Trump Needs To Borrow Almost $300 Billion This Week

Eliminate the cap.

Keep the benefits reasonable.

Problem solved and nobody suffers.

Suffer=live golden years in pain or unable to buy a fucking toy for your grandchildren without giving up a fucking necessarily.

Get it?
The Social Security problem can be easily solved. We just don't demand our politicians solve it.

All we have to do is raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, then index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Problem solved.

But America's motto these days is, "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

So everyone needs to look in the mirror for the asshole fucking things up.

Nah. Raise the cap to a million. Pay FICA on your first million of income.

Let the dude who has worked his fingers to the bone retire at 65. Give him a decent retirement.

Nobody suffers.

So when government takes money from one citizen and gives it to another, nobody suffers???

Obviously you picture yourself on the receiving end of that deal.

LoonLoser: Give me your wallet so I don't have to shoot you. I don't want anyone to suffer ...

Sorry, dummy. I'd pay more under my plan.

You bore me.

Of course I do. You're a leech. You don't grasp that when government takes money from someone and gives it to you that they were in fact harmed

You don’t grasp the fact that when the government allows wealthy people to avoid their responsibility to those who make their wealth possible, the government does all a disservice.

And, I could buy you. I pay more than you in taxes and I ought to pay more. You arrogant fuck.
Trump and the GOP have accelerated deficit spending. Just like the last time they controlled the government.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Where is the Tea Party?

They stormed Washington when Obama borrowed money
The Tea Party was a hoax.

Sarah Palin is passed out face down on the carpet.
They appeared on command when ever Fox News rang the bell

They now sit contently by as we borrow 1.5 trillion to give to billionaires
I don't recall a post about Barry Hussein borrowing money. Is it possible that the Hussein administration balanced the budget or does it only matter during republican administrations?
The Social Security problem can be easily solved. We just don't demand our politicians solve it.

All we have to do is raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, then index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Problem solved.

But America's motto these days is, "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

So everyone needs to look in the mirror for the asshole fucking things up.

Nah. Raise the cap to a million. Pay FICA on your first million of income.

Let the dude who has worked his fingers to the bone retire at 65. Give him a decent retirement.

Nobody suffers.

So when government takes money from one citizen and gives it to another, nobody suffers???

Obviously you picture yourself on the receiving end of that deal.

LoonLoser: Give me your wallet so I don't have to shoot you. I don't want anyone to suffer ...

Sorry, dummy. I'd pay more under my plan.

You bore me.

Of course I do. You're a leech. You don't grasp that when government takes money from someone and gives it to you that they were in fact harmed

You don’t grasp the fact that when the government allows wealthy people to avoid their responsibility to those who make their wealth possible, the government does all a disservice.

And, I could buy you. I pay more than you in taxes and I ought to pay more. You arrogant fuck.

Some people cannot be bought for any price..............

Trump and the GOP have accelerated deficit spending. Just like the last time they controlled the government.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Where is the Tea Party?

They stormed Washington when Obama borrowed money
The Tea Party was a hoax.

Sarah Palin is passed out face down on the carpet.
They appeared on command when ever Fox News rang the bell

They now sit contently by as we borrow 1.5 trillion to give to billionaires

No.. The right is NOT HAPPY with congress being run by FOUR dingbat Party Bosses. THey are SHOCKED by the budget deal. You'd know that if you consumed better news and journals..
The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week

The United States plans to sell about $294 billion of debt, according to the Treasury Department. That's the highest for a week since the record set during the 2008 financial crisis.

Trump smashes another Obama record.

Notice that deafening silence from the pseuedocons about Trump's massive spending?

Yeah. Me, too.

Trump is on track to bust Obama's spending record wide open.

Yet the pseudocons propagandists are completely silent about it.

I told you this election was about Mexicans and Muslims!

That scrawny, soft spoken black dude with the oversized ears and unAmerican name only spent on lowlifes and welfare...he fucked everything else off.
There’s lots of catching up to do...stand by and let the real leaders lead would ya?
The Social Security problem can be easily solved. We just don't demand our politicians solve it.

All we have to do is raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, then index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Problem solved.

But America's motto these days is, "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

So everyone needs to look in the mirror for the asshole fucking things up.

Nah. Raise the cap to a million. Pay FICA on your first million of income.

Let the dude who has worked his fingers to the bone retire at 65. Give him a decent retirement.

Nobody suffers.

So when government takes money from one citizen and gives it to another, nobody suffers???

Obviously you picture yourself on the receiving end of that deal.

LoonLoser: Give me your wallet so I don't have to shoot you. I don't want anyone to suffer ...

Sorry, dummy. I'd pay more under my plan.

You bore me.

Of course I do. You're a leech. You don't grasp that when government takes money from someone and gives it to you that they were in fact harmed

You don’t grasp the fact that when the government allows wealthy people to avoid their responsibility to those who make their wealth possible, the government does all a disservice.

When I give someone a job, then I owe them for the incredible opportunity they gave me. Gotcha, Karl. When you sell your services, you still own what you produced. In fact, job providers are leaches who deserve to be destroyed. And you just became an official Marxist a year ago? You're doing well in your studies ...

And, I could buy you. I pay more than you in taxes and I ought to pay more. You arrogant fuck.

You can be anything you want to be on the Internet. But when you say self bravado like that to people you know nothing about, you're obviously compensating for something. Is it your tiny pecker?
I don't recall a post about Barry Hussein borrowing money. Is it possible that the Hussein administration balanced the budget or does it only matter during republican administrations?
It did matter during Oblama, but just to republicans...But now not so much...Weird how that weather vane always points away from the direction of the wind...
Nah. Raise the cap to a million. Pay FICA on your first million of income.

Let the dude who has worked his fingers to the bone retire at 65. Give him a decent retirement.

Nobody suffers.

So when government takes money from one citizen and gives it to another, nobody suffers???

Obviously you picture yourself on the receiving end of that deal.

LoonLoser: Give me your wallet so I don't have to shoot you. I don't want anyone to suffer ...

Sorry, dummy. I'd pay more under my plan.

You bore me.

Of course I do. You're a leech. You don't grasp that when government takes money from someone and gives it to you that they were in fact harmed

You don’t grasp the fact that when the government allows wealthy people to avoid their responsibility to those who make their wealth possible, the government does all a disservice.

And, I could buy you. I pay more than you in taxes and I ought to pay more. You arrogant fuck.

Some people cannot be bought for any price..............


It just cracks me up when people say to people on the Internet things like LoonLoser just did, "And, I could buy you. I pay more than you in taxes and I ought to pay more." How would he even know that? It's obviously filling a void.

That's why Marxists like LoonLoser are rich and just want to pay more taxes, but don't. They're gun owners and Christians. Their shit doesn't smell and they fart lilacs. On the Internet, you can be anything you want to be. And LoonLoser takes full advantage of that. I don't think he's poor, I just think he's compensating for his freakishly small Johnson
A drop in the bucket compared to Obama's $10 trillion that none of these Moon Bats ever seemed to be concerned about.
As long as we maintain an electoral system that enables this kind of behavior, we're going to see this kind of behavior.

That's about the stupidest thing I've ever read. I gotta ask: How does our electoral system do that? Let me get a head start on already laughing.
Our politicians do exactly what we demand of them. If you want a culprit to punch in the face for our debt, look in the mirror.

Look in the mirror? Which politicians have done what we've demanded? I didn't ask for one thing that any president has done since the days of Willy "Can't Keep My Pecker In My Pants" Clinton and his Merry Bitch-Whore Hillary.

When I look in the mirror, I see the 2008 Democrats and their crazy initiative to "reform" the banking system to give loans to low income minorities by forcing banks to hand out mortgages to people with no means to repay them that lead to to the SNL scandal, the banking collapse, and the recession that put us in this deep mess.


Then as I peer deeper into the glass, I see the Democrat that voters (certainly not I) put in office who was a do nothing nobody short-term senator turned Chicago Mob Social Organizer who then proceeded to run our debt up from the 9 trillion that GW Bush left us with (bad enough after the 911 attacks and the Iraqi War) and went on to DOUBLE IT to 18 or 19 trillion! And much of that went to his crony friends who split with the money and left me holding the bag.

Screen shot 2015-02-15 at 4.05.55 PM.png

That's who I see looking back at me in the mirror, nothing I did, Douche Bag. Democrats. Now we have a pseudo-republican populist tea party-lite guy by the name of Trump in office (who I also didn't vote for, but didn't vote against neither) and he is trying to make big reforms in new ways based on time-proven business models. It may or may not work for the country, let's hope it does---- right now it is too soon and early to tell yet, but I hardly think he can do more damage than Baraff Hussein Obuma already has, at worst, merely carry on the carnage.
The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week

The United States plans to sell about $294 billion of debt, according to the Treasury Department. That's the highest for a week since the record set during the 2008 financial crisis.

Trump smashes another Obama record.

Notice that deafening silence from the pseuedocons about Trump's massive spending?

Yeah. Me, too.

Trump is on track to bust Obama's spending record wide open.

Yet the pseudocons propagandists are completely silent about it.

I told you this election was about Mexicans and Muslims!
/——/ So you’re mad Trump didn’t veto the spending bill. Awesome

Anyone with anything close to conservative values are pissed about it...which is why you are not.
A drop in the bucket compared to Obama's $10 trillion that none of these Moon Bats ever seemed to be concerned about.

Trump is on track to add 2.5 trillion to the debt in this CY alone, that is more than 1 trillion than Obama ever added in a single year. And now none of the faux conservative Trump zealots give a shit.
The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week

The United States plans to sell about $294 billion of debt, according to the Treasury Department. That's the highest for a week since the record set during the 2008 financial crisis.

Trump smashes another Obama record.

Notice that deafening silence from the pseuedocons about Trump's massive spending?

Yeah. Me, too.

Trump is on track to bust Obama's spending record wide open.

Yet the pseudocons propagandists are completely silent about it.

I told you this election was about Mexicans and Muslims!
/——/ So you’re mad Trump didn’t veto the spending bill. Awesome

Anyone with anything close to conservative values are pissed about it...which is why you are not.
/——-/ I posted that day that I tweeted the president asking him to veto the bill. I was mad he didn’t, not much else I could do.,
The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week

The United States plans to sell about $294 billion of debt, according to the Treasury Department. That's the highest for a week since the record set during the 2008 financial crisis.

Trump smashes another Obama record.

Notice that deafening silence from the pseuedocons about Trump's massive spending?

Yeah. Me, too.

Trump is on track to bust Obama's spending record wide open.

Yet the pseudocons propagandists are completely silent about it.

I told you this election was about Mexicans and Muslims!

I thought that was just for jarrod to make his mortgage payments on his real estate holdings.

Trump Needs To Borrow Almost $300 Billion This Week

We can cut $300 billion from welfare spending, how many Dem's will vote for that? :290968001256257790-final:
I've been talking about cutting $1.4 trillion of annual wealth distribution for years. That would not only balance the budget, it would provide enough to lower tax rates for everyone.

And yet I can't find a single pseuedocon who supports it.
Since taking power, Trump and the GOP have ACCELERATED spending. ACCELERATED our deficits.

Just like the GOP did the last time they took power.

Fool me once...

I knew the pseuedocons would try to find a way to blame the Democrats. :lol:

You want the responsible Democrats back. Oh, and WTF, again? You're with the Democrats!?!?!?!
Where did I say I want the Democrats back, asshole?

Stop making shit up. It's getting really fucking old.
Notice not one pseuedocon has a single word of criticism of Trump's spending. They have had very opportunity, and they can't do it. Instead, we see quite the opposite! They rush to defend Trump's debt with straw men, lies, tu quoques, and red herrings.

They still hold Obama accountable for every single penny of debt accumulated on his watch. They started hundreds of topics about it, made thousands of posts about it, including in this topic.

But not one single world of contempt for Trump's spending and debt.

Not. One. Single. Word.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the stench of hypocrisy. It's all over these shameless, lying, assholes.

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