Trump: "Our military is a disaster"

i don't know a way to succeed in the mideast. and especially not, if you start with a handicap like bush's iraq invasion.

That is the problem, you don't know a way, but your politicians act like they do know everything and keep messing around.

What was the point for Obama to go after Assad?

US ally with Saudis, the worst of the worst in terms of human rights abuses, and at the same time trying to topple a secular regime in Syria because, well, human rights abuses.....

How does this make any sense?????
Let me ask you something: if we caught an Iranian Navy ship in Biscayne Bay, FL, or the Potomac, or Penobscot Bay, Maine would we arrest them? Would we insist on boarding their ship, and make them keep their hands in sight at all times?

Would we hold them for at least 24 hours? Would we be sure to treat them well, and feed them?

So what's the difference again?
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i agree with respect to the saudis. it is a fucking joke that those are considered "allies" and get weapon deals and smooches. for what, killing yemenites, and exporting terrorism. iran and libya were pariahs for that for decades. but saudiarabia, lol.
only 25% of the defense budget is spent on our military, the rest....who really knows?

3 TRILLION in Defense IS STILL unaccounted for,,,,according to Rumsfeld....then 9/11 happened and don't remember hearing a peep about the missing/unaccounted for, 3 trillion dollars again....

When a billion is missing, it's bad and wasteful, but 3 trillion? Holy smokes!

DEFENSE monies are too HIGH when money can just ''go missing'' like that....they have too much money.

The military has needed revamping since about 2006....lots of articles on military experts being concerned back then and ever since....

But more money for the defense budget is not the answer, more money shifting to the military and less ''gone missing'' to black projects or whatever else they waste it on, should be done.
There wasn't terrorism internally under Saddam. And Saddam didn't export terrorism.
You know who does export terrorism? IRAN

Yup. They were doing it under Reagan, under Bush the Greater, under Clinton, under Bush the Lesser, under Obama.

It has nothing to do with who is POTUS, which Party they are from, or whether we invaded Iraq or not.

So what is your point?
Read your liberal brethrens posts about who created & where they come from ya hack piece of shit. The sand monkeys have been loping off heads in the name of Allah for CENTURIES but you dumbfucks ALWAYS want to blame Bush

A bunch of childish amatuers who don't belong on a political forum
I have no issues at all about imposing sanctions on Iran for their missile program, or their terrorism support, or any host of other reasons. It is a separate subject from the nuclear deal.
Having the sanctions lifted was part of the deal which included the 150 billion. They have already violated the agreement twice so wtf are you daydreaming about?
The sanctions that were put in place because of their nuclear program have been/are being lifted. There are still other sanctions imposed because of their missile program, which is a different issue.

They have not violated the nuclear agreement - missiles are not a part of that agreement.
maybe the veterans can enjoy bush when he gives one of his many public appearances, for example helping his party gain the presidency, or maybe help his bro surviving the primary. where is his next rally?
I know it really chaps your liberal asses when George W. Bush receives constant respect and praise from the military and veterans.

Not from the ones he murdered.

You know, I have debated putting you on ignore for your ignorance before, but that little tidbit of idiocy just proves you have nothing intelligent to add to any discussion!

As a veteran, the father of two veterans and one soon to be Army officer, I would find your comments offensive if they were also not so incredibly stupid.
I know it really chaps your liberal asses when George W. Bush receives constant respect and praise from the military and veterans.

Not from the ones he murdered.

You know, I have debated putting you on ignore for your ignorance before, but that little tidbit of idiocy just proves you have nothing intelligent to add to any discussion!

As a veteran, the father of two veterans and one soon to be Army officer, I would find your comments offensive if they were also not so incredibly stupid.

Thank you to you and yours for your service
Let me ask you something: if we caught an Iranian Navy ship in Biscayne Bay, FL, or the Potomac, or Penobscot Bay, Maine would we arrest them? Would we insist on boarding their ship, and make them keep their hands in sight at all times?

Would we hold them for at least 24 hours? Would we be sure to treat them well, and feed them?

So what's the difference again?
Mexico 'Invades' Texas: 33 Soldiers Cross Border in Humvees
I know it really chaps your liberal asses when George W. Bush receives constant respect and praise from the military and veterans.

Not from the ones he murdered.

You know, I have debated putting you on ignore for your ignorance before, but that little tidbit of idiocy just proves you have nothing intelligent to add to any discussion!

As a veteran, the father of two veterans and one soon to be Army officer, I would find your comments offensive if they were also not so incredibly stupid.

You're a poser. I'm a real veteran.
They hate his with it.

You can tell they hate his guts how exactly?

Because they're not smiling? Is life so simple that someone likes you if they smile when you walk in the room, and if they don't smile they hate you?

If you havent clued to the fact the military has hated democrats for years you have your head up your ass.

It doesn't surprise me. The Republicans are war mongers, they make the defense industry rich, they give people a reason to throw their money at unnecessary military spending.

Soldiers know that under the Republicans they have a better change of promotion, there are more jobs and more vacant jobs because of people going home in body bags and wheelchairs.

Actually they like Conservatives because they are willing to give them the weapons and the ROE that allow them to not only protect themselves but to win.
You know nothing of the mind set of a soldier.

Funny how when soldiers went to Iraq, under a certain Republican C-in-C, they were buying equipment online and having friends and family send it over to Iraq.

But they were happy with that, apparently.

They didn't have it because Clinton was downsizing the military, decommissioning ships in the Navy, cutting the size of the Marine Corps, getting rid of Army divisions and Air Force fighter wings and not buying needed materials for about 8 years. I should know, I was one of those people!
i don't know a way to succeed in the mideast. and especially not, if you start with a handicap like bush's iraq invasion.
Iraq was docile after Bagdhad fell. Arabs just bow to whoever the new top dog is, whether it's a dictator, NAZI's, Americans, whoever. The problem is they look for strong leadership, almost thuggery to lead them. As soon as we started acting all nicey nice and telling them they are all equal and go form a democracy is when things hit the fan.

Read up on Mark Steyn's drive around Iraq after Bagdhad fell. He rented a car in Jordan and drove all over Iraq by himself. Not a problem at all because everyone just believed a new badass had taken over.
i don't know a way to succeed in the mideast. and especially not, if you start with a handicap like bush's iraq invasion.
Iraq was docile after Bagdhad fell. Arabs just bow to whoever the new top dog is, whether it's a dictator, NAZI's, Americans, whoever. The problem is they look for strong leadership, almost thuggery to lead them. As soon as we started acting all nicey nice and telling them they are all equal and go form a democracy is when things hit the fan.

Read up on Mark Steyn's drive around Iraq after Bagdhad fell. He rented a car in Jordan and drove all over Iraq by himself. Not a problem at all because everyone just believed a new badass had taken over.
apparently the shock and awe did not last. surprising, considering the nature of shock-inspired awe.

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