Trump set to order construction of Mexican border wall

They all said he would not keep 1/2 of his campaign promises. Now they gotta switch gears-----------> he only kept 1/2 of his campaign promises in 3 days, what about the rest!

You are smoking something, I don't think he delivered ANYTHING of what he promised he would do "day one!", let alone fulfill half of them.

He did the easy signings, most of which are symbolic gestures of intent, not actually getting something done.

You being blind in one eye and can not see out the other, has no bearing on reality. Then keep on believing, we don't care. When the wall is complete, you can stand there and pretend it is not there all you want, lololol! Have fun, cause the lefty party is over.....and hey......did you people read what the Danish (I think it was, but he was certainly in that region) prime minister said. OMG, they are not happy with IMMIGRANTS and are getting very vocal about it. When I say IMMIGRANTS, I mean those refugees that were let in. He said basically------> assimilate or LEAVE!

See, it is NOT just the US, the world is catching on quick. Wait till the visit from Britains PM later this week. All hell is going to break loose as President DJT is going to help her with Brexit, gonna cut a trade deal to help them, and going to talk her into getting a little tougher on the ahem.......immigrants.

This could be another Reagan/Thatcher type relationship. The left is going to fall off the rails by Saturday, watch!

Reads quite wishy washy hopey changey.

OK, I give up, lol. You are exactly what I thought when I seen how many posts in such little time. Enjoy yourself ANTON-LOONY-TOONY! I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you are not about discussion, you are about 1 line narratives. Sounds like another person I put on ignore, but I want to watch you melt down as the Trump Presidency goes along-) Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

Lol you seriously think I give a sht what you think of me?

I'm just not interested in your little musings and fantasies, sorry to disappoint.
They all said he would not keep 1/2 of his campaign promises. Now they gotta switch gears-----------> he only kept 1/2 of his campaign promises in 3 days, what about the rest!

You are smoking something, I don't think he delivered ANYTHING of what he promised he would do "day one!", let alone fulfill half of them.

He did the easy signings, most of which are symbolic gestures of intent, not actually getting something done.

You being blind in one eye and can not see out the other, has no bearing on reality. Then keep on believing, we don't care. When the wall is complete, you can stand there and pretend it is not there all you want, lololol! Have fun, cause the lefty party is over.....and hey......did you people read what the Danish (I think it was, but he was certainly in that region) prime minister said. OMG, they are not happy with IMMIGRANTS and are getting very vocal about it. When I say IMMIGRANTS, I mean those refugees that were let in. He said basically------> assimilate or LEAVE!

See, it is NOT just the US, the world is catching on quick. Wait till the visit from Britains PM later this week. All hell is going to break loose as President DJT is going to help her with Brexit, gonna cut a trade deal to help them, and going to talk her into getting a little tougher on the ahem.......immigrants.

This could be another Reagan/Thatcher type relationship. The left is going to fall off the rails by Saturday, watch!

Reads quite wishy washy hopey changey.

OK, I give up, lol. You are exactly what I thought when I seen how many posts in such little time. Enjoy yourself ANTON-LOONY-TOONY! I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you are not about discussion, you are about 1 line narratives. Sounds like another person I put on ignore, but I want to watch you melt down as the Trump Presidency goes along-) Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

Lol you seriously think I give a sht what you think of me?

I'm just not interested in your little musings and fantasies, sorry to disappoint.

And I give 2 poops what you actually think, since I think you are not a citizen, and if you are you have no political power since you are a leftist, and all of you are in political Siberia, lol!

You are not though, the number one gaslighter-) Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality That medal goes to someone else! But if you want a participation trophy, will vote in your favor as the NUMBER 1 SNOWFLAKE! How is that? Myself, Owebo, and a few others will even pay to have it sent to your house, lololol!
Well, I have said it for years... what we need to do with the Middle East is create one big giant glass fishbowl. I guarantee, a big ol' nuclear crater where the Iranian Presidential Palace once sat, would straighten out their problems with us. Of course, we're never going to actually DO something like this, we're far too humanitarian.

Why do people waste time posting stupid shit like this? Indulging adolescent emotions? Drama queen bullshit like this never advanced a discussion.
In two days he has done more to benefit America than did Obama in eight years.
there is no question in the fact that he has already out done obama when it comes to the good of the country.
if he keeps this up and we dont get any surprises from the middle east, I think he might actually be able to turn this country back around.
Make America Great Again could end up being more than a cheesy campaign slogan.
BS..Obama was handed a country on the verge of economic collapse.. Obama saved America and replenished our economic vitality. That is what he handed TRUMP> Trump ain't done SHIT by comparison,,,
Obama didn't save anything. Recovery after a recession is the normal state of affairs. Obama's recovery has been the slowest since the Great Depression.
Heh heh heh...what other recoveries have there been after the Great Depression on a scale as broad as the one Obama inherited from Bush? Stop lying!
"On a scale as broad?" What the fuck is that supposed to mean? The recession at the beginning of the Reagan administration was worse, the recovery was far faster and far stronger.
I won't pretend to speak for all of you but I have always and will always bitch about a presidents ability to spend taxpayer money by way of executive order. We elected representatives to control our taxes not a king.

Executive orders should have no power beyond ceremonial bullshit.

I don't recall your outrage when King Obama used his pen and phone to do precisely that. Perhaps you can link us to those threads?

I actually agree... President's don't have the authority to pass statutes. However, this has already been passed by Congress. Initial funding has been appropriated. If GOP lawmakers handle it correctly, the remaining funding can be done through a reconciliation bill and passed with a simple majority. If not, the president has several other options including the presidential superfund. In short, no need to worry about the funding. This is going to happen... get used to it.
You mean you don't have a photographic memory? I'm shocked I tell you....shocked.
There are thousands of posts a day on this site and you want to imply that because you can't remember them all that they must not exist.

Fuck off idiot
Why do people waste time posting stupid shit like this? Indulging adolescent emotions? Drama queen bullshit like this never advanced a discussion.
In two days he has done more to benefit America than did Obama in eight years.
there is no question in the fact that he has already out done obama when it comes to the good of the country.
if he keeps this up and we dont get any surprises from the middle east, I think he might actually be able to turn this country back around.
Make America Great Again could end up being more than a cheesy campaign slogan.
BS..Obama was handed a country on the verge of economic collapse.. Obama saved America and replenished our economic vitality. That is what he handed TRUMP> Trump ain't done SHIT by comparison,,,
Obama didn't save anything. Recovery after a recession is the normal state of affairs. Obama's recovery has been the slowest since the Great Depression.
Heh heh heh...what other recoveries have there been after the Great Depression on a scale as broad as the one Obama inherited from Bush? Stop lying!
"On a scale as broad?" What the fuck is that supposed to mean? The recession at the beginning of the Reagan administration was worse, the recovery was far faster and far stronger.
What????? Oh no you didn't GO THERE! Are you a clown or a fool? Reagan didn't 'have an obstructionist Congress to contend with and he spent like crazy. Reagan didn 'thave to bail out the big banks with almost a trillion dollar welfare package, Regan didn't have to save two major auto giants from crashing... all while two BUSH wars were going on. Oh, nad lets not forget Bushes legacy of tax cuts for the rich while starting those two wars and his Part D Medicare drug initiatives. I don't Reagan was smart enough to handle all of that!
Why do people waste time posting stupid shit like this? Indulging adolescent emotions? Drama queen bullshit like this never advanced a discussion.
In two days he has done more to benefit America than did Obama in eight years.
there is no question in the fact that he has already out done obama when it comes to the good of the country.
if he keeps this up and we dont get any surprises from the middle east, I think he might actually be able to turn this country back around.
Make America Great Again could end up being more than a cheesy campaign slogan.
BS..Obama was handed a country on the verge of economic collapse.. Obama saved America and replenished our economic vitality. That is what he handed TRUMP> Trump ain't done SHIT by comparison,,,
Obama didn't save anything. Recovery after a recession is the normal state of affairs. Obama's recovery has been the slowest since the Great Depression.
Heh heh heh...what other recoveries have there been after the Great Depression on a scale as broad as the one Obama inherited from Bush? Stop lying!
"On a scale as broad?" What the fuck is that supposed to mean? The recession at the beginning of the Reagan administration was worse, the recovery was far faster and far stronger.
What????? Oh no you didn't GO THERE! Are you a clown or a fool? Reagan didn't 'have an obstructionist Congress to contend with and he spent like crazy. Reagan didn 'thave to bail out the big banks with almost a trillion dollar welfare package, Regan didn't have to save two major auto giants from crashing... all while two BUSH wars were going on. Oh, nad lets not forget Bushes legacy of tax cuts for the rich while starting those two wars and his Part D Medicare drug initiatives. I don't think Reagan was smart enough to handle all of that!
From where is Trump getting these federal funds? The Oval Office couch cushions?
We haven't seen anyone like this in some time. I don't even remember Reagan going so hard from day one as Trump has. This is refreshing and invigorating to watch, no question.

It’s finally time to build the wall.

President Trump will be ordering the construction of his signature Mexican border wall on Wednesday, according to a report.

White House officials told the New York Times that the billionaire is expected to sign the executive order — directing federal funds to be focused on creating the structure — during an appearance at the Department of Homeland Security.

Building a wall on the border of Mexico was one of Trump’s biggest promises during his campaign. He ultimately believes that doing so would put a stop to the influx of illegal immigrants coming into the United States today.

“Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Among many other things, we will build the wall!” Trump tweeted on Tuesday night.

While the wall won’t be completed for quite some time, officials told the Times that the President is also considering a policy that would temporarily stop refugees from coming from Syria, as well as other majority-Muslim nations that are deemed “terror prone.”

it's easy for him to "go hard" on things that he can't do without the funds being allocated.

have fun... as you might recall the lying loon said mexico would be paying for it, not us.

guess trumpsters keep getting scammed and saying thank you.
there is no question in the fact that he has already out done obama when it comes to the good of the country.
if he keeps this up and we dont get any surprises from the middle east, I think he might actually be able to turn this country back around.
Make America Great Again could end up being more than a cheesy campaign slogan.
BS..Obama was handed a country on the verge of economic collapse.. Obama saved America and replenished our economic vitality. That is what he handed TRUMP> Trump ain't done SHIT by comparison,,,
Obama didn't save anything. Recovery after a recession is the normal state of affairs. Obama's recovery has been the slowest since the Great Depression.
Heh heh heh...what other recoveries have there been after the Great Depression on a scale as broad as the one Obama inherited from Bush? Stop lying!
"On a scale as broad?" What the fuck is that supposed to mean? The recession at the beginning of the Reagan administration was worse, the recovery was far faster and far stronger.
What????? Oh no you didn't GO THERE! Are you a clown or a fool? Reagan didn't 'have an obstructionist Congress to contend with and he spent like crazy. Reagan didn 'thave to bail out the big banks with almost a trillion dollar welfare package, Regan didn't have to save two major auto giants from crashing... all while two BUSH wars were going on. Oh, nad lets not forget Bushes legacy of tax cuts for the rich while starting those two wars and his Part D Medicare drug initiatives. I don't Reagan was smart enough to handle all of that!
your assumption that President Reagan wasn't smart enough to handle it is basically just that an assumption.
However, we do have proof that the magic negro was not smart enough, to that there is no question.
besides, he campaigned with the promise to end those two wars within a certain time period, after that period, I would say that those two wars were his. and, as far as obstruction, not true, bills were presented, its just that the democrats would not accept them if any of their spending, like funding obamacare was missing. with them it was all or nothing, its why they shut down the government. bunch of damn babies not getting their way. All they had to do to not have their own obstruction would have been to pass the bills without the funding for what turned out a loss and a failure anyway (like the republicans said it would) and then after the rest of the budget was signed and approved, go back and fight for the funding for obamas an idiot care. Seems so simple when you think about it, but its really hard to reason with small children when they dont get their way.
From where is Trump getting these federal funds? The Oval Office couch cushions?
He's going to get the funding wherever he can. A lot of money is already allocated from years back. Hey, we came up with the money to fight the evil Japs and our European German brothers in WW2 using innovative weapons, fighters, ships and tanks in less than 5 years. We came up with the money to get it done. We can do it again in this different war against illegal Wetbacks and other third world immigrants. We are Americans and we do this to preserve our sovereignty and law abiding natural born Citizens.
From where is Trump getting these federal funds? The Oval Office couch cushions?
He's going to get the funding wherever he can. A lot of money is already allocated from years back. Hey, we came up with the money to fight the evil Japs and our European German brothers in WW2 using innovative weapons, fighters, ships and tanks in less than 5 years. We came up with the money to get it done. We can do it again in this different war against illegal Wetbacks and other third world immigrants. We are Americans and we do this to preserve our sovereignty and law abiding natural born Citizens.

Just keep in mind the amount of money that will no longer be going to foreign interests opposed to the United States.

It will add up pretty quickly.
BS..Obama was handed a country on the verge of economic collapse.. Obama saved America and replenished our economic vitality. That is what he handed TRUMP> Trump ain't done SHIT by comparison,,,
Obama didn't save anything. Recovery after a recession is the normal state of affairs. Obama's recovery has been the slowest since the Great Depression.
Heh heh heh...what other recoveries have there been after the Great Depression on a scale as broad as the one Obama inherited from Bush? Stop lying!
"On a scale as broad?" What the fuck is that supposed to mean? The recession at the beginning of the Reagan administration was worse, the recovery was far faster and far stronger.
What????? Oh no you didn't GO THERE! Are you a clown or a fool? Reagan didn't 'have an obstructionist Congress to contend with and he spent like crazy. Reagan didn 'thave to bail out the big banks with almost a trillion dollar welfare package, Regan didn't have to save two major auto giants from crashing... all while two BUSH wars were going on. Oh, nad lets not forget Bushes legacy of tax cuts for the rich while starting those two wars and his Part D Medicare drug initiatives. I don't Reagan was smart enough to handle all of that!
your assumption that President Reagan wasn't smart enough to handle it is basically just that an assumption.
However, we do have proof that the magic negro was not smart enough, to that there is no question.
besides, he campaigned with the promise to end those two wars within a certain time period, after that period, I would say that those two wars were his. and, as far as obstruction, not true, bills were presented, its just that the democrats would not accept them if any of their spending, like funding obamacare was missing. with them it was all or nothing, its why they shut down the government. bunch of damn babies not getting their way. All they had to do to not have their own obstruction would have been to pass the bills without the funding for what turned out a loss and a failure anyway (like the republicans said it would) and then after the rest of the budget was signed and approved, go back and fight for the funding for obamas an idiot care. Seems so simple when you think about it, but its really hard to reason with small children when they dont get their way.
I hold up as evidence these two accolades in rebuttal to your flawed tirade:

the now booming economy at the end of Obama's presidency and the high approval ratings that went with him.
I'm one of the trump voters that never believed the wall was practical to end illegal immigration or stop drugs. The magnitude of a project this size is unbelievable and would take years. A couple things like e verify, fine employers heavily if they hire the undocumented, and stop instant birth citizenship for any one that makes it to this country illegally, and also ending birth tourism would end a lot of people coming here for citizenships. As far as stopping drugs coming here, lots of luck. There's thousands of miles of coastlines and northern borders, and those that guard those coasts and borders are not above being bribed, either.

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