Trump Team Reaches Settlement in Nevada Lawsuit


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
You do realize that just saying something does not make it so? The courts will have their say despite your feelings & you're not going to like the outcome. Ya'll went way too far this time & got caught.
Deny it all you want but we both know it's true

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
There is no decision until the state certifies it. After that, the courts can change it.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
I have no doubt that Biden won, but there needs to be a massive investigation into voter fraud and then Biden needs to make god damn sure these problems are fixed by the next election.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
You do realize that just saying something does not make it so? The courts will have their say despite your feelings & you're not going to like the outcome. Ya'll went way too far this time & got caught.
Deny it all you want but we both know it's true

Saying a lie over and over like you Rumpers are doing doesn't make it the truth. But you can sing along to the Party of the Rump Campaign Theme Song

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.

Right now, the Election only stands with you, your media, and your party.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.

Right now, the Election only stands with you, your media, and your party.

And the majority of the Voters. It's called Democracy. I know that's a foreign term to you with little meaning but that's America.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;
They had to FUCKING SUE to get these motherfuckers to OBEY THE FUCKING LAW!!!!

C'mon communist shits. Even YOU are not that dishonest.....oh....wait.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;
They had to FUCKING SUE to get these motherfuckers to OBEY THE FUCKING LAW!!!!

C'mon communist shits. Even YOU are not that dishonest.....oh....wait.
Democrats do not care about THE LAW, at ALL. And they also do not care about Truth, or Judgment Day when most of them are cast in to Hell. There will be some Republicans in Hell too.

These people come on this site and they lie 24-7 - 365. Everything they post is propaganda 24-7. There is not one truthful leftist or Democrat that I have ever met on a message board or social media.

They live to lie. That is their purpose.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.

Right now, the Election only stands with you, your media, and your party.

And the majority of the Voters. It's called Democracy. I know that's a foreign term to you with little meaning but that's America.
You believe what CNN, MSNBC and the New York Slimes tell you????HAHAHAHAHA!

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.

Right now, the Election only stands with you, your media, and your party.

And the majority of the Voters. It's called Democracy. I know that's a foreign term to you with little meaning but that's America.
You believe what CNN, MSNBC and the New York Slimes tell you????HAHAHAHAHA!

You keep telling yourself that fairy tale. But the new Party of the Rump Theme Song is now

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
You do realize that just saying something does not make it so? The courts will have their say despite your feelings & you're not going to like the outcome. Ya'll went way too far this time & got caught.
Deny it all you want but we both know it's true

Saying a lie over and over like you Rumpers are doing doesn't make it the truth. But you can sing along to the Party of the Rump Campaign Theme Song

You mean like when Dems & MSM said it had the goods on DT and Russian collusion to provide cover for HRCs email scandal? And then said the Mueller Report would prove it? Or when they started the Ukrainian scam & impeachment just to cover for Quid Pro Joe? Or the dempanic over a virus barely worse than a flu to crash the economy & try to blame it all on DT?
Yes, I'm very familiar with the way they work you all like an organist with a trained monkey.
Sing your little song while you can kid. You all screwed the pooch this time

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
I have no doubt that Biden won, but there needs to be a massive investigation into voter fraud and then Biden needs to make god damn sure these problems are fixed by the next election.
Biden can't fix a state problem.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.
You do realize that just saying something does not make it so? The courts will have their say despite your feelings & you're not going to like the outcome. Ya'll went way too far this time & got caught.
Deny it all you want but we both know it's true

Saying a lie over and over like you Rumpers are doing doesn't make it the truth. But you can sing along to the Party of the Rump Campaign Theme Song

You mean like when Dems & MSM said it had the goods on DT and Russian collusion to provide cover for HRCs email scandal? And then said the Mueller Report would prove it? Or when they started the Ukrainian scam & impeachment just to cover for Quid Pro Joe? Or the dempanic over a virus barely worse than a flu to crash the economy & try to blame it all on DT?
Yes, I'm very familiar with the way they work you all like an organist with a trained monkey.
Sing your little song while you can kid. You all screwed the pooch this time

Forget all the crap, you lost, your Orange Deity lost. Get over it. Sing a few lines of your theme song and them move on.

That makes 2 that were accepted.;

And it accomplishes nothing. The count stands and the election stands.

Right now, the Election only stands with you, your media, and your party.

And the majority of the Voters. It's called Democracy. I know that's a foreign term to you with little meaning but that's America.

The majority of Democratic voters are lemmings who are a-ok with corruption as long as it benefits them. “Free” stuff goes a long way to seduce them into complete corruption.

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