Trump Pockets $1.1 Million in 2020 Campaign Donations


"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donorsjn across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

Who cares? Just another lame attempt to turn Trump-supporters away from him and truthfully, you failed at it.
"Fox’s Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony"
Fox’s Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony

Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when Trump follows in Cohen's footsteps?
. By that standard, Obama's crime is 10 times worse and 276 Congressmen are on the hook too.
Fox’s Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony

"'Career prosecutors here in New York have evidence that the president of the United States committed a felony by ordering and paying Michael Cohen to break the law,' Napolitano said while speaking on Fox News. 'How do we know that? They told that to the federal judge. Under the rules, they can’t tell that to the federal judge unless they actually have that hardcore evidence. Under the rules, they can’t tell that to the federal judge unless they intend to do something with that evidence.'"
When did prosecutors have similar evidence against Obama?

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donorsjn across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

Who cares? Just another lame attempt to turn Trump-supporters away from him and truthfully, you failed at it.
"Fox’s Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony"
Fox’s Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony

Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when Trump follows in Cohen's footsteps?
. By that standard, Obama's crime is 10 times worse and 276 Congressmen are on the hook too.
Fox’s Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony

"'Career prosecutors here in New York have evidence that the president of the United States committed a felony by ordering and paying Michael Cohen to break the law,' Napolitano said while speaking on Fox News. 'How do we know that? They told that to the federal judge. Under the rules, they can’t tell that to the federal judge unless they actually have that hardcore evidence. Under the rules, they can’t tell that to the federal judge unless they intend to do something with that evidence.'"
When did prosecutors have similar evidence against Obama?

So you libtards not only love God, country, the flag, Senator Joe McCarty and John McCain now, but FOX News too?


Napolitano is an idiot. He should have been fired along with the Ralph Peters goober.
So you libtards not only love God, country, the flag, Senator Joe McCarty and John McCain now, but FOX News too?


Napolitano is an idiot. He should have been fired along with the Ralph Peters goober.
It isn't necessary to love God, country, and flag to know Trump is nothing but a lying, psychopathic con man whose many felonies include ordering and paying Michael Cohen to break the law.

At least Napolitano and Peters aren't hypocrites.
So, let's do the math. Trump contributed $50M to his own campaign, and then used $1.1M to have his campaign pay rent for using offices in his own buildings.
He contributed $50 million to his 2016 campaign which was likely in the form of a loan.

How Donald Trump Shifted $ 1.1M Of Campaign Donor Money Into His Business - Forbes - Archy Worldys

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were silent in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 re-election campaign.

"Donations poured over 50,000 people across the country. But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while continuing to charge his money. That means the richest president in American history has turned $ 1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

Your math skillz are sorely lacking. $50M > $1.1M

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

So , the theory is that a man who is conservatively worth $4B ran for President so he could swindle $2M out of Americans via campaign donations? LOL

noooooooooooo........... it's a man who went bankrupt several times & US banks wouldn't touch him when he needed cash - so he went to the rooooskies for their dirty money. putin hated & feared hillary for her comments & support of the uprising in russia when she was SOS. so ol uncle vlad metaphorically called in all the bank notes donny owed & is probably blackmailing him with some salacious tapes too, forcing him to run so hillary wouldn't get into the whitehouse. with his help & probably the saudiis too - trump is now a full fledge whore working on his back for them.

Trump has never gone bankrupt ya fuken liar.
A few of his hundreds of companies may have but thats to be expected when you have around seven hundred of em.
sure, sure. that's why the house won their biggest net gain in 40 years.

Me thinks you might need to read up on your history.

2010 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Republicans gained 63 seats in the house in 2010. Liberals didn't come CLOSE to gaining that number in November. Historically, the liberal takeover of the house in 2018 was one of the softest on record.
Actually,it was the biggest gain for dems since watergate,I believe. And the popular vote margin for Dems was larger in 2018 than it was for republicans in 2010..

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?
Carnival barker extraordinaire.

Trump smarter than Hillary. She blew 1.2 billion on the election to take the mantle of the world's most expensive loser.
She is a disgrace.....she lost twice....

she's gonna have the last laugh when this is over with.

This falls into the 'could've-would've-should've' category.
All losers, including you, reside there.

hillary has the biggest bag of popcorn just munching away & waiting for this to all unravel for donny.....

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

So , the theory is that a man who is conservatively worth $4B ran for President so he could swindle $2M out of Americans via campaign donations? LOL

noooooooooooo........... it's a man who went bankrupt several times & US banks wouldn't touch him when he needed cash - so he went to the rooooskies for their dirty money. putin hated & feared hillary for her comments & support of the uprising in russia when she was SOS. so ol uncle vlad metaphorically called in all the bank notes donny owed & is probably blackmailing him with some salacious tapes too, forcing him to run so hillary wouldn't get into the whitehouse. with his help & probably the saudiis too - trump is now a full fledge whore working on his back for them.

Trump has never gone bankrupt ya fuken liar.
A few of his hundreds of companies may have but thats to be expected when you have around seven hundred of em.

his casinos.... where they are designed so the HOUSE WINS & TURNS A PROFIT.... went belly up.

trump was so incompetent when it came to spending money he didn't have, wall st forced him to go on a restricted 'allowance' of $450,000 a month & that proved to be really tough for the giant orange man baby....

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

So , the theory is that a man who is conservatively worth $4B ran for President so he could swindle $2M out of Americans via campaign donations? LOL

noooooooooooo........... it's a man who went bankrupt several times & US banks wouldn't touch him when he needed cash - so he went to the rooooskies for their dirty money. putin hated & feared hillary for her comments & support of the uprising in russia when she was SOS. so ol uncle vlad metaphorically called in all the bank notes donny owed & is probably blackmailing him with some salacious tapes too, forcing him to run so hillary wouldn't get into the whitehouse. with his help & probably the saudiis too - trump is now a full fledge whore working on his back for them.

Trump has never gone bankrupt ya fuken liar.
A few of his hundreds of companies may have but thats to be expected when you have around seven hundred of em.

his casinos.... where they are designed so the HOUSE WINS & TURNS A PROFIT.... went belly up.

trump was so incompetent when it came to spending money he didn't have, wall st forced him to go on a restricted 'allowance' of $450,000 a month & that proved to be really tough for the giant orange man baby....

As I said.
A few of his hundreds of companies.
sure, sure. that's why the house won their biggest net gain in 40 years.

Me thinks you might need to read up on your history.

2010 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Republicans gained 63 seats in the house in 2010. Liberals didn't come CLOSE to gaining that number in November. Historically, the liberal takeover of the house in 2018 was one of the softest on record.

yep - you are right. but considering they haven't had the majority for 8 years... you can point that out all you want.... cause they are gonna open up a huuuuge can of whoop ass on your president dotard, & not only is he not used to that - it's gonna be fun watching him have his hissy fits over it.

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

So , the theory is that a man who is conservatively worth $4B ran for President so he could swindle $2M out of Americans via campaign donations? LOL

noooooooooooo........... it's a man who went bankrupt several times & US banks wouldn't touch him when he needed cash - so he went to the rooooskies for their dirty money. putin hated & feared hillary for her comments & support of the uprising in russia when she was SOS. so ol uncle vlad metaphorically called in all the bank notes donny owed & is probably blackmailing him with some salacious tapes too, forcing him to run so hillary wouldn't get into the whitehouse. with his help & probably the saudiis too - trump is now a full fledge whore working on his back for them.

Trump has never gone bankrupt ya fuken liar.
A few of his hundreds of companies may have but thats to be expected when you have around seven hundred of em.

his casinos.... where they are designed so the HOUSE WINS & TURNS A PROFIT.... went belly up.

trump was so incompetent when it came to spending money he didn't have, wall st forced him to go on a restricted 'allowance' of $450,000 a month & that proved to be really tough for the giant orange man baby....

As I said.
A few of his hundreds of companies.

oh you mean with that '$1millon' dollar gift he got from his daddy to start life out with & that was a fucking lie - he had multiple millions to do it with. you think he could have done it without daddy's constant flow of cash? silly little trumpanzee.....
So , the theory is that a man who is conservatively worth $4B ran for President so he could swindle $2M out of Americans via campaign donations? LOL

noooooooooooo........... it's a man who went bankrupt several times & US banks wouldn't touch him when he needed cash - so he went to the rooooskies for their dirty money. putin hated & feared hillary for her comments & support of the uprising in russia when she was SOS. so ol uncle vlad metaphorically called in all the bank notes donny owed & is probably blackmailing him with some salacious tapes too, forcing him to run so hillary wouldn't get into the whitehouse. with his help & probably the saudiis too - trump is now a full fledge whore working on his back for them.

Trump has never gone bankrupt ya fuken liar.
A few of his hundreds of companies may have but thats to be expected when you have around seven hundred of em.

his casinos.... where they are designed so the HOUSE WINS & TURNS A PROFIT.... went belly up.

trump was so incompetent when it came to spending money he didn't have, wall st forced him to go on a restricted 'allowance' of $450,000 a month & that proved to be really tough for the giant orange man baby....

As I said.
A few of his hundreds of companies.

oh you mean with that '$1millon' dollar gift he got from his daddy to start life out with & that was a fucking lie - he had multiple millions to do it with. you think he could have done it without daddy's constant flow of cash? silly little trumpanzee.....

So how does it feel to be so insanely jealous?
noooooooooooo........... it's a man who went bankrupt several times & US banks wouldn't touch him when he needed cash - so he went to the rooooskies for their dirty money. putin hated & feared hillary for her comments & support of the uprising in russia when she was SOS. so ol uncle vlad metaphorically called in all the bank notes donny owed & is probably blackmailing him with some salacious tapes too, forcing him to run so hillary wouldn't get into the whitehouse. with his help & probably the saudiis too - trump is now a full fledge whore working on his back for them.

Trump has never gone bankrupt ya fuken liar.
A few of his hundreds of companies may have but thats to be expected when you have around seven hundred of em.

his casinos.... where they are designed so the HOUSE WINS & TURNS A PROFIT.... went belly up.

trump was so incompetent when it came to spending money he didn't have, wall st forced him to go on a restricted 'allowance' of $450,000 a month & that proved to be really tough for the giant orange man baby....

As I said.
A few of his hundreds of companies.

oh you mean with that '$1millon' dollar gift he got from his daddy to start life out with & that was a fucking lie - he had multiple millions to do it with. you think he could have done it without daddy's constant flow of cash? silly little trumpanzee.....

So how does it feel to be so insanely jealous?

And here folks we have another signal to look for that a person has lost their fucking minds. When they are on a message board screaming that Donald Trump had an inheritance LOL as if turning lets say $20M into let's say $4B isn't an impressive accomplishment.

Funny that Donald Trump was a great businessman until the day he decided to run for President as a Republican.

TNHarley you should read this shit, for a good laugh.
noooooooooooo........... it's a man who went bankrupt several times & US banks wouldn't touch him when he needed cash - so he went to the rooooskies for their dirty money. putin hated & feared hillary for her comments & support of the uprising in russia when she was SOS. so ol uncle vlad metaphorically called in all the bank notes donny owed & is probably blackmailing him with some salacious tapes too, forcing him to run so hillary wouldn't get into the whitehouse. with his help & probably the saudiis too - trump is now a full fledge whore working on his back for them.

Trump has never gone bankrupt ya fuken liar.
A few of his hundreds of companies may have but thats to be expected when you have around seven hundred of em.

his casinos.... where they are designed so the HOUSE WINS & TURNS A PROFIT.... went belly up.

trump was so incompetent when it came to spending money he didn't have, wall st forced him to go on a restricted 'allowance' of $450,000 a month & that proved to be really tough for the giant orange man baby....

As I said.
A few of his hundreds of companies.

oh you mean with that '$1millon' dollar gift he got from his daddy to start life out with & that was a fucking lie - he had multiple millions to do it with. you think he could have done it without daddy's constant flow of cash? silly little trumpanzee.....

So how does it feel to be so insanely jealous?

all my bills get paid on time, i live a comfy life with no investigations, i have been married to the same person for 31 years without a doubt of fidelity AND am not hated by anybody.

siily you - you don't know what you are talking about.............
Trump has never gone bankrupt ya fuken liar.
A few of his hundreds of companies may have but thats to be expected when you have around seven hundred of em.

his casinos.... where they are designed so the HOUSE WINS & TURNS A PROFIT.... went belly up.

trump was so incompetent when it came to spending money he didn't have, wall st forced him to go on a restricted 'allowance' of $450,000 a month & that proved to be really tough for the giant orange man baby....

As I said.
A few of his hundreds of companies.

oh you mean with that '$1millon' dollar gift he got from his daddy to start life out with & that was a fucking lie - he had multiple millions to do it with. you think he could have done it without daddy's constant flow of cash? silly little trumpanzee.....

So how does it feel to be so insanely jealous?

all my bills get paid on time, i live a comfy life with no investigations, i have been married to the same person for 31 years without a doubt of fidelity AND am not hated by anybody.

siily you - you don't know what you are talking about.............

You're nothing compared to Trump.
Trump has never gone bankrupt ya fuken liar.
A few of his hundreds of companies may have but thats to be expected when you have around seven hundred of em.

his casinos.... where they are designed so the HOUSE WINS & TURNS A PROFIT.... went belly up.

trump was so incompetent when it came to spending money he didn't have, wall st forced him to go on a restricted 'allowance' of $450,000 a month & that proved to be really tough for the giant orange man baby....

As I said.
A few of his hundreds of companies.

oh you mean with that '$1millon' dollar gift he got from his daddy to start life out with & that was a fucking lie - he had multiple millions to do it with. you think he could have done it without daddy's constant flow of cash? silly little trumpanzee.....

So how does it feel to be so insanely jealous?

And here folks we have another signal to look for that a person has lost their fucking minds. When they are on a message board screaming that Donald Trump had an inheritance LOL as if turning lets say $20M into let's say $4B isn't an impressive accomplishment.

Funny that Donald Trump was a great businessman until the day he decided to run for President as a Republican.

TNHarley you should read this shit, for a good laugh.

Donald Trump’s inheritance

How Times Journalists Uncovered the Original Source of the President’s Wealth
his casinos.... where they are designed so the HOUSE WINS & TURNS A PROFIT.... went belly up.

trump was so incompetent when it came to spending money he didn't have, wall st forced him to go on a restricted 'allowance' of $450,000 a month & that proved to be really tough for the giant orange man baby....

As I said.
A few of his hundreds of companies.

oh you mean with that '$1millon' dollar gift he got from his daddy to start life out with & that was a fucking lie - he had multiple millions to do it with. you think he could have done it without daddy's constant flow of cash? silly little trumpanzee.....

So how does it feel to be so insanely jealous?

all my bills get paid on time, i live a comfy life with no investigations, i have been married to the same person for 31 years without a doubt of fidelity AND am not hated by anybody.

siily you - you don't know what you are talking about.............

You're nothing compared to Trump.

lol...i don't bend over & grab my ankles for him like you do.

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