Trump just announced a National Program to Arm Trained School Personnel

No stupid. They (the states) are part of the US. Any executive order Obama would issue would need to be in line with the constitution.

Dude, please. Obama had very little respect for the constitution, and violated it more than several times. But he was a rank amateur at getting anything of substance done.

Donald Trump will show that rank amateur how to President, just watch him. :biggrin:
Dont deflect from your asinine comment. Tell us again how states passing stricter gun control has anything to do with Obama passing an executive order? What kind of retard are you? :rolleyes:

So tell me: Just what firearms legislation did Obama get passed? Executive orders? Memos? Anything?

Are you saying that he respected the Second Amendment and gun rights so much, that he didn't do anything?
I thought you could read? Didnt you read my first reply on the subject?

Just watch. Trump will show your goobers how it's done.
Drumpfs not going to do anything. The NRA pulls his strings.
We have almost a half a million conceal carry permits in the state of Wisconsin, since they passed the law in 2011. Not a single one of them has ever shot someone involved in a fight that they weren't involved in, or been arrested for committing a crime with their weapon.

What makes you think a legal carry permit holder would do something like that? You seem to be unable to differentiate between a trained law-abiding citizen with a firearm, and an armed criminal.

That's some pretty large important numbers... but please pardon me if I don't just take your word for it.

I wouldn't trust your word if you told me water is wet.
MOre blood is what you want.

It's called "dancing on the backs of the dead". Never let a good crisis go to waste, you know.

You fuckin' libertarians have been dancing on Randy Weaver for decades.

LOL! I was never a libertarian. Be stupid some more, it's fun!

Same here. Who the hell wants to legalize drugs and let Iran have nuclear weapons? That sounds like something a Dumbocrat would want.
About 3 armed guards per school paid about 60 grand for all taxpayers.
Armed trained teachers cost little.
Armed teachers are about the dumbest idea since they allowed you to post in public.

Whether you think it's a "dumb idea" or not is only mindless fodder for an internet discussion board. President Trump will most assuredly take action to allow that, with or without your permission.

Your childish attitude has nothing to do with guns or Donald trump. You're just angry because black on black murder rate in cities like Chicago and Baltimore spiraled exponentially under Obama and you can't bring yourself to hold him accountable.
We have almost a half a million conceal carry permits in the state of Wisconsin, since they passed the law in 2011. Not a single one of them has ever shot someone involved in a fight that they weren't involved in, or been arrested for committing a crime with their weapon.

What makes you think a legal carry permit holder would do something like that? You seem to be unable to differentiate between a trained law-abiding citizen with a firearm, and an armed criminal.

That's some pretty large important numbers... but please pardon me if I don't just take your word for it.

I wouldn't trust your word if you told me water is wet.
MOre blood is what you want.

It's called "dancing on the backs of the dead". Never let a good crisis go to waste, you know.

You fuckin' libertarians have been dancing on Randy Weaver for decades.


You're an uninformed idiot. I am not nor have I ever been a "libertarian". Do you ever know what a libertarian is? Ron Paul is a moron that has more in common with your party than mine.

JGalt - sorry. I assumed you knew what your name referred to.

I guess you just thought it sounded cool and never bothered to read the book. It is pretty thick. I understand, reading is hard for some folks.

Nevertheless, gun nutters have been dancing on Randy for decades.
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.
No way that retarded monkey Drumpf thought this up.

Do what Obama never could? Like be ranked dead last among all the POTUS that have ever existed?

No. Like Obama could never take any action to solve the problem with mass shooting events. No legislation, no executive orders, not even a memo.

The only thing Obama ever did after a mass shooting was blame the NRA and the Republicans. But hen never once tried to sit down with them and work something out. Meanwhile, the black on black murder rate in cities like Chicago and Baltimore spiraled exponentially.
You cant executive order the 2nd you moron. You have to go through the idiots in congress that were bent on making him a one term POTUS. Now back to coming in last on the presidential ranking.

Well, it's not the OP topic but I doubt the ranking is legit, it's probably a Trump parasite left wing (news.. :auiqs.jpg:) source.
Why do you think it's ok to violate the right of some adults to protect their own lives?

What are you talking about. The age requirement?

You cant drink until 21......I don't see this as a bad idea.
Can't you protect your life with a semi auto 45 or 9mm?
The 21 age limit is ridiculous. There is nothing you shouldn’t be able to do that requires you to be older than when you can sign up for the military.
That's some pretty large important numbers... but please pardon me if I don't just take your word for it.

I wouldn't trust your word if you told me water is wet.
MOre blood is what you want.

It's called "dancing on the backs of the dead". Never let a good crisis go to waste, you know.

You fuckin' libertarians have been dancing on Randy Weaver for decades.


You're an uninformed idiot. I am not nor have I ever been a "libertarian". Do you ever know what a libertarian is? Ron Paul is a moron that has more in common with your party than mine.

JGalt - sorry. I assumed you knew what your name referred to.

I guess you just thought it sounded cool and never bothered to read the book. It is pretty thick. I understand, reading is hard for some folks.

Nevertheless, gun nutters have been dancing on Randy for decades.

Randy Weaver wasn't part of the same gun culture I am. He was a Fudd, like most Democrats who own firearms. His guns were all hunting rifles and pistols, not the military stuff I'm into.

I don't know much about him and personally, I'm apathetic. I do know one thing though: Anyone stupid enough to shoot at law-enforcement is going to get their ass shot off.
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.

Unfunded and stupid.
If teachers wanted to carry guns they would have become cops. If after they became teachers and they want to play cop it means they couldnt cut it when they tried to be cops. Do you guys seriously want teachers instead of armed guards waving guns around children?
MOre blood is what you want.

It's called "dancing on the backs of the dead". Never let a good crisis go to waste, you know.

You fuckin' libertarians have been dancing on Randy Weaver for decades.


You're an uninformed idiot. I am not nor have I ever been a "libertarian". Do you ever know what a libertarian is? Ron Paul is a moron that has more in common with your party than mine.

JGalt - sorry. I assumed you knew what your name referred to.

I guess you just thought it sounded cool and never bothered to read the book. It is pretty thick. I understand, reading is hard for some folks.

Nevertheless, gun nutters have been dancing on Randy for decades.

Randy Weaver wasn't part of the same gun culture I am. He was a Fudd, like most Democrats who own firearms. His guns were all hunting rifles and pistols, not the military stuff I'm into.

I don't know much about him and personally, I'm apathetic. I do know one thing though: Anyone stupid enough to shoot at law-enforcement is going to get their ass shot off.
He actually didn’t shoot until his wife was killed.
If teachers wanted to carry guns they would have become cops. If after they became teachers and they want to play cop it means they couldnt cut it when they tried to be cops. Do you guys seriously want teachers instead of armed guards waving guns around children?

WTF?? I carry one every day and I'm not a member of the law-enforcement establishment. Not only myself, but millions of us across this country. Imagine the times you've been standing in line at the checkout counter or sitting in a restaurant, and there was a legally-armed person sitting next to you or standing behind you, and you didn't even know it?

Did any of them wave their guns around in your face? Did any of their pistols jump out of the holster and shoot you in the ass?

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