Trump set to order construction of Mexican border wall

How can a liberal call anyone comrade when liberals ARE socialist communist scum Murderers.
I don't agree with your assessment of "liberals." However, at least they are American Communist scum murders, if at all... I would prefer them to Trump's Russian friends KNOWN to be communist scum murderers.
Meh... you worry too much. We have the most advanced military in the world. We can wipe out most of our enemies without putting a boot on the ground.
maybe that is the reason for concern.

Well, I have said it for years... what we need to do with the Middle East is create one big giant glass fishbowl. I guarantee, a big ol' nuclear crater where the Iranian Presidential Palace once sat, would straighten out their problems with us. Of course, we're never going to actually DO something like this, we're far too humanitarian.

Why do people waste time posting stupid shit like this? Indulging adolescent emotions? Drama queen bullshit like this never advanced a discussion.

Well, no drama queen bullshit, like I said, we'll never do it. But look... if back in 1979, when this radical Islamic demon reared it's ugly head, we had dropped a tactical nuke on Tehran, we would have saved countless millions of lives and property damage, 9/11 would have never happened, there would have never been an alQaeda, Bin Laden, ISIS or Muslim Brotherhood... at least 3 wars wouldn't have happened, probably more like 6-7 worldwide... most of the middle east with maybe the exception of the Saudi kingdom would be vibrant westernized democracy.

But no... we had to try and pussy foot around with a "diplomatic" solution with radicals who understand nothing but brute force and everything else is weakness.
You would advocate dropping nuclear weapons on people that have never done you any harm,what's next, you want to release biological warfare, peel the skin off humans and make a lampshade, huh?

Drama queen, much?
I figured Trump would make a most interesting president, and he's just getting started. People that live during Trump's presidency will have some interesting stories to tell their kids, if America still exists as we know it. Will "The Wall" be the most interesting chapter? Not on your life.

We haven't seen anyone like this in some time. I don't even remember Reagan going so hard from day one as Trump has. This is refreshing and invigorating to watch, no question.

It’s finally time to build the wall.

President Trump will be ordering the construction of his signature Mexican border wall on Wednesday, according to a report.

White House officials told the New York Times that the billionaire is expected to sign the executive order — directing federal funds to be focused on creating the structure — during an appearance at the Department of Homeland Security.

Building a wall on the border of Mexico was one of Trump’s biggest promises during his campaign. He ultimately believes that doing so would put a stop to the influx of illegal immigrants coming into the United States today.

“Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Among many other things, we will build the wall!” Trump tweeted on Tuesday night.

While the wall won’t be completed for quite some time, officials told the Times that the President is also considering a policy that would temporarily stop refugees from coming from Syria, as well as other majority-Muslim nations that are deemed “terror prone.”
How much are we going to spend and finance, on the right wing's, socialism on a national basis?
Enough to get the job done!
or, run out of the (other) Peoples' money?
We haven't seen anyone like this in some time. I don't even remember Reagan going so hard from day one as Trump has. This is refreshing and invigorating to watch, no question.

It’s finally time to build the wall.

President Trump will be ordering the construction of his signature Mexican border wall on Wednesday, according to a report.

White House officials told the New York Times that the billionaire is expected to sign the executive order — directing federal funds to be focused on creating the structure — during an appearance at the Department of Homeland Security.

Building a wall on the border of Mexico was one of Trump’s biggest promises during his campaign. He ultimately believes that doing so would put a stop to the influx of illegal immigrants coming into the United States today.

“Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Among many other things, we will build the wall!” Trump tweeted on Tuesday night.

While the wall won’t be completed for quite some time, officials told the Times that the President is also considering a policy that would temporarily stop refugees from coming from Syria, as well as other majority-Muslim nations that are deemed “terror prone.”
How much are we going to spend and finance, on the right wing's, socialism on a national basis?
Enough to get the job done!
or, run out of the (other) Peoples' money?
Mexico has plenty of money....
We haven't seen anyone like this in some time. I don't even remember Reagan going so hard from day one as Trump has. This is refreshing and invigorating to watch, no question.

It’s finally time to build the wall.

President Trump will be ordering the construction of his signature Mexican border wall on Wednesday, according to a report.

White House officials told the New York Times that the billionaire is expected to sign the executive order — directing federal funds to be focused on creating the structure — during an appearance at the Department of Homeland Security.

Building a wall on the border of Mexico was one of Trump’s biggest promises during his campaign. He ultimately believes that doing so would put a stop to the influx of illegal immigrants coming into the United States today.

“Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Among many other things, we will build the wall!” Trump tweeted on Tuesday night.

While the wall won’t be completed for quite some time, officials told the Times that the President is also considering a policy that would temporarily stop refugees from coming from Syria, as well as other majority-Muslim nations that are deemed “terror prone.”
How much are we going to spend and finance, on the right wing's, socialism on a national basis?
Enough to get the job done!
or, run out of the (other) Peoples' money?
Mexico has plenty of money....
a wall is a waste of money; is that why the right, refuses to pay it; lack of Confidence in their own social plan?

Trump backer explodes in rant about Obama and ‘abortions overseas’ when asked who’ll pay for border wall

Donald Trump is carrying out a vendetta against the areas of the Country that did not vote for him ....because he was driven over the edge by losing the popular vote and the size of the anti Trump march

We haven't seen anyone like this in some time. I don't even remember Reagan going so hard from day one as Trump has. This is refreshing and invigorating to watch, no question.

It’s finally time to build the wall.

President Trump will be ordering the construction of his signature Mexican border wall on Wednesday, according to a report.

White House officials told the New York Times that the billionaire is expected to sign the executive order — directing federal funds to be focused on creating the structure — during an appearance at the Department of Homeland Security.

Building a wall on the border of Mexico was one of Trump’s biggest promises during his campaign. He ultimately believes that doing so would put a stop to the influx of illegal immigrants coming into the United States today.

“Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Among many other things, we will build the wall!” Trump tweeted on Tuesday night.

While the wall won’t be completed for quite some time, officials told the Times that the President is also considering a policy that would temporarily stop refugees from coming from Syria, as well as other majority-Muslim nations that are deemed “terror prone.”
How much are we going to spend and finance, on the right wing's, socialism on a national basis?
Enough to get the job done!
or, run out of the (other) Peoples' money?
Mexico has plenty of money....
a wall is a waste of money; is that why the right, refuses to pay it; lack of Confidence in their own social plan?
Mexico is paying for the
Meh-heeko will pay for it too!

Yup, one way or another.
I would be more receptive to the idea of building a wall if the American tax payer didn't have to foot the bill initially. I don't trust the liar in chief. I'd like to see him take a few years to extract funds from Mexico without tapping into federal funds at all.
hHdden costs such as regular maintenance and repair will add billions more over time

If the tight wad Republican House gives Trump the funds to build that wall, estimated to cost about 30 billion +, they will have reneged on their promise to curb federal spending.

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