trump said he is coming back to face his accuser in the NY Slander/rape case

No need.
Trust me.
He has admitted that he thinks sexual assault is a perfectly acceptable thing for men in his position to do.
"Normal" in other words.
Those words in his recorded deposition certainly don't help his case much.
Why lie ? He hasn't done no such a thing. What he did do basically, was allow us a peak into his world where once you get filthy rich, then the troubles leftist are having getting laid all go away. ROTFLMBO 🤣

And guess what ? No assault is needed in that world. But due to the jealousy of the leftist not getting the opportunities the rich and famous get, then the left tries to bring the rich and famous down with set ups, lie's, innuendo, race baiting, straight bashing, and whatever else it can think of in order to even the scores because of it's hatred of success, and lack there of.
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You are just a sad, hate-driven, "leftist" indoctrinated snowflake...BLESS YOUR HEART.

Fixed it for you... You know they struggle with interpretation... LOL... Next thing ya know they'll be calling it a code talk word, a dog whistle or any other damned non-sense they can muster up .. ROTFLMBO 🤣
Those running for public office should disclose that to the public.
Yeah right !! Are you kind of stupid maybe ?? People's private live's (emphasis on the word PRIVATE), has basically no bearing on their other official capacities or capabilities in life..That is why people aren't required to check questioner boxes on the applications pertaining to their private lives or rather they they don't have to show it or tell it on their resumes.

It's all about what their education and work history brings to the table, and you as a leftist(?) should know that better than anyone. You all push the narrative of stay out of your private live's it's none of anyone's business more than any other group in this country, but you get derailed or stupid when it comes to Trump. Why ?

Trump is so strong that y'all just can't handle him that's why....
Yeah right !! Are you kind of stupid maybe ?? People's private live's (emphasis on the word PRIVATE), has basically no bearing on their other official capacities or capabilities in life..That is why people aren't required to check questioner boxes on the applications pertaining to their private lives or rather they they don't have to show it or tell it on their resumes.

It's all about what their education and work history brings to the table, and you as a leftist(?) should know that better than anyone. You all push the narrative of stay out of your private live's it's none of anyone's business more than any other group in this country, but you get derailed or stupid when it comes to Trump. Why ?

Trump is so strong that y'all just can't handle him that's why....
hey man, cool story. I WANT TO KNOW IF I AM VOTING FOR A RAPIST!

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