Trump kicked Hillary's big fat ass tonight.

and then I told them I was an "Outsider" to the Establishment and that I would reform the Establishment ............waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

except all that one has to do ia play Trump's answer to if he has kissed or groped a woman unwanted....

He couldn't answer it, he babbled, and deflected and tried to dance around it and gave the worst performance ever.... it spelled, I AM A LIAR, I have sexually assaulted women....and it's all ok, because I am a CELEBRITY/STAR....

Can't wait for the women assaulted by him to get their own lawyers, to tear up their confidentiality/non disclosure agreements that's keeping their mouths shut...

he really is creepy...

Nobody but you loons on the left gives a shit. This faux outrage you have over Trump and not Bubba is telling, just stop the damn BS
Sassy, do you really believe it is faux outrage, to believe that as a woman, you have a right to be able to work without having a man like Trump grabbing your crotch and forcing a kiss on you...? do you really think this is ok?

Yes, or no?

No so you're OK with Clinton doing it numerous times? Yes or No? Selective outrage is just that, selective outrage and all you practicing are a joke.
so if your answer is NO, it's not OK...then how can you support Trump and let him get away with it? Turn a blind eye to it?

If your answer is simply, but bill clinton, yadahdahdah... then, you are part of the problem with this Nation.

Most citizens in the USA did not know that bill clinton was a philanderer when he was elected the first time, and the second time there were so many many many Starr GATES going on that all ended with Clinton not being guilty of anything, and his affair with MONICA, which was not an accusation of sexual harassment....that citizens just couldn't trust Republicans anymore and what they were saying, and that's why they lost a ton of seats in the House.

If a video tape had come out with bill clinton saying he forced kisses on women and groped women by grabbing their Pussies and always got away with it because he was a his own words in his own voice.... citizens would NOT have made him president.

We have a chance, to do the right thing, and not reward this man, this creep, with the oval office and it is our DUTY not to put him there.
Donald Trump used women as props tonight in an attempt to hurt Hillary Clinton over her husband's infidelity. Does it get weaker than that?…
Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.
Locke, you seem as confused as to whom is the best candidate as you are about who has the fattest ass. I'm amazed you can see past Donald's enormous ass to even see Hillary's, just like you can't see past his empty delusions of grandeur.
except all that one has to do ia play Trump's answer to if he has kissed or groped a woman unwanted....

He couldn't answer it, he babbled, and deflected and tried to dance around it and gave the worst performance ever.... it spelled, I AM A LIAR, I have sexually assaulted women....and it's all ok, because I am a CELEBRITY/STAR....

Can't wait for the women assaulted by him to get their own lawyers, to tear up their confidentiality/non disclosure agreements that's keeping their mouths shut...

he really is creepy...

Nobody but you loons on the left gives a shit. This faux outrage you have over Trump and not Bubba is telling, just stop the damn BS
Sassy, do you really believe it is faux outrage, to believe that as a woman, you have a right to be able to work without having a man like Trump grabbing your crotch and forcing a kiss on you...? do you really think this is ok?

Yes, or no?

No so you're OK with Clinton doing it numerous times? Yes or No? Selective outrage is just that, selective outrage and all you practicing are a joke.
so if your answer is NO, it's not OK...then how can you support Trump and let him get away with it? Turn a blind eye to it?

If your answer is simply, but bill clinton, yadahdahdah... then, you are part of the problem with this Nation.

Most citizens in the USA did not know that bill clinton was a philanderer when he was elected the first time, and the second time there were so many many many Starr GATES going on that all ended with Clinton not being guilty of anything, and his affair with MONICA, which was not an accusation of sexual harassment....that citizens just couldn't trust Republicans anymore and what they were saying, and that's why they lost a ton of seats in the House.

If a video tape had come out with bill clinton saying he forced kisses on women and groped women by grabbing their Pussies and always got away with it because he was a his own words in his own voice.... citizens would NOT have made him president.

We have a chance, to do the right thing, and not reward this man, this creep, with the oval office and it is our DUTY not to put him there.

How can you support a candidate that enabled it? I notice you failed to answer my question and until you do and do it honestly you're just a transparent shill. Understand?

There are two candidates, they both have baggage and Clinton's baggage is far worse than Trump's
I've been watched Hillary give 'non-answers' to questions asked of her for years.
She's the fucking gold star olympic champaign at never answering a question. She was doing it last night.
Watch her get asked question: First thing is she'll nod her head as the question is being asked and she'll put on her 'little girl' smile. Then she'll repeat the question nice and slow. Then she'll glance up at the sky and give a nice slow speech on something totally unrelated to the question. Then she'll say "Next question?"
She's been doing this bullshit for decades.
I've been watched Hillary give 'non-answers' to questions asked of her for years.
She's the fucking gold star olympic champaign at never answering a question. She was doing it last night.
Watch her get asked question: First thing is she'll nod her head as the question is being asked and she'll put on her 'little girl' smile. Then she'll repeat the question nice and slow. Then she'll glance up at the sky and give a nice slow speech on something totally unrelated to the question. Then she'll say "Next question?"
She's been doing this bullshit for decades.

Yep..just like when confronted with her two entirely different stances on trade and open borders...she tried to invoke Lincoln and gave a non answer.
except all that one has to do ia play Trump's answer to if he has kissed or groped a woman unwanted....

He couldn't answer it, he babbled, and deflected and tried to dance around it and gave the worst performance ever.... it spelled, I AM A LIAR, I have sexually assaulted women....and it's all ok, because I am a CELEBRITY/STAR....

Can't wait for the women assaulted by him to get their own lawyers, to tear up their confidentiality/non disclosure agreements that's keeping their mouths shut...

he really is creepy...

Nobody but you loons on the left gives a shit. This faux outrage you have over Trump and not Bubba is telling, just stop the damn BS
Sassy, do you really believe it is faux outrage, to believe that as a woman, you have a right to be able to work without having a man like Trump grabbing your crotch and forcing a kiss on you...? do you really think this is ok?

Yes, or no?

No so you're OK with Clinton doing it numerous times? Yes or No? Selective outrage is just that, selective outrage and all you practicing are a joke.
so if your answer is NO, it's not OK...then how can you support Trump and let him get away with it? Turn a blind eye to it?

If your answer is simply, but bill clinton, yadahdahdah... then, you are part of the problem with this Nation.

Most citizens in the USA did not know that bill clinton was a philanderer when he was elected the first time, and the second time there were so many many many Starr GATES going on that all ended with Clinton not being guilty of anything, and his affair with MONICA, which was not an accusation of sexual harassment....that citizens just couldn't trust Republicans anymore and what they were saying, and that's why they lost a ton of seats in the House.

If a video tape had come out with bill clinton saying he forced kisses on women and groped women by grabbing their Pussies and always got away with it because he was a his own words in his own voice.... citizens would NOT have made him president.

We have a chance, to do the right thing, and not reward this man, this creep, with the oval office and it is our DUTY not to put him there.

How can you support a candidate that enabled it? I notice you failed to answer my question and until you do and do it honestly you're just a transparent shill. Understand?

There are two candidates, they both have baggage and Clinton's baggage is far worse than Trump's
Hillary's baggage isn't even close to Trump's baggage....

And no, I don't have a problem with Hillary calling the women who slept with bill, any nasty name she wished to call them....most women, would have said worse and you can bet your bottom dollar a lot worse was said to him, behind closed doors...
Nobody but you loons on the left gives a shit. This faux outrage you have over Trump and not Bubba is telling, just stop the damn BS
Sassy, do you really believe it is faux outrage, to believe that as a woman, you have a right to be able to work without having a man like Trump grabbing your crotch and forcing a kiss on you...? do you really think this is ok?

Yes, or no?

No so you're OK with Clinton doing it numerous times? Yes or No? Selective outrage is just that, selective outrage and all you practicing are a joke.
so if your answer is NO, it's not OK...then how can you support Trump and let him get away with it? Turn a blind eye to it?

If your answer is simply, but bill clinton, yadahdahdah... then, you are part of the problem with this Nation.

Most citizens in the USA did not know that bill clinton was a philanderer when he was elected the first time, and the second time there were so many many many Starr GATES going on that all ended with Clinton not being guilty of anything, and his affair with MONICA, which was not an accusation of sexual harassment....that citizens just couldn't trust Republicans anymore and what they were saying, and that's why they lost a ton of seats in the House.

If a video tape had come out with bill clinton saying he forced kisses on women and groped women by grabbing their Pussies and always got away with it because he was a his own words in his own voice.... citizens would NOT have made him president.

We have a chance, to do the right thing, and not reward this man, this creep, with the oval office and it is our DUTY not to put him there.

How can you support a candidate that enabled it? I notice you failed to answer my question and until you do and do it honestly you're just a transparent shill. Understand?

There are two candidates, they both have baggage and Clinton's baggage is far worse than Trump's
Hillary's baggage isn't even close to Trump's baggage....

And no, I don't have a problem with Hillary calling the women who slept with bill, any nasty name she wished to call them....most women, would have said worse and you can bet your bottom dollar a lot worse was said to him, behind closed doors...

You're dismissed as a partisan shill
I've been watched Hillary give 'non-answers' to questions asked of her for years.
She's the fucking gold star olympic champaign at never answering a question. She was doing it last night.
Watch her get asked question: First thing is she'll nod her head as the question is being asked and she'll put on her 'little girl' smile. Then she'll repeat the question nice and slow. Then she'll glance up at the sky and give a nice slow speech on something totally unrelated to the question. Then she'll say "Next question?"
She's been doing this bullshit for decades.

Yep..just like when confronted with her two entirely different stances on trade and open borders...she tried to invoke Lincoln and gave a non answer.
And her retarded base actually eats it up. They don't care what the answers are, because they're dependent on others doing their thinking for them.
Charles Manson is now repudiating his endorsement of Donald Trump....because he called her the devil ...I am the devil he screamed before being tossed in solitary

" I have a reputation to think about " he added

I've been watched Hillary give 'non-answers' to questions asked of her for years.
She's the fucking gold star olympic champaign at never answering a question. She was doing it last night.
Watch her get asked question: First thing is she'll nod her head as the question is being asked and she'll put on her 'little girl' smile. Then she'll repeat the question nice and slow. Then she'll glance up at the sky and give a nice slow speech on something totally unrelated to the question. Then she'll say "Next question?"
She's been doing this bullshit for decades.

Yep..just like when confronted with her two entirely different stances on trade and open borders...she tried to invoke Lincoln and gave a non answer.
And her retarded base actually eats it up. They don't care what the answers are, because they're dependent on others doing their thinking for them.

Yeah...Trump said pussy = bad, Clinton assaults women = meh
Jesus, was that his best shot? To act like a thug world dictator?

The race for 2020 GOP nomination is now on.
I've been watched Hillary give 'non-answers' to questions asked of her for years.
She's the fucking gold star olympic champaign at never answering a question. She was doing it last night.
Watch her get asked question: First thing is she'll nod her head as the question is being asked and she'll put on her 'little girl' smile. Then she'll repeat the question nice and slow. Then she'll glance up at the sky and give a nice slow speech on something totally unrelated to the question. Then she'll say "Next question?"
She's been doing this bullshit for decades.

Yep..just like when confronted with her two entirely different stances on trade and open borders...she tried to invoke Lincoln and gave a non answer.
And her retarded base actually eats it up. They don't care what the answers are, because they're dependent on others doing their thinking for them.

yes that much is obvious

cnn coaching focus group on how to respond

--LOL lemmings

I wonder how Hillary felt to see those women who accused Willie of sexually assaulting them were sitting there in the front row. Lol. I just saw a clip of Willie sitting there, looking very uncomfortable to say the least!

So, here is what we have . . . the democrats accusing Trump of "talking" about women in a lewd way, and then we have Billy Boy who was actually accused by multiple women of sexually assaulting them. Then we have the democrats bringing up that Trump takes advantage of the tax loop holes that THEY have allowed to keep open. Then we have them bringing up that Donald "agreed" with the war in Iraq, when Hillary actually voted YES to the war.
Trump either assaulted women or he lied and we know he didn't lie.

But you don't care of trump actually did what he bragged he did.

And Clinton never admitted it. But trump did. On tape.

Don's conning you but no one else.

And hillary said she's a 2nd amendment fan. Happy now?

How many women have said Trump raped them? How many have said Bill raped them?
Did you care the leader of Fox News made women blow him to get ahead? Or how about when he finally got fired, Trump hired him?

Sleazeball Donald Trump hires sleazeball Roger Ailes as media coach

You women deserve to have Trump grab your pussies and pay you less than a man.
I wonder how Hillary felt to see those women who accused Willie of sexually assaulting them were sitting there in the front row. Lol. I just saw a clip of Willie sitting there, looking very uncomfortable to say the least!

So, here is what we have . . . the democrats accusing Trump of "talking" about women in a lewd way, and then we have Billy Boy who was actually accused by multiple women of sexually assaulting them. Then we have the democrats bringing up that Trump takes advantage of the tax loop holes that THEY have allowed to keep open. Then we have them bringing up that Donald "agreed" with the war in Iraq, when Hillary actually voted YES to the war.
Trump either assaulted women or he lied and we know he didn't lie.

But you don't care of trump actually did what he bragged he did.

And Clinton never admitted it. But trump did. On tape.

Don's conning you but no one else.

And hillary said she's a 2nd amendment fan. Happy now?

How many women have said Trump raped them? How many have said Bill raped them?
Yea but both cases are he said she said until now. Now we have Trump on tape bragging about the way he takes it.

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