Trump just got a Japanese company to invest 50 BILLION in the USA and create 50k jobs!

When they turn the banks loose to build another bubble setting up another massive crash and subsequent recession it will all be for naught. Trump can do these murky deals til the day he dies and still not fill the hole that the big banks are going to blow in our economy.
SoftBank isn't a bank
I know. I do not care about some "deal" the president elect allegedly made, it's meaningless until someone gets a working class paycheck. I'm talking about republicans plan to gut financial regulations and set us up for another crash. It's coming about two years from now and it is going to be bad.

Yeah ok. Banks are not evil. They are the drivers of the economy, and freeing up the banks will be good for America.
Yea, like Bush did.

Banking is way too complex for you to understand. You just hate. That's really your whole problem.
Breitbart? Seriously ?

I know, right? The first thread on this (or one of them out of the echosphere) cited as its source Rump's Twitter account. :lol:

The company is already invested here, have been for years. They own Sprint/Nextel.

Yet it is ion the far left drone bog sites like Washington Post and NYtimes, so OP is probably true, even if you wish to dismiss the source..

The information can be verified through the far left religious scriptures!

You act surprised that Breitbart would be seen as an unreliable source . it's creator is Trumps frighten sidekick !!!!!

That's a little close don't you think !? Of course not, conflicts of interest mean nothing to Trumpets.
Actually it's the OP'S job to verify it with a legitimate one --- not the reader's.

Maybe not. But I find it good practice to verify a story posted in the OP before commenting on it.

Lest it be that "fake news" we keep hearing about.

Actually it's standard practice to verify it with a legitimate one before POSTING it.

That's what I always do.

Hence my point stands. Both of them.
When they turn the banks loose to build another bubble setting up another massive crash and subsequent recession it will all be for naught. Trump can do these murky deals til the day he dies and still not fill the hole that the big banks are going to blow in our economy.
SoftBank isn't a bank
I know. I do not care about some "deal" the president elect allegedly made, it's meaningless until someone gets a working class paycheck. I'm talking about republicans plan to gut financial regulations and set us up for another crash. It's coming about two years from now and it is going to be bad.

Yeah ok. Banks are not evil. They are the drivers of the economy, and freeing up the banks will be good for America.
Yeah and when they blow up the economy you can always blame it on poor people again. Banks really hate that they now have to use their own money to hedge against failure, screw that commie socialist crap, they will have the taxpayer back on the hook for their risky behavior before you know it.
It's a real story -- sort of. What's interesting is that the Echobabblers just grab the first thing off the shelf if they like what they see --- Dimbart. Rump's Twitter account. Viral Nosebook memes from Macedonia. Critical thinking is a lost art.

I agree with this.

Likewise it is the same with the liberal's use of Alternet, Media Matters, HuffPo, Slate, Truth-out and citations from the Democratic Underground.
$50 Billion for 50,000 jobs and zero details…

I doubt it.

However, if it’s $50 for 1 job…good deal.

Really folks, do you need to criticize every breath he takes? That is the garbage conservatives did to Obama. You should expect better of yourself.
Breitbart? Seriously ?

I know, right? The first thread on this (or one of them out of the echosphere) cited as its source Rump's Twitter account. :lol:

The company is already invested here, have been for years. They own Sprint/Nextel.

Yeah I heard that too, that the plan was already in the works, just no one knew how much this company was going to invest in this country. We'll see and believe it when we see it happening.
Breitbart? Seriously ?

I know, right? The first thread on this (or one of them out of the echosphere) cited as its source Rump's Twitter account. :lol:

The company is already invested here, have been for years. They own Sprint/Nextel.

Yet it is ion the far left drone bog sites like Washington Post and NYtimes, so OP is probably true, even if you wish to dismiss the source..

The information can be verified through the far left religious scriptures!

Come on. You know they would rather castigate Trump than admit what he's doing is working. Hell. He's not even POTUS yet and he's already working to bring jobs to the US.

Catch a clue. They will NEVER admit that Trump will bring jobs back to the US.

Oh and let them tell you what douchebag did to bring jobs to the US. Let them TRY to tell you what Hillary would have done. We all know she was going to raise taxes on the people who already by 60% of the Fed taxes in this country. I'm sure that would have brought jobs. How bout you??

It's a real story -- sort of. What's interesting is that the Echobabblers just grab the first thing off the shelf if they like what they see --- Dimbart. Rump's Twitter account. Viral Nosebook memes from Macedonia. Critical thinking is a lost art.

I agree with this.

Likewise it is the same with the liberal's use of Alternet, Media Matters, HuffPo, Slate, Truth-out and citations from the Democratic Underground.

No. It isn't. Not even close to being the same.
Breitbart? Seriously ?

I know, right? The first thread on this (or one of them out of the echosphere) cited as its source Rump's Twitter account. :lol:

The company is already invested here, have been for years. They own Sprint/Nextel.

Yet it is ion the far left drone bog sites like Washington Post and NYtimes, so OP is probably true, even if you wish to dismiss the source..

The information can be verified through the far left religious scriptures!

Come on. You know they would rather castigate Trump than admit what he's doing is working. Hell. He's not even POTUS yet and he's already working to bring jobs to the US.

Catch a clue. They will NEVER admit that Trump will bring jobs back to the US.

Oh and let them tell you what douchebag did to bring jobs to the US. Let them TRY to tell you what Hillary would have done. We all know she was going to raise taxes on the people who already by 60% of the Fed taxes in this country. I'm sure that would have brought jobs. How bout you??


I love this. The lack of self awareness is fucking awesome.
Breitbart? Seriously ?

I know, right? The first thread on this (or one of them out of the echosphere) cited as its source Rump's Twitter account. :lol:

The company is already invested here, have been for years. They own Sprint/Nextel.

Yet it is ion the far left drone bog sites like Washington Post and NYtimes, so OP is probably true, even if you wish to dismiss the source..

The information can be verified through the far left religious scriptures!

Come on. You know they would rather castigate Trump than admit what he's doing is working. Hell. He's not even POTUS yet and he's already working to bring jobs to the US.

Catch a clue. They will NEVER admit that Trump will bring jobs back to the US.

Oh and let them tell you what douchebag did to bring jobs to the US. Let them TRY to tell you what Hillary would have done. We all know she was going to raise taxes on the people who already by 60% of the Fed taxes in this country. I'm sure that would have brought jobs. How bout you??


I love this. The lack of self awareness is fucking awesome.

Well smartest guy in the room no one really cares what you think.

Have a good one Oh awesomeness. LOL
Breitbart? Seriously ?
How about Reuters?

SoftBank's Son pledges $50 billion, Foxconn eyes U.S. expansion as Trump woos Asian firms

Two of Asia's biggest technology companies said they were looking to expand investment in the United States, as President-elect Donald Trump pushes to bring manufacturing and jobs back home.

Billionaire businessman Masayoshi Son, also the head of Japan's SoftBank Group Corp (9984.T), pledged a $50 billion investment in the United States, and Apple Inc (AAPL.O) supplier Foxconn said it was in preliminary discussions to expand its U.S. operations.

Son said on Tuesday, after meeting Trump, his investment would create 50,000 new jobs, a move the U.S. President-elect claimed was a direct result of his election win.

Don't know the details yet, but it's a good and hopeful sign, and he's not even in office yet.
Raise your hand if you believe that Donald Trump brokered this investment. Show the class who is willing to take the word of Donald Trump when he tells you that he made a great deal.
The $50 billion investment, announced jointly by Trump and Son in the lobby of the Trump Tower in Manhattan, would come from the $100 billion tech investment fund the head of SoftBank is setting up with Saudi Arabia's sovereign-wealth fund and other potential partners, according to the Wall Street Journal.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Masa from SoftBank of Japan, and he's just agreed to invest $50 billion in the United States and 50,000 jobs," Trump said.

"He would never do this had we (Trump) not won the election!" Trump later Tweeted.

Son, who wore a red tie and red sweater under his suit jacket, told reporters his company, a $68 billion telecommunications and tech investment behemoth, would create the jobs by investing in startup companies.

He also said he expected a lot of "deregulation" under a Trump administration.

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