Trump picks Pence!!

It's not official yet so I'll withhold my thoughts. Hopefully he does not pick Pence, this would be a huge let down. Fingers crossed its Newt or Christie
you are going to have to explain that one bro. I have a problem understanding how an anti-establishment guy that has been dogging the shit out fo them this whole time, then picking one for VP is a good thing.
explain Newt and/or Christie?
yes. If he has been dogging the establishment and their policies, and its how he came this far, how is it a good idea for him to throw that away and pick someone for VP?
Kinda like Bernie endorsing cankles
According to insiders it's pretty much a done deal.

According to insiders the hildabitch was going to be charged too, how'd that work out?

Yes, part of the Mike Pence being picked equation is him accepting the nod. If one were so inclined to commit political suicide that is. Imagine hitching your wagon to someone as batshit as Charlie Sheen. That's what Pence is staring at right now. Trump's insanity doesn't have an off button. No matter how reined in they're getting him at present. It's squirming will find a release, and vengeance.

Good luck Mr. Pence. Think well before accepting..
I still would liked for it to have been Newt. The guy is BRILLIANT, would have absolutely DESTRYED any Democrat they put up to debate him, and could have been the consummate 'Bad Guy / Hillary Basher' (using facts) while Trump could focus on the 'positive'.

Newt has too many skeletons knocking around in his closet to be on the ticket. I'm sure he'll be somewhere in the administration....Chief of Staff maybe?
It's not official yet so I'll withhold my thoughts. Hopefully he does not pick Pence, this would be a huge let down. Fingers crossed its Newt or Christie
you are going to have to explain that one bro. I have a problem understanding how an anti-establishment guy that has been dogging the shit out fo them this whole time, then picking one for VP is a good thing.

Dont care for Christie but I do like Newt.
Newt and Christie have backed him from the beginning. Christie later on (obvious reasons)

Newt has been railing against the establishment for some time and while he's not as "loud" as Trump is, he's feisty as hell and won't tolerate shit from the left/Clinton. He's been on board with Trump for a while now.

Christie is a street fighter as well and his support for Trump since exiting the primaries has been unwavering. I'd like to see his VP choice have some gravitas and Newt/Christie bring that.
I still would liked for it to have been Newt. The guy is BRILLIANT, would have absolutely DESTRYED any Democrat they put up to debate him, and could have been the consummate 'Bad Guy / Hillary Basher' (using facts) while Trump could focus on the 'positive'.

Newt has too many skeletons knocking around in his closet to be on the ticket. I'm sure he'll be somewhere in the administration....Chief of Staff maybe?
The liberals are right. If your predictions come true, the GOP will present like one giant clown circus. We forget that these people in the next Administration will be quite soberly facing off with China, Russia and the Middle East's terror elements. Nothing like a bunch of career narcissists at the helm while the Titanic sails into icy waters...
Newt and Christie have backed him from the beginning. Christie later on (obvious reasons)

Newt has been railing against the establishment for some time and while he's not as "loud" as Trump is, he's feisty as hell and won't tolerate shit from the left/Clinton. He's been on board with Trump for a while now.

Christie is a street fighter as well and his support for Trump since exiting the primaries has been unwavering. I'd like to see his VP choice have some gravitas and Newt/Christie bring that.

Newt is cannon-fodder for the left....the old "he divorced his wife while she was laying in a cancer-ward" blah blah blah and his House "ethics" violation (as if there's any ethics in the House) are ticking bombs for the Donald. Pence is vanilla and maybe that's his best attribute....he calms some of the fears the rust belt has with the flashy New Yawker.
Newt and Christie have backed him from the beginning. Christie later on (obvious reasons)

Newt has been railing against the establishment for some time and while he's not as "loud" as Trump is, he's feisty as hell and won't tolerate shit from the left/Clinton. He's been on board with Trump for a while now.

Christie is a street fighter as well and his support for Trump since exiting the primaries has been unwavering. I'd like to see his VP choice have some gravitas and Newt/Christie bring that.

Newt is cannon-fodder for the left....the old "he divorced his wife while she was laying in a cancer-ward" blah blah blah and his House "ethics" violation (as if there's any ethics in the House) are anchors for the Donald. Pence is vanilla and maybe that's his best attribute....he calms some of the fears the rust belt has with the flashy New Yawker.

I would love to see Newt as the VP but you're right about the left raising Holy hell about him.
I think he'd be better working in the background where he wont get so much attention.
I still would liked for it to have been Newt. The guy is BRILLIANT, would have absolutely DESTRYED any Democrat they put up to debate him, and could have been the consummate 'Bad Guy / Hillary Basher' (using facts) while Trump could focus on the 'positive'.

Newt has too many skeletons knocking around in his closet to be on the ticket. I'm sure he'll be somewhere in the administration....Chief of Staff maybe?
The liberals are right. If your predictions come true, the GOP will present like one giant clown circus. We forget that these people in the next Administration will be quite soberly facing off with China, Russia and the Middle East's terror elements. Nothing like a bunch of career narcissists at the helm while the Titanic sails into icy waters...
Meanwhile - a little over 3 months out from the election - the DNC pick is STILL under criminal investigation for Perjury and violating the FOIA and Federal Records Act...thanks to the Obama administration agency she used to run - State Department. :p
Newt back tracked his corporatist economic mindset a couple weeks ago. Good for him :lol:
Newt and Christie have backed him from the beginning. Christie later on (obvious reasons)

Newt has been railing against the establishment for some time and while he's not as "loud" as Trump is, he's feisty as hell and won't tolerate shit from the left/Clinton. He's been on board with Trump for a while now.

Christie is a street fighter as well and his support for Trump since exiting the primaries has been unwavering. I'd like to see his VP choice have some gravitas and Newt/Christie bring that.
With Christy and Gingrich such fighters, wouldnt that be a great pay per view UFC match up?

I can see it now....a mental image brought to you by 'Americans for Mind Flight'.
I like Newt more, but he has been out of Washington for years. Pence is a good choice that will provide the right balance.

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