Trump should focus recounts in only few states


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
Wrong. A software glitch could account for a lot of votes. I like that GA is doing a hand recount.
In PA the USSC should invalidate all votes received after 8pm on election day, that might swing the state.
In GA the Dominion software could have swung the elections, so they are doing a hand recount, I'm curious how that will turn out.
AZ & NV may be lost, no news on those.
WI & MI may be in-play we'll see.
I'm disappointed that voter rolls weren't scrubbed before the election. WTF?
Actually PA is over 53,000 now. James Carville predicted it would finally settle at 150. And since it's well beyond the 0.5% threshold, Rump would have to pay for that recount.

Recounts generally don't shift anything by more than a fraction of these margins anyway.
Wrong. A software glitch could account for a lot of votes. I like that GA is doing a hand recount.
In PA the USSC should invalidate all votes received after 8pm on election day, that might swing the state.
In GA the Dominion software could have swung the elections, so they are doing a hand recount, I'm curious how that will turn out.
AZ & NV may be lost, no news on those.
WI & MI may be in-play we'll see.
I'm disappointed that voter rolls weren't scrubbed before the election. WTF?

That was on pupose by the Dems to have lots of ballots put there. The mail in voting should have been done like absentee voting. Request the ballot online or via phone call. Then the ballot is sent to you. The fact that a 170 year old man in PA received a ballot is inexcusable.
Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
I believe that MI has the same software program, that's in other voting machines in other states, where they suspect issues.
Im thinking that 140,000 is well within reach, with the right software. Time will tell.
Actually PA is over 53,000 now. James Carville predicted it would finally settle at 150. And since it's well beyond the 0.5% threshold, Rump would have to pay for that recount.

Recounts generally don't shift anything by more than a fraction of these margins anyway.
In PA the USSC could throw out all votes received after the 11/3 Legislative deadline that was illegally extended by the PASC.
That could make a difference before the recount. Also, I don't know if PA has any software issues that could also affect the recount.
We're talking big numbers not a few hundred, if there was any widespread fraud, such as via software. If not, then we looked and that's it.
Actually PA is over 53,000 now. James Carville predicted it would finally settle at 150. And since it's well beyond the 0.5% threshold, Rump would have to pay for that recount.

Recounts generally don't shift anything by more than a fraction of these margins anyway.
In PA the USSC could throw out all votes received after the 11/3 Legislative deadline that was illegally extended by the PASC.
That could make a difference before the recount. Also, I don't know if PA has any software issues that could also affect the recount.
We're talking big numbers not a few hundred, if there was any widespread fraud, such as via software. If not, then we looked and that's it.

A state supreme court cannot "illegally" treat its own state law. That's their job.

Holy SHIT.
The case for massive voter fraud is non existent... Look at the courts, Trump can't win a case... Do people understand how hard massive voter fraud is to do?

So now we are relying on a computer glitch? Which is out by a good bit that no one saw...

Georgia count is Republican run and are only doing a recount because they want to check the new computer system. They have said they have seen no fraud or error in the first count.

This is all a pipe dream by sore losers... There is no real proof that has gone in front of a Judge and not been thrown out yet... Trump is making an embarrassment of the US democracy to the world... The GOP are enabling that and that should not be forgoten.
Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
Michigan is not needed, but I think Trump has the resources to do a thorough recount in all five states.
Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
Recounts usually show the first count to be fairly accurate, though with small discrepancies, often caused by differing judgments about how to count ballots marked by hand and other issues, are not unusual.

27 recounts occurred in statewide elections between 2000 and 2015. Of those, 15 were held when the original margin of victory was of 0.15 percent or less. Three of the 27 recounts resulted in a reversal of the original election result.
The average number of votes changed by the recount was 282 or .0019%. In states that Trump is fighting for, Biden is winning by a margin of 12,000 to 63,000. No recount in modern history has resulted in a change of more than 700 votes and none revealed any evidence of voter fraud. If you betting on recounts changing the election results, you should be getting odds of a million to 1.

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The case for massive voter fraud is non existent... Look at the courts, Trump can't win a case... Do people understand how hard massive voter fraud is to do?

So now we are relying on a computer glitch? Which is out by a good bit that no one saw...

Georgia count is Republican run and are only doing a recount because they want to check the new computer system. They have said they have seen no fraud or error in the first count.

This is all a pipe dream by sore losers... There is no real proof that has gone in front of a Judge and not been thrown out yet... Trump is making an embarrassment of the US democracy to the world... The GOP are enabling that and that should not be forgoten.
You have hundreds of thousands of illegal votes that came in past the election date ignoramus
This will get many thousands of Biden votes rejected, not to mention the sudden spikes of ballots around 3am

View attachment 415007
Votes will only get rejected if those votes are proven to be fraudulent. Presenting data show this is an aberrant election will not disqualify a single vote because we knew that this election would be like none in US history. We saw the largest turnout in history, most people voting by mail or early voting, lack of poll workers do to the virus, voting counting centers slammed and unable to report in a timely manner, and the two candidates running totally different campaigns. Due to laws in various states, mail-in ballots were not processed when received. In most states, votes cast at the polls were processed prior to most mail in ballots. The strong preference of Biden supporters to vote by mail created a crazy situation where most Biden votes were processed well after voting at the polls thus causing a major shift in results days after the election. With these aberration one would expected the data to follow.

I look this chart and have no idea what it is suppose to reveal or where the data came from.

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