Trump says Israel should pay U.S. for defense

Such nonsense Trump was speaking in terms of policy and including other countries, for example, South Korean, “I order thousands of television sets a year from South Korea. They are a behemoth,” Trump said. “Every time North Korea raises its head, they do anything, they sneeze, we send South Korea huge sums of money and everything else. We don’t get proper reimbursement for that. Now, I like South Korea. I have property in South Korea. I have a lot of friends in South Korea. They can’t believe they get away with it.”

Trump Names Israel Among Countries That Will Reimburse U.S. When He’s President
ForeverYoung436: 13823919 said:



They were probably crying for dead relatives killed by terrorists. Have you no shame? It's hard to believe how you hate us so much. Is it any wonder that a Hitler rose up in this world?
He rose up because the jewish banksters were breaking the country and profiteering while German nationalists were going broke.
Odium Steve_McGarrett defcon4

What do y'all believe Trump will talk about? I have a feeling he will pander to them a little bit, but that doesn't reflect on his character. Who prepared the speech for him? It's probably content that he had no role in writing up. When he wings it, it's often much better that way. He should stick to negotiating a peace deal and non-interventionism, that will drive them crazy.
I dont know. Here is a live link to his speech right now.

It seems like someone wrote this up for Trump, this is the problem with moles within his campaign. I doubt Trump cares about Israel himself. Let's see if he doesn't back down on the peace deal situation. So far he's said the usual we expect on Iran. He should be careful on who he appoints for this issue.

Lot's of anti-Iran rhetoric, seems like the crowd isn't taking him seriously and not that enthusiastic. He's skipped certain issues these AIPAC folk want him to touch on:

1. Weapons aid to Israel
2. Moving US embassy to Jerusalem
3. Opposing a peace deal between Israeli's and Palestinians
4. Supporting West Bank annexation


He's mostly talking about Iran, possibly to give himself excuses to touch on these 4 subjects I mentioned? Which they care about most.

Let's wait and see.
No doubt a team came up with some of the content of the speech. But the Donald has the zionists at AIPAC laughing and cheering when he mentions it is Obama's incompetence. The thing is the zionist establishment is what brought OBama to the presidency.
Four threads on this topic I've merged so far. It's pretty funny how the moment this broke all the anti-Semites on the board were falling over themselves to post about it. :spinner:

What's anti-Semitic about saying Israel shouldn't get things for free? Could you explain how this is anti-Semitic, because I think many people would agree that it's not.

If you are not antisemitic you are at best, stupidly ignorant.

Israel and America have shared security interests in the Middle East and any aid given goes straight back to the US in the way of purchases and in the way of Israel sharing its highly advanced technology.

This aid is a win-win for both countries but you are obviously too bigoted to understand.

Your seemingly mild statements don't hide the way you really feel about Israel and its inhabitants.
Four threads on this topic I've merged so far. It's pretty funny how the moment this broke all the anti-Semites on the board were falling over themselves to post about it. :spinner:

What's anti-Semitic about saying Israel shouldn't get things for free? Could you explain how this is anti-Semitic, because I think many people would agree that it's not.

If you are not antisemitic you are at best, stupidly ignorant.

Israel and America have shared security interests in the Middle East and any aid given goes straight back to the US in the way of purchases and in the way of Israel sharing its highly advanced technology.

This aid is a win-win for both countries but you are obviously too bigoted to understand.

Your seemingly mild statements don't hide the way you really feel about Israel and its inhabitants.

I'm not ignorant, I'm very well educated.

"Your seemingly mild statements don't hide the way you really feel about Israel and its inhabitants."

What have I said about Israel and its inhabitants?
He's touched on one subject they want to hear about:

1. US veto at UN regarding any resolutions about the illegal settlements


He seems to be backing down right now on his previous pledges/policies towards their conflict. Somebody else wrote this for him.

Odium Steve_McGarrett
Four threads on this topic I've merged so far. It's pretty funny how the moment this broke all the anti-Semites on the board were falling over themselves to post about it. :spinner:

What's anti-Semitic about saying Israel shouldn't get things for free? Could you explain how this is anti-Semitic, because I think many people would agree that it's not.
what you are not looking at I should how Obama has screwed up relations and good sentiment between the us and israel. last thing trump needs to do is exacerbate an already tenuous situation. Israel is our strongest ally in the region and they add stability.
No doubt a team came up with some of the content of the speech. But the Donald has the zionists at AIPAC laughing and cheering when he mentions it is Obama's incompetence. The thing is the zionist establishment is what brought OBama to the presidency.

He needs real patriotic Americans to prepare content of his speeches. Right now he's appearing to be a slave to the Zionist elite. Which will impact his support? Does he know this?
Four threads on this topic I've merged so far. It's pretty funny how the moment this broke all the anti-Semites on the board were falling over themselves to post about it. :spinner:

What's anti-Semitic about saying Israel shouldn't get things for free? Could you explain how this is anti-Semitic, because I think many people would agree that it's not.

If you are not antisemitic you are at best, stupidly ignorant.

Israel and America have shared security interests in the Middle East and any aid given goes straight back to the US in the way of purchases and in the way of Israel sharing its highly advanced technology.

This aid is a win-win for both countries but you are obviously too bigoted to understand.

Your seemingly mild statements don't hide the way you really feel about Israel and its inhabitants.
Skye, Israel is a welfare state purely capable of defending itself. We've supported them since birth. It's time to let the grown-up be self dependent.
Four threads on this topic I've merged so far. It's pretty funny how the moment this broke all the anti-Semites on the board were falling over themselves to post about it. :spinner:

What's anti-Semitic about saying Israel shouldn't get things for free? Could you explain how this is anti-Semitic, because I think many people would agree that it's not.

If you are not antisemitic you are at best, stupidly ignorant.

Israel and America have shared security interests in the Middle East and any aid given goes straight back to the US in the way of purchases and in the way of Israel sharing its highly advanced technology.

This aid is a win-win for both countries but you are obviously too bigoted to understand.

Your seemingly mild statements don't hide the way you really feel about Israel and its inhabitants.

I'm not ignorant, I'm very well educated.

"Your seemingly mild statements don't hide the way you really feel about Israel and its inhabitants."

What have I said about Israel and its inhabitants?

You may be well educated but you seem to be lacking in commonsense.

The true underlying meaning of many of your posts can only lead to one conclusion which is what I have stated.
No doubt a team came up with some of the content of the speech. But the Donald has the zionists at AIPAC laughing and cheering when he mentions it is Obama's incompetence. The thing is the zionist establishment is what brought OBama to the presidency.

He needs real patriotic Americans to prepare content of his speeches. Right now he's appearing to be a slave to the Zionist elite. Which will impact his support? Does he know this?
Trump knows what he is doing. You're witnessing the art of the deal in action.
No doubt a team came up with some of the content of the speech. But the Donald has the zionists at AIPAC laughing and cheering when he mentions it is Obama's incompetence. The thing is the zionist establishment is what brought OBama to the presidency.

He needs real patriotic Americans to prepare content of his speeches. Right now he's appearing to be a slave to the Zionist elite. Which will impact his support? Does he know this?
Trump knows what he is doing. You're witnessing the art of the deal in action.
He is getting people thinking and talking. plain and simple
Four threads on this topic I've merged so far. It's pretty funny how the moment this broke all the anti-Semites on the board were falling over themselves to post about it. :spinner:

What's anti-Semitic about saying Israel shouldn't get things for free? Could you explain how this is anti-Semitic, because I think many people would agree that it's not.

If you are not antisemitic you are at best, stupidly ignorant.

Israel and America have shared security interests in the Middle East and any aid given goes straight back to the US in the way of purchases and in the way of Israel sharing its highly advanced technology.

This aid is a win-win for both countries but you are obviously too bigoted to understand.

Your seemingly mild statements don't hide the way you really feel about Israel and its inhabitants.

I'm not ignorant, I'm very well educated.

"Your seemingly mild statements don't hide the way you really feel about Israel and its inhabitants."

What have I said about Israel and its inhabitants?

You may be well educated but you seem to be lacking in commonsense.

The true underlying meaning of many of your posts can only lead to one conclusion which is what I have stated.

"The true underlying meaning of many of your posts can only lead to one conclusion which is what I have stated."

Exactly so what you mean is you're ASSUMING what I think without KNOWING what I think.
Americans have no beef with the Palestinians, leave this issue to the UN/Middle Eastern nations. Trump is being outrageous right now, I hope this is just empty rhetoric to get this issue off his back.

No doubt a team came up with some of the content of the speech. But the Donald has the zionists at AIPAC laughing and cheering when he mentions it is Obama's incompetence. The thing is the zionist establishment is what brought OBama to the presidency.

He needs real patriotic Americans to prepare content of his speeches. Right now he's appearing to be a slave to the Zionist elite. Which will impact his support? Does he know this?
Trump knows what he is doing. You're witnessing the art of the deal in action.

He's doing the usual rhetoric nonsense every canidate has to do, it's amazing how 2% of the US population dominate our politics. We're just cannon fodder/piggy bank for the Jewish elite interests. When will someone just tell them to fuck off?
No doubt a team came up with some of the content of the speech. But the Donald has the zionists at AIPAC laughing and cheering when he mentions it is Obama's incompetence. The thing is the zionist establishment is what brought OBama to the presidency.

He needs real patriotic Americans to prepare content of his speeches. Right now he's appearing to be a slave to the Zionist elite. Which will impact his support? Does he know this?
Trump knows what he is doing. You're witnessing the art of the deal in action.

The Donald is very clever, people who support him aren't going to stop supporting him because of what he HAS to say in one particular speech.
Four threads on this topic I've merged so far. It's pretty funny how the moment this broke all the anti-Semites on the board were falling over themselves to post about it. :spinner:

What's anti-Semitic about saying Israel shouldn't get things for free? Could you explain how this is anti-Semitic, because I think many people would agree that it's not.

If you are not antisemitic you are at best, stupidly ignorant.

Israel and America have shared security interests in the Middle East and any aid given goes straight back to the US in the way of purchases and in the way of Israel sharing its highly advanced technology.

This aid is a win-win for both countries but you are obviously too bigoted to understand.

Your seemingly mild statements don't hide the way you really feel about Israel and its inhabitants.

I'm not ignorant, I'm very well educated.

"Your seemingly mild statements don't hide the way you really feel about Israel and its inhabitants."

What have I said about Israel and its inhabitants?

You may be well educated but you seem to be lacking in commonsense.

The true underlying meaning of many of your posts can only lead to one conclusion which is what I have stated.

"The true underlying meaning of many of your posts can only lead to one conclusion which is what I have stated."

Exactly so what you mean is you're ASSUMING what I think without KNOWING what I think.
Come on gals, let's stay on topic.

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