Trump rally tonight in Georgia



Libs please, more people show up to watch Trump walk to his limo than show up at a Biden rally. :auiqs.jpg:
And the number of people attending rallies doesn't correlate to the number of votes they get on election night.

Intensity and popularity are two different things and the "anti vote" has turned many a race.

Republicans get stuck holding their noses and voting for the lesser of 2 evils in most elections and dem's will vote for a fire plug if it's running against a republican.

What you all seem to forget though is that elections are won in the middle, not on the fringes of either side.

If you can't swing the independent vote it's almost impossible to win the presidency.
We get similar small packed crowds every Friday night at small town stadiums across the country during football season.

Intensity of support is not the same as popularity across a large segment of the population.
Good luck with didn't work in 2016 and it won't in 24....
It doesn't matter how many people want to come to his rallies, what matters most is how many people will vote against Trump.
The last election was not conducted by law in way too many states...the next one will be....
president biden is too busy running the country to hold rallies for his ego..unlike the has been traitor you continue to support making you a traitor to this country ..wear that maga hat proudly you unamerican pos
Good luck with didn't work in 2016 and it won't in 24....
Facts are facts. We can do better than Trump and I hope we do.

I find it disturbing to see Republicans worshipping a man as though he were the reincarnation of Christ,

Like all men Trump is flawed, and badly flawed at that.

Even though I agreed with him on close to 90% of his policies and platform, I recognize he's not the guy to heal this nation and that's what we really need.

We're more divided today than at any point since the US Civil war and if we don't start pulling it back together soon I doubt it can be saved.

Trump is the most divisive person to occupy the WH since it was built and if he's the candidate in 24 the anti vote is going to be massive and as such even if he squeaks out a win, we'll just be more divided than ever.

Men are mere vessels for a message, and to carry the conservative message and sell it to a large majority of Americans simply takes a leader of a much different kind that Trump is capable of being.
president biden is too busy running the country to hold rallies for his ego..unlike the has been traitor you continue to support making you a traitor to this country ..wear that maga hat proudly you unamerican pos
Biden is busy trying to remember where he is and what is last name is.
How are we and the world doing without him today dummy?....
Wake the fuck up....
Well since nothing is going to put him back in office tomorrow that's entirely irrelevant isn't it?

Let's deal with what is, rather than what you wish things to be.
Looks like a lot of people also left early .....

The photo with the empty seats was taken during bright daylight. President Trump didn't speak until 8:00 PM -- almost dark. The other photos tell you nothing.

Nice try, you pathetic fucking moron.

You really do need to get a complete life, or just go ahead and finish dying.
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Looks like a lot of people also left early .....

Considering those pictures were taken more than an hour before Trump took the stage I'd say all they are showing is the dishonesty of the guy posting them.


6:21 am – 6:45 pm
12 hours, 25 minutes

At first, right after you joined, I had hopes that you'd bring a lot of balanced discussion to the table, but this is just puerile intellectual masturbation. I overestimated you. Welcome to the TDS Losers Club.
I'm stating facts.

A small arena packed full of a few hundred people doesn't really mean much at all except that a few hundred people were willing to go to a tightly packed small venue to see and hear Trump.

With just a little effort you can actually count the faces in each of those photos.

Something else you folks need to get a grip on is the fact that there was strong anti Trump intensity in both 2016 and 2020, fortunately there was even more against Hillary.

In 2020, unfortunately it was pretty well equal and Joe was the least objectionable to the key demographic, the Independents.

No matter what, it's virtually impossible to win the presidency without a majority of independents and Trump lost independents in 2020.

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