Trump Seeks To Calm Markets

Market doing ok today, hopefully trump keeps his mouth shut...

Trump has nothing to do with the market. People are looking for a sweet time to get back in. Buy low--sell high.
People are looking for confidence and moving at the right time in their leaders Not like the excuse making ,blaming others POS like trump

The President isn't making excuses for anything. It's thanks to his actions that we only have what we have now. Left up to the commies, they would still be flooding the country with third-worlders. They could care less about the fate of Americans, all they care about is power.
Market doing ok today, hopefully trump keeps his mouth shut...

Trump has nothing to do with the market. People are looking for a sweet time to get back in. Buy low--sell high.
People are looking for confidence and moving at the right time in their leaders Not like the excuse making ,blaming others POS like trump

The President isn't making excuses for anything. It's thanks to his actions that we only have what we have now. Left up to the commies, they would still be flooding the country with third-worlders. They could care less about the fate of Americans, all they care about is power.
Sorry Ray he woulda shoulda coulda and he didn't Stop making excuses for the idiot he has all his ass kissers in the WH doing that
Trump calms markets.....

I am not responsible

The market pretty much hit bottom. Now it will bounce up and down for a while. Yesterday down, today up. Look for a continuation of that until this situation stabilizes, or more bad or good news comes out.
Market doing ok today, hopefully trump keeps his mouth shut...

Trump has nothing to do with the market. People are looking for a sweet time to get back in. Buy low--sell high.
People are looking for confidence and moving at the right time in their leaders Not like the excuse making ,blaming others POS like trump

The President isn't making excuses for anything.

I would say he's a person from the fairy tales: A Cesar without clothing. A naked imperator. A man, who has not any true idea about anything what had in reality happened during the time of his own life all over the world and what in reality happens today all over the world. He is a man with the "philosophy" of the year 1740: "Britania first". This wrong "philosophy" had costed during history an unbelievable stream of blood and made Great Britain in the end to this little unimportant country, which you know today. A country with narcissistic expectations of old people, who forgot and forget the young people, who think about a "great" history, which never was really great, and was past a long time before they were born on their own.

It's thanks to his actions that we only have what we have now.

The USA thanks Donald Trump first of all the greatest loss of values, reliability and trust worldwide since the USA is existing. What he says about others is in very short words nothing else than always only nonsense. No one is able to take this traitor of the western world serios. His instructions are nonsense, his ideas are nonsense, his plans are nonsense. He makes the USA to a little unimportant thoughtless country - fortunately your really great country has still great people too, who don't suffer his form of narcissism.

Left up to the commies,

Dear idiot mine: The Soviets are history. Putin is more a kind of Czar than a kind of Commie. Russia a country were the income gap is more extreme than the income gap is extreme in the USA.

they would still be flooding the country with third-worlders.

Instead of flooding your country with migrants, who need help, he's flooding the [grand-]children of migrants, who are today the most citizens of the USA, with an anti-patriotic form of "loyalite" (spitlickery) to a single person, who tries to see in himselve a superhuman "genius", made by darwinism.

They could care less about the fate of Americans, all they care about is power.

From my point of view Germany is doing a 120 times better job than the USA is doing in case of the Corona crisis. And this crisis is still not over - it started. There's still a lot to do now. And practically every German (another word for German is by the way "white man") looks at Donald Trump with scorn. Still we don't have any need to close our borders like a third world country. But sure it is now not a good idea for refugees in higher amounts than 200,000 people a year to try to come to Germany. The situation is in the moment nearly not as relaxed here as it is normally relaxed - and the spirit from other European nations is sometimes poisened with idiotic ideas, which are coming not only but in important parts also from the nonsense of the "mainstream" USA. I fear your nation is meanwhile anything else than a role model for any other nation in the world.

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From my point of view Germany is doing a 120 times better job than the USA is doing in case of the Corona crisis. And this crisis is still not over - it started. There's still a lot to do now. And practically every German (another word for German is by the way "white man") looks at Donald Trump with scorn. Still we don't have any need to close our borders like a third world country. But sure it is now not a good idea for refugees in higher amounts than 200,000 people a year to try to come to Germany. The situation is in the moment nearly not as relaxed here as it is normally relaxed - and the spirit from other European nations is sometimes poisened with idiotic ideas, which are coming not only but in important parts also from the nonsense of the "mainstream" USA. I fear your nation is meanwhile anything else than a role model for any other nation in the world.

And yet, here you are in an AMERICAN discussion forum. You're not alone, we have a bunch of people from other countries come here to bash our country or leadership. So my advice to you is, stay where you are at and never come here. Oh, and Europe is having plenty of problems on their own. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be in Italy today.

Correct, the virus is just getting started, not just here, but around the world. So don't be too quick about bragging of what other countries are doing until you see the final results. I trust our healthcare system to come up with the quickest solutions possible compared to other socialized medicine countries.
Market doing ok today, hopefully trump keeps his mouth shut...

Trump has nothing to do with the market. People are looking for a sweet time to get back in. Buy low--sell high.
People are looking for confidence and moving at the right time in their leaders Not like the excuse making ,blaming others POS like trump

The President isn't making excuses for anything. It's thanks to his actions that we only have what we have now. Left up to the commies, they would still be flooding the country with third-worlders. They could care less about the fate of Americans, all they care about is power.

He is taking all the credit and denying any responsibility for his decisions
Market doing ok today, hopefully trump keeps his mouth shut...

Trump has nothing to do with the market. People are looking for a sweet time to get back in. Buy low--sell high.
People are looking for confidence and moving at the right time in their leaders Not like the excuse making ,blaming others POS like trump

The President isn't making excuses for anything. It's thanks to his actions that we only have what we have now. Left up to the commies, they would still be flooding the country with third-worlders. They could care less about the fate of Americans, all they care about is power.

He is taking all the credit and denying any responsibility for his decisions

Correct. He should take responsibility of a worldwide virus that entered our country like so many others.
Market doing ok today, hopefully trump keeps his mouth shut...

Trump has nothing to do with the market. People are looking for a sweet time to get back in. Buy low--sell high.
People are looking for confidence and moving at the right time in their leaders Not like the excuse making ,blaming others POS like trump

The President isn't making excuses for anything. It's thanks to his actions that we only have what we have now. Left up to the commies, they would still be flooding the country with third-worlders. They could care less about the fate of Americans, all they care about is power.

He is taking all the credit and denying any responsibility for his decisions
Or for his lack of any decisions Too late ....What he said yesterday should have been done months ago And lying about google?
Market doing ok today, hopefully trump keeps his mouth shut...

Trump has nothing to do with the market. People are looking for a sweet time to get back in. Buy low--sell high.
People are looking for confidence and moving at the right time in their leaders Not like the excuse making ,blaming others POS like trump

The President isn't making excuses for anything. It's thanks to his actions that we only have what we have now. Left up to the commies, they would still be flooding the country with third-worlders. They could care less about the fate of Americans, all they care about is power.

He is taking all the credit and denying any responsibility for his decisions

Correct. He should take responsibility of a worldwide virus that entered our country like so many others.
No ray Take responsibility for playing switch and doing nothing for so long
Mr. President was briefed on this in December. Why aren't we better prepared? Where are the test kits? Why is there no toilet paper? Why don't we have enough hospital beds? Why aren't EMS prepared to transport sick people? Why don't we have enough masks and medical supplies? While cases in China dropped, here they are doubling. Many people do have pre existing conditions, if we don't, our loved ones do. On 1/22 he said it was all under control and completely contained so nothing was done to prepare and keep us safe
Do you think it's possible he thought testing would hurt his re election bid??? Oh no not the crook
Mr. President was briefed on this in December. Why aren't we better prepared? Where are the test kits? Why is there no toilet paper? Why don't we have enough hospital beds? Why aren't EMS prepared to transport sick people? Why don't we have enough masks and medical supplies? While cases in China dropped, here they are doubling. Many people do have pre existing conditions, if we don't, our loved ones do. On 1/22 he said it was all under control and completely contained so nothing was done to prepare and keep us safe

Oh please. Nobody thought this would be a problem back in December--when the Democrats dedicated all their time towards impeachment.

When the WHO issued a warning about the virus, Trump acted that very same day. It's Piglosi and other Democrats that were trying to use politics to stop him, calling his travel ban extension a racist act. They demanded that the bans be removed.

And.....they are still trying to make us less safe today, creating a bill to remove his original travel ban. But we all know how Democrats could care less about how many Americans die. They would simply blame it on Trump (like all commies) even though they would be responsible.

If you want to know how much Democrats care about the safety and security of our country, look no further than sanctuary cities and states. That's how much they care about us.
Market doing ok today, hopefully trump keeps his mouth shut...

Trump has nothing to do with the market. People are looking for a sweet time to get back in. Buy low--sell high.
People are looking for confidence and moving at the right time in their leaders Not like the excuse making ,blaming others POS like trump

The President isn't making excuses for anything. It's thanks to his actions that we only have what we have now. Left up to the commies, they would still be flooding the country with third-worlders. They could care less about the fate of Americans, all they care about is power.

He is taking all the credit and denying any responsibility for his decisions

Correct. He should take responsibility of a worldwide virus that entered our country like so many others.
Of course he should

He just blamed Obama for Swine Flu didn’t he?
Do you think it's possible he thought testing would hurt his re election bid??? Oh no not the crook
Trumps biggest fear is the stock market does not recover in time for the election.

Kills Trumps campaign slogan.......I may be an asshole, but the market is booming.
Trump has nothing to do with the market. People are looking for a sweet time to get back in. Buy low--sell high.
People are looking for confidence and moving at the right time in their leaders Not like the excuse making ,blaming others POS like trump

The President isn't making excuses for anything. It's thanks to his actions that we only have what we have now. Left up to the commies, they would still be flooding the country with third-worlders. They could care less about the fate of Americans, all they care about is power.

He is taking all the credit and denying any responsibility for his decisions

Correct. He should take responsibility of a worldwide virus that entered our country like so many others.
Of course he should

He just blamed Obama for Swine Flu didn’t he?

No, he did not.

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