Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

I guess so.

This is also my argument against term limits. If I'm happy with my elected official, I should be able to vote for her or him. Its certifiably crazy to fire an official just because they were good enough to keep their job for X number of terms.

Aw, someone pet the little baby fascists and now seems dismayed they grew up to bite it in the butt.

Ah well, same old, same old.
While I fully agree with the sentiment, I think it's a bad idea in practice. This is the kind of one-sided, punitive measure that has gotten us to this point in the first place.

I assume the Supes will toss this out for everyone, "states rights" or not. Regardless, we have to somehow cool things down, not make them worse.

Too late, Mac.

I no longer care
What nobody is talking about and something that people should be acknowleding is that these people are running a stalking horse type of endeavor to try to set a precendent whereby they can just arbitrarily broaden the definition of whatever they want in order to project the illusion that it justifies their action.

Typical manufactured problem, reaction, solution shenanigans.

And we're seeing this practice of arbitrarily broadening the definitions of things quite a bit as of late, including in Congress itself as well as out in the wild of the www where most propaganda is seeded and is dependent upon arbitrary definitions.

We've seen members of Congress lobby to expel other members of Congress for merely objecting from the House floor. They've arbitrarily called them seditionists for merely objecting to them on the House floor.

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You see? That's what's going on. These are the kind of shady authoritarians that we're dealing with here. They're relying on the normalization and acceptance of th practice of invoking very broad, very arbitrary terms of controversy and definitions in order to justify their agendas.

Once that practice is normalized and accepted, they're gonna keep doing this kind of thing. And for far more insidious acts of usurp.

A unilateral decision by a single bureaucrat, no notice, no due process. I wonder how the commies would like it if republican SOSs did the same to xiden for his criminal activities and expediting an invasion of the country by enemies of the US.

Aw, someone pet the little baby fascists and now seems dismayed they grew up to bite it in the butt.
Don't bring your mating habits into this discussion.
Ah well, same old, same old.
Yeah, thats what your partner said before he/she/it dropped the alleged school teacher is up at 2 in the morning for some reason.
Your opinion means nothing to me. Sorry.

oh honey that's not just "my opinion". When your hurt feelings destroy a nation, it means legacy military families stop sending sons and daughters to serve, as just one example.

You can't have a nation when one half says "screw it, not worth saving"
Don't bring your mating habits into this discussion.

Yeah, thats what your partner said before he/she/it dropped the alleged school teacher is up at 2 in the morning for some reason.

Married 29 years and counting, very happily so. Thanks for asking. :)
It's snowballing. There will be more states disqualifying him. It's also a kick in the butt at SCOTUS, telling them they can't slow-walk this.

Maine barred Donald Trump from the primary ballot Thursday, making it the second state in the country to block the former president from running again under a part of the Constitution that prevents insurrectionists from holding office.

The decision by Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows (D) is sure to be appealed. The Colorado Supreme Court last week found Trump could not appear on the ballot in that state, and the Colorado Republican Party has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case. The nation’s high court could resolve for all states whether Trump can run again.
The states have the right to conduct elections as they see fit, consistent with Federal election laws and the Constitution – including determining eligibility; the Supreme Court shouldn’t interfere with states’ rights.

Judging by rightists responding to this thread, conservatives clearly aren’t advocates of states’ rights.
Every state has their own rules and laws. Some go further in their prescriptions than others. Colorado was compelled to rule as they did because of the Colorado state constitution. Michigan, otoh, did not have similar language or similar riles and laws. Therefore, they couldn't take Trump off the ballot under their state constitution.

So it's not "bad look". And that just implies that it's political and not on the level. I do not agree.

Section 3 is a qualification for holding public office, not a criminal conviction; it has in the past been used to disqualify those who engaged in treasonous insurrection, such as Trump.
The states have the right to conduct elections as they see fit, consistent with Federal election laws and the Constitution – including determining eligibility; the Supreme Court shouldn’t interfere with states’ rights.

Judging by rightists responding to this thread, conservatives clearly aren’t advocates of states’ rights.
What we have is not freedom. That is what the constitution spouts. Not politicians purposely put into positions of power to screw over citizens. The photo of the Prog Socialist Communist beneficiary of the 19th amendment, a Fiat currency and equity is a woman that has an eerie Hitler type hairstyle.
It's snowballing. There will be more states disqualifying him. It's also a kick in the butt at SCOTUS, telling them they can't slow-walk this.

Maine barred Donald Trump from the primary ballot Thursday, making it the second state in the country to block the former president from running again under a part of the Constitution that prevents insurrectionists from holding office.

The decision by Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows (D) is sure to be appealed. The Colorado Supreme Court last week found Trump could not appear on the ballot in that state, and the Colorado Republican Party has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case. The nation’s high court could resolve for all states whether Trump can run again.
/——/ democRATs accuse Republicans of trying to disinfeanchise voters, but the Left actually does it then brags about it.
States can always hold a caucus and enter Trump’s name on the ballot. No
I guess so.

This is also my argument against term limits. If I'm happy with my elected official, I should be able to vote for her or him. Its certifiably crazy to fire an official just because they were good enough to keep their job for X number of terms.
Trump being disqualified from running for president because he fomented an insurrection is no different than a 28-year-old or a naturalized citizen being disqualified from running for president.
Another attempt by Democrats to desinfranchise Trump voters.


That Trump is disqualified from running for president because he fomented a treasonous insurrection doesn’t ‘disenfranchise’ anyone.
Trump being disqualified from running for president because he fomented an insurrection is no different than a 28-year-old or a naturalized citizen being disqualified from running for president.
Well the requirements for President are mentioned in the constitution if I'm not mistaken.

What Maine and CO did was the learned opinion of judges. It certainly carries weight.

But I don't think someone should be able to tell me who I can vote for unless a line is crossed in fact; not an opinion. As I said earlier. If there is a law on the books that says a convicted felon can't be on the ballot; then you got grounds. That is a law. Passed by the legislature and signed by the governor. These are elected officials. The judges may or may not be but in any case they are giving their opinion.
A unilateral decision by a single bureaucrat, no notice, no due process.

If you read the ruling you will see there was notice and there was due process.

It is one thing to disagree with it, but another to be willfully ignorant of the facts
What we have is not freedom. That is what the constitution spouts. Not politicians purposely put into positions of power to screw over citizens. The photo of the Prog Socialist Communist beneficiary of the 19th amendment, a Fiat currency and equity is a woman that has an eerie Hitler type hairstyle.
Conservatives are infamous for their hypocrisy – in this case their ‘advocacy’ of states’ rights.

The states have the authority to conduct elections, including determining qualifications for holding public office.

Each state should be allowed to determine whether Trump’s act of treasonous insurrection disqualifies him from running for president pursuant to Section 3 – the Supreme Court should not interfere with the right of the states to do so.
Conservatives are infamous for their hypocrisy – in this case their ‘advocacy’ of states’ rights.

The states have the authority to conduct elections, including determining qualifications for holding public office.

Each state should be allowed to determine whether Trump’s act of treasonous insurrection disqualifies him from running for president pursuant to Section 3 – the Supreme Court should not interfere with the right of the states to do so.
That accusation is NOT grounded in reality; it's just the OPINION of you demented avenger subverted demoralized Marxist ASSHOLES!!!
SCOTUS will smack your COLLECTIVE asses DOWN!

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