Trump kicked Hillary's big fat ass tonight.

I wonder how Hillary felt to see those women who accused Willie of sexually assaulting them were sitting there in the front row. Lol. I just saw a clip of Willie sitting there, looking very uncomfortable to say the least!

So, here is what we have . . . the democrats accusing Trump of "talking" about women in a lewd way, and then we have Billy Boy who was actually accused by multiple women of sexually assaulting them. Then we have the democrats bringing up that Trump takes advantage of the tax loop holes that THEY have allowed to keep open. Then we have them bringing up that Donald "agreed" with the war in Iraq, when Hillary actually voted YES to the war.
Trump either assaulted women or he lied and we know he didn't lie.

But you don't care of trump actually did what he bragged he did.

And Clinton never admitted it. But trump did. On tape.

Don's conning you but no one else.

And hillary said she's a 2nd amendment fan. Happy now?
Hillary will say she loves the 2nd amendment all day every day. But the judges she appoints will not and they will find a way to find a "different meaning" to it.
But then you believe Trump is going to tariff corporations? Oh boy.
I know this, with hillary we will continue to lose jobs, we will continue on the down slope. With Hillary more illegals will come because they will be looking for amnesty and benefits. With Hillary there will be more Islamic refugees coming to America who hate us. With Hillary corruption is legal. She has broken the law and gotten away with it. Something very fishy has gone on here that can't be denied by any sane person. It seems our govt has become seriously corrupt.
You're just a partisan brainwashed hack.

Says the partisan brainwashed hack
A pussy like you doesn't deserve a man's pay.

All these Clinton supporters deserve to have their wives hang with Bill Clinton for a day....see how this works Boo Boo?
You guys were the ones to first go after Bill Clinton and now it seems you want to elect a man who's just like him. We see how it works. Fake outrage for the women Clinton pumped and dumped, Ben Ghazi survivors. You guys are just fakes. This is why you lose elections.

Trump has the same ideas Bush/McCain & Romney had. Other than his tariffs he's never going to impose. Or excuse me, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are never going to allow because like Hillary they are in the corporations pockets.

Are you going to vote out the corporate republicans? Of course not. But we will.

Why are the Bush's than opposing Trump so much?

Could it be Hillary lands much closer to their policies of giving the country to the big banks and their international corporate masters... could it be?

Trust me, Trump is no different than Bush. He's lying when he says he's going to bring jobs back home. How is he going to do that when the GOP are against that?

And are you all of the sudden anti private bankers/corporations? When the fuck did this happen? Are you looking to completely change the way things are? You must have nothing to lose. Are you a loser?
I want to make America great again too. Lets stop paying CEO's like Trump so much and start profit sharing with the employees. Are you behind me?
How is the GOP against bringing jobs home?

CEO pay is out of control, we agree. I don't know how you would get this down though. Greedy bastards they are. Profit sharing would be nice but you can't force it. Many companies aren't in a position to do that.
Because they sent the jobs overseas in the first place. You do know daddy bush created NAFTA, right? And you do know more Republicans signed it than Democrats did, right? Please tell me you know this.
You women deserve to have Trump grab your pussies and pay you less than a man.
A pussy like you doesn't deserve a man's pay.

All these Clinton supporters deserve to have their wives hang with Bill Clinton for a day....see how this works Boo Boo?
You guys were the ones to first go after Bill Clinton and now it seems you want to elect a man who's just like him. We see how it works. Fake outrage for the women Clinton pumped and dumped, Ben Ghazi survivors. You guys are just fakes. This is why you lose elections.

Trump has the same ideas Bush/McCain & Romney had. Other than his tariffs he's never going to impose. Or excuse me, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are never going to allow because like Hillary they are in the corporations pockets.

Are you going to vote out the corporate republicans? Of course not. But we will.

How can anyone trust the Clintons? You must be missing some brain cells.
Because the Clinton years were great compared to the Bush Tom Delay & Dennis Hastert years. You must have a short memory.

I was a teenager back when Willie was the president, so no, I don't remember. But I have heard of the sexual antics of Willie.
All these Clinton supporters deserve to have their wives hang with Bill Clinton for a day....see how this works Boo Boo?
You guys were the ones to first go after Bill Clinton and now it seems you want to elect a man who's just like him. We see how it works. Fake outrage for the women Clinton pumped and dumped, Ben Ghazi survivors. You guys are just fakes. This is why you lose elections.

Trump has the same ideas Bush/McCain & Romney had. Other than his tariffs he's never going to impose. Or excuse me, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are never going to allow because like Hillary they are in the corporations pockets.

Are you going to vote out the corporate republicans? Of course not. But we will.

Why are the Bush's than opposing Trump so much?

Could it be Hillary lands much closer to their policies of giving the country to the big banks and their international corporate masters... could it be?

Trust me, Trump is no different than Bush. He's lying when he says he's going to bring jobs back home. How is he going to do that when the GOP are against that?

And are you all of the sudden anti private bankers/corporations? When the fuck did this happen? Are you looking to completely change the way things are? You must have nothing to lose. Are you a loser?
I want to make America great again too. Lets stop paying CEO's like Trump so much and start profit sharing with the employees. Are you behind me?
How is the GOP against bringing jobs home?

CEO pay is out of control, we agree. I don't know how you would get this down though. Greedy bastards they are. Profit sharing would be nice but you can't force it. Many companies aren't in a position to do that.
Because they sent the jobs overseas in the first place. You do know daddy bush created NAFTA, right? And you do know more Republicans signed it than Democrats did, right? Please tell me you know this.
President Billy signed it into law, and it was establishment GOPers pushing it through. HW Bush was/is in that camp. Hillary is still all for it and probably the TPP as well.
Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

Trump voters proclaim Trump won yuuuge!

Clinton voters proclaim she won yuuuge!

The American voters are the ones losing in this battle of which retard should reside in the White House...
Trump either assaulted women or he lied and we know he didn't lie.

But you don't care of trump actually did what he bragged he did.

And Clinton never admitted it. But trump did. On tape.

Don's conning you but no one else.

And hillary said she's a 2nd amendment fan. Happy now?
Hillary will say she loves the 2nd amendment all day every day. But the judges she appoints will not and they will find a way to find a "different meaning" to it.
But then you believe Trump is going to tariff corporations? Oh boy.
I know this, with hillary we will continue to lose jobs, we will continue on the down slope. With Hillary more illegals will come because they will be looking for amnesty and benefits. With Hillary there will be more Islamic refugees coming to America who hate us. With Hillary corruption is legal. She has broken the law and gotten away with it. Something very fishy has gone on here that can't be denied by any sane person. It seems our govt has become seriously corrupt.
You're just a partisan brainwashed hack.

Says the partisan brainwashed hack
You guys are deplorable

Respondents were asked how they felt about the clip, on a scale from zero (very negative) to 10 (very positive).

74% of all voters had a negative reaction to the video including 47% who said their feelings were a zero but 10% of Republicans said the video gave them a positive feeling. Then voters were asked whether the video gave them a more favorable or less favorable impression of Trump. Among all voters, 61% said it made them feel either somewhat or much less favorable toward Trump, while 28% said it didn’t affect their view of Trump; 8% said it made them feel more favorably toward Trump. But just 48% of GOP voters said it made them feel less favorably toward Trump, while 36% said it didn’t affect their opinion of Trump.

Read more: Exclusive poll: GOP voters want the party to stand by Trump
All these Clinton supporters deserve to have their wives hang with Bill Clinton for a day....see how this works Boo Boo?
You guys were the ones to first go after Bill Clinton and now it seems you want to elect a man who's just like him. We see how it works. Fake outrage for the women Clinton pumped and dumped, Ben Ghazi survivors. You guys are just fakes. This is why you lose elections.

Trump has the same ideas Bush/McCain & Romney had. Other than his tariffs he's never going to impose. Or excuse me, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are never going to allow because like Hillary they are in the corporations pockets.

Are you going to vote out the corporate republicans? Of course not. But we will.

Why are the Bush's than opposing Trump so much?

Could it be Hillary lands much closer to their policies of giving the country to the big banks and their international corporate masters... could it be?

Trust me, Trump is no different than Bush. He's lying when he says he's going to bring jobs back home. How is he going to do that when the GOP are against that?

And are you all of the sudden anti private bankers/corporations? When the fuck did this happen? Are you looking to completely change the way things are? You must have nothing to lose. Are you a loser?
I want to make America great again too. Lets stop paying CEO's like Trump so much and start profit sharing with the employees. Are you behind me?
How is the GOP against bringing jobs home?

CEO pay is out of control, we agree. I don't know how you would get this down though. Greedy bastards they are. Profit sharing would be nice but you can't force it. Many companies aren't in a position to do that.
Because they sent the jobs overseas in the first place. You do know daddy bush created NAFTA, right? And you do know more Republicans signed it than Democrats did, right? Please tell me you know this.
So nafta is bad, correct? Should we try to do something about it? Or should we elect the do nothing but talk candidate? Trump is no republican and he's no democrat. That's a good thing.
You guys were the ones to first go after Bill Clinton and now it seems you want to elect a man who's just like him. We see how it works. Fake outrage for the women Clinton pumped and dumped, Ben Ghazi survivors. You guys are just fakes. This is why you lose elections.

Trump has the same ideas Bush/McCain & Romney had. Other than his tariffs he's never going to impose. Or excuse me, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are never going to allow because like Hillary they are in the corporations pockets.

Are you going to vote out the corporate republicans? Of course not. But we will.

Why are the Bush's than opposing Trump so much?

Could it be Hillary lands much closer to their policies of giving the country to the big banks and their international corporate masters... could it be?

Trust me, Trump is no different than Bush. He's lying when he says he's going to bring jobs back home. How is he going to do that when the GOP are against that?

And are you all of the sudden anti private bankers/corporations? When the fuck did this happen? Are you looking to completely change the way things are? You must have nothing to lose. Are you a loser?
I want to make America great again too. Lets stop paying CEO's like Trump so much and start profit sharing with the employees. Are you behind me?
How is the GOP against bringing jobs home?

CEO pay is out of control, we agree. I don't know how you would get this down though. Greedy bastards they are. Profit sharing would be nice but you can't force it. Many companies aren't in a position to do that.
Because they sent the jobs overseas in the first place. You do know daddy bush created NAFTA, right? And you do know more Republicans signed it than Democrats did, right? Please tell me you know this.
President Billy signed it into law, and it was establishment GOPers pushing it through. HW Bush was/is in that camp. Hillary is still all for it and probably the TPP as well.
Is Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell against TPP you dishonest and/or ignorant fools?
Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

All he did was live to fight another day. But before that day arrives I suspect the Clinton campaign will drop another video bomb on him.
You guys were the ones to first go after Bill Clinton and now it seems you want to elect a man who's just like him. We see how it works. Fake outrage for the women Clinton pumped and dumped, Ben Ghazi survivors. You guys are just fakes. This is why you lose elections.

Trump has the same ideas Bush/McCain & Romney had. Other than his tariffs he's never going to impose. Or excuse me, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are never going to allow because like Hillary they are in the corporations pockets.

Are you going to vote out the corporate republicans? Of course not. But we will.

Why are the Bush's than opposing Trump so much?

Could it be Hillary lands much closer to their policies of giving the country to the big banks and their international corporate masters... could it be?

Trust me, Trump is no different than Bush. He's lying when he says he's going to bring jobs back home. How is he going to do that when the GOP are against that?

And are you all of the sudden anti private bankers/corporations? When the fuck did this happen? Are you looking to completely change the way things are? You must have nothing to lose. Are you a loser?
I want to make America great again too. Lets stop paying CEO's like Trump so much and start profit sharing with the employees. Are you behind me?
How is the GOP against bringing jobs home?

CEO pay is out of control, we agree. I don't know how you would get this down though. Greedy bastards they are. Profit sharing would be nice but you can't force it. Many companies aren't in a position to do that.
Because they sent the jobs overseas in the first place. You do know daddy bush created NAFTA, right? And you do know more Republicans signed it than Democrats did, right? Please tell me you know this.
So nafta is bad, correct? Should we try to do something about it? Or should we elect the do nothing but talk candidate? Trump is no republican and he's no democrat. That's a good thing.
Trump will appoint a conservative to the supreme court and he will sign paul ryan and mitch mcconnell legislation. Don't fool yourself and your aren't fooling us.

No free trade isn't bad. Same way the ACA isn't bad. Do they both need fixing? Sure. Are the GOP going to fix anything that helps the middle class? Fuck no. Trumps been playing this for years. He's been saying for years he wants to be president. NEVER was it to help you and I. It's like Dr. Evil is running for president for god sakes.

Just because he rightfully bitch slapped the other Republicans doesn't mean he's qualified to be POTUS. He was just a better choice than them. At least if you ask a liberal like me.

I'd rather him than Kasich/Rubio/Cruz/Jeb. Wouldn't you?
Why are the Bush's than opposing Trump so much?

Could it be Hillary lands much closer to their policies of giving the country to the big banks and their international corporate masters... could it be?

Trust me, Trump is no different than Bush. He's lying when he says he's going to bring jobs back home. How is he going to do that when the GOP are against that?

And are you all of the sudden anti private bankers/corporations? When the fuck did this happen? Are you looking to completely change the way things are? You must have nothing to lose. Are you a loser?
I want to make America great again too. Lets stop paying CEO's like Trump so much and start profit sharing with the employees. Are you behind me?
How is the GOP against bringing jobs home?

CEO pay is out of control, we agree. I don't know how you would get this down though. Greedy bastards they are. Profit sharing would be nice but you can't force it. Many companies aren't in a position to do that.
Because they sent the jobs overseas in the first place. You do know daddy bush created NAFTA, right? And you do know more Republicans signed it than Democrats did, right? Please tell me you know this.
President Billy signed it into law, and it was establishment GOPers pushing it through. HW Bush was/is in that camp. Hillary is still all for it and probably the TPP as well.
Is Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell against TPP you dishonest and/or ignorant fools?
Come on Booboo think. You can do it. Those are establishment boys all the way.

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