Trump says Hillary started the Birther Movement. Not True!

I'm starting to think those rubes who thought Obama is the Messiah may be right.

I mean, the man was able to be born in Kenya without his mother ever going there! That's a Messiah Level Four Miracle.

That even beats the miracle of retroactively causing the economic crash.
i'm getting a kick out of watching the 0bots swarm roudy. they are still using alinsky prescribed ridicule.

meanwhile back at the ranch obama's body guy says democrats weren't the only ones throwing birther around.

everyone is writing a book it seems. Obama's story is getting thinner, his swarming obots are getting vicious again in his defense. :)
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I'm starting to think those rubes who thought Obama is the Messiah may be right.

I mean, the man was able to be born in Kenya without his mother ever going there! That's a Messiah Level Four Miracle.

That even beats the miracle of retroactively causing the economic crash.
i'm getting a kick out of watching the 0bots swarm roudy. they are still using alinsky prescribed ridicule.

meanwhile back at the ranch obama's body guy says democrats weren't the only ones throwing birther around.

everyone is writing a book it seems. we should just sit and accept his steaming pile of horseshit that Obama has his original birth certificate?

Um, no.
I have seen no evidence you would recognize a 'fact' if it slapped you in the face.

Long before anyone accused Barack Obama of being born in Kenya he had requested an official birth certificate from the State of Hawaii, to have on hand in case they needed it. (there was a rumor that his middle name was actually Mohammed).

Of course Birthers refused to believe that this was his birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii issued it- you know- just like you refuse to believe it.

In 2011, when the Donald started making more stupid claims, President Obama made a special request of the State of Hawaii to issue him a certified photocopy of his original birth certificate.

You of course refuse to believe that one either.

You wail and call for the original birth certificate- and the State of Hawaii says it is in their vaults- and you don't believe that.

What you call the 'overwhelmingly' Democratic state of Hawaii- had a Republican governor in 2008. And Dr. Fukino was herself a Republican.

But you don't believe them either.

The facts are that President Obama is not the one that has proven he was born in Hawaii- the documents issued by Hawaii, confirmed by Hawaii, confirm he was born in Hawaii.

You will never believe any of it- which is atypical Birther behavior. For Birthers, they prefer speculation, innuendo and lies to the facts.

Fact is Obama didn't disclose his own original birth certificate when this issue first came up. Why is that? Because of this, he may have created something out of nothing, or, he was busy scrambling and his his connections to cover something up. And since he has established a reputation of being a bold faced liar, who knows?

Who says that Obama has his original birth certificate. There's you citing you and.....who?

Because the State of Hawaii has affirmed that HAWAII holds the original vital documents.

So why would I ignore the State of Hawaii on its own vital documents and instead believe you, citing yourself?

Exactly my point. Has Obama stated what the status of his original birth certificate is?

The 'status' of his original birth certificate'? What 'status' are you expecting him to disclose? And you do realize that you're just making this shit up as you go along.

Oh, and that you were laughably, comically wrong. Obama doesn't get the original. The State keeps the original vital record. The State gives out certified copies to anyone who asks and has a legitimate interest in the certificate.

Remember, don't have the slightest clue what the fuck you're talking about.

What is scary is if Roudy is telling the truth- he has a business that involves checking birth certificates- who knows how many hundreds of people he has screwed over since he clearly has no clue what a birth certificate actually is.
bill ayers for instance has an intimate knowledge of walking cemetaries, then creating birth certificates from the walks. i think it's in his book.
I'm starting to think those rubes who thought Obama is the Messiah may be right.

I mean, the man was able to be born in Kenya without his mother ever going there! That's a Messiah Level Four Miracle.

That even beats the miracle of retroactively causing the economic crash.
i'm getting a kick out of watching the 0bots swarm roudy. they are still using alinsky prescribed ridicule.

meanwhile back at the ranch obama's body guy says democrats weren't the only ones throwing birther around.

everyone is writing a book it seems. we should just sit and accept his steaming pile of horseshit that Obama has his original birth certificate?

Um, no.
well what one was carrying around in a book, as told in his book ? which BC was that one ??

but it's academic, because it's all about the pdf now. this fortress of untransparency has untold stories, like the guy who saw his occidental forms.

what passport did he use for pakistan ??

why did the sunday standard article that he was born in kenya ??

why did savannah have to go backstage to feel the seal ??
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I'm starting to think those rubes who thought Obama is the Messiah may be right.

I mean, the man was able to be born in Kenya without his mother ever going there! That's a Messiah Level Four Miracle.

That even beats the miracle of retroactively causing the economic crash.
i'm getting a kick out of watching the 0bots swarm roudy. they are still using alinsky prescribed ridicule.

meanwhile back at the ranch obama's body guy says democrats weren't the only ones throwing birther around.

everyone is writing a book it seems. we should just sit and accept his steaming pile of horseshit that Obama has his original birth certificate?

Um, no.
well what one was carrying around in a book, as told in his book ? which BC was that one ??

Care to offer a quote to what you're referring to? Taking your word for it has a pretty abysmal record of accuracy.
Fact is Obama didn't disclose his own original birth certificate when this issue first came up. Why is that? Because of this, he may have created something out of nothing, or, he was busy scrambling and his his connections to cover something up. And since he has established a reputation of being a bold faced liar, who knows?

Who says that Obama has his original birth certificate. There's you citing you and.....who?

Because the State of Hawaii has affirmed that HAWAII holds the original vital documents.

So why would I ignore the State of Hawaii on its own vital documents and instead believe you, citing yourself?

Exactly my point. Has Obama stated what the status of his original birth certificate is?

The 'status' of his original birth certificate'? What 'status' are you expecting him to disclose? And you do realize that you're just making this shit up as you go along.

Oh, and that you were laughably, comically wrong. Obama doesn't get the original. The State keeps the original vital record. The State gives out certified copies to anyone who asks and has a legitimate interest in the certificate.

Remember, don't have the slightest clue what the fuck you're talking about.

What is scary is if Roudy is telling the truth- he has a business that involves checking birth certificates- who knows how many hundreds of people he has screwed over since he clearly has no clue what a birth certificate actually is.
bill ayers for instance has an intimate knowledge of walking cemetaries, then creating birth certificates from the walks. i think it's in his book.

Says who? And Bill Ayers has never lived in Hawaii. Making your vague allusions to bullshit you can't back up even more illogical.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to make vague allusions to arguments you know you can't back up.
I'm starting to think those rubes who thought Obama is the Messiah may be right.

I mean, the man was able to be born in Kenya without his mother ever going there! That's a Messiah Level Four Miracle.

That even beats the miracle of retroactively causing the economic crash.
i'm getting a kick out of watching the 0bots swarm roudy. they are still using alinsky prescribed ridicule.

meanwhile back at the ranch obama's body guy says democrats weren't the only ones throwing birther around.

everyone is writing a book it seems. Obama's story is getting thinner, his swarming obots are getting vicious again in his defense. :)
Birthers deserve nothing but ridicule.

And pity. I always feel sorry for people who don't know just how stupid they are.

I keep waiting for you tards to have a moment of clarity like this:

I'm starting to think those rubes who thought Obama is the Messiah may be right.

I mean, the man was able to be born in Kenya without his mother ever going there! That's a Messiah Level Four Miracle.

That even beats the miracle of retroactively causing the economic crash.
i'm getting a kick out of watching the 0bots swarm roudy. they are still using alinsky prescribed ridicule.

meanwhile back at the ranch obama's body guy says democrats weren't the only ones throwing birther around.

everyone is writing a book it seems. we should just sit and accept his steaming pile of horseshit that Obama has his original birth certificate?

Um, no.
well what one was carrying around in a book, as told in his book ? which BC was that one ??

Care to offer a quote to what you're referring to? Taking your word for it has a pretty abysmal record of accuracy.

You don't expect a rational answer from Wash?

He is not as bad as the usual Birther hate mongers- I think unlike most of them he actually doesn't intend harm- but he can never carry on a coherent dialogue.
Again, when people accuse you of being born in Kenya, why not just pop open the safe, make a copy of YOUR OWN birth certificate, and produce it to the public and media and prove them wrong and end the entire debate in fell swoop?! Why instruct a highly overwhelmingly Democrat run state to do it for you? I don't distrust authority I am impartial and go by people's records. I do totally distrust Obama. Remember we are talking about president who stood in front of the cameras and lied to the entire nation over Ben Ghazi. That is a fact. So it wouldn't be beyond him to have lied or conspired about his birth as well. It is highly possible that HIS original does not match the so called state's that you have produced. Which is why he doesn't mention it.

I have seen no evidence you would recognize a 'fact' if it slapped you in the face.

Long before anyone accused Barack Obama of being born in Kenya he had requested an official birth certificate from the State of Hawaii, to have on hand in case they needed it. (there was a rumor that his middle name was actually Mohammed).

Of course Birthers refused to believe that this was his birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii issued it- you know- just like you refuse to believe it.

In 2011, when the Donald started making more stupid claims, President Obama made a special request of the State of Hawaii to issue him a certified photocopy of his original birth certificate.

You of course refuse to believe that one either.

You wail and call for the original birth certificate- and the State of Hawaii says it is in their vaults- and you don't believe that.

What you call the 'overwhelmingly' Democratic state of Hawaii- had a Republican governor in 2008. And Dr. Fukino was herself a Republican.

But you don't believe them either.

The facts are that President Obama is not the one that has proven he was born in Hawaii- the documents issued by Hawaii, confirmed by Hawaii, confirm he was born in Hawaii.

You will never believe any of it- which is atypical Birther behavior. For Birthers, they prefer speculation, innuendo and lies to the facts.

Fact is Obama didn't disclose his own original birth certificate when this issue first came up. Why is that? Because of this, he may have created something out of nothing, or, he was busy scrambling and his his connections to cover something up. And since he has established a reputation of being a bold faced liar, who knows?

Who says that Obama has his original birth certificate. There's you citing you and.....who?

Because the State of Hawaii has affirmed that HAWAII holds the original vital documents.

So why would I ignore the State of Hawaii on its own vital documents and instead believe you, citing yourself?

Exactly my point. Has Obama stated what the status of his original birth certificate is?

Why would you care what Obama says? You already told us you don't believe a word he says.

The State of Hawaii has repeatedly told you that they have the original birth certificate on file.

You refuse to believe them.

Because like every Birther, you rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo instead of the facts?

I never said I don't believe them, that is, IF the copy of the original you provided is actually from them. Other than the fact that calling Obama's race "African" is more applicable to location rather than his race. I am asking why Obama didn't bring forth his own original nor has he said whether he even has one in his possession. Normal people, when asked for proof of US citizenship show their original birth certificate. This guy's response was to "instruct" the state of Hawaii to issue a certified copy for the public. Very suspect behavior, to say the least.
Again, when people accuse you of being born in Kenya, why not just pop open the safe, make a copy of YOUR OWN birth certificate, and produce it to the public and media and prove them wrong and end the entire debate in fell swoop?! Why instruct a highly overwhelmingly Democrat run state to do it for you? I don't distrust authority I am impartial and go by people's records. I do totally distrust Obama. Remember we are talking about president who stood in front of the cameras and lied to the entire nation over Ben Ghazi. That is a fact. So it wouldn't be beyond him to have lied or conspired about his birth as well. It is highly possible that HIS original does not match the so called state's that you have produced. Which is why he doesn't mention it.

I have seen no evidence you would recognize a 'fact' if it slapped you in the face.

Long before anyone accused Barack Obama of being born in Kenya he had requested an official birth certificate from the State of Hawaii, to have on hand in case they needed it. (there was a rumor that his middle name was actually Mohammed).

Of course Birthers refused to believe that this was his birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii issued it- you know- just like you refuse to believe it.

In 2011, when the Donald started making more stupid claims, President Obama made a special request of the State of Hawaii to issue him a certified photocopy of his original birth certificate.

You of course refuse to believe that one either.

You wail and call for the original birth certificate- and the State of Hawaii says it is in their vaults- and you don't believe that.

What you call the 'overwhelmingly' Democratic state of Hawaii- had a Republican governor in 2008. And Dr. Fukino was herself a Republican.

But you don't believe them either.

The facts are that President Obama is not the one that has proven he was born in Hawaii- the documents issued by Hawaii, confirmed by Hawaii, confirm he was born in Hawaii.

You will never believe any of it- which is atypical Birther behavior. For Birthers, they prefer speculation, innuendo and lies to the facts.

Fact is Obama didn't disclose his own original birth certificate when this issue first came up. Why is that? Because of this, he may have created something out of nothing, or, he was busy scrambling and his his connections to cover something up. And since he has established a reputation of being a bold faced liar, who knows?

Who says that Obama has his original birth certificate. There's you citing you and.....who?

Because the State of Hawaii has affirmed that HAWAII holds the original vital documents.

So why would I ignore the State of Hawaii on its own vital documents and instead believe you, citing yourself?

We have evidence that when the issue of being born in Kenya came up, Obama didn't respond in a timely way, and has not mentioned a word about his own original. His actions are not consistent with someone who has nothing to hide.

Who says that Obama has an 'original birth certificate'. No one....but you. Prove that Obama has the original birth certificate.

You can' he doesn't. The original vital records are held by the State. And Obama released a certified copy of his COLB from the State of 2008. Before he was even elected.

You simply ignored it. And your willful ignorance isn't a legal standard either.

Who says he doesn't. He either has it, or has lost it. He hasn't said a word about it. Therefore, chances are he has it and he won't show it, because there might be something on it that doesn't jive. If he's truly lost it he would have so. Something is wrong in this picture. Certified copy isn't the same as the original. reports that while the issue was raised by diehard Clinton supporters in 2008, there is nothing to link Clinton, her campaign or her staff to the issue.

More: Donald Trump Just Won't Give Up His Birther Fantasy In Colbert Interview

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?

It is certainly interesting, and perhaps historically and politically relevant, that “birther” advocacy may have originated with supporters of Hillary Clinton — especially since many view it as an exclusively right-wing movement. But whether those theories were advocated by Clinton and/or her campaign or simply by Clinton “supporters” is an important distinction. Candidates are expected to be held accountable for the actions of their campaigns. Neither Cruz nor Trump, whose campaign did not respond to our request for backup material, provides any compelling evidence that either Clinton or her campaign had anything to do with starting the so-called birther movement.

More: Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?

So, there it is. There is no evidence to support Trump's claim.

Why would any rational person give a flying fuck what the partisan hacks at said about anything?

Might as well use KOS or ThinkProgress.. :eek:
I'm starting to think those rubes who thought Obama is the Messiah may be right.

I mean, the man was able to be born in Kenya without his mother ever going there! That's a Messiah Level Four Miracle.

That even beats the miracle of retroactively causing the economic crash.
i'm getting a kick out of watching the 0bots swarm roudy. they are still using alinsky prescribed ridicule.

meanwhile back at the ranch obama's body guy says democrats weren't the only ones throwing birther around.

everyone is writing a book it seems. we should just sit and accept his steaming pile of horseshit that Obama has his original birth certificate?

Um, no.

Until you says where his original is, you can sit in whatever you prefer.
I have seen no evidence you would recognize a 'fact' if it slapped you in the face.

Long before anyone accused Barack Obama of being born in Kenya he had requested an official birth certificate from the State of Hawaii, to have on hand in case they needed it. (there was a rumor that his middle name was actually Mohammed).

Of course Birthers refused to believe that this was his birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii issued it- you know- just like you refuse to believe it.

In 2011, when the Donald started making more stupid claims, President Obama made a special request of the State of Hawaii to issue him a certified photocopy of his original birth certificate.

You of course refuse to believe that one either.

You wail and call for the original birth certificate- and the State of Hawaii says it is in their vaults- and you don't believe that.

What you call the 'overwhelmingly' Democratic state of Hawaii- had a Republican governor in 2008. And Dr. Fukino was herself a Republican.

But you don't believe them either.

The facts are that President Obama is not the one that has proven he was born in Hawaii- the documents issued by Hawaii, confirmed by Hawaii, confirm he was born in Hawaii.

You will never believe any of it- which is atypical Birther behavior. For Birthers, they prefer speculation, innuendo and lies to the facts.

Fact is Obama didn't disclose his own original birth certificate when this issue first came up. Why is that? Because of this, he may have created something out of nothing, or, he was busy scrambling and his his connections to cover something up. And since he has established a reputation of being a bold faced liar, who knows?

Who says that Obama has his original birth certificate. There's you citing you and.....who?

Because the State of Hawaii has affirmed that HAWAII holds the original vital documents.

So why would I ignore the State of Hawaii on its own vital documents and instead believe you, citing yourself?

Exactly my point. Has Obama stated what the status of his original birth certificate is?

Why would you care what Obama says? You already told us you don't believe a word he says.

The State of Hawaii has repeatedly told you that they have the original birth certificate on file.

You refuse to believe them.

Because like every Birther, you rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo instead of the facts?

I never said I don't believe them, that is, IF the copy of the original you provided is actually from them. Other than the fact that calling Obama's race "African" is more applicable to location rather than his race. I am asking why Obama didn't bring forth his own original nor has he said whether he even has one in his possession. Normal people, when asked for proof of US citizenship show their original birth certificate. This guy's response was to "instruct" the state of Hawaii to issue a certified copy for the public. Very suspect behavior, to say the least.

You are such a typical Birther.

You just project the usual Birther talking point- and absolutely refuse to look at the evidence. I gave you the link to the State of Hawaii's website set up to answer the questions- 4 years ago.

4 years and you still refuse to read what the State of Hawaii has to say.

Now I consider that very suspect behavior.
I'm starting to think those rubes who thought Obama is the Messiah may be right.

I mean, the man was able to be born in Kenya without his mother ever going there! That's a Messiah Level Four Miracle.

That even beats the miracle of retroactively causing the economic crash.
i'm getting a kick out of watching the 0bots swarm roudy. they are still using alinsky prescribed ridicule.

meanwhile back at the ranch obama's body guy says democrats weren't the only ones throwing birther around.

everyone is writing a book it seems. Obama's story is getting thinner, his swarming obots are getting vicious again in his defense. :)
Birthers deserve nothing but ridicule.

And pity. I always feel sorry for people who don't know just how stupid they are.

I keep waiting for you tards to have a moment of clarity like this:


You're categorizing people again. Asking where Obama's original birth certificate is and why he hasn't said what's it's status is, doesn't make one a birther.
I have seen no evidence you would recognize a 'fact' if it slapped you in the face.

Long before anyone accused Barack Obama of being born in Kenya he had requested an official birth certificate from the State of Hawaii, to have on hand in case they needed it. (there was a rumor that his middle name was actually Mohammed).

Of course Birthers refused to believe that this was his birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii issued it- you know- just like you refuse to believe it.

In 2011, when the Donald started making more stupid claims, President Obama made a special request of the State of Hawaii to issue him a certified photocopy of his original birth certificate.

You of course refuse to believe that one either.

You wail and call for the original birth certificate- and the State of Hawaii says it is in their vaults- and you don't believe that.

What you call the 'overwhelmingly' Democratic state of Hawaii- had a Republican governor in 2008. And Dr. Fukino was herself a Republican.

But you don't believe them either.

The facts are that President Obama is not the one that has proven he was born in Hawaii- the documents issued by Hawaii, confirmed by Hawaii, confirm he was born in Hawaii.

You will never believe any of it- which is atypical Birther behavior. For Birthers, they prefer speculation, innuendo and lies to the facts.

Fact is Obama didn't disclose his own original birth certificate when this issue first came up. Why is that? Because of this, he may have created something out of nothing, or, he was busy scrambling and his his connections to cover something up. And since he has established a reputation of being a bold faced liar, who knows?

Who says that Obama has his original birth certificate. There's you citing you and.....who?

Because the State of Hawaii has affirmed that HAWAII holds the original vital documents.

So why would I ignore the State of Hawaii on its own vital documents and instead believe you, citing yourself?

We have evidence that when the issue of being born in Kenya came up, Obama didn't respond in a timely way, and has not mentioned a word about his own original. His actions are not consistent with someone who has nothing to hide.

Who says that Obama has an 'original birth certificate'. No one....but you. Prove that Obama has the original birth certificate.

You can' he doesn't. The original vital records are held by the State. And Obama released a certified copy of his COLB from the State of 2008. Before he was even elected.

You simply ignored it. And your willful ignorance isn't a legal standard either.

Who says he doesn't. He either has it, or has lost it. He hasn't said a word about it. Therefore, chances are he has it and he won't show it, because there might be something on it that doesn't jive. If he's truly lost it he would have so. Something is wrong in this picture. Certified copy isn't the same as the original.

The State of Hawaii says he doesn't have it.

There is only one original birth certificate- and they say that they have it.

Something is wrong with this picture- Birthers just refuse to accept reality.
I'm starting to think those rubes who thought Obama is the Messiah may be right.

I mean, the man was able to be born in Kenya without his mother ever going there! That's a Messiah Level Four Miracle.

That even beats the miracle of retroactively causing the economic crash.
i'm getting a kick out of watching the 0bots swarm roudy. they are still using alinsky prescribed ridicule.

meanwhile back at the ranch obama's body guy says democrats weren't the only ones throwing birther around.

everyone is writing a book it seems. Obama's story is getting thinner, his swarming obots are getting vicious again in his defense. :)
Birthers deserve nothing but ridicule.

And pity. I always feel sorry for people who don't know just how stupid they are.

I keep waiting for you tards to have a moment of clarity like this:


You're categorizing people again. Asking where Obama's original birth certificate is and why he hasn't said what's it's status is, doesn't make one a birther.

Repeating Birther claims- asked all the way back in 2008- and refusing to accept the evidence- instead relying on lies, speculation and innuendo- that makes you a Birther.
I'm starting to think those rubes who thought Obama is the Messiah may be right.

I mean, the man was able to be born in Kenya without his mother ever going there! That's a Messiah Level Four Miracle.

That even beats the miracle of retroactively causing the economic crash.
i'm getting a kick out of watching the 0bots swarm roudy. they are still using alinsky prescribed ridicule.

meanwhile back at the ranch obama's body guy says democrats weren't the only ones throwing birther around.

everyone is writing a book it seems. we should just sit and accept his steaming pile of horseshit that Obama has his original birth certificate?

Um, no.

Until you says where his original is, you can sit in whatever you prefer.

Well I am sitting pretty well- President Obama was elected twice, by voters who rejected all of the idiotic Birther claims.

Mocking Birthers is fun though.
Fact is Obama didn't disclose his own original birth certificate when this issue first came up. Why is that? Because of this, he may have created something out of nothing, or, he was busy scrambling and his his connections to cover something up. And since he has established a reputation of being a bold faced liar, who knows?

Who says that Obama has his original birth certificate. There's you citing you and.....who?

Because the State of Hawaii has affirmed that HAWAII holds the original vital documents.

So why would I ignore the State of Hawaii on its own vital documents and instead believe you, citing yourself?

Exactly my point. Has Obama stated what the status of his original birth certificate is?

Why would you care what Obama says? You already told us you don't believe a word he says.

The State of Hawaii has repeatedly told you that they have the original birth certificate on file.

You refuse to believe them.

Because like every Birther, you rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo instead of the facts?

I never said I don't believe them, that is, IF the copy of the original you provided is actually from them. Other than the fact that calling Obama's race "African" is more applicable to location rather than his race. I am asking why Obama didn't bring forth his own original nor has he said whether he even has one in his possession. Normal people, when asked for proof of US citizenship show their original birth certificate. This guy's response was to "instruct" the state of Hawaii to issue a certified copy for the public. Very suspect behavior, to say the least.

You are such a typical Birther.

You just project the usual Birther talking point- and absolutely refuse to look at the evidence. I gave you the link to the State of Hawaii's website set up to answer the questions- 4 years ago.

4 years and you still refuse to read what the State of Hawaii has to say.

Now I consider that very suspect behavior.

And I said that if what you showed to be the copy of the "state's original" is indeed the state's, then sure he is born in Hawaii, if, and that's a big if, it matches Obama's original. Then the case will be closed as far as I'm concerned. What I find very perplexing is why Obama doesn't simply state that it's lost, which is the convenient thing to do. Perhaps because it's in the possession of someone else, and Obama knows what's on it? Who knows. We do know that he hasn't said anything about his own original.
I'm starting to think those rubes who thought Obama is the Messiah may be right.

I mean, the man was able to be born in Kenya without his mother ever going there! That's a Messiah Level Four Miracle.

That even beats the miracle of retroactively causing the economic crash.
i'm getting a kick out of watching the 0bots swarm roudy. they are still using alinsky prescribed ridicule.

meanwhile back at the ranch obama's body guy says democrats weren't the only ones throwing birther around.

everyone is writing a book it seems. Obama's story is getting thinner, his swarming obots are getting vicious again in his defense. :)
Birthers deserve nothing but ridicule.

And pity. I always feel sorry for people who don't know just how stupid they are.

I keep waiting for you tards to have a moment of clarity like this:


You're categorizing people again. Asking where Obama's original birth certificate is and why he hasn't said what's it's status is, doesn't make one a birther.

Ignoring his COLB does make you a birther. And you've done that. Ignoring the State of Hawaii on Obama's place of birth makes you a birther. And you've done that too.

Worse, you've made up an 'original birth certificate' that Obama holds. Pulled sideways out of your ass. While the State of Hawaii has explicitly confirmed that they hold the original vital documents.

You're a birther. Cubed.

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