Trump kicked Hillary's big fat ass tonight.

Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

Given that Mr Trump's campaign has been in free fall over the past 48 hours, actually 2 months, anything less than a total Jack-Nicholson-at-the-end-of-A-Few-Good-Men style meltdown onstage has to be deemed a marginal success on his part.

The prospect that any significant portion of the audience emerged from the evening with any change of opinion, however, is unlikely.
While she landed some staggering blows, it was by no means a rout. Instead, both candidates will likely emerge bloodied but not beaten.

Mrs Clinton still has by far the easiest path to the White House, but she'll have to work for a few more weeks to earn it.

Trump has a 16.4% chance of winning according to the latest Nate Silver estimate.
If you only read Drudge, you should think that. If you are in the real world, you know Trump did nothing to help himself. Ryan has now walked away from hom.

I cant tell the difference between the hillary and ryan.
Then vote Hillary. And vote out Paul Ryan. But you won't vote out Paul Ryan because you're actually a liar or a fool if you don't know the difference. That's the only reason Republicans are still endorsing Trump. Because Trump is more likely to sign Paul Ryan legislation than Hillary.

Now you know the difference. The other difference is who they would appoint to the Supreme Court

I know the difference. You're just stupid though.
If you only read Drudge, you should think that. If you are in the real world, you know Trump did nothing to help himself. Ryan has now walked away from hom.

I cant tell the difference between the hillary and ryan.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is done defending Donald Trump, but he won’t unendorse him ― at least, not yet.

Ryan told Republican members of Congress on a conference call Monday that they “all need to do what’s best for you in your district,”. Ryan said he wouldn’t campaign with Trump for the rest of the election, but added that he wouldn’t withdraw his endorsement of the GOP nominee.

“He made clear to members that his decisions are being driven by what is best for his members, not himself,” the source on the call said. “He is willing to endure political pressure to help protect our majority.”

Ryan seems to be suggesting that he would unendorse Trump if he were on his own. But the speaker is not on his own, and he’s signaling that he believes there would be a negative down-ballot effect for Republicans if he were to pull his support.

"Throw out the life boats, this baby is sinking!"....says Captain Paul to his crew.
Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

Given that Mr Trump's campaign has been in free fall over the past 48 hours, actually 2 months, anything less than a total Jack-Nicholson-at-the-end-of-A-Few-Good-Men style meltdown onstage has to be deemed a marginal success on his part.

The prospect that any significant portion of the audience emerged from the evening with any change of opinion, however, is unlikely.
While she landed some staggering blows, it was by no means a rout. Instead, both candidates will likely emerge bloodied but not beaten.

Mrs Clinton still has by far the easiest path to the White House, but she'll have to work for a few more weeks to earn it.

Trump has a 16.4% chance of winning according to the latest Nate Silver estimate.
And they haven't even measured the amount of damage that tape had. I asked my brother who was voting Trump if he still was and he said not anymore. How many people did that this weekend? They have no idea how many. A lot.
Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

Given that Mr Trump's campaign has been in free fall over the past 48 hours, actually 2 months, anything less than a total Jack-Nicholson-at-the-end-of-A-Few-Good-Men style meltdown onstage has to be deemed a marginal success on his part.

The prospect that any significant portion of the audience emerged from the evening with any change of opinion, however, is unlikely.
While she landed some staggering blows, it was by no means a rout. Instead, both candidates will likely emerge bloodied but not beaten.

Mrs Clinton still has by far the easiest path to the White House, but she'll have to work for a few more weeks to earn it.

Trump has a 16.4% chance of winning according to the latest Nate Silver estimate.
And they haven't even measured the amount of damage that tape had. I asked my brother who was voting Trump if he still was and he said not anymore. How many people did that this weekend? They have no idea how many. A lot.

Ryan is no dummy. He knows when to shift all the life preservers over to the GOP Congress. Now Comrade Trump will threaten and bully him. He might even ask his buddy Pooootin to hack his email. It is working well for the butt buddies up until this point!
He thumped her hard last night. Old wild bill was worried too. That sexual predator is being exposed as the hillary is also by her covering up bills misdeeds and debauchery.

I think his low blows there may have disgusted people more than "thumped her" - Bill isn't running, Trump is - as is HIS record of sexual conduct with women. Pulling up a 30 year old case from when she was a public defender is a sign of desperation.

Loyal Trump fans don't care - they'll cheer it. But they're not the one's that matter - it's the ones on the edges and undecided that he needs to make a point with and he really didn't. When he talked about Syria he displayed an abysmal ignorance of the complexities there with his "you just go in and sneak attack" ideas of how to handle it. He also displayed an unforgiveable ignorance of how government works when he attacked Hillary for not making huge changes to fix things. It's this sort of regular lack of knowledge - and more important, a lack of any desire to fix that knowledge that is disturbing.

Did he prepare? Not really.

Did she prepare? Yup.

Shouldn't a presidential candidate be prepared and knowledgeable or is all that matters is the ability to hit low blows on irrelevent themes?
Last edited:
He thumped her hard last night. Old wild bill was worried too. That sexual predator is being exposed as the hillary is also by her covering up bills misdeeds and debauchery.

I think his low blows there may have disgusted people more than "thumped her" - Bill isn't running, Trump is - as is HIS record of sexual conduct with women. Pulling up a 30 year old case from when she was a public defender is a sign of desperation.

Loyal Trump fans don't care - they'll cheer it. But they're not the one's that matter - it's the ones on the edges and undecided that he needs to make a point with and he really didn't. When he talked about Syria he displayed an abysmal ignorance of the complexities there with his "you just go in and sneak attack" ideas of how to handle it. He also displayed an unforgiveable ignorance of how government works when he attacked Hillary for not making huge changes to fix things. It's this sort of regular lack of knowledge - and more important, a lack of any desire to fix that knowledge that is disturbing.

Did he prepare? Not really.

Did she prepare? Yup.

Shouldn't a presidential candidate be prepared and knowledgeable or is all that matters is the ability to hit low blows on irrelevent themes?
so you don't think her hitting him hard like that about comments when she is married to a man ten times worse is irrelevant? REALLY?
Not to mention she has SAID she is going to be using him in policy decisions.
He thumped her hard last night. Old wild bill was worried too. That sexual predator is being exposed as the hillary is also by her covering up bills misdeeds and debauchery.

I think his low blows there may have disgusted people more than "thumped her" - Bill isn't running, Trump is - as is HIS record of sexual conduct with women. Pulling up a 30 year old case from when she was a public defender is a sign of desperation.

Loyal Trump fans don't care - they'll cheer it. But they're not the one's that matter - it's the ones on the edges and undecided that he needs to make a point with and he really didn't. When he talked about Syria he displayed an abysmal ignorance of the complexities there with his "you just go in and sneak attack" ideas of how to handle it. He also displayed an unforgiveable ignorance of how government works when he attacked Hillary for not making huge changes to fix things. It's this sort of regular lack of knowledge - and more important, a lack of any desire to fix that knowledge that is disturbing.

Did he prepare? Not really.

Did she prepare? Yup.

Shouldn't a presidential candidate be prepared and knowledgeable or is all that matters is the ability to hit low blows on irrelevent themes?
so you don't think her hitting him hard like that about comments when she is married to a man ten times worse is irrelevant? REALLY?
Not to mention she has SAID she is going to be using him in policy decisions.

Again - WHO is running for office? And, he flat out lied about her "laughing" at a rape victim.
He thumped her hard last night. Old wild bill was worried too. That sexual predator is being exposed as the hillary is also by her covering up bills misdeeds and debauchery.

I think his low blows there may have disgusted people more than "thumped her" - Bill isn't running, Trump is - as is HIS record of sexual conduct with women. Pulling up a 30 year old case from when she was a public defender is a sign of desperation.

Loyal Trump fans don't care - they'll cheer it. But they're not the one's that matter - it's the ones on the edges and undecided that he needs to make a point with and he really didn't. When he talked about Syria he displayed an abysmal ignorance of the complexities there with his "you just go in and sneak attack" ideas of how to handle it. He also displayed an unforgiveable ignorance of how government works when he attacked Hillary for not making huge changes to fix things. It's this sort of regular lack of knowledge - and more important, a lack of any desire to fix that knowledge that is disturbing.

Did he prepare? Not really.

Did she prepare? Yup.

Shouldn't a presidential candidate be prepared and knowledgeable or is all that matters is the ability to hit low blows on irrelevent themes?
so you don't think her hitting him hard like that about comments when she is married to a man ten times worse is irrelevant? REALLY?
Not to mention she has SAID she is going to be using him in policy decisions.

Again - WHO is running for office? And, he flat out lied about her "laughing" at a rape victim.
She has SAID he would be helping her. But my point is, what kind of woman would stay with a pervert like that, and then hammer away at somehow not HALF as bad?
He thumped her hard last night. Old wild bill was worried too. That sexual predator is being exposed as the hillary is also by her covering up bills misdeeds and debauchery.

I think his low blows there may have disgusted people more than "thumped her" - Bill isn't running, Trump is - as is HIS record of sexual conduct with women. Pulling up a 30 year old case from when she was a public defender is a sign of desperation.

Loyal Trump fans don't care - they'll cheer it. But they're not the one's that matter - it's the ones on the edges and undecided that he needs to make a point with and he really didn't. When he talked about Syria he displayed an abysmal ignorance of the complexities there with his "you just go in and sneak attack" ideas of how to handle it. He also displayed an unforgiveable ignorance of how government works when he attacked Hillary for not making huge changes to fix things. It's this sort of regular lack of knowledge - and more important, a lack of any desire to fix that knowledge that is disturbing.

Did he prepare? Not really.

Did she prepare? Yup.

Shouldn't a presidential candidate be prepared and knowledgeable or is all that matters is the ability to hit low blows on irrelevent themes?
He was like a computer that was reprogrammed. First he was monotone and looked like a scolded puppy dog and then he got angry or over circuited which is what many abusers do when confronted and he started lashing out but like you said it wasn't coherent.

Anderson asked him about his plan to fix the economy and he was like "tax cuts to the rich, oh and by the way bills a rapist, lower regulations, ben ghazi, you voted for the war, wallstreet, argh!!!!

LOL. Keep in mind this guy is a fucking birther. He is not to be taken seriously.
Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

Given that Mr Trump's campaign has been in free fall over the past 48 hours, actually 2 months, anything less than a total Jack-Nicholson-at-the-end-of-A-Few-Good-Men style meltdown onstage has to be deemed a marginal success on his part.

The prospect that any significant portion of the audience emerged from the evening with any change of opinion, however, is unlikely.
While she landed some staggering blows, it was by no means a rout. Instead, both candidates will likely emerge bloodied but not beaten.

Mrs Clinton still has by far the easiest path to the White House, but she'll have to work for a few more weeks to earn it.

Trump has a 16.4% chance of winning according to the latest Nate Silver estimate.
And they haven't even measured the amount of damage that tape had. I asked my brother who was voting Trump if he still was and he said not anymore. How many people did that this weekend? They have no idea how many. A lot.
On-Air Airheads Blowing Bombastic Bubbles

American mind slaves, soaked in media brainwashing, have a totally forced reaction to that tape. It was all about women coming on to him for being a celebrity and how amazed he was at how easy they were. He didn't assault any of those starbangers; it was all consensual. Within political and media Celebrityland, there hasn't been such pretense of purity since Jennifer Tilly put out for a producer in Seed of Chucky in order to get the part of Virgin Mary.
Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

Given that Mr Trump's campaign has been in free fall over the past 48 hours, actually 2 months, anything less than a total Jack-Nicholson-at-the-end-of-A-Few-Good-Men style meltdown onstage has to be deemed a marginal success on his part.

The prospect that any significant portion of the audience emerged from the evening with any change of opinion, however, is unlikely.
While she landed some staggering blows, it was by no means a rout. Instead, both candidates will likely emerge bloodied but not beaten.

Mrs Clinton still has by far the easiest path to the White House, but she'll have to work for a few more weeks to earn it.

Trump has a 16.4% chance of winning according to the latest Nate Silver estimate.
And they haven't even measured the amount of damage that tape had. I asked my brother who was voting Trump if he still was and he said not anymore. How many people did that this weekend? They have no idea how many. A lot.
On-Air Airheads Blowing Bombastic Bubbles

American mind slaves, soaked in media brainwashing, have a totally forced reaction to that tape. It was all about women coming on to him for being a celebrity and how amazed he was at how easy they were. He didn't assault any of those starbangers; it was all consensual. Within political and media Celebrityland, there hasn't been such pretense of purity since Jennifer Tilly put out for a producer in Seed of Chucky in order to get the part of Virgin Mary.

Yea, they're coming on to him. LOL.

You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star you can do anything…Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.

And he was married at the time. Poor Melania.
Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

Given that Mr Trump's campaign has been in free fall over the past 48 hours, actually 2 months, anything less than a total Jack-Nicholson-at-the-end-of-A-Few-Good-Men style meltdown onstage has to be deemed a marginal success on his part.

The prospect that any significant portion of the audience emerged from the evening with any change of opinion, however, is unlikely.
While she landed some staggering blows, it was by no means a rout. Instead, both candidates will likely emerge bloodied but not beaten.

Mrs Clinton still has by far the easiest path to the White House, but she'll have to work for a few more weeks to earn it.

Trump has a 16.4% chance of winning according to the latest Nate Silver estimate.
And they haven't even measured the amount of damage that tape had. I asked my brother who was voting Trump if he still was and he said not anymore. How many people did that this weekend? They have no idea how many. A lot.
On-Air Airheads Blowing Bombastic Bubbles

American mind slaves, soaked in media brainwashing, have a totally forced reaction to that tape. It was all about women coming on to him for being a celebrity and how amazed he was at how easy they were. He didn't assault any of those starbangers; it was all consensual. Within political and media Celebrityland, there hasn't been such pretense of purity since Jennifer Tilly put out for a producer in Seed of Chucky in order to get the part of Virgin Mary.

Yea, they're coming on to him. LOL.

You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star you can do anything…Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.

And he was married at the time. Poor Melania.

Given that Mr Trump's campaign has been in free fall over the past 48 hours, actually 2 months, anything less than a total Jack-Nicholson-at-the-end-of-A-Few-Good-Men style meltdown onstage has to be deemed a marginal success on his part.

The prospect that any significant portion of the audience emerged from the evening with any change of opinion, however, is unlikely.
While she landed some staggering blows, it was by no means a rout. Instead, both candidates will likely emerge bloodied but not beaten.

Mrs Clinton still has by far the easiest path to the White House, but she'll have to work for a few more weeks to earn it.

Trump has a 16.4% chance of winning according to the latest Nate Silver estimate.
And they haven't even measured the amount of damage that tape had. I asked my brother who was voting Trump if he still was and he said not anymore. How many people did that this weekend? They have no idea how many. A lot.
On-Air Airheads Blowing Bombastic Bubbles

American mind slaves, soaked in media brainwashing, have a totally forced reaction to that tape. It was all about women coming on to him for being a celebrity and how amazed he was at how easy they were. He didn't assault any of those starbangers; it was all consensual. Within political and media Celebrityland, there hasn't been such pretense of purity since Jennifer Tilly put out for a producer in Seed of Chucky in order to get the part of Virgin Mary.

Yea, they're coming on to him. LOL.

You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star you can do anything…Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.

And he was married at the time. Poor Melania.

She's the one laughing. She's so happy that tape gives her an out. I'm sure if she left him for no reason she'd get very little but cheating gives her a big pay day.

She would have been happy to be first lady too don't get me wrong but when he loses expect she's going to take half and go.
Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

Given that Mr Trump's campaign has been in free fall over the past 48 hours, actually 2 months, anything less than a total Jack-Nicholson-at-the-end-of-A-Few-Good-Men style meltdown onstage has to be deemed a marginal success on his part.

The prospect that any significant portion of the audience emerged from the evening with any change of opinion, however, is unlikely.
While she landed some staggering blows, it was by no means a rout. Instead, both candidates will likely emerge bloodied but not beaten.

Mrs Clinton still has by far the easiest path to the White House, but she'll have to work for a few more weeks to earn it.

Trump has a 16.4% chance of winning according to the latest Nate Silver estimate.
And they haven't even measured the amount of damage that tape had. I asked my brother who was voting Trump if he still was and he said not anymore. How many people did that this weekend? They have no idea how many. A lot.
On-Air Airheads Blowing Bombastic Bubbles

American mind slaves, soaked in media brainwashing, have a totally forced reaction to that tape. It was all about women coming on to him for being a celebrity and how amazed he was at how easy they were. He didn't assault any of those starbangers; it was all consensual. Within political and media Celebrityland, there hasn't been such pretense of purity since Jennifer Tilly put out for a producer in Seed of Chucky in order to get the part of Virgin Mary.
Anderson Cooper began the second debate by giving Trump the opportunity to explain exactly what the fuck is wrong with him. “I’d like to start tonight’s proceedings by asking you, Mr. Trump, to explicitly lay out to the American people what the hell is fucking wrong with you?” Adding, “it would be helpful if you could expound on the specifics of why in God’s fucking name you says what you say and behave the way you do and how you can even begin to think that it’s ok. “You are not a mentally well person, and there is clearly something very, very wrong with you on the most basic and fundamental level, so please, if you would, shed some light on what in holy hell is going on inside your fucking skull. I mean, for fuck’s sake.”
Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

Given that Mr Trump's campaign has been in free fall over the past 48 hours, actually 2 months, anything less than a total Jack-Nicholson-at-the-end-of-A-Few-Good-Men style meltdown onstage has to be deemed a marginal success on his part.

The prospect that any significant portion of the audience emerged from the evening with any change of opinion, however, is unlikely.
While she landed some staggering blows, it was by no means a rout. Instead, both candidates will likely emerge bloodied but not beaten.

Mrs Clinton still has by far the easiest path to the White House, but she'll have to work for a few more weeks to earn it.

Trump has a 16.4% chance of winning according to the latest Nate Silver estimate.
And they haven't even measured the amount of damage that tape had. I asked my brother who was voting Trump if he still was and he said not anymore. How many people did that this weekend? They have no idea how many. A lot.
On-Air Airheads Blowing Bombastic Bubbles

American mind slaves, soaked in media brainwashing, have a totally forced reaction to that tape. It was all about women coming on to him for being a celebrity and how amazed he was at how easy they were. He didn't assault any of those starbangers; it was all consensual. Within political and media Celebrityland, there hasn't been such pretense of purity since Jennifer Tilly put out for a producer in Seed of Chucky in order to get the part of Virgin Mary.
Anderson Cooper began the second debate by giving Trump the opportunity to explain exactly what the fuck is wrong with him. “I’d like to start tonight’s proceedings by asking you, Mr. Trump, to explicitly lay out to the American people what the hell is fucking wrong with you?” Adding, “it would be helpful if you could expound on the specifics of why in God’s fucking name you says what you say and behave the way you do and how you can even begin to think that it’s ok. “You are not a mentally well person, and there is clearly something very, very wrong with you on the most basic and fundamental level, so please, if you would, shed some light on what in holy hell is going on inside your fucking skull. I mean, for fuck’s sake.”

He is unstable.....period.
Given that Mr Trump's campaign has been in free fall over the past 48 hours, actually 2 months, anything less than a total Jack-Nicholson-at-the-end-of-A-Few-Good-Men style meltdown onstage has to be deemed a marginal success on his part.

The prospect that any significant portion of the audience emerged from the evening with any change of opinion, however, is unlikely.
While she landed some staggering blows, it was by no means a rout. Instead, both candidates will likely emerge bloodied but not beaten.

Mrs Clinton still has by far the easiest path to the White House, but she'll have to work for a few more weeks to earn it.

Trump has a 16.4% chance of winning according to the latest Nate Silver estimate.
And they haven't even measured the amount of damage that tape had. I asked my brother who was voting Trump if he still was and he said not anymore. How many people did that this weekend? They have no idea how many. A lot.
On-Air Airheads Blowing Bombastic Bubbles

American mind slaves, soaked in media brainwashing, have a totally forced reaction to that tape. It was all about women coming on to him for being a celebrity and how amazed he was at how easy they were. He didn't assault any of those starbangers; it was all consensual. Within political and media Celebrityland, there hasn't been such pretense of purity since Jennifer Tilly put out for a producer in Seed of Chucky in order to get the part of Virgin Mary.

Yea, they're coming on to him. LOL.

You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star you can do anything…Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.

And he was married at the time. Poor Melania.


I think if anything, she is laughing at you. :D
Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

Given that Mr Trump's campaign has been in free fall over the past 48 hours, actually 2 months, anything less than a total Jack-Nicholson-at-the-end-of-A-Few-Good-Men style meltdown onstage has to be deemed a marginal success on his part.

The prospect that any significant portion of the audience emerged from the evening with any change of opinion, however, is unlikely.
While she landed some staggering blows, it was by no means a rout. Instead, both candidates will likely emerge bloodied but not beaten.

Mrs Clinton still has by far the easiest path to the White House, but she'll have to work for a few more weeks to earn it.

Trump has a 16.4% chance of winning according to the latest Nate Silver estimate.
And they haven't even measured the amount of damage that tape had. I asked my brother who was voting Trump if he still was and he said not anymore. How many people did that this weekend? They have no idea how many. A lot.
On-Air Airheads Blowing Bombastic Bubbles

American mind slaves, soaked in media brainwashing, have a totally forced reaction to that tape. It was all about women coming on to him for being a celebrity and how amazed he was at how easy they were. He didn't assault any of those starbangers; it was all consensual. Within political and media Celebrityland, there hasn't been such pretense of purity since Jennifer Tilly put out for a producer in Seed of Chucky in order to get the part of Virgin Mary.
Anderson Cooper began the second debate by giving Trump the opportunity to explain exactly what the fuck is wrong with him. “I’d like to start tonight’s proceedings by asking you, Mr. Trump, to explicitly lay out to the American people what the hell is fucking wrong with you?” Adding, “it would be helpful if you could expound on the specifics of why in God’s fucking name you says what you say and behave the way you do and how you can even begin to think that it’s ok. “You are not a mentally well person, and there is clearly something very, very wrong with you on the most basic and fundamental level, so please, if you would, shed some light on what in holy hell is going on inside your fucking skull. I mean, for fuck’s sake.”

What are you talking about, crazy man? :cuckoo: Are you down on Donald for doing what you do every day? You sick fuck. :lol:
Given that Mr Trump's campaign has been in free fall over the past 48 hours, actually 2 months, anything less than a total Jack-Nicholson-at-the-end-of-A-Few-Good-Men style meltdown onstage has to be deemed a marginal success on his part.

The prospect that any significant portion of the audience emerged from the evening with any change of opinion, however, is unlikely.
While she landed some staggering blows, it was by no means a rout. Instead, both candidates will likely emerge bloodied but not beaten.

Mrs Clinton still has by far the easiest path to the White House, but she'll have to work for a few more weeks to earn it.

Trump has a 16.4% chance of winning according to the latest Nate Silver estimate.
And they haven't even measured the amount of damage that tape had. I asked my brother who was voting Trump if he still was and he said not anymore. How many people did that this weekend? They have no idea how many. A lot.
On-Air Airheads Blowing Bombastic Bubbles

American mind slaves, soaked in media brainwashing, have a totally forced reaction to that tape. It was all about women coming on to him for being a celebrity and how amazed he was at how easy they were. He didn't assault any of those starbangers; it was all consensual. Within political and media Celebrityland, there hasn't been such pretense of purity since Jennifer Tilly put out for a producer in Seed of Chucky in order to get the part of Virgin Mary.
Anderson Cooper began the second debate by giving Trump the opportunity to explain exactly what the fuck is wrong with him. “I’d like to start tonight’s proceedings by asking you, Mr. Trump, to explicitly lay out to the American people what the hell is fucking wrong with you?” Adding, “it would be helpful if you could expound on the specifics of why in God’s fucking name you says what you say and behave the way you do and how you can even begin to think that it’s ok. “You are not a mentally well person, and there is clearly something very, very wrong with you on the most basic and fundamental level, so please, if you would, shed some light on what in holy hell is going on inside your fucking skull. I mean, for fuck’s sake.”

What are you talking about, crazy man? :cuckoo: Are you down on Donald for doing what you do every day? You sick fuck. :lol:
That was from the onion
Trump has a 16.4% chance of winning according to the latest Nate Silver estimate.
And they haven't even measured the amount of damage that tape had. I asked my brother who was voting Trump if he still was and he said not anymore. How many people did that this weekend? They have no idea how many. A lot.
On-Air Airheads Blowing Bombastic Bubbles

American mind slaves, soaked in media brainwashing, have a totally forced reaction to that tape. It was all about women coming on to him for being a celebrity and how amazed he was at how easy they were. He didn't assault any of those starbangers; it was all consensual. Within political and media Celebrityland, there hasn't been such pretense of purity since Jennifer Tilly put out for a producer in Seed of Chucky in order to get the part of Virgin Mary.
Anderson Cooper began the second debate by giving Trump the opportunity to explain exactly what the fuck is wrong with him. “I’d like to start tonight’s proceedings by asking you, Mr. Trump, to explicitly lay out to the American people what the hell is fucking wrong with you?” Adding, “it would be helpful if you could expound on the specifics of why in God’s fucking name you says what you say and behave the way you do and how you can even begin to think that it’s ok. “You are not a mentally well person, and there is clearly something very, very wrong with you on the most basic and fundamental level, so please, if you would, shed some light on what in holy hell is going on inside your fucking skull. I mean, for fuck’s sake.”

What are you talking about, crazy man? :cuckoo: Are you down on Donald for doing what you do every day? You sick fuck. :lol:
That was from the onion

Maybe I should gather up some of your posts to me and other women? Hypocrite.

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