Trump Seeks To Calm Markets

If you wish to allow it on yours and you will only go straight down, no directional bullshit, I don't mind.

Glad you don't, however, I'm not sitting on such valuable land. I wish I were. I would be very wealthy today.

Fracking-Contaminated Groundwater: The Myth that Failed | RealClearEnergy

I am not sure a site funded by the people doing the fracking is the best place to get unbiased information about fracking...just saying

They have about a dozen hyperlinks or so in that article, showing you where they got their information from.
And why they would choose them, thanks. And there's no such thing as climate change per the fossil fuels industry. And there's no harm in smoking cigarettes per the tobacco industry. And we were all born last week.

The EPA monitors things like fracking. If they had any evidence (especially under Obama) where fracking was causing environmental damage, they would have stopped it. However the EPA investigated these complaints and found them to be pretty much bogus.
Obama opened up fracking as well as drilling in the Arctic, wash the partisanshit outta your ears.
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak
It's irrelevant what Trump does, or wants to do, or doesn't do. The leftists will find fault with it.
In 2010, Obama cut payroll taxes by 2 percent to help recover from the recession. So the Left can't attack Trump for doing the same.

I wonder how the Right will twist their minds into accepting a government bailout of the corporate world...

It's the third plan which has me the most curious. How can you support people who have to stay home without being wide open to waste, fraud, and abuse?

There would have to be some kind of required proof. A positive coronavirus test result from your doctor or something.

So Trump better get those tests out there STAT.
The problem I see, is the Republicans already did a huge tax cut package early in Trump’s term, and that loss in revenue has added to the looming deficit. Which also negatively affects the adding yet another tax cut might be too much.
Actually, the tax cuts stimulated more earnings rather than what you are postulating, according to my sources.

But if doom and gloom appeal to you, continue on into your footshoot mindset, while in this nation, recovery is already going on due to the tax cuts that made the Demmies cringe, one and all, realizing that Trump may have had the perfect formula for making America great again. I hope that some of you had the good sense to load your guns with blanks. :abgg2q.jpg:

That's funny. Wealth that is worth "x" one day when concentrated capital is feeling one way, but worth "y" the next day because concentrated capital is feeling another way is not real wealth. No need to load your guns with anything, polish them like the fetish symbols they really are.

In 1960, 60% of those born in America could statistically expect to have a higher quality of life than their parents had. By 1980 that number was down to 40%, meaning of those born in or post 1980, 60% are living lower quality lives than their parents did. Your "sources" must not be of these people. We're all aware concentrated capital has fared well under all administrations. Even when socialism was called for to save it from itself. "Demmmies" don't cringe, they're your partners in this. Status Quo Joe, Hillary, Bill, Obama, it's a big club, most of us ain't in it. They're allowed to double penetrate Epsteins/Maxwells kids together, we all know and saw; Bill, Don, Allan Dershowitz, Bonnie Prince Andy, and we shut it down questioning further because we cannot bear to embarrass our aristocracy further.

Your economic system is fragile, it was going to be something again, it always is erratic, yet cyclic, and runs boom to bust. Always another opportunity to further concentrate societal wealth when it does. The utterly bipartisan lack of pandemic planning, there's your security, not bombing others. The oil shock. Omens. Could have been anything and still could be. Airlines feeling it, these things come in waves. A run on banks. A "terrorist" attack. This is an economic system so pilfered it has no slack left in it. Grifting is celebrated.

A healthcare system with millions uncovered deductibles due first this time of year should help though.
In 1960, 60% of those born in America could statistically expect to have a higher quality of life than their parents had. By 1980 that number was down to 40%, meaning of those born in or post 1980, 60% are living lower quality lives than their parents did. Your "sources" must not be of these people.

Is that because of our economic system, or is it due to personal choices in life? That's the question. Another question is, what determines what is meant by quality of life? For crying out loud, our homeless people have cell phones today.
Did anyone catch the meeting Trump had with bankers today? It was a bunch of people kissing his butt, and Trump saying that there are plans that will happen soon, but he didn't specify what or when it would happen.

And even though he had the meeting to try to calm things down, the markets tanked again today.
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, media-averting Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak

Trump addressed the media, which he hates, in order to explain to everyone that the virus is not important, it is really all about him.
Trumps response to Coronavirus is centered more on protecting the market than protecting our people.
In 1960, 60% of those born in America could statistically expect to have a higher quality of life than their parents had. By 1980 that number was down to 40%, meaning of those born in or post 1980, 60% are living lower quality lives than their parents did. Your "sources" must not be of these people.

Is that because of our economic system, or is it due to personal choices in life? That's the question. Another question is, what determines what is meant by quality of life? For crying out loud, our homeless people have cell phones today.
The entire population “chooses” to have a lower standard of living?

They go into their bosses office demanding that he rescind their pay increases and benefits.
In 1960, 60% of those born in America could statistically expect to have a higher quality of life than their parents had. By 1980 that number was down to 40%, meaning of those born in or post 1980, 60% are living lower quality lives than their parents did. Your "sources" must not be of these people.

Is that because of our economic system, or is it due to personal choices in life? That's the question. Another question is, what determines what is meant by quality of life? For crying out loud, our homeless people have cell phones today.
The entire population “chooses” to have a lower standard of living?

They go into their bosses office demanding that he rescind their pay increases and benefits.

For the most part, yes, people do choose their standard of living. That is people with average physical abilities and average intelligence.
In 1960, 60% of those born in America could statistically expect to have a higher quality of life than their parents had. By 1980 that number was down to 40%, meaning of those born in or post 1980, 60% are living lower quality lives than their parents did. Your "sources" must not be of these people.

Is that because of our economic system, or is it due to personal choices in life? That's the question. Another question is, what determines what is meant by quality of life? For crying out loud, our homeless people have cell phones today.
The entire population “chooses” to have a lower standard of living?

They go into their bosses office demanding that he rescind their pay increases and benefits.

For the most part, yes, people do choose their standard of living. That is people with average physical abilities and average intelligence.

What total nonsense

For the most part, pay and benefits have been stagnant for decades. Profits are up significantly, It was not the workers choice.
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak
It's irrelevant what Trump does, or wants to do, or doesn't do. The leftists will find fault with it.
In 2010, Obama cut payroll taxes by 2 percent to help recover from the recession. So the Left can't attack Trump for doing the same.

I wonder how the Right will twist their minds into accepting a government bailout of the corporate world...

It's the third plan which has me the most curious. How can you support people who have to stay home without being wide open to waste, fraud, and abuse?

There would have to be some kind of required proof. A positive coronavirus test result from your doctor or something.

So Trump better get those tests out there STAT.
There will be a bailout for Wall Street but don't worry, there will be nothing whatsoever for the normal everyday working people. There never is.

What do you suggest for the working people?
Now would be the time for Democrats to talk up tax hikes and energy plans that “necessarily drive up costs”. Come on Dems! Back up what you stand for.
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, media-averting Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak

Will Trump declare another trillion for corporate welfare?

In 1960, 60% of those born in America could statistically expect to have a higher quality of life than their parents had. By 1980 that number was down to 40%, meaning of those born in or post 1980, 60% are living lower quality lives than their parents did. Your "sources" must not be of these people.

Is that because of our economic system, or is it due to personal choices in life? That's the question. Another question is, what determines what is meant by quality of life? For crying out loud, our homeless people have cell phones today.
The entire population “chooses” to have a lower standard of living?

They go into their bosses office demanding that he rescind their pay increases and benefits.

For the most part, yes, people do choose their standard of living. That is people with average physical abilities and average intelligence.

What total nonsense

For the most part, pay and benefits have been stagnant for decades. Profits are up significantly, It was not the workers choice.

That is your leftist mentality speaking. You can't work more than 40 hours a week, you can't learn a trade or profession in which to make more money, you can't get a good job because you smoke pot and can't pass a drug test, you have to start a family before you can afford one, and it's not their fault.
In 1960, 60% of those born in America could statistically expect to have a higher quality of life than their parents had. By 1980 that number was down to 40%, meaning of those born in or post 1980, 60% are living lower quality lives than their parents did. Your "sources" must not be of these people.

Is that because of our economic system, or is it due to personal choices in life? That's the question. Another question is, what determines what is meant by quality of life? For crying out loud, our homeless people have cell phones today.
The entire population “chooses” to have a lower standard of living?

They go into their bosses office demanding that he rescind their pay increases and benefits.

For the most part, yes, people do choose their standard of living. That is people with average physical abilities and average intelligence.

What total nonsense

For the most part, pay and benefits have been stagnant for decades. Profits are up significantly, It was not the workers choice.

That is your leftist mentality speaking. You can't work more than 40 hours a week, you can't learn a trade or profession in which to make more money, you can't get a good job because you smoke pot and can't pass a drug test, you have to start a family before you can afford one, and it's not their fault.
That is your simplistic economic view that because a few workers may be allowed to work extra hours, it is not a solution for the entire workforce. And guess what? Because wages are stagnant, that time and a half is also undervalued.

And sorry, the entire US workforce is not underpaid because they smoke pot.
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, media-averting Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak

Will Trump declare another trillion for corporate welfare?


He should be impeached for leaving us vulnerable

No excuse.
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, media-averting Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak
The Obama economy has not been good this last month.
Is that because of our economic system, or is it due to personal choices in life? That's the question. Another question is, what determines what is meant by quality of life? For crying out loud, our homeless people have cell phones today.
The entire population “chooses” to have a lower standard of living?

They go into their bosses office demanding that he rescind their pay increases and benefits.

For the most part, yes, people do choose their standard of living. That is people with average physical abilities and average intelligence.

What total nonsense

For the most part, pay and benefits have been stagnant for decades. Profits are up significantly, It was not the workers choice.

That is your leftist mentality speaking. You can't work more than 40 hours a week, you can't learn a trade or profession in which to make more money, you can't get a good job because you smoke pot and can't pass a drug test, you have to start a family before you can afford one, and it's not their fault.
That is your simplistic economic view that because a few workers may be allowed to work extra hours, it is not a solution for the entire workforce. And guess what? Because wages are stagnant, that time and a half is also undervalued.

And sorry, the entire US workforce is not underpaid because they smoke pot.

Enough of them can't get a good job because they smoke pot. They work low wage jobs because those places seldom drug test. I've seen it with the company I worked at. I've seen it repeatedly in other companies that are our customers. I've even had a couple that rented an apartment from me for seven years that was in that situation. It's a reality I'm afraid.

Can't work overtime? Then get a job on the weekends. Like I said, this is the problem. Can you explain how wages are not going up when we recently hit a new high in median household income? You people on the left complain about wages, but throw down the welcome mat on our southern borders for people to come here and take our jobs for lower wages, which lowers wages for everybody.

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