Trump Seeks To Calm Markets

Do you think it's possible he thought testing would hurt his re election bid??? Oh no not the crook
Trumps biggest fear is the stock market does not recover in time for the election.

Kills Trumps campaign slogan.......I may be an asshole, but the market is booming.

A couple of days after 36 Democratic Senators signed a letter asking Trump to declare an emergency, he finally did. And then:

Trump Brags of Stock Market Surge Following his National Emergency Declaration


“The President would like to share the attached image with you, and passes along the following message: ‘From opening of press conference, biggest day in stock market history!’” the note began. The message did not mention coronavirus crisis.

One of the people Trump sent the message to was Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, who then showed it on the air.

“The president celebrating his signature day today,” Dobbs said, displaying the signed chart. “The White House sent along to me a signed chart of the skyrocketing Dow, the S&P 500 and NASDAQ. The Dow rose more than 1,000 points from the time he started talking to the time the news conference was over with his decisive announcement to declare the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency. Well received by markets all around the world, I’m sure.”

What a buffoon. What an entire cluster of buffoons.

what's this Ray
ent Trump blamed the Obama Administration Friday for completely botching its response to the 2009 outbreak of H1N1, known as swine flu.

"For decades the @CDCgov looked at, and studied, its testing system, but did nothing about it," the president tweeted. "It would always be inadequate and slow for a large scale pandemic, but a pandemic would never happen, they hoped. President Obama made changes that only complicated things further."

He added that the previous administration's response to H1N1 swine flu "was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now."

But those remarks, made as the president declared coronavirus a national emergency, seem to go against what the record shows.

According to a 2012 report by the Department of Health and Human Services, there were successes in the Obama administration's response - albeit with room for improvement. And, a late 2009 CNN poll showed 57% of respondents approved of how the former president handled the government response to the H1N1 flu despite vaccine shortages at the time.
what's this Ray
ent Trump blamed the Obama Administration Friday for completely botching its response to the 2009 outbreak of H1N1, known as swine flu.

"For decades the @CDCgov looked at, and studied, its testing system, but did nothing about it," the president tweeted. "It would always be inadequate and slow for a large scale pandemic, but a pandemic would never happen, they hoped. President Obama made changes that only complicated things further."

He added that the previous administration's response to H1N1 swine flu "was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now."

But those remarks, made as the president declared coronavirus a national emergency, seem to go against what the record shows.

According to a 2012 report by the Department of Health and Human Services, there were successes in the Obama administration's response - albeit with room for improvement. And, a late 2009 CNN poll showed 57% of respondents approved of how the former president handled the government response to the H1N1 flu despite vaccine shortages at the time.

If you're talking about what right-winger and I were discussing, his claim was that Trump blamed DumBama for the virus. Trump only criticized how he handled it.
How and why is delaying cutting taxes for the Middle Class contingent upon first sticking it to the “rich”?
I literally explained that in the very same sentence. Unless you want to talk about another revenue stream, to make up for it. Please pay attention.
How and why is delaying cutting taxes for the Middle Class contingent upon first sticking it to the “rich”?
I literally explained that in the very same sentence. Unless you want to talk about another revenue stream, to make up for it. Please pay attention.

You did not explain it. The reality is you people consider anybody working, taking entrepreneurial economic risk or otherwise Middle Class, to be “rich”.
You did not explain it.
I sure did, in the very same sentence. I explained exactly why decreasing revenue could harm them, even when cutting their taxes. Go back and re read. Slowly, this time. Left to right, top to bottom.

Your “tax the wealthy” criteria includes the Middle Class. Stop lying that it only includes the Wealthy or admit that the Wealthy, in your mind, includes anyone with a paycheck. Further, go tell the Middle Class how more money in their pockets harms them. They won’t believe you.
From my point of view Germany is doing a 120 times better job than the USA is doing in case of the Corona crisis. And this crisis is still not over - it started. There's still a lot to do now. And practically every German (another word for German is by the way "white man") looks at Donald Trump with scorn. Still we don't have any need to close our borders like a third world country. But sure it is now not a good idea for refugees in higher amounts than 200,000 people a year to try to come to Germany. The situation is in the moment nearly not as relaxed here as it is normally relaxed - and the spirit from other European nations is sometimes poisened with idiotic ideas, which are coming not only but in important parts also from the nonsense of the "mainstream" USA. I fear your nation is meanwhile anything else than a role model for any other nation in the world.

And yet, here you are in an AMERICAN discussion forum.

That's why I don't speak Chinese and prefer to use the Germanic dialect of the anglo-saxons, with some words of our roman ancestors and some french-scandinavian garnish.

You're not alone,

I'm never alone - even when I'm alone. God is always with me.

we have a bunch of people from other countries come here to bash our country or leadership.

What do you call "here"?

So my advice to you is, stay where you are at and never come here.

Like your Red Indian sisters and brothers never should come and stay? And the Blacks too?

Oh, and Europe is having plenty of problems on their own. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be in Italy today.

In Italy some people, who are in their self chosen qurantine on reason to minimize the influence of Corona, have partially a lot of fun from balcony to balcony. Some are singing complete operas with a wonderful voice. You would hate it. You don't speak a Latin language, although Spanish is a wide spreaded language in your country.

Correct, the virus is just getting started, not just here, but around the world.


So don't be too quick about bragging of what other countries are doing until you see the final results.

The final result is clear: When 50%-70% of all people will be infected a kind of basic immunisation will exist and the problems will come under control. The problem now is to speed down the distribution speed of this virus and to minimize in this way the number of people, who have to die.

I trust our healthcare system to come up with the quickest solutions possible compared to other socialized medicine countries.

"You" did nearly nothing while the world was very active. Go and buy a test for Corona and you will see you are not able to do so. Even when someone dies on reason of Corona you will not know this now today. A head-in-the-sand policy helps nothing.

And let me say again a word about your stupid amoral US-American president. Before he was forced to make a test he had no scruple to be a risk for the health of everyone, who works in the white house and in the US-government. I heard he lives in fear to be poisened, so he never eats something, what others offer to him. If this is true, then I don't wonder "why?" any longer. I fear your current pseudo-president, who confuses his post with his personal attitudes, needs from time to time a kick in the ass to move forward. He should care about what's the best for his people and should not be dangerous for the USA, America, Europe and/or the whole western world.

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You asked: "zaangalewa, what Middle East or African country are you really from?"

I'm a blue eyed and blond haired German and when Trump speaks from his German blood then you hear a loud deep laughter over the half Atlantic. I fear I will have to stop to laugh so loud in times of Corona. To dangerous.

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Do you think it's possible he thought testing would hurt his re election bid??? Oh no not the crook
Trumps biggest fear is the stock market does not recover in time for the election.

Kills Trumps campaign slogan.......I may be an asshole, but the market is booming.

A couple of days after 36 Democratic Senators signed a letter asking Trump to declare an emergency, he finally did. And then:

Trump Brags of Stock Market Surge Following his National Emergency Declaration


“The President would like to share the attached image with you, and passes along the following message: ‘From opening of press conference, biggest day in stock market history!’” the note began. The message did not mention coronavirus crisis.

One of the people Trump sent the message to was Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, who then showed it on the air.

“The president celebrating his signature day today,” Dobbs said, displaying the signed chart. “The White House sent along to me a signed chart of the skyrocketing Dow, the S&P 500 and NASDAQ. The Dow rose more than 1,000 points from the time he started talking to the time the news conference was over with his decisive announcement to declare the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency. Well received by markets all around the world, I’m sure.”

What a buffoon. What an entire cluster of buffoons.

Trump still thinks this is some kind of reality TV show. He is seriously deluded. An idiot.
Do you think it's possible he thought testing would hurt his re election bid??? Oh no not the crook
Trumps biggest fear is the stock market does not recover in time for the election.

Kills Trumps campaign slogan.......I may be an asshole, but the market is booming.

A couple of days after 36 Democratic Senators signed a letter asking Trump to declare an emergency, he finally did. And then:

Trump Brags of Stock Market Surge Following his National Emergency Declaration


“The President would like to share the attached image with you, and passes along the following message: ‘From opening of press conference, biggest day in stock market history!’” the note began. The message did not mention coronavirus crisis.

One of the people Trump sent the message to was Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, who then showed it on the air.

“The president celebrating his signature day today,” Dobbs said, displaying the signed chart. “The White House sent along to me a signed chart of the skyrocketing Dow, the S&P 500 and NASDAQ. The Dow rose more than 1,000 points from the time he started talking to the time the news conference was over with his decisive announcement to declare the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency. Well received by markets all around the world, I’m sure.”

What a buffoon. What an entire cluster of buffoons.

Trump still thinks this is some kind of reality TV show. He is seriously deluded. An idiot.
The game show host is a fn moron
Your “tax the wealthy” criteria includes the Middle Class
False. You made that up.

And I don't have to explain how some taxes are good, for public services. Pay attention dude, people already realize that. Randian fools have a hard time grasping it, though.
Your “tax the wealthy” criteria includes the Middle Class
False. You made that up.

And I don't have to explain how some taxes are good, for public services. Pay attention dude, people already realize that. Randian fools have a hard time grasping it, though.

So, tell the Middle Class WHY they should pay more taxes on a plan you people sold on tax the wealthy? I could never make up such a thing. Prove me wrong and show how anyone with a paycheck keeps most of it??
So, tell the Middle Class WHY they should pay more taxes on a plan you people sold on tax the wealthy?
I didn't propose raising their taxes, nor did I say we should not cut their taxes. I placed it lower on the list of priorities to what I mentioned. You're so rabid you forgot what you were arguing about.
So, tell the Middle Class WHY they should pay more taxes on a plan you people sold on tax the wealthy?
I didn't propose raising their taxes, nor did I say we should not cut their taxes. I placed it lower on the list of priorities to what I mentioned. You're so rabid you forgot what you were arguing about.

You are goddamn right I am rabid about the Middle Class not being rolled up into “the Wealthy” to pay for the Left’s tax hike.
Dow futures hit the limit down several hours ago.

This does not bode well for tomorrow.

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