Trump: "Our military is a disaster"

Obama ended the Iraq war successfully, his own words. Then he screwed it up.

He didn't screw up anything. The Iraqis lost territory to ISIS by not fighting to defend it. That's not our fault. That's not Obama's fault.

We don't owe the Iraqis an army. Now that they are finding that out, they're starting to fight for their own country.

You'd rather more Americans were dying indefinitely in Iraq. You should be locked up for such ghoulish idiocy.
Is that why Obama has sent forces back?

We have ONE combat casualty in the fight against ISIS and they are getting beaten.

You would prefer another another 4000 Americans die in Iraq.

I don't we should've never left there. Iraq was stable and Obama cut a ran.

You people love your Nazi Big Lie but it really is a lie. Iraq was never any of our concern going back to 1991.

You people want the US in perpetual war all over the globe and it's time you people were beaten into submission.
well then you need to look at the eight years of Bill Clinton and his angst over Iraq. I love it. You all don't know shit.

Yup, Like Bush when he DID send them to Iraq...

But Obama DID take them out, they should be thankful...
Yep and all those great soldiers that died fighting king Iraq, died in vain. Thanks Obama.

You don't know how goddamned stupid that sounds. Bush got about 9000 young Americans killed, 4500 of them in a totally unnecessary war of choice. I might also mention that he borrowed six trillion dollars from foreign banks and funneled it to the richest people in the country in the form of tax cuts. The Republicans never have learned to cut their spending a goddamned dime but they cut taxes every time we turn around.
Tax money is not the governments dumbass

Anybody who thinks like you do should be run out of the country. We don't need selfish pricks who want to use every public facility in existence and never pay their fair share. I'll bet you don't volunteer for military service either. Michael Moore asked every member of the house of representatives if they had someone serving in the military and if they didn't would they be willing to commit to send one and only one of the 435 members would even answer the question. I think before one of their votes count on a declaration of war they have to submit a name of a family member or close friend who has already volunteered to go. When Richard Nixon did away with the draft he gave the rich people in this country a free ride. Young men and women who can't afford college end up in the military while their wealthy counterparts lollygag around some ivy league school drinking and fucking.
He didn't screw up anything. The Iraqis lost territory to ISIS by not fighting to defend it. That's not our fault. That's not Obama's fault.

We don't owe the Iraqis an army. Now that they are finding that out, they're starting to fight for their own country.

You'd rather more Americans were dying indefinitely in Iraq. You should be locked up for such ghoulish idiocy.
Is that why Obama has sent forces back?

We have ONE combat casualty in the fight against ISIS and they are getting beaten.

You would prefer another another 4000 Americans die in Iraq.

I don't we should've never left there. Iraq was stable and Obama cut a ran.

You people love your Nazi Big Lie but it really is a lie. Iraq was never any of our concern going back to 1991.

You people want the US in perpetual war all over the globe and it's time you people were beaten into submission.
well then you need to look at the eight years of Bill Clinton and his angst over Iraq. I love it. You all don't know shit.

Clinton didn't invade Iraq and get 4500 Americans needlessly killed.

Yup, Like Bush when he DID send them to Iraq...

But Obama DID take them out, they should be thankful...
Yep and all those great soldiers that died fighting king Iraq, died in vain. Thanks Obama.

You don't know how goddamned stupid that sounds. Bush got about 9000 young Americans killed, 4500 of them in a totally unnecessary war of choice. I might also mention that he borrowed six trillion dollars from foreign banks and funneled it to the richest people in the country in the form of tax cuts. The Republicans never have learned to cut their spending a goddamned dime but they cut taxes every time we turn around.
Tax money is not the governments dumbass

Anybody who thinks like you do should be run out of the country. We don't need selfish pricks who want to use every public facility in existence and never pay their fair share. I'll bet you don't volunteer for military service either. Michael Moore asked every member of the house of representatives if they had someone serving in the military and if they didn't would they be willing to commit to send one and only one of the 435 members would even answer the question. I think before one of their votes count on a declaration of war they have to submit a name of a family member or close friend who has already volunteered to go. When Richard Nixon did away with the draft he gave the rich people in this country a free ride. Young men and women who can't afford college end up in the military while their wealthy counterparts lollygag around some ivy league school drinking and fucking.
I bet you don't even understand the reason for the silence, do you? It's because you have no idea what is logical. but hey, stupid is as stupid does. And you and Michael Moore belong together. he's but a useless tool.

Shia and sunni would not be fighting, if it was not Obama supplying weapons to the sunni jihadists and calling for action against the Assad regime world wide.


You won stupid post of the thread in very tough competition.
you calling it stupid post of the thread just trumped that award.

Thanks for not understanding what actually happened and how isis became who they are. holy shit sherlock. Please go read.. And when you go, drop that stupid you carry with you off somewhere.
Is that why Obama has sent forces back?

We have ONE combat casualty in the fight against ISIS and they are getting beaten.

You would prefer another another 4000 Americans die in Iraq.

I don't we should've never left there. Iraq was stable and Obama cut a ran.

You people love your Nazi Big Lie but it really is a lie. Iraq was never any of our concern going back to 1991.

You people want the US in perpetual war all over the globe and it's time you people were beaten into submission.
well then you need to look at the eight years of Bill Clinton and his angst over Iraq. I love it. You all don't know shit.

Clinton didn't invade Iraq and get 4500 Americans needlessly killed.
that isn't what you said, or do you not read what you write.
Obama ended the Iraq war successfully, his own words. Then he screwed it up.

He didn't screw up anything. The Iraqis lost territory to ISIS by not fighting to defend it. That's not our fault. That's not Obama's fault.

We don't owe the Iraqis an army. Now that they are finding that out, they're starting to fight for their own country.

You'd rather more Americans were dying indefinitely in Iraq. You should be locked up for such ghoulish idiocy.
Is that why Obama has sent forces back?

We have ONE combat casualty in the fight against ISIS and they are getting beaten.

You would prefer another another 4000 Americans die in Iraq.

I don't we should've never left there. Iraq was stable and Obama cut a ran.

You people love your Nazi Big Lie but it really is a lie. Iraq was never any of our concern going back to 1991.

You people want the US in perpetual war all over the globe and it's time you people were beaten into submission.
hey, BTW why do we still have bases around the world then?
Will there be any outrage from the usual crowd over Trump's disrespecting our military?

I doubt it - he's not a Democrat.

The majority of 4stars agree with Trump.
Can't say...just that it works in a vault behind a locked door, behind a locked door...behind a locked door.
right. so you made up some bullshit. we got it, and frankly expect it from you.
Will there be any outrage from the usual crowd over Trump's disrespecting our military?

I doubt it - he's not a Democrat.

The majority of 4stars agree with Trump.
Can't say...just that it works in a vault behind a locked door, behind a locked door...behind a locked door.
right. so you made up some bullshit. we got it, and frankly expect it from you.
Source says...."GFY"....strong message follows.

By the way is your handle the sound you make when giving a blow job?
Will there be any outrage from the usual crowd over Trump's disrespecting our military?

I doubt it - he's not a Democrat.

The majority of 4stars agree with Trump.
Can't say...just that it works in a vault behind a locked door, behind a locked door...behind a locked door.
right. so you made up some bullshit. we got it, and frankly expect it from you.
Source says...."GFY"....strong message follows.

By the way is your handle the sound you make when giving a blow job?
Too bad there's not a "fucking hilarious" rating....
first thing asshats do when they run out of substance is ask how stoned the individual is they are debating ...

it must really suck to be them.

OR REFER TO ORAL SEX like del ..!
Will there be any outrage from the usual crowd over Trump's disrespecting our military?

I doubt it - he's not a Democrat.

The majority of 4stars agree with Trump.
Can't say...just that it works in a vault behind a locked door, behind a locked door...behind a locked door.
right. so you made up some bullshit. we got it, and frankly expect it from you.
Source says...."GFY"....strong message follows.

By the way is your handle the sound you make when giving a blow job?
doubling down on your imaginary friend. nice.

Yup, Like Bush when he DID send them to Iraq...

But Obama DID take them out, they should be thankful...
Yep and all those great soldiers that died fighting king Iraq, died in vain. Thanks Obama.

Bush sent the soldiers in Iraq to their deaths needlessly.

like Obama did (and is doing) in Afghanistan.....?

at least Bush won....

Ask the families of the 6,000 dead young Americans if he won anything!!
Gave rise to the terrorism that has existed since civilization rose.
There wasn't terrorism internally under Saddam. And Saddam didn't export terrorism.
You know who does export terrorism? IRAN

Yup. They were doing it under Reagan, under Bush the Greater, under Clinton, under Bush the Lesser, under Obama.

It has nothing to do with who is POTUS, which Party they are from, or whether we invaded Iraq or not.

So what is your point?
Read your liberal brethrens posts about who created & where they come from ya hack piece of shit. The sand monkeys have been loping off heads in the name of Allah for CENTURIES but you dumbfucks ALWAYS want to blame Bush

A bunch of childish amatuers who don't belong on a political forum
I have no issues at all about imposing sanctions on Iran for their missile program, or their terrorism support, or any host of other reasons. It is a separate subject from the nuclear deal.
Everyone says we have the greatest military in the world . Then how can they be a disaster !?

Yup, Like Bush when he DID send them to Iraq...

But Obama DID take them out, they should be thankful...
Yep and all those great soldiers that died fighting king Iraq, died in vain. Thanks Obama.

Bush sent the soldiers in Iraq to their deaths needlessly.

like Obama did (and is doing) in Afghanistan.....?

at least Bush won....
What exactly did Bush win?
Alcoholic Of The Year......that's when he came in drunk and whipped his daddy

Over the Christmas holidays in 1972, by then twenty-six, George W. went to Washington to visit his family. "After Junior arrived at the house, he took his 15 year-old brother, Marvin, to a friend's house, where they both drank too much holiday cheer. On the way home, Junior struck and dragged a neighbor's garbage can noisily down the street before turning into the Bush driveway. The elder Bush asked his son to step into the den. Junior, who recalls being drunk and belligerent as they entered the study, was ready to pick a fight.

"I hear you're looking for me," he shouted at his father, You want to go mano a mano right here?"

Both men were suddenly in each other's face, screaming at the top of their lungs, until Barbara ran into the room and literally pulled them apart and sent them into opposite corners of the room like a referee in a boxing match."

-- "Fortunate Son," Hatfield, page 50

See also "First Son" by Bill Minutaglio, pages 147-148; "The Bushes: Portrait of a Dynasty," by Peter and Rochelle Schweizer, page 220; and "The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty," page 306.

Younger brother, John Ellis "Jeb" Bush, the "favorite" son, watched the edgy scene unfolding and decided to intervene. He told his parents that W had just been accepted by Harvard Business School, something W had kept from them. They were stunned, and the potentially violent stand-off was defused.

“You should think about that, son,” Poppy said. “Oh, I’m not going,” W replied. “I just wanted to let you know I could get into it.”

W enrolled in Harvard Business School the following September.

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