Trump kicked Hillary's big fat ass tonight.

I wonder how Hillary felt to see those women who accused Willie of sexually assaulting them were sitting there in the front row. Lol. I just saw a clip of Willie sitting there, looking very uncomfortable to say the least!

So, here is what we have . . . the democrats accusing Trump of "talking" about women in a lewd way, and then we have Billy Boy who was actually accused by multiple women of sexually assaulting them. Then we have the democrats bringing up that Trump takes advantage of the tax loop holes that THEY have allowed to keep open. Then we have them bringing up that Donald "agreed" with the war in Iraq, when Hillary actually voted YES to the war.

Don't take this as me wanting to have a discussion with you....but are you even aware of the accusations that women have made regrading Trump sexually assaulting them? Do you know that a judge just announced that a rape case against him is going to trial?

Don't worry about it. I know you are not capable of having any sort of logical discussion. You are a loser. End of story.
There's the sweetheart we all love

Fuck you. I couldn't care less how you feel about me. Douche. Your feelings are irrelevant to my life and to me.
I wonder how Hillary felt to see those women who accused Willie of sexually assaulting them were sitting there in the front row. Lol. I just saw a clip of Willie sitting there, looking very uncomfortable to say the least!

So, here is what we have . . . the democrats accusing Trump of "talking" about women in a lewd way, and then we have Billy Boy who was actually accused by multiple women of sexually assaulting them. Then we have the democrats bringing up that Trump takes advantage of the tax loop holes that THEY have allowed to keep open. Then we have them bringing up that Donald "agreed" with the war in Iraq, when Hillary actually voted YES to the war.
Trump either assaulted women or he lied and we know he didn't lie.

But you don't care of trump actually did what he bragged he did.

And Clinton never admitted it. But trump did. On tape.

Don's conning you but no one else.

And hillary said she's a 2nd amendment fan. Happy now?

How many women have said Trump raped them? How many have said Bill raped them?

I don't think you know the answer to that.
I wonder how Hillary felt to see those women who accused Willie of sexually assaulting them were sitting there in the front row. Lol. I just saw a clip of Willie sitting there, looking very uncomfortable to say the least!

So, here is what we have . . . the democrats accusing Trump of "talking" about women in a lewd way, and then we have Billy Boy who was actually accused by multiple women of sexually assaulting them. Then we have the democrats bringing up that Trump takes advantage of the tax loop holes that THEY have allowed to keep open. Then we have them bringing up that Donald "agreed" with the war in Iraq, when Hillary actually voted YES to the war.
Trump either assaulted women or he lied and we know he didn't lie.

But you don't care of trump actually did what he bragged he did.

And Clinton never admitted it. But trump did. On tape.

Don's conning you but no one else.

And hillary said she's a 2nd amendment fan. Happy now?

How many women have said Trump raped them? How many have said Bill raped them?

I don't think you know the answer to that.

Yeah, whatevs. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya! :bye1:
I wonder how Hillary felt to see those women who accused Willie of sexually assaulting them were sitting there in the front row. Lol. I just saw a clip of Willie sitting there, looking very uncomfortable to say the least!

So, here is what we have . . . the democrats accusing Trump of "talking" about women in a lewd way, and then we have Billy Boy who was actually accused by multiple women of sexually assaulting them. Then we have the democrats bringing up that Trump takes advantage of the tax loop holes that THEY have allowed to keep open. Then we have them bringing up that Donald "agreed" with the war in Iraq, when Hillary actually voted YES to the war.

Don't take this as me wanting to have a discussion with you....but are you even aware of the accusations that women have made regrading Trump sexually assaulting them? Do you know that a judge just announced that a rape case against him is going to trial?

Don't worry about it. I know you are not capable of having any sort of logical discussion. You are a loser. End of story.
There's the sweetheart we all love

Fuck you. I couldn't care less how you feel about me. Douche. Your feelings are irrelevant to my life and to me.

Of course. You don't care at all. It's obvious.
Trump did a good job of firing up his base. I would like some specifics about his health care plan. Competition is but one very tiny tiny tiny part. If he is going to toss out ocare that's fine. What is the replacement? Hopefully not back to the old system.
Trump did a good job of firing up his base. I would like some specifics about his health care plan. Competition is but one very tiny tiny tiny part. If he is going to toss out ocare that's fine. What is the replacement? Hopefully not back to the old system.
He offered far, far more detail on that subject the Hillary did. Far more.
Trump did a good job of firing up his base. I would like some specifics about his health care plan. Competition is but one very tiny tiny tiny part. If he is going to toss out ocare that's fine. What is the replacement? Hopefully not back to the old system.
He offered far, far more detail on that subject the Hillary did. Far more.

You really believe that, don't you? It is remarkable.
Roll the tape. All you have to do listen.

I listened. He offered no details.

He doesn't know the issue. He is a know nothing candidate.

He's a no nothing candidate that would have fit right in with the No Nothing Party of the 1800s.

The Know-Nothing Party, also known as the American Party, was a prominent United States political party during the late 1840s and the early 1850s. The American Party originated in 1849. Its members strongly opposed immigrants​
The Trump response on the Aleppo question was the most incoherent response I've ever heard during a Presidential debate.
Roll the tape. All you have to do listen.

I listened. He offered no details.

He doesn't know the issue. He is a know nothing candidate.
Then you didn't listen. Breaking up the state monopolies on insurance, as Trump states is key to lowering costs.and the only way to bring costs down immediately. Hillary literally offered nothing other than to say " we need to look at...", "We need to talk to..." blah, blah, blah. She offered precisely nothing. Which is exactly what she'd deliver,as President. You are party blind my friend.
The debate was bullshit. Trump basically controlled it. But I didn't notice any substance. ANY.
The debate was bullshit. But Trump finally got some zingers in. He basically controlled it. But I didn't notice any substance. ANY.

That was due to poor was entertaining but it's time to talk issues and leave the juvenile crap out of it
except all that one has to do ia play Trump's answer to if he has kissed or groped a woman unwanted....

He couldn't answer it, he babbled, and deflected and tried to dance around it and gave the worst performance ever.... it spelled, I AM A LIAR, I have sexually assaulted women....and it's all ok, because I am a CELEBRITY/STAR....

Can't wait for the women assaulted by him to get their own lawyers, to tear up their confidentiality/non disclosure agreements that's keeping their mouths shut...

he really is creepy...
except all that one has to do ia play Trump's answer to if he has kissed or groped a woman unwanted....

He couldn't answer it, he babbled, and deflected and tried to dance around it and gave the worst performance ever.... it spelled, I AM A LIAR, I have sexually assaulted women....and it's all ok, because I am a CELEBRITY/STAR....

Can't wait for the women assaulted by him to get their own lawyers, to tear up their confidentiality/non disclosure agreements that's keeping their mouths shut...

he really is creepy...

Nobody but you loons on the left gives a shit. This faux outrage you have over Trump and not Bubba is telling, just stop the damn BS
except all that one has to do ia play Trump's answer to if he has kissed or groped a woman unwanted....

He couldn't answer it, he babbled, and deflected and tried to dance around it and gave the worst performance ever.... it spelled, I AM A LIAR, I have sexually assaulted women....and it's all ok, because I am a CELEBRITY/STAR....

Can't wait for the women assaulted by him to get their own lawyers, to tear up their confidentiality/non disclosure agreements that's keeping their mouths shut...

he really is creepy...

Nobody but you loons on the left gives a shit. This faux outrage you have over Trump and not Bubba is telling, just stop the damn BS
Sassy, do you really believe it is faux outrage, to believe that as a woman, you have a right to be able to work without having a man like Trump grabbing your crotch and forcing a kiss on you...? do you really think this is ok?

Yes, or no?
except all that one has to do ia play Trump's answer to if he has kissed or groped a woman unwanted....

He couldn't answer it, he babbled, and deflected and tried to dance around it and gave the worst performance ever.... it spelled, I AM A LIAR, I have sexually assaulted women....and it's all ok, because I am a CELEBRITY/STAR....

Can't wait for the women assaulted by him to get their own lawyers, to tear up their confidentiality/non disclosure agreements that's keeping their mouths shut...

he really is creepy...

Nobody but you loons on the left gives a shit. This faux outrage you have over Trump and not Bubba is telling, just stop the damn BS
Sassy, do you really believe it is faux outrage, to believe that as a woman, you have a right to be able to work without having a man like Trump grabbing your crotch and forcing a kiss on you...? do you really think this is ok?

Yes, or no?

No so you're OK with Clinton doing it numerous times? Yes or No? Selective outrage is just that, selective outrage and all you practicing are a joke.

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