Trump states that he is the MOST picked on president in US history...Really?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
That kind of statement (which shows how truly ignorant the orange clown really is) is uttered by someone who:

1. Called Obama a Kenyan for YEARS
2. Refused to release his tax returns as all other candidates have done since Nixon
3. Refused to place his business interests into a BLIND trust as any decent candidate who became president would have done.
4. Fires the very same person entrusted to investigate his shady dealings with Russian oligarchs.
5. Someone who rudely maligns the Courts, the media, democrats and even his own former opponents with childish name-calling.

Yeah, Trumpster you're being picked on because you're a charlatan/demagogue who should never have infected the oval office.
Trump learned at an early age that by crying and whining, his servants would give him anything he wanted. Now his servants are the GOP and the ignorant rubes of the GOP base. They will give him whatever he wants when he starts to fuss.
^ that little girl is engaging in flawless Trump political strategy. Perhaps she has read The Art of the Deal?

...actually written by someone else (Tony Schwartz) who stated a while back that "he helped to put lipstick on a pig" through his ghost writing.
Have you not watched CNN lately? I've never seen anything like it. It's literally around the clock attack mode against Trump!

Once again...Trump is simply pointing out what's obvious to everyone but you and your ilk, Nat!
Trump states that he is the MOST picked on president in US history.

I wonder how JFK's descendents and relatives feel about that assertion. I suspect they feel his by an assassin's bullet having his brains splattered across the trunk of a car constitutes being vastly more "picked on" than anything Trump's encountered.
Trump is as much a whiner as he is a liar.
the difference between trump and you jones is,trump responds to some of the stuff said about to comment?....
The Orange Clown sure does respond to critics. The Golden Asshole is like that little bird outside your window each morning...Tweet, Tweet, Tweet!

How very Presidential, the Prince of Fools with his petty, fawning sycophants!
Have you not watched CNN lately? I've never seen anything like it. It's literally around the clock attack mode against Trump!

Once again...Trump is simply pointing out what's obvious to everyone but you and your ilk, Nat!
Ever since you inbred, brain-dead rubes starting crying about CNN, it's become my favorite news channel.
Have you not watched CNN lately? I've never seen anything like it. It's literally around the clock attack mode against Trump!

Once again...Trump is simply pointing out what's obvious to everyone but you and your ilk, Nat!
We're YOU awake or asleep during the non stop coverage on all of the made up Clinton GATES?

Or the Obama bashing?????
Have you not watched CNN lately? I've never seen anything like it. It's literally around the clock attack mode against Trump!

Once again...Trump is simply pointing out what's obvious to everyone but you and your ilk, Nat!

Pointing out or reporting on the daily screw ups by Trump is NOT picking on is simply pointing out what a fuck up Trump is. The child-man is a self-inflicting moron.
Yeah, Trumpster you're being picked on because you're a charlatan/demagogue who should never have infected the oval office.
McMaster Says He Doesn't Remember:dunno: If Trump Told Russians Comey Was 'Nut Job' :deal:
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster on Sunday said he does not remember:bsflag: whether President Donald Trump told Russian officials

The "amazing" thing about Trump is that he not only makes a fool of himself on a daily basis, but he ALSO manages to make fools of virtually all around him who try to clean up his messes.
Trumpster you're being picked on because you're a charlatan/demagogue who should never have infected the oval office.
"Picking on" someone is what individuals do when they have no, or won't develop and present, sound criticisms. AFAIC, Trump has not been picked on at all. He's merely, probably as never before in his life, being daily/hourly told, bidden by him or not, what are his flaws and those found in his ideas and his policies.

A large amount of input will be offered for and about anyone who holds high elected office; it's just part of the territory. Trump's receiving an abundance of constructive criticism because, quite frankly, nobody must think long and hard to identify the nature, extent and manifestations of his inadequacies.
Trumpster you're being picked on because you're a charlatan/demagogue who should never have infected the oval office.
"Picking on" someone is what individuals do when they have no, or won't develop and present, sound criticisms. AFAIC, Trump has not been picked on at all. He's merely, probably as never before in his life, being daily/hourly told, bidden by him or not, what are his flaws and those found in his ideas and his policies.

A large amount of input will be offered for and about anyone who holds high elected office; it's just part of the territory. Trump's receiving an abundance of constructive criticism because, quite frankly, nobody must think long and hard to identify the nature, extent and manifestations of his inadequacies.
I was actually thinking about Lincoln. Talk about guys who were pilloried, he would have to be number one. The entire South thought he was essentially the antichrist. John Adams caught a ton of flack from opponents and the press of the time, including their version of the tweet --- the pamphleteers. Gerry Ford, a smart and nice guy, was painted as a buffoon and never recovered. Contrast that to Ronald Reagan, who, like President Trump, was painted as a buffoon, but he rose above it and never stooped to the level of his critics, thus emboldening them. And, frankly, Richard Nixon was a guy with a target on his back ever since he lost the governorship in 1962 ("you won't have Dick Nixon to kick around any more."). On the Democratic side, LBJ decided not to run in 1968 because of constant criticism ("If I've lost Walter Conkrite I've lost the nation") over the war ("hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?") And frankly, you are correct, it goes with the POTUS territory now. Clinton and Obama were pilloried by other news sources that are now mainstream but won't call themselves mainstream.

My point is the same as yours: You're under the microscope as POTUS, stop reading the clippings and pursue the policies you want. Responding to the critics emboldens them and puts you on their level. Rise above it.

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