Trump supporters, are you happy?

BTW, if we need a formal education or career in a field to have an opinion, then, since you are talking politics, you should be immediately excluded from this thread, assuming you have never held office, of course.

Oh, one more thing. If the "field of economics" is always right, why do we have such a hard time predicting, much less controlling, things to make our economy better?


Strawman. I asked how you know the field of economics is wrong. You contradicted it. You didn't just express an opinion. You said economics is WRONG with the positions you said. That doesn't say the crap you said about needing a degree to have an opinion.

Thanks for answering your own question though why I keep telling you to re-read my posts and demonstrating my OP that you only want the support of 40% of the Republican party.

A fiscally conservative, free market capitalist, and you don't want my support. Tell me how Trump wins without us
well your 40% question is wrong, it is what do the 60% of the GOP want. They lost, what is it they'd prefer, htlery? Really you think that? And again goes back to my if they don't want to lose seats, that 60% better figure out what they want, and Trump is their only option. Just saying facts is facts. It goes to that old straight party vote.

Since I'm not a Republican, I don't really care. My question to Trump supporters is based on your goal of wanting Trump to win
dude that was the entire premise of your OP. nice skate!!!!!
BTW, if we need a formal education or career in a field to have an opinion, then, since you are talking politics, you should be immediately excluded from this thread, assuming you have never held office, of course.

Oh, one more thing. If the "field of economics" is always right, why do we have such a hard time predicting, much less controlling, things to make our economy better?


Strawman. I asked how you know the field of economics is wrong. You contradicted it. You didn't just express an opinion. You said economics is WRONG with the positions you said. That doesn't say the crap you said about needing a degree to have an opinion.

Thanks for answering your own question though why I keep telling you to re-read my posts and demonstrating my OP that you only want the support of 40% of the Republican party.

A fiscally conservative, free market capitalist, and you don't want my support. Tell me how Trump wins without us

Now who is misquoting? When did I say that the field of economics was wrong concerning free trade? I stated there would be winners and losers.

And we BOTH know that is correct.

And so far the loser has been american workers.

And you want to fuck them again by crushing the economy
how? you keep saying that, how?

AGAIN, free markets benefit consumers across the economy with lower prices and make US companies more cost competitive with foreign competition.

Dude .... literally .... you will learn about free trade and why it benefits the overall economy in the FIRST economics course you take. And why. Learn economic basics and come back
Maybe you could stop saying things I didn't say

Its funny. I have never had this "problem" before. And I have thousands of posts in various forums. Like I said, maybe our misunderstanding comes from your lack of clarity.


Or maybe it comes from you putting words in my mouth rather than responding to what I actually said

Yes, that must be it. You telling us that we ALL misunderstand you has to be our problem, not yours.


Well, if you address what I said, then I'll stop saying you didn't address what I said

And like I said, if it was just me you were having a problem with, I might rethink my position.


It's several of you who all are Trumpettes, that doesn't make you wonder at all? Show me a post where you actually addressed my point and I didn't get it
Most votes for any Republican in the history of the Republican party. Yeah people are pretty happy

I agree you're not an angry Trump supporter. But as a Trump supporter who isn't angry, do you not see what I'm talking about? Do you not look at the Trumpettes and say wow, you're not going to bring anyone in that way?

For example, how is my voting for Johnson a vote for Hillary? Is that really supposed to convince me?
Its funny. I have never had this "problem" before. And I have thousands of posts in various forums. Like I said, maybe our misunderstanding comes from your lack of clarity.


Or maybe it comes from you putting words in my mouth rather than responding to what I actually said

Yes, that must be it. You telling us that we ALL misunderstand you has to be our problem, not yours.


Well, if you address what I said, then I'll stop saying you didn't address what I said

And like I said, if it was just me you were having a problem with, I might rethink my position.


It's several of you who all are Trumpettes, that doesn't make you wonder at all? Show me a post where you actually addressed my point and I didn't get it
every one.
Trump's plan doesn't bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. It just destroys jobs. Free trade and capitalism (economic freedom) create jobs with economic efficiency.

How is it you know more about economics than the field of economics again?
So tell us how bringing companies back to the US destroys jobs?

Fallacy of begging the question

That makes no sense in the context of anything I said. Try reading my posts again and asking a question that is relevant to what I argued
well you assume a transition period. I agree, just like there was when the jobs left. Destroy? Why would it destroy jobs? You never provided the why.

Actually I've said it a bunch of times. Higher prices harm consumers and the competitiveness of US companies against foreign competition. I'm not arguing Econ 101 with you, go take a class and come back
you never said that, unless you give me a post number to look at. I haven't seen you mention that. Again, bringing manufacturing jobs back will automatically raise consumer goods prices. we agree. So you'd prefer no jobs over that? Is that what you're attempting to say in so few words?

No, that is not what I said. I said closing our borders will cause more economic damage that will cause more job losses then will be gained. Economic efficiency is how you grow an economy. Yes, there are winners and losers no matter what we do. Do you want more winners than losers? Economics says free trade. Do you want more losers than winners? Economics says follow Trump.

American Corporate is kick ass, we're the best in the world. We're really good at competing. DON'T HELP US
Strawman. I asked how you know the field of economics is wrong. You contradicted it. You didn't just express an opinion. You said economics is WRONG with the positions you said. That doesn't say the crap you said about needing a degree to have an opinion.

Thanks for answering your own question though why I keep telling you to re-read my posts and demonstrating my OP that you only want the support of 40% of the Republican party.

A fiscally conservative, free market capitalist, and you don't want my support. Tell me how Trump wins without us

Now who is misquoting? When did I say that the field of economics was wrong concerning free trade? I stated there would be winners and losers.

And we BOTH know that is correct.

And so far the loser has been american workers.

And you want to fuck them again by crushing the economy
how? you keep saying that, how?

AGAIN, free markets benefit consumers across the economy with lower prices and make US companies more cost competitive with foreign competition.

Dude .... literally .... you will learn about free trade and why it benefits the overall economy in the FIRST economics course you take. And why. Learn economic basics and come back
again, do you want unemployment or free trade? Then I want Hitlery to say that.
Most votes for any Republican in the history of the Republican party. Yeah people are pretty happy

I agree you're not an angry Trump supporter. But as a Trump supporter who isn't angry, do you not see what I'm talking about? Do you not look at the Trumpettes and say wow, you're not going to bring anyone in that way?

For example, how is my voting for Johnson a vote for Hillary? Is that really supposed to convince me?
naw, it's just a fact. So if your intentions are for a Hitlery presidency then vote for Johnson. It's a vote for hitlery. That's all.
So tell us how bringing companies back to the US destroys jobs?

Fallacy of begging the question

That makes no sense in the context of anything I said. Try reading my posts again and asking a question that is relevant to what I argued
well you assume a transition period. I agree, just like there was when the jobs left. Destroy? Why would it destroy jobs? You never provided the why.

Actually I've said it a bunch of times. Higher prices harm consumers and the competitiveness of US companies against foreign competition. I'm not arguing Econ 101 with you, go take a class and come back
you never said that, unless you give me a post number to look at. I haven't seen you mention that. Again, bringing manufacturing jobs back will automatically raise consumer goods prices. we agree. So you'd prefer no jobs over that? Is that what you're attempting to say in so few words?

No, that is not what I said. I said closing our borders will cause more economic damage that will cause more job losses then will be gained. Economic efficiency is how you grow an economy. Yes, there are winners and losers no matter what we do. Do you want more winners than losers? Economics says free trade. Do you want more losers than winners? Economics says follow Trump.

American Corporate is kick ass, we're the best in the world. We're really good at competing. DON'T HELP US
what does closing our borders have to do with free trade? There is no right to citizenship with free trade.
So tell us how bringing companies back to the US destroys jobs?

Fallacy of begging the question

That makes no sense in the context of anything I said. Try reading my posts again and asking a question that is relevant to what I argued
well you assume a transition period. I agree, just like there was when the jobs left. Destroy? Why would it destroy jobs? You never provided the why.

Actually I've said it a bunch of times. Higher prices harm consumers and the competitiveness of US companies against foreign competition. I'm not arguing Econ 101 with you, go take a class and come back
you never said that, unless you give me a post number to look at. I haven't seen you mention that. Again, bringing manufacturing jobs back will automatically raise consumer goods prices. we agree. So you'd prefer no jobs over that? Is that what you're attempting to say in so few words?

No, that is not what I said. I said closing our borders will cause more economic damage that will cause more job losses then will be gained. Economic efficiency is how you grow an economy. Yes, there are winners and losers no matter what we do. Do you want more winners than losers? Economics says free trade. Do you want more losers than winners? Economics says follow Trump.

American Corporate is kick ass, we're the best in the world. We're really good at competing. DON'T HELP US
Economics says follow Trump.

how so? care to explain? and it can't be closed borders so try again. We're talking economics not immigration.
BTW Kaz, what is hitlery's plan for jobs? Obama hasn't done anything, so what intelligent plan does she have, and anyone else?

You claim Trump doesn't have a plan, I show what that is and you poke holes. Fair enough, so what are the plans of all other candidates?

Obama hasn't done anything? So the longest streak of positive private sector job growth in history is "nothing"?

Is that what life in the bubble is like, completely ignoring actual facts?
yeah just post up those figures bubba.

Answer me this one question, what was the percent of americans on welfare receiving food stamps when obama took office to the percentage today, you have those figures? It's been posted in the forum already in other threads if you've been following them.

The facts.
This Is the Largest Job-Growth Streak Ever—Kind Of


While the labor market has improved and the unemployment rate has declined markedly in the past few years, there is still considerable “slack” in the labor market (people not working who want to be, or people who want to be working more hours than they are), as the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) continues to emphasize in its economic assessments. In particular, the share of the population with a job remains abnormally low, the number of people working fewer hours than they would like remains abnormally high, long-term unemployment remains unusually high, and wage growth continues to be anemic.

Job losses were huge in the Great Recession, and it has taken years to dig out of the resulting deep jobs hole. The additional job creation needed to catch up with population growth since 2007 and restore full employment has barely begun.
The enormity of job losses in the Great Recession and fears of deflation led the Federal Reserve’s monetary policymakers to push interest rates as low as conventional monetary policy tools could push them in 2008. The Fed has kept rates low to this day in the face of ongoing labor market slack and no hint of inflationary overheating of the economy.

Finally, the number of unemployed workers who aren’t receiving any unemployment insurance (UI) benefits — the group of the unemployed most likely to qualify for SNAP because they have neither sufficient wages nor UI benefits — has continued to grow and is higher now than at the bottom of the recession. Even as the overall number of unemployed workers has declined, the number of unemployed workers receiving no UI benefits has increased (reflecting reduced UI protection at both the federal and state levels).

No Mystery Why SNAP Enrollment Remains High: It’s Still the Economy | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Why do you think that scandals have plagued the Clintons since Bill's first election victory in Arkansas? Start with Mena.
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?
Sometimes you come across as a hurt schoolgirl. Voting for someone isn't equivalent to saying fuck you to everyone else, otherwise we all said fuck you. Trump had it sown up before it came to my state but I did vote for him anyway. He got more votes than any Republican in the primaries, you left that part out.

Many people like me are tired of the establishment and he is not establishment. Rude and crude sometimes but having lived in NYC I am familiar with the type. They insult as a compliment so his words don't throw me off. Political correctness is another thing fucking this country up so it's kind of refreshing to not see it.

I wish I had a dollar for every Hillary has won post, I could retire.

Ouch, that one hurt, did it darling girl? After you have a good cry maybe you can have some cookies and milk. Not responding to your shit when you start with crap like that. You're just demonstrating my point what a bunch of dicks you are to people who's votes you need
I'm right and you can't handle the truth. How many threads have I started lamenting the outcome of the primaries? ZERO. And you? Grow a spine.
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?

I'm a Cruz voter, what is the big fucking least he has some.fiight in him unlike McCain or romney.

Republicans weren't getting it done....I wanted carson then Cruz then I got tru.p, but God I love how he pisses people off

I'm a Cruz supporter too. I'm not finding any disagreement with anything I said. And I agree with you on the humor of Trump pissing people off. Not sure I would go with that as an end goal personally, but it is amusing along the way.

Oh, and ... Go Blue!

I don't, but those republicans not supporting him are garbage mostly. They use the same tactics liberals do, and I can't stand them. Meg Whitman will never endorse a candidate I vote for.

If THAT isn't the pot calling the kettle black. Trumpettes are indistinguishable from leftists in every single attitude and behavior EXCEPT they want Trump to be their Big Government Goodie Distributor instead of Hillary. You need only look at your own charming post about "garbage" to see the standard leftist tactic of demonizing those who disagree with you in order to avoid ever having to address their concerns seriously.

But hey, I guess that means you don't need our "garbage" votes to win the election, so good luck on that "yuuuuuge win" without us. And don't even consider trying that bullying, horseshit hypocrisy of, "Well, if you don't decide Trump is wonderful, you want Hillary, but he doesn't need your vote, but you have to get on board to beat Hillary, but you're garbage". If you ever connect with reality enough to recognize how badly your Idiot Boy candidate is botching the election and start to wonder why, look no further than your own reflection of his utterly repellent attitudes.
no we want businesses to run their shops and the government stay out. it's quite simple bubba.

What the fuck? That's not what Trump says that you keep defending
BTW, if we need a formal education or career in a field to have an opinion, then, since you are talking politics, you should be immediately excluded from this thread, assuming you have never held office, of course.

Oh, one more thing. If the "field of economics" is always right, why do we have such a hard time predicting, much less controlling, things to make our economy better?


Strawman. I asked how you know the field of economics is wrong. You contradicted it. You didn't just express an opinion. You said economics is WRONG with the positions you said. That doesn't say the crap you said about needing a degree to have an opinion.

Thanks for answering your own question though why I keep telling you to re-read my posts and demonstrating my OP that you only want the support of 40% of the Republican party.

A fiscally conservative, free market capitalist, and you don't want my support. Tell me how Trump wins without us

Now who is misquoting? When did I say that the field of economics was wrong concerning free trade? I stated there would be winners and losers.

And we BOTH know that is correct.


That isn't where I said you contradicted economics. It was that forcing manufacturing to stay here would provide a net increase in jobs

Will allowing them to leave provide a net increase in jobs? If so, where? That is my point about creating winners and losers. While economic theory is correct that free trade will provide an increase worldwide, it will DEFINITELY hurt some players. Do you deny this?

As an economist, you MUST SEE what has happened to our earning power, our economic growth, and our standard of living in the past 30 years or so as these ideas have been instituted. If you believe that our sluggishness in not due to these policies, then state why you believe we are in such a predicament at this time.


Technically I'm an MBA in finance, which is a branch of economics, so I wouldn't call myself an "economist." I did say and meant I have an education in economics, which is true. Not arguing there, just clarifying.

Free markets create economic efficiency, which is best for our markets as a whole. What I see is we rode capitalism to be the most powerful economy in the world and the damage I see clearly is that what is causing our economic problems is fighting it.

What is particularly frustrating to me is when our companies go overseas to escape our belligerent government regulating and taxing us to death. Companies moving offshore for economic efficiency is one thing, driving them offshore is awful, and that's what we're doing.

And I hear zero from Trump on that. He's saying nothing about leveling the playing field and fixing our taxes and regulations. He just wants to punish companies that try to leave
I'm a Cruz voter, what is the big fucking least he has some.fiight in him unlike McCain or romney.

Republicans weren't getting it done....I wanted carson then Cruz then I got tru.p, but God I love how he pisses people off

I'm a Cruz supporter too. I'm not finding any disagreement with anything I said. And I agree with you on the humor of Trump pissing people off. Not sure I would go with that as an end goal personally, but it is amusing along the way.

Oh, and ... Go Blue!

I don't, but those republicans not supporting him are garbage mostly. They use the same tactics liberals do, and I can't stand them. Meg Whitman will never endorse a candidate I vote for.

If THAT isn't the pot calling the kettle black. Trumpettes are indistinguishable from leftists in every single attitude and behavior EXCEPT they want Trump to be their Big Government Goodie Distributor instead of Hillary. You need only look at your own charming post about "garbage" to see the standard leftist tactic of demonizing those who disagree with you in order to avoid ever having to address their concerns seriously.

But hey, I guess that means you don't need our "garbage" votes to win the election, so good luck on that "yuuuuuge win" without us. And don't even consider trying that bullying, horseshit hypocrisy of, "Well, if you don't decide Trump is wonderful, you want Hillary, but he doesn't need your vote, but you have to get on board to beat Hillary, but you're garbage". If you ever connect with reality enough to recognize how badly your Idiot Boy candidate is botching the election and start to wonder why, look no further than your own reflection of his utterly repellent attitudes.
no we want businesses to run their shops and the government stay out. it's quite simple bubba.

What the fuck? That's not what Trump says that you keep defending

Well he wants lower taxes and.less regulation...standard free market stuff.
BTW, if we need a formal education or career in a field to have an opinion, then, since you are talking politics, you should be immediately excluded from this thread, assuming you have never held office, of course.

Oh, one more thing. If the "field of economics" is always right, why do we have such a hard time predicting, much less controlling, things to make our economy better?


Strawman. I asked how you know the field of economics is wrong. You contradicted it. You didn't just express an opinion. You said economics is WRONG with the positions you said. That doesn't say the crap you said about needing a degree to have an opinion.

Thanks for answering your own question though why I keep telling you to re-read my posts and demonstrating my OP that you only want the support of 40% of the Republican party.

A fiscally conservative, free market capitalist, and you don't want my support. Tell me how Trump wins without us

Now who is misquoting? When did I say that the field of economics was wrong concerning free trade? I stated there would be winners and losers.

And we BOTH know that is correct.


That isn't where I said you contradicted economics. It was that forcing manufacturing to stay here would provide a net increase in jobs

Will allowing them to leave provide a net increase in jobs? If so, where? That is my point about creating winners and losers. While economic theory is correct that free trade will provide an increase worldwide, it will DEFINITELY hurt some players. Do you deny this?

As an economist, you MUST SEE what has happened to our earning power, our economic growth, and our standard of living in the past 30 years or so as these ideas have been instituted. If you believe that our sluggishness in not due to these policies, then state why you believe we are in such a predicament at this time.

we already know the only loser is US American jobs. Cheaper workers and no regulations creates a loss of jobs. Period.

What if we start by addressing the oppressive regulations and taxes that are pushing companies offshore first and see where we stand?

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