Trump Seeks To Calm Markets

After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, media-averting Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak
The Obama economy has not been good this last month.

Blame President Corona
Ah! Obamacare promises were REPUBLICANAZI promises!
Absolutely. It was the republican response to the proposal of the public option for over twenty years. Until the brown guy ate their lunch to contrast himself against Hillary and made them very grumpy. Then they hated the idea. Good stuff.
What do you suggest for the working people?
First: boost minimum wage

Second: universal health insurance

We can start there.

The first is you let working middle class keep more of their hard earned money. Second, you make healthcare more affordable by making it market-driven. Any welfare healthcare should be limited to US citizens. After that, then illegals can get healthcare that the shit hole countries they are fleeing from won’t provide.
The first is you let working middle class keep more of their hard earned money.
No, that's down the list, unless you immediately raise taxes on higher earners to even it out. Else services from which they benefit will suffer.

Second, you make healthcare more affordable by making it market-driven.
Retarded by any measure. Market-driven for profit healthcare and insurance is why process have spiralled out of control. Get that dumb bullshit out of here.

Any welfare healthcare should be limited to US citizens.
Also a very stupid idea, as they will merely get less efficient indigent care at inflated costs, which we pay for anyway.

We are trying to actually help workers , not soothe your freakish, Randian political fetishes and neuroses.
What do you suggest for the working people?
First: boost minimum wage

Second: universal health insurance

We can start there.

Universal health insurance would help employers too

You hypocrites are astounding. On one hand, you bitch about how corporate profits well exceed employee wages, and on the other hand, when it comes to something you'd like to see, you are telling us the benefits of more money in the pockets of our job creators.

It's okay to give our job creators more money when it comes to government taking over healthcare, but not good when we reduce their taxes that only make the rich even richer, and they keep that extra money for themselves.
What do you suggest for the working people?
First: boost minimum wage

Second: universal health insurance

We can start there.

Universal health insurance would help employers too
And save each of us $2500 a year! And we can keep our doctors too!

I kept my health plan

So dis over 98 percent of Americans

Read it and weep

'Millions' Lost Insurance

How many individual market cancellations were there?

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

You do the math....
2.6 million lost their policy out of 330 million Americans
Means 99 percent kept their policy

Some lie by Obama
The first is you let working middle class keep more of their hard earned money.
No, that's down the list, unless you immediately raise taxes on higher earners to even it out. Else services from which they benefit will suffer.

Second, you make healthcare more affordable by making it market-driven.
Retarded by any measure. Market-driven for profit healthcare and insurance is why process have spiralled out of control. Get that dumb bullshit out of here.

Any welfare healthcare should be limited to US citizens.
Also a very stupid idea, as they will merely get less efficient indigent care at inflated costs, which we pay for anyway.

We are trying to actually help workers , not soothe your freakish, Randian political fetishes and neuroses.

How and why is delaying cutting taxes for the Middle Class contingent upon first sticking it to the “rich”? First, define rich.... simply, what is the income threshold? There should not be a contingency for cutting taxes on the working middle class. Show US the math how first the “rich” must first have their taxes raised to “even” things out. Don’t let your own fetishes of sticking it to the rich cloud any logic you have left.
First: boost minimum wage

Second: universal health insurance

We can start there.

Universal health insurance would help employers too
And save each of us $2500 a year! And we can keep our doctors too!

I kept my health plan

So dis over 98 percent of Americans

Read it and weep

'Millions' Lost Insurance

How many individual market cancellations were there?

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

You do the math....
2.6 million lost their policy out of 330 million Americans
Means 99 percent kept their policy

Some lie by Obama

Gee, do I feel silly. Thanks for the link, FROM SIX YEARS AGO!!!
Universal health insurance would help employers too
And save each of us $2500 a year! And we can keep our doctors too!

I kept my health plan

So dis over 98 percent of Americans

Read it and weep

'Millions' Lost Insurance

How many individual market cancellations were there?

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

You do the math....
2.6 million lost their policy out of 330 million Americans
Means 99 percent kept their policy

Some lie by Obama

Gee, do I feel silly. Thanks for the link, FROM SIX YEARS AGO!!!

Six years ago, otherwise known as the time when the ACA insurance reforms took effect.

How is that a rational criticism?
Universal health insurance would help employers too
And save each of us $2500 a year! And we can keep our doctors too!

I kept my health plan

So dis over 98 percent of Americans

Read it and weep

'Millions' Lost Insurance

How many individual market cancellations were there?

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

You do the math....
2.6 million lost their policy out of 330 million Americans
Means 99 percent kept their policy

Some lie by Obama

Gee, do I feel silly. Thanks for the link, FROM SIX YEARS AGO!!!
Ummmm....when do you think Obamacare was passed?
And save each of us $2500 a year! And we can keep our doctors too!

I kept my health plan

So dis over 98 percent of Americans

Read it and weep

'Millions' Lost Insurance

How many individual market cancellations were there?

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

You do the math....
2.6 million lost their policy out of 330 million Americans
Means 99 percent kept their policy

Some lie by Obama

Gee, do I feel silly. Thanks for the link, FROM SIX YEARS AGO!!!

Six years ago, otherwise known as the time when the ACA insurance reforms took effect.

How is that a rational criticism?

Oh for crying out loud.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

And since you like going back in time, from Politifact's Lie Of The Year Award:

PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

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