Trump Seeks To Calm Markets

So much for Trump trying to calm the markets

His speech to the nation last night increased the panic
I kept my health plan

So dis over 98 percent of Americans

Read it and weep

'Millions' Lost Insurance

How many individual market cancellations were there?

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

You do the math....
2.6 million lost their policy out of 330 million Americans
Means 99 percent kept their policy

Some lie by Obama

Gee, do I feel silly. Thanks for the link, FROM SIX YEARS AGO!!!

Six years ago, otherwise known as the time when the ACA insurance reforms took effect.

How is that a rational criticism?

Oh for crying out loud.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

And since you like going back in time, from Politifact's Lie Of The Year Award:

PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'


Let’s look at the real “Lie of the year”

At the time, Republicans were fear mongering that everyone would be forced to take Obamacare and that you would lose your doctor.

To counter the Republican lies, Obama came out with....If you like your plan, you can keep your plan

Obama was 99 percent right
Republicans were 99 percent wrong.
Read it and weep

'Millions' Lost Insurance

How many individual market cancellations were there?

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

You do the math....
2.6 million lost their policy out of 330 million Americans
Means 99 percent kept their policy

Some lie by Obama

Gee, do I feel silly. Thanks for the link, FROM SIX YEARS AGO!!!

Six years ago, otherwise known as the time when the ACA insurance reforms took effect.

How is that a rational criticism?

Oh for crying out loud.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

And since you like going back in time, from Politifact's Lie Of The Year Award:

PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'


Let’s look at the real “Lie of the year”

At the time, Republicans were fear mongering that everyone would be forced to take Obamacare and that you would lose your doctor.

To counter the Republican lies, Obama came out with....If you like your plan, you can keep your plan

Obama was 99 percent right
Republicans were 99 percent wrong.

Far from it as the links I posted reveal. It's Politifact, an extremely left biased publication. Even they had to admit that it was a lie. Do you know what the first letter in the ACA is? It stands for affordable. How can something be honest when the very first letter of the acronym is a lie???
Read it and weep

'Millions' Lost Insurance

How many individual market cancellations were there?

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

You do the math....
2.6 million lost their policy out of 330 million Americans
Means 99 percent kept their policy

Some lie by Obama

Gee, do I feel silly. Thanks for the link, FROM SIX YEARS AGO!!!

Six years ago, otherwise known as the time when the ACA insurance reforms took effect.

How is that a rational criticism?

Oh for crying out loud.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

And since you like going back in time, from Politifact's Lie Of The Year Award:

PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'


Let’s look at the real “Lie of the year”

At the time, Republicans were fear mongering that everyone would be forced to take Obamacare and that you would lose your doctor.

To counter the Republican lies, Obama came out with....If you like your plan, you can keep your plan

Obama was 99 percent right
Republicans were 99 percent wrong.

Far from it as the links I posted reveal. It's Politifact, an extremely left biased publication. Even they had to admit that it was a lie. Do you know what the first letter in the ACA is? It stands for affordable. How can something be honest when the very first letter of the acronym is a lie???
2.6 to 4.7 million lost their insurance. You are free to provide a more credible source.

Even conservative math will show that 98-99 percent kept their insurance.
Read it and weep

'Millions' Lost Insurance

How many individual market cancellations were there?

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

You do the math....
2.6 million lost their policy out of 330 million Americans
Means 99 percent kept their policy

Some lie by Obama

Gee, do I feel silly. Thanks for the link, FROM SIX YEARS AGO!!!

Six years ago, otherwise known as the time when the ACA insurance reforms took effect.

How is that a rational criticism?

Oh for crying out loud.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

And since you like going back in time, from Politifact's Lie Of The Year Award:

PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'


Let’s look at the real “Lie of the year”

At the time, Republicans were fear mongering that everyone would be forced to take Obamacare and that you would lose your doctor.

To counter the Republican lies, Obama came out with....If you like your plan, you can keep your plan

Obama was 99 percent right
Republicans were 99 percent wrong.

Far from it as the links I posted reveal. It's Politifact, an extremely left biased publication. Even they had to admit that it was a lie. Do you know what the first letter in the ACA is? It stands for affordable. How can something be honest when the very first letter of the acronym is a lie???
How affordable was it for people with pre-existing conditions to buy insurance on the open market?
Trump has enough to overcome battling the corona, yet he has to also overcome a biased media and an entire political party working 24/7 to make him fail

never in the history of the world, when a president has been treated fairly, has he let his country down. never, never, never
Gee, do I feel silly. Thanks for the link, FROM SIX YEARS AGO!!!

Six years ago, otherwise known as the time when the ACA insurance reforms took effect.

How is that a rational criticism?

Oh for crying out loud.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

And since you like going back in time, from Politifact's Lie Of The Year Award:

PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'


Let’s look at the real “Lie of the year”

At the time, Republicans were fear mongering that everyone would be forced to take Obamacare and that you would lose your doctor.

To counter the Republican lies, Obama came out with....If you like your plan, you can keep your plan

Obama was 99 percent right
Republicans were 99 percent wrong.

Far from it as the links I posted reveal. It's Politifact, an extremely left biased publication. Even they had to admit that it was a lie. Do you know what the first letter in the ACA is? It stands for affordable. How can something be honest when the very first letter of the acronym is a lie???
How affordable was it for people with pre-existing conditions to buy insurance on the open market?
This is a personal anecdote.

At the time, I worked for a large employer. Very large and self insured. They told everyone in 2013 they had to cut benefits because of the ACA. So our insurance plans got a little worse. Higher deductibles etc.

Thing about the ACA is that it mandated that employers tell you how much your insurance actually costs. The cost of my insurance went from $12k per year to $9k per year.

Basically my employer cut benefits to cut insurance costs and save money (they posted record profits at the same time) and blamed the ACA.
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, media-averting Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.
He took the stage to lay off blame on anyone he could think of cuz that's how he rolls.
Gee, do I feel silly. Thanks for the link, FROM SIX YEARS AGO!!!

Six years ago, otherwise known as the time when the ACA insurance reforms took effect.

How is that a rational criticism?

Oh for crying out loud.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

And since you like going back in time, from Politifact's Lie Of The Year Award:

PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'


Let’s look at the real “Lie of the year”

At the time, Republicans were fear mongering that everyone would be forced to take Obamacare and that you would lose your doctor.

To counter the Republican lies, Obama came out with....If you like your plan, you can keep your plan

Obama was 99 percent right
Republicans were 99 percent wrong.

Far from it as the links I posted reveal. It's Politifact, an extremely left biased publication. Even they had to admit that it was a lie. Do you know what the first letter in the ACA is? It stands for affordable. How can something be honest when the very first letter of the acronym is a lie???
How affordable was it for people with pre-existing conditions to buy insurance on the open market?

It wasn't. That's why you always got a job with coverage. But as a person with preexisting conditions, I was insured all of my life. I couldn't afford Commie Care. How could I possibly pay one-third of my net pay for a policy I could never use unless I got hit by a bus, and maintain buying all my medications? It wasn't possible.
Gee, do I feel silly. Thanks for the link, FROM SIX YEARS AGO!!!

Six years ago, otherwise known as the time when the ACA insurance reforms took effect.

How is that a rational criticism?

Oh for crying out loud.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

And since you like going back in time, from Politifact's Lie Of The Year Award:

PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'


Let’s look at the real “Lie of the year”

At the time, Republicans were fear mongering that everyone would be forced to take Obamacare and that you would lose your doctor.

To counter the Republican lies, Obama came out with....If you like your plan, you can keep your plan

Obama was 99 percent right
Republicans were 99 percent wrong.

Far from it as the links I posted reveal. It's Politifact, an extremely left biased publication. Even they had to admit that it was a lie. Do you know what the first letter in the ACA is? It stands for affordable. How can something be honest when the very first letter of the acronym is a lie???
2.6 to 4.7 million lost their insurance. You are free to provide a more credible source.

Even conservative math will show that 98-99 percent kept their insurance.

So politifact is lying?
Read it and weep

'Millions' Lost Insurance

How many individual market cancellations were there?

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

You do the math....
2.6 million lost their policy out of 330 million Americans
Means 99 percent kept their policy

Some lie by Obama

Gee, do I feel silly. Thanks for the link, FROM SIX YEARS AGO!!!

Six years ago, otherwise known as the time when the ACA insurance reforms took effect.

How is that a rational criticism?

Oh for crying out loud.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

And since you like going back in time, from Politifact's Lie Of The Year Award:

PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'


Let’s look at the real “Lie of the year”

At the time, Republicans were fear mongering that everyone would be forced to take Obamacare and that you would lose your doctor.

To counter the Republican lies, Obama came out with....If you like your plan, you can keep your plan

Obama was 99 percent right
Republicans were 99 percent wrong.
You lie!
Six years ago, otherwise known as the time when the ACA insurance reforms took effect.

How is that a rational criticism?

Oh for crying out loud.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

And since you like going back in time, from Politifact's Lie Of The Year Award:

PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'


Let’s look at the real “Lie of the year”

At the time, Republicans were fear mongering that everyone would be forced to take Obamacare and that you would lose your doctor.

To counter the Republican lies, Obama came out with....If you like your plan, you can keep your plan

Obama was 99 percent right
Republicans were 99 percent wrong.

Far from it as the links I posted reveal. It's Politifact, an extremely left biased publication. Even they had to admit that it was a lie. Do you know what the first letter in the ACA is? It stands for affordable. How can something be honest when the very first letter of the acronym is a lie???
2.6 to 4.7 million lost their insurance. You are free to provide a more credible source.

Even conservative math will show that 98-99 percent kept their insurance.

So politifact is lying?
You don’t trust their numbers

Show any estimate that over 4.7 million lost insurance
Read it and weep

'Millions' Lost Insurance

How many individual market cancellations were there?

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

You do the math....
2.6 million lost their policy out of 330 million Americans
Means 99 percent kept their policy

Some lie by Obama

Gee, do I feel silly. Thanks for the link, FROM SIX YEARS AGO!!!

Six years ago, otherwise known as the time when the ACA insurance reforms took effect.

How is that a rational criticism?

Oh for crying out loud.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

And since you like going back in time, from Politifact's Lie Of The Year Award:

PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'


Let’s look at the real “Lie of the year”

At the time, Republicans were fear mongering that everyone would be forced to take Obamacare and that you would lose your doctor.

To counter the Republican lies, Obama came out with....If you like your plan, you can keep your plan

Obama was 99 percent right
Republicans were 99 percent wrong.
You lie!

I provided my math
prove me wrong
Well, last night Trump came on and gave his speech (an hour late I might add), and tried to calm the markets and tell everyone that it was all good and there was nothing to worry about.

Today, the markets tanked yet again. At this rate, Trump is going to reach what the stock market was at when he got into office.
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak
It's irrelevant what Trump does, or wants to do, or doesn't do. The leftists will find fault with it.
In 2010, Obama cut payroll taxes by 2 percent to help recover from the recession. So the Left can't attack Trump for doing the same.

I wonder how the Right will twist their minds into accepting a government bailout of the corporate world...

It's the third plan which has me the most curious. How can you support people who have to stay home without being wide open to waste, fraud, and abuse?

There would have to be some kind of required proof. A positive coronavirus test result from your doctor or something.

So Trump better get those tests out there STAT.

Didn't he cut SS. taxes ?
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak
It's irrelevant what Trump does, or wants to do, or doesn't do. The leftists will find fault with it.
In 2010, Obama cut payroll taxes by 2 percent to help recover from the recession. So the Left can't attack Trump for doing the same.

I wonder how the Right will twist their minds into accepting a government bailout of the corporate world...

It's the third plan which has me the most curious. How can you support people who have to stay home without being wide open to waste, fraud, and abuse?

There would have to be some kind of required proof. A positive coronavirus test result from your doctor or something.

So Trump better get those tests out there STAT.
The problem I see, is the Republicans already did a huge tax cut package early in Trump’s term, and that loss in revenue has added to the looming deficit. Which also negatively affects the adding yet another tax cut might be too much.
A payroll tax cut puts a little more money in the working man's pocket. If you give a guy an extra 20 bucks, he will spend it instead of hoarding it. So that's a boost to the consumer economy, unlike the prior Trump tax cut.

It does, of course, shortchange the Social Security and Medicare systems.


We still live on borrowed time.
You know, I just looked up what the stock market closed at on 20 Jan 2017, the day Trump was sworn in..................guess what it was?


Stock Market News for January 20, 2017

Guess what the stock market closed at today?


Trump has pretty much erased all the gains the stock market had made while he was in office. If it drops much more, it will be LOWER than what it was when Obama left office.

Tired of all this winning yet?
You know, I just looked up what the stock market closed at on 20 Jan 2017, the day Trump was sworn in..................guess what it was?


Stock Market News for January 20, 2017

Guess what the stock market closed at today?


Trump has pretty much erased all the gains the stock market had made while he was in office. If it drops much more, it will be LOWER than what it was when Obama left office.

Tired of all this winning yet?

I don't know why Trump started this coronavirus. Everybody (at least on the left) knows it's all his fault.
You know, I just looked up what the stock market closed at on 20 Jan 2017, the day Trump was sworn in..................guess what it was?


Stock Market News for January 20, 2017

Guess what the stock market closed at today?


Trump has pretty much erased all the gains the stock market had made while he was in office. If it drops much more, it will be LOWER than what it was when Obama left office.

Tired of all this winning yet?

I don't know why Trump started this coronavirus. Everybody (at least on the left) knows it's all his fault.

Interestingly enough, people on the left seem to know that Trump didn't cause the virus, but you conservatives still seem to have a problem understanding that.

No, I don't blame Trump for the virus, but I do blame him for his piss poor handling of the situation. And no, contradicting doctors who have spent their whole life practicing medicine isn't helpful. Matter of fact, all it does is confuse the issue, making getting accurate information a bit more difficult.

It also leaves the door open for snake oil salesmen and con artists. They will tell you they have a product that cures it, but there isn't anything out there yet that works.

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