Trump is winning me over

Just remember Trump has vowed to be the president of ALL the American people. That means no one faction is going to be 100% happy with every decision he makes. And I think we would agree its impossible to make everyone in this country happy. So pull your heads out of your ass and give the guy a chance and don't get your feathers ruffled if every decision doesn't go your way.

His cabinet so far represents 0.05% of the American population you fucking idiot

Lib sour puss face ^^^

His cabinet so far represents 0.05% of the American population you fucking idiot...

Uhm yeah... newsflash: Calling people "fucking idiot" because they don't politically align with you is precisely why your side has lost ALL political power in Washington. The days of identity politics is over. That ship has sailed. Most of America has moved on. You can either continue to hurl this kind of rhetoric and watch your party die a slow death or you can stop doing this... the choice is all up to you, bud.
Is everybody going to be happy and sing Kum ba yah together? NO! Of course not! The die-hard ideologues and extremists will remain as defiant as ever and they may actually be MORE vitriolic because he is usurping their own countenance. But is this what we need as a nation to heal the polarization and divisiveness? Well, if it's not, I don't know what can.
Having voted against him I remain hopeful. His cabinet picks - full-on, straight-ahead conservative - have me pretty concerned, although strangely enough I'm most comfortable with the idea of Tillerson.

What does give me some hope is that, yeah, he is clearly taking a different approach to the office, that of an executive who has little interest in standard politics. Lovely. And I'm getting the feeling he won't be spending a lot of time sitting on his hands.

I'll still aware that he could say or "tweet" (oy) something embarrassing at any given moment, though.

But since you admit to voting for Hillary we can only take your words as the ravings of a mad man. :D.
Developing a sense of respect for the crony clown? I'll just add your name to my list of sycophant cultist nutjobs.
Well I have a clear conscience because I did not vote for either Hillary nor for Trump.

But my state went for Trump.

So my vote did not matter.

I was ecstatic that Hillary lost however. No more communism from The White House.

I think it will be interesting to see what Trump does.

I am guessing that best case he will emulate Reagan, and worst case he will emulate Carter.

We shall see.

Too early to tell.
Is everybody going to be happy and sing Kum ba yah together? NO! Of course not! The die-hard ideologues and extremists will remain as defiant as ever and they may actually be MORE vitriolic because he is usurping their own countenance. But is this what we need as a nation to heal the polarization and divisiveness? Well, if it's not, I don't know what can.
Having voted against him I remain hopeful. His cabinet picks - full-on, straight-ahead conservative - have me pretty concerned, although strangely enough I'm most comfortable with the idea of Tillerson.

What does give me some hope is that, yeah, he is clearly taking a different approach to the office, that of an executive who has little interest in standard politics. Lovely. And I'm getting the feeling he won't be spending a lot of time sitting on his hands.

I'll still aware that he could say or "tweet" (oy) something embarrassing at any given moment, though.

Tillerson has received Putin's highest national award and you are comfortable with that? What the fuck is wrong with you?
What the fuck is wrong with me is that I'm looking at the big picture, and not consumed by partisan ideology.

He's very skilled, very experienced, very smart, very connected. Those are positive qualities.

I'm always hoping for the best, unlike hardcore partisans.
Is everybody going to be happy and sing Kum ba yah together? NO! Of course not! The die-hard ideologues and extremists will remain as defiant as ever and they may actually be MORE vitriolic because he is usurping their own countenance. But is this what we need as a nation to heal the polarization and divisiveness? Well, if it's not, I don't know what can.
Having voted against him I remain hopeful. His cabinet picks - full-on, straight-ahead conservative - have me pretty concerned, although strangely enough I'm most comfortable with the idea of Tillerson.

What does give me some hope is that, yeah, he is clearly taking a different approach to the office, that of an executive who has little interest in standard politics. Lovely. And I'm getting the feeling he won't be spending a lot of time sitting on his hands.

I'll still aware that he could say or "tweet" (oy) something embarrassing at any given moment, though.

But since you admit to voting for Hillary we can only take your words as the ravings of a mad man. :D.
Oh, I've been called worse!

Is everybody going to be happy and sing Kum ba yah together? NO! Of course not! The die-hard ideologues and extremists will remain as defiant as ever and they may actually be MORE vitriolic because he is usurping their own countenance. But is this what we need as a nation to heal the polarization and divisiveness? Well, if it's not, I don't know what can.
Having voted against him I remain hopeful. His cabinet picks - full-on, straight-ahead conservative - have me pretty concerned, although strangely enough I'm most comfortable with the idea of Tillerson.

What does give me some hope is that, yeah, he is clearly taking a different approach to the office, that of an executive who has little interest in standard politics. Lovely. And I'm getting the feeling he won't be spending a lot of time sitting on his hands.

I'll still aware that he could say or "tweet" (oy) something embarrassing at any given moment, though.

Tillerson has received Putin's highest national award and you are comfortable with that? What the fuck is wrong with you?
What the fuck is wrong with me is that I'm looking at the big picture, and not consumed by partisan ideology.

He's very skilled, very experienced, very smart, very connected. Those are positive qualities.

I'm always hoping for the best, unlike hardcore partisans.

Excellent. I also hope for the best. This means that I am not a hardcore partisan! I feel so refreshed.
First of all, I know that many of you on the left assume that I am this big Trump supporter because I am a conservative who has been very outspoken against Hillary Clinton and liberals in general. But there are many of the die-hard Trump supporters here who can affirm that I have hardly been a cheerleader for Donald Trump. I've taken my share of flack for this and I make no apologies for sticking with my principles in light of this fascination with celebrity that seems to have overcome so many on the right. I'm one of those "butthurt Cruz-bots" who supported Senator Cruz in the primaries and had serious problems supporting Trump in the general. I still have some serious issues with some of his policies, especially on trade and economics. I don't think we need yet another trillion-dollar stimulus to fix the fucking roads and bridges, and I don't believe in protectionist tariffs on imports made willy-nilly to supposedly protect American jobs. I just think these are bad ideas that will not work. That's my opinion and I'm going to stick with it regardless of popularity.

Now.... Since he has won the election and he will be the President of the United States for the next 4 years, I have to come to terms with that and try to find something to be optimistic about. First of all, I do agree with him on many things he said during the campaign. The problem is, he continues to walk back some of those things now that he has won and that gives me a reason for concern. If he is going to flip-flop on what he said, then I am not going to be a happy camper at all. When you're running for public office, we have to put our faith in what you tell us you're going to do, that's all we have to go on. We have to hold politicians accountable when they don't do what they said they would do.

I prefaced my remarks with all of this to let it be known that I am objective in my evaluation of Trump. I'm not a cheerleader who is simply going to roll over on my principles and just accept it because it's coming from Trump. But here is something I have noticed... just my personal observation... no links to editorials from others... no repeating what I've heard from someone else... just my honest evaluation thus far... Trump is doing a very good job of bringing many different sides together.

This might seem a bit shallow and trivial but I think it's an important aspect to his Administration. He is demonstrating a very bipartisan and non-ideological approach, and I think that is something we need as a nation. Of course, there are die-hard conservatives like Mark Levin who Trump is driving absolutely nuts with cabinet picks like Rex Tillerson. Indeed, it's not who I would have picked... I would have gone with John Bolton... but Tillerson is 10000x better than ANYTHING Hillary would have picked. He's a smart man with good business sense and a grasp of what is needed to negotiate with foreign leadership. So I don't have as much of a problem with this than some, it's Trump's cabinet and he gets to make that choice.

Looking at his cabinet, I am majorly impressed with how many governors there are, how many extremely successful people there are, and how much diversity is represented. It's not some cabal of ideological purists who march to one tune. It is a litany of various viewpoints who are committed to Trump's vision of making America great again. And here is the kicker... it seems as if everyone who meets with Trump comes away with positive things to say about it. He is uniting very contradictory ideologies behind a central message in a way that no recent politician has ever done... not even Ronald Reagan.

This alludes to one of the "positives" which I articulated early on regarding a Trump presidency. Because he lacks the fundamental tie to party and associated lobbyists, because he isn't an ideologue with an agenda, because he can't be bought off by special interests, he is able to govern in a true "centrist" manner and actually break this "left/right" stalemate we've found ourselves in the midst of. We're actually seeing the results of that before our very eyes. He's meeting with people like Bolton and Romney, but also people like Al Gore and Kanye West. He is willing to listen to their concerns and genuinely remain open minded. I think this is an outstanding quality in a leader. We've truly been missing this for a long time in America.

Is everybody going to be happy and sing Kum ba yah together? NO! Of course not! The die-hard ideologues and extremists will remain as defiant as ever and they may actually be MORE vitriolic because he is usurping their own countenance. But is this what we need as a nation to heal the polarization and divisiveness? Well, if it's not, I don't know what can.
Everyone knows you were a big Hillary supporter....

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