Trump says he's asked China to 'immediately' remove all tariffs on US agricultural products

Funny how all these lefties are cheering for China to continue taking our manufacturing jobs, while destroying the environment while they are at it.

China did not take our manufacturing jobs dipshit, automation and efficiency did.

In the 80s as our manufacturing jobs numbers were dropping, output was still increasing. Six Sigma was responsible for more lost manufacturing jobs than China was.

That is the problem with manufacturing jobs, they are the easiest job to replace with a machine.

Wrong. Most of the manufacturing jobs went to third world shit holes because of the cheap slave labor and non-existent environmental laws.

If it was all just “automation” it could had remained in the US.

WRONG....if that was the case the US manufacturing output would have dropped as the jobs did...but it did kept going up even as jobs went down. 80% of the lost jobs were due to automation or efficiency improvements.

As I said, Six Sigma was responsible for more lost manufacturing jobs than China was.
Donald Trump has blinked.

Trump is not winning the trade war and he has been informed that a 25% tariff on Chinese goods will bring more American companies to their knees than Chinese companies.

The Trump administration of 2016-2020 will appear in cases studies in the teaching of economics to demonstrate that tariffs and trade wars harm the whole global economy.

Despite the tariffs, the trade deficit with China has been growing.

Donald Trump is not just morally and financially bankrupting the USA, he is bankrupting the world.

Trump says he's asked China to 'immediately' remove all tariffs on US agricultural products

Trump says he's asked China to 'immediately' remove all tariffs on US agricultural products
President Donald Trump on Friday said that he has asked China to "immediately remove all tariffs" on U.S. agricultural products, in return for his decision to postpone a March 1 deadline to raise U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports.

Trump made the request "based on the fact that we are moving along nicely with trade discussions," he said.
On Sunday, Trump announced that he would delay the additional tariffs that were scheduled to go into effect at the beginning of March. ...

It's such a pity that our government schools remain open, contaminating American children with voodoo climate science, negro worship, and communism. This crap OP is just another example of the vacancy of the American history, no economics, no geography....they can't even teach the kids to cover their mouths when they yawn, and they yawn a lot in these disinformation factories.
negro worship???

Did you think you were on GAB or Stormfront again?

I know this site has been a little "rough around the edges" lately but Dude. You're supposed to whisper your racism
Trump never did know how to negotiate. Asking nice and giving up nothing usually only makes em laugh
Donald Trump has blinked.

Trump is not winning the trade war and he has been informed that a 25% tariff on Chinese goods will bring more American companies to their knees than Chinese companies.

The Trump administration of 2016-2020 will appear in cases studies in the teaching of economics to demonstrate that tariffs and trade wars harm the whole global economy.

Despite the tariffs, the trade deficit with China has been growing.

Donald Trump is not just morally and financially bankrupting the USA, he is bankrupting the world.

Trump says he's asked China to 'immediately' remove all tariffs on US agricultural products

Trump says he's asked China to 'immediately' remove all tariffs on US agricultural products
President Donald Trump on Friday said that he has asked China to "immediately remove all tariffs" on U.S. agricultural products, in return for his decision to postpone a March 1 deadline to raise U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports.

Trump made the request "based on the fact that we are moving along nicely with trade discussions," he said.
On Sunday, Trump announced that he would delay the additional tariffs that were scheduled to go into effect at the beginning of March. ...

What is your point? Tariffs work great for China, but won’t work for the US?
Tariffs are a tax on US consumers. Trump has raised taxes.

Tariffs are a tax on companies that manufacture in third world shit holes, and they give an incentive for US companies to remain in the US. Consumers don’t have to pay that tax if they don’t want to.

Pretty much sums up the idiocy of the average Trump supporter.

A) It’s a tax paid by importers; it’s not a tax on companies.

B) What you’re trying to imply is that the companies having to raise their prices to include the tariffs will be a large enough incentive to keep plants here. In most cases that would never happen when you consider all of those costs are upfront (you pay the worker, the utilities and the overhead if you don’t sell a unit). When you build over-seas, you lower all of those costs and you’re selling to the importer…paying the cost on the back end.

What is also ignored by Trump idiots is that the US Market is saturated in most industries. If you’re not shipping products here, you needn’t worry about paying the tariffs so the plant in Sri Lanka may be largely immune from any tariffs.
Trump never did know how to negotiate. Asking nice and giving up nothing usually only makes em laugh

Name a president that was more concerned or successful with this, than he has been so far?

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Tariffs work great for China, but won’t work for the US?
Actually, that is pretty spot on. You see, the population of China has little to no power or oversight over their own government. So, a regime in China can, essentially, last forever, despite any pain, economic or otherwise, felt by its general population. the rich can stay rich, and the politically powerful can stay powerful, regardless of some economic pain. And these are, essentially, the same group, in China.

Blind squirrel "the Hawk".... meet nut!
Donald Trump has blinked.

Trump is not winning the trade war and he has been informed that a 25% tariff on Chinese goods will bring more American companies to their knees than Chinese companies.

The Trump administration of 2016-2020 will appear in cases studies in the teaching of economics to demonstrate that tariffs and trade wars harm the whole global economy.

Despite the tariffs, the trade deficit with China has been growing.

Donald Trump is not just morally and financially bankrupting the USA, he is bankrupting the world.

Trump says he's asked China to 'immediately' remove all tariffs on US agricultural products

Trump says he's asked China to 'immediately' remove all tariffs on US agricultural products
President Donald Trump on Friday said that he has asked China to "immediately remove all tariffs" on U.S. agricultural products, in return for his decision to postpone a March 1 deadline to raise U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports.

Trump made the request "based on the fact that we are moving along nicely with trade discussions," he said.
On Sunday, Trump announced that he would delay the additional tariffs that were scheduled to go into effect at the beginning of March. ...

So, Donni Boi is just all bluster & no pickle, or as they say in Tejas, Trump is 'all hat & no cattle.'

We already knew that Trump is a fake ass bitch; nothing new for those that have been paying attention for four decades .........

Everyone, please turn your TV stations to 'Celebrity Trade Wars' for our next dose of ultimate Trump bullshit ........
negro worship???

Did you think you were on GAB or Stormfront again?

I know this site has been a little "rough around the edges" lately but Dude. You're supposed to whisper your racism

Your side are the racists.....from the plantations to LBJ to Obama....whatever you point your finger at is what you're guilty of. I'm tired of pretending I'm not aware of how dangerous blacks are becoming in our society and it's happening because you brainless little twits find their hatred of your whiteness so appealing.
Name a president that was more concerned or successful with this
But he hasn't been successful at all. China continues to manipulate its currency, and continues to dump goods in our domestic markets and in foreign markets in which we try to compete. That's not to blame Trump for all or any of this, but let's at least try to stay grounded in reality, here.
negro worship???

Did you think you were on GAB or Stormfront again?

I know this site has been a little "rough around the edges" lately but Dude. You're supposed to whisper your racism

Your side are the racists.....from the plantations to LBJ to Obama....whatever you point your finger at is what you're guilty of. I'm tired of pretending I'm not aware of how dangerous blacks are becoming in our society and it's happening because you brainless little twits find their hatred of your whiteness so appealing.
Dude...doubling down on racism isn't generally considered a good way to "prove" you're not racist.

Name a president that was more concerned or successful with this
But he hasn't been successful at all. China continues to manipulate its currency, and continues to dump goods in our domestic markets and in foreign markets in which we try to compete. That's not to blame Trump for all or any of this, but let's at least try to stay grounded in reality, here.
The correct answer should have been

Pretty much ANY other President
Name a president that was more concerned or successful with this
But he hasn't been successful at all. China continues to manipulate its currency, and continues to dump goods in our domestic markets and in foreign markets in which we try to compete. That's not to blame Trump for all or any of this, but let's at least try to stay grounded in reality, here.

It’s a start. Nobody else even attempted to do anything about it. I don’t think he’s finished or delusional about what they are doing. They have been very successful in screwing us over the years.

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Name a president that was more concerned or successful with this
But he hasn't been successful at all. China continues to manipulate its currency, and continues to dump goods in our domestic markets and in foreign markets in which we try to compete. That's not to blame Trump for all or any of this, but let's at least try to stay grounded in reality, here.
The correct answer should have been

Pretty much ANY other President

Examples? Certainly not Obummer.

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so, did they?
Trump is not recorded as having said he'll remove US tariffs, so the Chinese would be a lot dumber than they've previously shown themselves to be by obliging Individual1 in this matter.
It's way too early to be thinking this, much less saying it, but what the hell: If Donald Trump is able to deliver the sort of performance he gave today at CPAC, his reelection is a foregone conclusion.

There is simply no potential candidate in the Democratic Party who wouldn't be absolutely blown off the stage by him. I say this as someone who is neither a Trump fanboy nor a Never Trumper. But he was not simply good, he was Prince-at-the-Super-Bowl great, deftly flinging juvenile taunts at everyone who has ever crossed him, tossing red meat to the Republican faithful, and going sotto voce serious to talk about justice being done for working-class Americans screwed over by global corporations.
negro worship???

Did you think you were on GAB or Stormfront again?

I know this site has been a little "rough around the edges" lately but Dude. You're supposed to whisper your racism

Your side are the racists.....from the plantations to LBJ to Obama....whatever you point your finger at is what you're guilty of. I'm tired of pretending I'm not aware of how dangerous blacks are becoming in our society and it's happening because you brainless little twits find their hatred of your whiteness so appealing.

Congratulations! You have finally convinced me that I no longer should have to read your bigoted rants.
But he was not simply good, he was Prince-at-the-Super-Bowl great, deftly flinging juvenile taunts at everyone who has ever crossed him, tossing red meat to the Republican faithful, and going sotto voce serious to talk about justice being done for working-class Americans screwed over by global corporations.
One can see why he loves the uneducated.
Nobody else even attempted to do anything about it.
That's not accurate. Come on. But I would grant you that the things past presidents have done were a bit naive. Of course, I have the benefit of hindsight.

They have been very successful in screwing us over the years.
Well sure, they had, essentially, a billion indentured servants to marshal together for the economic cause. And people will always buy the cheaper item, all else being equal. These are, essentially, forces of nature. And no amount of hot wind gusts from the mouth of trump will change this.

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