Trump Needs To Clarify Businessman


Sep 23, 2010
Donald Trump makes a good case for this:

ā€œItā€™s time to send a real businessman to the White House.ā€​

I only wish The Donald would distinguish between businessmen parasites who feed on tax dollars, and Americans who pay the taxes that feed the parasites. Simply saying ā€œbusinessmanā€ dresses parasites in a cloak of respectability.

Parenthetically, the TPP is another reason media sees Marco Rubio as a suitable replacement for a Democrat:

. . . Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) 80%, pushed the deal as hard as he could as wellā€”and eventually became the critical 60th vote that secured final passage of TPA. While Rubio claims he read the text of TPPā€”which was being kept in a classified reading room in the basement of the U.S. Capitol buildingā€”before voting to fast-track it, he continually refuses to prove he did so. Since the text was 800-plus pages long according to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) 93%, Rubio would have had to spend at least two calendar days inside the room reading it before he would know what he is voting forā€”and his staff wonā€™t answer when asked what days he spent in the room. After getting National Review to print a story claimingā€”without any evidence whatsoeverā€”that Rubio did read TPP before voting for fast-track, Rubioā€™s campaign hired the National Review writer who wrote the story to work for the Floridianā€™s presidential effort.

Exclusive ā€” Donald Trump Declares War On Obamatrade: ā€˜Time To Send A Real Businessmanā€™ To White House To End This
by Matthew Boyle5 Oct 2015Washington, DC

Exclusive ā€” Donald Trump Declares War On Obamatrade: ā€˜Time To Send A Real Businessmanā€™ To White House To End This - Breitbart

Finally, Socialist Bernie Sanders also opposes the TPP, but expecting a Democrat to break the parasite classā€™ dinner plate is the same as asking the cobra to eat the mongoose; it ainā€™t going to happen.

I only wish The Donald would distinguish between businessmen parasites who feed on tax dollars, and Americans who pay the taxes that feed the parasites. Simply saying ā€œbusinessmanā€ dresses parasites in a cloak of respectability.
Trump was a lot of fun until he blew it on eminent domain. Move the cursor to 3:30:

Bret Baier reeled in Trump with Kelo:

The courtā€™s 5-4 holding in Kelo v. City of New London gave local officials a green light to seize and demolish private homes through eminent domain, then turn the land over to developers itching to build something more lucrative. In Fort Trumbull, those private homeowners included people such as Susette Kelo, a local nurse who bought her little Victorian cottage on the Thames River because she loved its waterfront view; Wilhelmina Dery, who was born in her house on Walbach Street in 1918 and had been living there all her life; and Pasquale and Margherita Cristofaro, whose home on Goshen Street was the second New London property they lost to eminent domain, the first having been taken 30 years earlier because the city intended to construct a seawall. (The seawall was never built.)

Eminent disaster
Homeowners in Connecticut town were dispossessed for nothing
By Jeff Jacoby Globe Columnist March 12, 2014

The devastation caused by eminent-domain abuse - The Boston Globe

but there have been numerous abuses of eminent domain. After Kelo v. City of New London a few states did pass some laws that shielded private ownership from eminent domain abuses.

NOTE: Eminent domain has been a smoldering issue for a long time. The problem has been that each case is local; so the national media generally did not report eminent domain cases until recently; 60 Minutes did a good piece some years ago. The Supreme Court wrongly deciding Kelo is probably the only reason a lot of us are now aware of eminent domain abuses.

Port Chicago, California in the early 1960s was possibly the worst eminent domain abuse in modern times. In that land grab the government took an entire town under the pretext of enlarging the Navy Base. The government then turned around and sold the land to developers. The property was not confiscated to enlarge the Navy Base. I donā€™t recall too much about the case. Attorney Melvin Belli (1907 - 1996), who was famous for raising the Jolly Roger over his office building in San Francisco when he won a case, handled the case for the people of Port Chicago who were ripped off. I do not know if it ever got to a federal court or how it ended.

Incidentally, Iā€™d like to hear Trumpā€™s views on civil forfeiture.

Civil forfeiture is when police and prosecutors seize property, cars or cash from someone they suspect of wrongdoing. It differs from criminal forfeiture cases, where prosecutors typically must prove a person is guilty or reach a settlement before freezing funds or selling property. In civil forfeiture, authorities donā€™t have to prove guilt, file charges or obtain a conviction before seizing private property. Critics say it is a process ripe for abuse, and one which leaves citizens little means of fighting back.


In 1985, the U.S. Department of Justice created its Asset Forfeiture Fund. One year later, the fund -- which holds the proceeds from seized property and is available to be divvied out to law enforcement agencies -- brought in $93.7 million. In 2008, the amount had ballooned to $1.6 billion. In 2013, it reached $6.3 billion.

Policing for Profit? Lawmakers, advocates raise alarm at growing govā€™t power to seize property
By Barnini Chakraborty
Published May 09, 2014

Policing for Profit? Lawmakers, advocates raise alarm at growing govā€™t power to seize property

Sadly, the US has become a monarchy in everything short of American elitists sporting titles of rank. Just like in a monarchy, Americans do not own their homes because the government can confiscate them at will either through excessive taxation or eminent domain. In addition, the wealthy function as tax collectors for the government as did the land barons of olde who collected taxes for the monarch. All taxes are ultimately paid by working people ā€”ā€” the serfs. The people getting the jobs Trump cited pay taxes on their INCOMES; the eternal government crime. If Trump wants to make America great again as he claims, he better start before 1913 when the XVI Amendment was adopted but never ratified.

NOTE: Forty-three states have an income tax in addition to some cities, counties, and municipalities:

City Income Taxes - U.S. Cities That Levy Income Taxes
From Tonya Moreno, CPA

Here's a List of U.S. Cities With an Income Tax

Parenthetically, I wonder if Trump knows that eminent domain abuses are always aimed specifically at individual property owners; never at the corporations he admires so much. To hear wheeler-dealers like Trump benefitting from eminent domain tell it thereā€™s something public-spirited about being forced to sell. Conversely, the big money in sales multiplies enormously when the government provides the customers and then forces them to buy the product. In that scenario tax dollar parasites insist thereā€™s something public-spirited in being forced to buy. Thatā€™s called half-assed laissez faire.

My point: The income tax is the primary tool of the parasite class. The income tax must be abolished if Socialism/Communism is to be defeated once and for all.

Most Americans believe that eminent was confined to specific projects. Basically, infrastructure like roads, military bases, and so on ā€”ā€” eminent domain that everybody benefits from. Trump lost me, and I suspect he lost everybody that heard him say he believes that eminent domain should be used to enrich corporations under the pretense of economic common good. How the hell is a corporation manipulating the power of government to take private property away from individuals any different than the government handing parasites income tax dollars.
Trump and Sanders. Seems like they're the only ones talking about these "trade" deals. No wonder they're so popular.
I only wish The Donald would distinguish between businessmen parasites who feed on tax dollars, and Americans who pay the taxes that feed the parasites. Simply saying ā€œbusinessmanā€ dresses parasites in a cloak of respectability.

OP is a douschebag. Go up and down main st. in your town or go to local chamber of commerce meeting and out of 100 Businessmen, you tell me, how many are paying shit-tons of taxes and how many are feeding on taxes? I've met thousands of Businessmen through my work and have yet to meet one who is not a net contributor of taxes. Don't believe me, go ask a few local CPA's.
do you have examples of these parasites????
To EdwardBaiamonte: Everyone who gets bailouts, subsidies, manipulates legislation, and benefits from costumers the government provides.

Just who in hell do you think this guy is working for?:


House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were ā€œlike paying taxes.ā€ He added that Congress has ā€œbroad authorityā€ to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote ā€œthe general welfare.ā€

Hoyer Says Constitutionā€™s ā€˜General Welfareā€™ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
October 21, 2009

Hoyer Says Constitutionā€™s ā€˜General Welfareā€™ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
Donald Trump makes a good case for this:

ā€œItā€™s time to send a real businessman to the White House.ā€​

I only wish The Donald would distinguish between businessmen parasites who feed on tax dollars, and Americans who pay the taxes that feed the parasites. Simply saying ā€œbusinessmanā€ dresses parasites in a cloak of respectability.

Parenthetically, the TPP is another reason media sees Marco Rubio as a suitable replacement for a Democrat:

. . . Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) 80%, pushed the deal as hard as he could as wellā€”and eventually became the critical 60th vote that secured final passage of TPA. While Rubio claims he read the text of TPPā€”which was being kept in a classified reading room in the basement of the U.S. Capitol buildingā€”before voting to fast-track it, he continually refuses to prove he did so. Since the text was 800-plus pages long according to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) 93%, Rubio would have had to spend at least two calendar days inside the room reading it before he would know what he is voting forā€”and his staff wonā€™t answer when asked what days he spent in the room. After getting National Review to print a story claimingā€”without any evidence whatsoeverā€”that Rubio did read TPP before voting for fast-track, Rubioā€™s campaign hired the National Review writer who wrote the story to work for the Floridianā€™s presidential effort.

Exclusive ā€” Donald Trump Declares War On Obamatrade: ā€˜Time To Send A Real Businessmanā€™ To White House To End This
by Matthew Boyle5 Oct 2015Washington, DC

Exclusive ā€” Donald Trump Declares War On Obamatrade: ā€˜Time To Send A Real Businessmanā€™ To White House To End This - Breitbart

Finally, Socialist Bernie Sanders also opposes the TPP, but expecting a Democrat to break the parasite classā€™ dinner plate is the same as asking the cobra to eat the mongoose; it ainā€™t going to happen.

Funny thing about that.. Free trade is a conservative thing... Like Trumps protectionism. Sanders is saying the same thing..
Trump and Sanders. Seems like they're the only ones talking about these "trade" deals. No wonder they're so popular.
Because they are both focusing on protectionism, basically. They want to re-develop America. Which, I support. I fully believe in "good" protectionism.
Funny thing about that.. Free trade is a conservative thing... Like Trumps protectionism. Sanders is saying the same thing..
Because they are both focusing on protectionism, basically. They want to re-develop America. Which, I support. I fully believe in "good" protectionism.
To TNHarley: Protecting against foreign governments taking advantage is a vote-getter to be sure, but I doubt if Americans will forgive or forget Trumpā€™s views on eminent domain:
Parenthetically, I wonder if Trump knows that eminent domain abuses are always aimed specifically at individual property owners; never at the corporations he admires so much. To hear wheeler-dealers like Trump benefitting from eminent domain tell it thereā€™s something public-spirited about being forced to sell. Conversely, the big money in sales multiplies enormously when the government provides the customers and then forces them to buy the product. In that scenario tax dollar parasites insist thereā€™s something public-spirited in being forced to buy. Thatā€™s called half-assed laissez faire.
do you have examples of these parasites????
To EdwardBaiamonte: Everyone who gets bailouts, subsidies, manipulates legislation, and benefits from costumers the government provides.

Just who in hell do you think this guy is working for?:


House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were ā€œlike paying taxes.ā€ He added that Congress has ā€œbroad authorityā€ to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote ā€œthe general welfare.ā€

Hoyer Says Constitutionā€™s ā€˜General Welfareā€™ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
October 21, 2009

Hoyer Says Constitutionā€™s ā€˜General Welfareā€™ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance

That didn't answer the question. You conflated Business people with "parasites who feed on tax dollars". Okay, you can probably google search and come up with a name but tell me, what significant employer in your town, your county, in your state is a long term net negative tax payer? I've never met such a business owner. (but I'd like to be).
Funny thing about that.. Free trade is a conservative thing... Like Trumps protectionism. Sanders is saying the same thing..
Because they are both focusing on protectionism, basically. They want to re-develop America. Which, I support. I fully believe in "good" protectionism.
To TNHarley: Protecting against foreign governments taking advantage is a vote-getter to be sure, but I doubt if Americans will forgive or forget Trumpā€™s views on eminent domain:
Parenthetically, I wonder if Trump knows that eminent domain abuses are always aimed specifically at individual property owners; never at the corporations he admires so much. To hear wheeler-dealers like Trump benefitting from eminent domain tell it thereā€™s something public-spirited about being forced to sell. Conversely, the big money in sales multiplies enormously when the government provides the customers and then forces them to buy the product. In that scenario tax dollar parasites insist thereā€™s something public-spirited in being forced to buy. Thatā€™s called half-assed laissez faire.

I'm sure MILLIONS of Americans are concerned over the issue of Eminent Domain.
do you have examples of these parasites????
To EdwardBaiamonte: Everyone who gets bailouts, subsidies, manipulates legislation, and benefits from costumers the government provides.

Just who in hell do you think this guy is working for?:


House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were ā€œlike paying taxes.ā€ He added that Congress has ā€œbroad authorityā€ to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote ā€œthe general welfare.ā€

Hoyer Says Constitutionā€™s ā€˜General Welfareā€™ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
October 21, 2009

Hoyer Says Constitutionā€™s ā€˜General Welfareā€™ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance

That didn't answer the question. You conflated Business people with "parasites who feed on tax dollars". Okay, you can probably google search and come up with a name but tell me, what significant employer in your town, your county, in your state is a long term net negative tax payer? I've never met such a business owner. (but I'd like to be).

IMB, Oracle, Microsoft, AT&T, GE, Exxon, Google, Facebook.
We're talking MNCs that made it in the US and left.
We're talking MNCs that made it in the US and left.
left???? they had no choice thanks to liberal unions, liberal taxes, liberal deficits and liberal regulations. US firms must now be internationally competitive to survive.

Simple but a liberal or independent will lack the IQ to understand.
We're talking MNCs that made it in the US and left.
left???? they had no choice thanks to liberal unions, liberal taxes, liberal deficits and liberal regulations. US firms must now be internationally competitive to survive.

Simple but a liberal or independent will lack the IQ to understand.

Bullshit! They made their billions in profit but that wasn't enough.
I can't wait till Trump tariffs their butts off.
We're talking MNCs that made it in the US and left.
left???? they had no choice thanks to liberal unions, liberal taxes, liberal deficits and liberal regulations. US firms must now be internationally competitive to survive.

Simple but a liberal or independent will lack the IQ to understand.

Bullshit! They made their billions in profit but that wasn't enough.
I can't wait till Trump tariffs their butts off.
The republicans would have to agree to that and it wont happen. Republicans like free trade
We're talking MNCs that made it in the US and left.
left???? they had no choice thanks to liberal unions, liberal taxes, liberal deficits and liberal regulations. US firms must now be internationally competitive to survive.

Simple but a liberal or independent will lack the IQ to understand.

Bullshit! They made their billions in profit but that wasn't enough.
I can't wait till Trump tariffs their butts off.
The republicans would have to agree to that and it wont happen. Republicans like free trade

Foreign Trade deals are influenced by the President and all contain Fair Trade clauses.
Trump said he will nullify all of out Trade agreements and I haven't heard one attorney from either ideology say he's wrong.
. Republicans like free trade

yes imagine if every individual, city, state, or country was not allowed to trade freely and had to make everything themselves. It would mean instant poverty for all but your liberal will lack the IQ to understand.
Bullshit! They made their billions in profit but that wasn't enough.

dear stupid, it does not matter what the made in the past, they have to be internationally competitive today to survive.

Now do you understand?
Ad hominens must arouse you.

Germany and Japan are competitive without selling out their competition.
Your phrase "internationally competitive" is pure Smoke and Mirrors for the sole purpose of using slave labor.
On how many thread must I make you look like the greedy Nazi you are?
We're talking MNCs that made it in the US and left.
left???? they had no choice thanks to liberal unions, liberal taxes, liberal deficits and liberal regulations. US firms must now be internationally competitive to survive.

Simple but a liberal or independent will lack the IQ to understand.

Bullshit! They made their billions in profit but that wasn't enough.
I can't wait till Trump tariffs their butts off.
The republicans would have to agree to that and it wont happen. Republicans like free trade

Foreign Trade deals are influenced by the President and all contain Fair Trade clauses.
Trump said he will nullify all of out Trade agreements and I haven't heard one attorney from either ideology say he's wrong.

why be stupid?? free trade between individuals or between countries is the same. You get richer not poorer by engaging.

Maybe your mother can explain it to you?

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