you address that...

The "popular vote,"-- -- that's kinda like a fortune cookie or horoscope that says good luck's on the way! The popular vote does not actually exist other than as a statistic for statisticians to tabulate and democrats to bitch about as popular voting is not used nor counted beyond the STATE level.

Hillary's popular vote counts for about as much as her word that she turned in all legitimate government emails on her server.
Which is seditious conspiracy. And seditious conspiracy is the planning or incitement of insurrection.
We already went over that. Seditious conspiracy can be the planning of an insurrection, but it doesn't have to be.
We already went over that. Seditious conspiracy can be the planning of an insurrection, but it doesn't have to be.

Uh, no, that's your claim.

insurrection: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States

^^^ that's insurrection

to levy war against them

^^^ that's insurrection

to oppose by force the authority thereof

^^^ that could be insurrection, depends on the intent. The intent of Trump's thugs was assassinate the vice president and prevent the duly elected president-elect from becoming president. That's insurrection.

by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States

^^^ that could be insurrection, depends on the intent. The intent of Trump's thugs was assassinate the vice president and prevent the duly elected president-elect from becoming president. That's insurrection.

by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof

^^^ that could be insurrection, depends on the intent. The intent of Trump's thugs was assassinate the vice president and prevent the duly elected president-elect from becoming president. That's insurrection.
Uh, no, that's your claim.

insurrection: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States

^^^ that's insurrection

to levy war against them

^^^ that's insurrection

to oppose by force the authority thereof

^^^ that could be insurrection, depends on the intent. The intent of Trump's thugs was assassinate the vice president and prevent the duly elected president-elect from becoming president. That's insurrection.

by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States

^^^ that could be insurrection, depends on the intent. The intent of Trump's thugs was assassinate the vice president and prevent the duly elected president-elect from becoming president. That's insurrection.

by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof

^^^ that could be insurrection, depends on the intent. The intent of Trump's thugs was assassinate the vice president and prevent the duly elected president-elect from becoming president. That's insurrection.
I literally posted the statute that proves me correct.
Every purpose. Laws are not rubber that you can just bend to fit your need. There was no insurrection. Trump will be on the ballot. Deal with it. Frankly, I'd be a lot more worried about Joe Biden being on the ballot.
Again. No purpose in your distinction.
It means that the Justice Department recognizes that there was no insurrection. They were simply guilty of obstructing official proceedings of the government.
It doesn’t mean that in any way. It only means they didn’t charge it specifically.
It was an insurrection by any definition of the word
It doesn’t mean that in any way. It only means they didn’t charge it specifically.
It was an insurrection by any definition of the word
Gardland is going after grandmas who took selfies in the Capitol, yet hasn't charged anyone for insurrection despite it being an obvious insurrection? You're not a dumb person so why would you have such a dumb belief?
Gardland is going after grandmas who took selfies in the Capitol, yet hasn't charged anyone for insurrection despite it being an obvious insurrection? You're not a dumb person so why would you have such a dumb belief?
Pure bullshit. They’re criminal insurrectionists whether they were too stupid to understand their actions or not.
Gardland is going after grandmas who took selfies in the Capitol, yet hasn't charged anyone for insurrection despite it being an obvious insurrection? You're not a dumb person so why would you have such a dumb belief?

Again, seditious conspiracy is the planning or incitement of insurrection

Again, insurrection is revolting against the government and that's exactly what some did that day.


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