Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

Is the Trumpybear offering grants for security for our students, or do they expect the Universities or the States to pick up the tab to ensure that all our children are safe on campus when controversial or extreme Pundants are invited by a Student Group.?

That extra security is needed should tell you there's problem with liberalism in our so called institutes of higher learning.

Right. If those organizations wanted to book controversial celebrity speakers who needed extra security, those organizations should have been willing to pay for it. Not the schools. Not the Tax payers. Not the parents of all the other students.

I believe a dialog between the campus groups and the University had the situation calmed down by the end of 2018.

Because of violent leftist?:auiqs.jpg:
Here's an idea, put a stop to violent leftist dictating who gets to speak.

would you let violent leftists speak at YOUR college?
Speak, yes. Commit violence, no.
Students are not allowed to spend their federally subsidized loans anywhere, are they?
as long as they qualified for the loan, I'm sure they can. I can get a loan on any car as long as my credit history allows me to pay it back.

Nope and nope. The federal government sets standards for what qualifies. They could set standards that say federal student loans can only be spent a schools that support freedom of speech.
they could, but they didn't.

Correct. Because Trump doesn’t actually want freedom of speech.
he stated to the universities that accept grant money. you have an issue with facts i see. I'd really wished the public universities didn't create this mess to begin with. so what?

Any decent university is going to accept federal grant money for the purposes of research. Liberty University isn’t a good university.
So when Pete Buttengeig wants to speak at Liberty University and he is banned because he is gay......

Will Trump support his First Amendment rights?
I suspect that if a student group invites mayor buttfuck he will be allowed to speak

but either way there are no federal funds to take away from Liberty

I can guarantee they would not allow a married gay man to speak at Liberty
Of course they do.
Conservatives make sure of it

Liberty University - Wikipedia

Federal funding
In 2010, students received about $445 million in federal financial aid money in 2010, the highest total of any school in Virginia and one of the highest in the country
That money goes to the students

Are liberals going deny an education to conservative students ?
It also includes grant money
Liberty gets no federal or state grant money
They sure do
Do you have a link to that?
See posts above this thread
But I thought that conservative Christians cared about freedom of speech?

You know. Because they’re so secure in their beliefs and whatnot.
The federal government has leverage over private colleges that take federal money

Liberty University does not

we were asked if a homosexual presidential candidate would be allowed to speak at Liberty and my answer was probably so

So do Christian conservatives care about free speech or not? Why should anyone have to leverage a college (especially one ironically called Liberty) into allowing freedom of speech?
I think there is a huge difference

if I work for the city they might tell me I cant post trump banners in my workspace

but they cant tell me I have to post a Vote For Bernie sign in my front yard

So do conservative Christians care about free speech or not?
We do

at least in the public square

if you come to my home be careful what you say or I might ask you to leave

just as you would me in your home
But this isn’t your home, it’s a university with students paying to attend.

This shows that it isn’t actually about constitutional rights or promoting academic diversity.
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Does the NFL get federal funding? Does the NFL purport to be open spaces for the free exchange of ideas?
What right does Trump have to condemn free speech in the NFL while condemning colleges for doing the same?

A speaker spews hate about Muslims, Mexicans and Gays and a College says he is not welcome

A football player silently protests police killings of African Americans and the President is outraged
Talk to all the people ph uked with wearing a maga hat and/or t shirt that is very generic.
every soldier did. so what again. no one is saying they don't have the right to take a knee. As always, your poop between the ears is affecting your thought process.

The argument was that if you had served you would never defend those who kneel. Not true.

You clueless dumb shit. When the flag is raised and the anthem is played it has NOTHING to do with a bunch of loud mouthed whining assholes and EVERYTHING to do with this nation, all of it, it's history and those who've fought to make and keep this nation free. When some whiney sanctimonious asshole and bitch kneels, he disrespects all of that which has allowed him the freedom to kneel without immediately being taken out and shot. Get a friggin clue, dumbass.

It's assholes like you that make me believe we really do need to bring back the draft. Except this time make it universally apply to anyone if they ever want to have a vote.

If anyone is clueless, you are as clueless as anyone. The African American people understand that they are not and never have been living in a land of the free. They served in our armed forces honorably, and yet couldn't sleep in the same quarters with their white counterparts until Truman integrated our armed forces, they could not attend schools with white students until 1954, and even then were not welcomed, nor could they take the first open seat on a bus if a white person did nor could they order a sandwich at a whites only lunch counter or drink from a whites only water fountain.

Even the Civil Rights bills never established for them the same freedom in terms of equal opportunities as we do, the law cannot enforce acceptance, and people like you will never accept that black men and black women are equal to and never will be.

BTW, I enlisted in our Navy in 1967, and I support what Kap did and why he did it.

are you black? if not, why are you speaking for them? did they ask you to?

edit: BTW, why do you believe you have a right to speak for the blacks? why does anyone? you demean them you racist.

I''m not black, I'm from German, French, Italian and Romania Ancestry. However my parents and 3 out of four my grandparents, and 3 out of 4 my great grandparents were born in California. I will speak out for all human beings who have been and continued to be discriminated against by assholes, racists, misogynists and politicians.

I have every right to speak out, much like you who speak out. The big difference between you and me is I know what I'm speaking about, and you don't have a clue.
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.

Hey, leftists like diversity, don't they? They keep telling us they do, so it MUST be true.
Best damn thing he has ever done since being president. the million dollar question is though will be a hypocrite and reverse himself when colleges protest against Israel whom he worships and puts the interests of first instead of America?

They already do that, and I don't see him saying anything about withholding funding for it.
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

I thought you understood the concept of supporting the right to say something, while not supporting what was said.

Didnt' you support the right of the nazis to march in Charlotessville? Does that make you a nazi?
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.

File this under "Yet another reason to vote Trump"
So when Pete Buttengeig wants to speak at Liberty University and he is banned because he is gay......

Will Trump support his First Amendment rights?
I suspect that if a student group invites mayor buttfuck he will be allowed to speak

but either way there are no federal funds to take away from Liberty

I can guarantee they would not allow a married gay man to speak at Liberty

Didn't they just invite Mayor Pete to speak?
Oh wait :icon_rolleyes:
every soldier did. so what again. no one is saying they don't have the right to take a knee. As always, your poop between the ears is affecting your thought process.

The argument was that if you had served you would never defend those who kneel. Not true.

You clueless dumb shit. When the flag is raised and the anthem is played it has NOTHING to do with a bunch of loud mouthed whining assholes and EVERYTHING to do with this nation, all of it, it's history and those who've fought to make and keep this nation free. When some whiney sanctimonious asshole and bitch kneels, he disrespects all of that which has allowed him the freedom to kneel without immediately being taken out and shot. Get a friggin clue, dumbass.

It's assholes like you that make me believe we really do need to bring back the draft. Except this time make it universally apply to anyone if they ever want to have a vote.

If anyone is clueless, you are as clueless as anyone. The African American people understand that they are not and never have been living in a land of the free. They served in our armed forces honorably, and yet couldn't sleep in the same quarters with their white counterparts until Truman integrated our armed forces, they could not attend schools with white students until 1954, and even then were not welcomed, nor could they take the first open seat on a bus if a white person did nor could they order a sandwich at a whites only lunch counter or drink from a whites only water fountain.

Even the Civil Rights bills never established for them the same freedom in terms of equal opportunities as we do, the law cannot enforce acceptance, and people like you will never accept that black men and black women are equal to and never will be.

BTW, I enlisted in our Navy in 1967, and I support what Kap did and why he did it.

are you black? if not, why are you speaking for them? did they ask you to?

edit: BTW, why do you believe you have a right to speak for the blacks? why does anyone? you demean them you racist.

I''m not black, I'm from German, French, Italian and Romania Ancestry. However my parents and 3 out of four my grandparents, and 3 out of 4 my great grandparents were born in California. I will speak out for all human beings who have been and continued to be discriminated against by assholes, racists, misogynists and politicians.

I have every right to speak out, much like you who speak out. The big difference between you and me is I know what I'm speaking about, and you don't have a clue.

You have a right to speak. Kapernicki, since the nfl supported him, had the right to do what he did.

That does not mean that what he did was right.

IN the middle of a ritual, where standing is done to show respect and loyalty to the nation and to your fellow citizens, he choose to do the exact opposite.

THat obviously communicates the opposite of respect and loyalty, ie disrespect and enmity.

He is an anti-American piece of shit, and in a sane world, he would be marginalized by American society.
Render unto Caesar what is Caesars.

Now you are just running out of attempted points to make.

What has been the historical argument from the right about getting into bed with the government?

Which part of the right?

LOL, fair enough. Good point. No, not all the right..........but how much of the right has supported things like the government getting involved in student loans? I'm asking.

it depends. The issue of student loans isn't the loans, its the inflationary effect it had on costs of college, and in particular the cost of degrees with no viable job market.

A problem way, way overblown.
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

I thought you understood the concept of supporting the right to say something, while not supporting what was said.

Didnt' you support the right of the nazis to march in Charlotessville? Does that make you a nazi?

I doubt if Trumps directive will apply equally at all institutions receiving federal aid.

Will it apply to Christian Universities? How about Military Acadamies?

I suspect it will only apply to liberals
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

I thought you understood the concept of supporting the right to say something, while not supporting what was said.

Didnt' you support the right of the nazis to march in Charlotessville? Does that make you a nazi?

I doubt if Trumps directive will apply equally at all institutions receiving federal aid.

Will it apply to Christian Universities? How about Military Acadamies?

I suspect it will only apply to liberals

I bet that it will almost never come up at conservatives schools. Because conservatives don't form mobs to use violence to suppress the speech of their enemies.

And that "almost" is just me covering my ass. I suspect it will NEVER come up at a conservative school.
as long as they qualified for the loan, I'm sure they can. I can get a loan on any car as long as my credit history allows me to pay it back.

Nope and nope. The federal government sets standards for what qualifies. They could set standards that say federal student loans can only be spent a schools that support freedom of speech.
they could, but they didn't.

Correct. Because Trump doesn’t actually want freedom of speech.


Okay, pay attention this time.
Freedom of speech isn't the ability to lie about people
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

I thought you understood the concept of supporting the right to say something, while not supporting what was said.

Didnt' you support the right of the nazis to march in Charlotessville? Does that make you a nazi?

I doubt if Trumps directive will apply equally at all institutions receiving federal aid.

Will it apply to Christian Universities? How about Military Acadamies?

I suspect it will only apply to liberals

I bet that it will almost never come up at conservatives schools. Because conservatives don't form mobs to use violence to suppress the speech of their enemies.

And that "almost" is just me covering my ass. I suspect it will NEVER come up at a conservative school.

A Texas teacher sued the state after losing her job for refusing to sign a pro-Israel contract
The argument was that if you had served you would never defend those who kneel. Not true.

You clueless dumb shit. When the flag is raised and the anthem is played it has NOTHING to do with a bunch of loud mouthed whining assholes and EVERYTHING to do with this nation, all of it, it's history and those who've fought to make and keep this nation free. When some whiney sanctimonious asshole and bitch kneels, he disrespects all of that which has allowed him the freedom to kneel without immediately being taken out and shot. Get a friggin clue, dumbass.

It's assholes like you that make me believe we really do need to bring back the draft. Except this time make it universally apply to anyone if they ever want to have a vote.

If anyone is clueless, you are as clueless as anyone. The African American people understand that they are not and never have been living in a land of the free. They served in our armed forces honorably, and yet couldn't sleep in the same quarters with their white counterparts until Truman integrated our armed forces, they could not attend schools with white students until 1954, and even then were not welcomed, nor could they take the first open seat on a bus if a white person did nor could they order a sandwich at a whites only lunch counter or drink from a whites only water fountain.

Even the Civil Rights bills never established for them the same freedom in terms of equal opportunities as we do, the law cannot enforce acceptance, and people like you will never accept that black men and black women are equal to and never will be.

BTW, I enlisted in our Navy in 1967, and I support what Kap did and why he did it.

are you black? if not, why are you speaking for them? did they ask you to?

edit: BTW, why do you believe you have a right to speak for the blacks? why does anyone? you demean them you racist.

I''m not black, I'm from German, French, Italian and Romania Ancestry. However my parents and 3 out of four my grandparents, and 3 out of 4 my great grandparents were born in California. I will speak out for all human beings who have been and continued to be discriminated against by assholes, racists, misogynists and politicians.

I have every right to speak out, much like you who speak out. The big difference between you and me is I know what I'm speaking about, and you don't have a clue.

You have a right to speak. Kapernicki, since the nfl supported him, had the right to do what he did.

That does not mean that what he did was right.

IN the middle of a ritual, where standing is done to show respect and loyalty to the nation and to your fellow citizens, he choose to do the exact opposite.

THat obviously communicates the opposite of respect and loyalty, ie disrespect and enmity.

He is an anti-American piece of shit, and in a sane world, he would be marginalized by American society.

Read my post which you have responded to, and put yourself into the shoes of those who have been downtrodden. I have no problem coming to grips with how I would feel, if my ancestors, myself and my sons, were treated badly by people in power simply because of their skin color, ethnicity or sexual orientation. Of course I have empathy, something racists, misogynists, and all bigots lack.
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

I thought you understood the concept of supporting the right to say something, while not supporting what was said.

Didnt' you support the right of the nazis to march in Charlotessville? Does that make you a nazi?

I doubt if Trumps directive will apply equally at all institutions receiving federal aid.

Will it apply to Christian Universities? How about Military Acadamies?

I suspect it will only apply to liberals

I bet that it will almost never come up at conservatives schools. Because conservatives don't form mobs to use violence to suppress the speech of their enemies.

And that "almost" is just me covering my ass. I suspect it will NEVER come up at a conservative school.


I bet that it will almost never come up at conservatives schools. Because conservatives don't form mobs to use violence to suppress the speech of their enemies."

I see.

so when conservatives say "liberals are traitors and traitors should be shot" they are NOT using violence to suppress free speech?

when rush limbaugh says "leave only some liberals left alive" (as a warning to future generations) he is NOT using violence to suppress free speech?

when ann coulter says " we should shoot a few (liberals to let the rest know it can happen to them" she is NOT using violence to suppress free speech?

when clint eastwood mimics slicing President Obamas throat he is NOT using violence?

when ted nugent waves his guns around...he is NOT using violence?

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