Trump the Most Unpopular Candidate

That poll also shows how much Democrats hate the Women, Black and Latino people who don't subscribe to left wing dogma. The Democratic Party fighting for diversity unless you disagree with their politics.
Those spectacular crowds he's getting must all homeless people who were in the vicinity at the time of Trump's speech, huh?

He's entertaining to watch. Do you really think everyone in the crowd is a Trump supporter?

Sometimes I think the crowds that show up are there just out of morbid curiosity!

I am not a Trump fan, but I would vote for Satan himself over the Democrats.

People enjoy watching people they don't like. That's why The Apprentice was popular. People would tune in to watch Trump act like a dick. Same reason celebrities like Simon Cowell and Gordon Ramsey draw in such big ratings.
Trump has the second most unfavorable ratings among candidates. Hillary is tops. Neither one is going to get the nomination. Most of those going for Trump are not GOP voters. Check the favorable ratings and Cruz is right up there. He also is building a tremendous organization on the ground.
I wish for a Cruz-Sanders race. It would mark the clearest choice in American politics probably in history.
Dude I consulted my Crystal ball and it told me he will win the nomination and general election. If you doubt the veracity of my comment, keep this in Crystal ball is NEVER wrong.

You already admitted you hear the voices of Rosa Parks, Daisy Bates, Malcolm X, and MLK in your head, Are you sure you aren't just imagining that crystal ball?
You would benefit from embracing the reality that Trump is likely going to be the Republican candidate for President.

And you would benefit from embracing the reality that Hillary will be the next President if Trump is the Republican candidate.
Why do I or we get the impression that the "Independent" voter segment are more in-the-know on politics? Because they think before they decide?

Well if that is in fact the case, then how in the world can these "thinkers" vote for a total lying mean career scoundrel like Hillary Clinton? How could she have any kind of favorable rating with independents whatsoever?

For them to look at Trump's bravado and count that far more against him over what that woman and the obama administration has lied and scandalized their way for 7 years!! ??? That makes zero sense to me.
Those spectacular crowds he's getting must all homeless people who were in the vicinity at the time of Trump's speech, huh?

He's entertaining to watch. Do you really think everyone in the crowd is a Trump supporter?

Sometimes I think the crowds that show up are there just out of morbid curiosity!

I am not a Trump fan, but I would vote for Satan himself over the Democrats.

People enjoy watching people they don't like. That's why The Apprentice was popular. People would tune in to watch Trump act like a dick. Same reason celebrities like Simon Cowell and Gordon Ramsey draw in such big ratings.
I disagree with that. When Obama or Hillary comes on tv, my skin crawls and I have to turn the station. Nope, people will not usually take the time to listen to someone they dislike. Not normal. As long as people are listening, there's a chance he'll get their vote.
How is Hillary doing? The media including Murdoch might be ignoring her on purpose. Indications are that her political rally in N.H. looked more like a political funeral. What if Hillary can't beat bull shit Bernie? Democrats are screwed.
You would benefit from embracing the reality that Trump is likely going to be the Republican candidate for President.

And you would benefit from embracing the reality that Hillary will be the next President if Trump is the Republican candidate.

I don't think she's healthy enough to make it through the primaries.
That may be true.

Decades and decades of too much anger, too much alcohol have really taken their toll on her.
You would benefit from embracing the reality that Trump is likely going to be the Republican candidate for President.

And you would benefit from embracing the reality that Hillary will be the next President if Trump is the Republican candidate.
Why do I or we get the impression that the "Independent" voter segment are more in-the-know on politics? Because they think before they decide?

Well if that is in fact the case, then how in the world can these "thinkers" vote for a total lying mean career scoundrel like Hillary Clinton? How could she have any kind of favorable rating with independents whatsoever?

For them to look at Trump's bravado and count that far more against him over what that woman and the obama administration has lied and scandalized their way for 7 years!! ??? That makes zero sense to me.
turzovka, I think you are right about independents. It requires more decision making and listening to candidates to be an independent. Staunch Liberals and Conservatives usually vote just for the party.
No kidding.

It’s hard to say exactly how well (or poorly) Trump might fare as the Republican nominee. Partisanship is strong enough in the U.S. that even some of his most ardent detractors in the GOP would come around to support him were he the Republican candidate. Trump has some cunning political instincts, and might not hesitate to shift back to the center if he won the GOP nomination. A recession or a terror attack later this year could work in his favor.

But Trump would start at a disadvantage: Most Americans just really don’t like the guy.

Contra Rupert Murdoch’s assertion about Trump having crossover appeal, Trump is extraordinarily unpopular with independent voters and Democrats. Gallup polling conducted over the past six weeks found Trump with a -27-percentage-point net favorability rating among independent voters, and a -70-point net rating among Democrats; both marks are easily the worst in the GOP field. (Trump also has less-than-spectacular favorable ratings among his fellow Republicans.)



This is not just a recent phenomenon; Trump’s favorability ratings have been consistently poor. It’s true that his favorability numbers improved quite a bit among Republicans once he began running for president. But those gains were almost exactly offset by declines among independents and Democrats. In fact, his overall favorability ratings have been just about unchanged since he began running for president in June:


Donald Trump Is Really Unpopular With General Election Voters

I have to admit if it were a choice between Cruz and Trump, and I had to make a real choice it would be Trump.

I can not believe Cruz is liked by more than Trump... Cruz is a worthless douche nozzle to me, but maybe some see something in the piss ant that I do not see...
You would benefit from embracing the reality that Trump is likely going to be the Republican candidate for President.

And you would benefit from embracing the reality that Hillary will be the next President if Trump is the Republican candidate.

Trump is the only Republican that can beat Hillary.

I try to make a point of not running down the other candidates...and I'm not going to do that here.

But we've seen that the milquetoast Doles, McCains and Romneys do not will elections.

Bush, Christie, Kasich and Rubio are just more of the same.

How many times do you expect the GOP to try the same type of candidate expecting different results?

It's not going to happen.

Trump is the best hope to beat Hillary.
No kidding.

It’s hard to say exactly how well (or poorly) Trump might fare as the Republican nominee. Partisanship is strong enough in the U.S. that even some of his most ardent detractors in the GOP would come around to support him were he the Republican candidate. Trump has some cunning political instincts, and might not hesitate to shift back to the center if he won the GOP nomination. A recession or a terror attack later this year could work in his favor.

But Trump would start at a disadvantage: Most Americans just really don’t like the guy.

Contra Rupert Murdoch’s assertion about Trump having crossover appeal, Trump is extraordinarily unpopular with independent voters and Democrats. Gallup polling conducted over the past six weeks found Trump with a -27-percentage-point net favorability rating among independent voters, and a -70-point net rating among Democrats; both marks are easily the worst in the GOP field. (Trump also has less-than-spectacular favorable ratings among his fellow Republicans.)



This is not just a recent phenomenon; Trump’s favorability ratings have been consistently poor. It’s true that his favorability numbers improved quite a bit among Republicans once he began running for president. But those gains were almost exactly offset by declines among independents and Democrats. In fact, his overall favorability ratings have been just about unchanged since he began running for president in June:


Donald Trump Is Really Unpopular With General Election Voters

I have to admit if it were a choice between Cruz and Trump, and I had to make a real choice it would be Trump.

I can not believe Cruz is liked by more than Trump... Cruz is a worthless douche nozzle to me, but maybe some see something in the piss ant that I do not see...
How would you describe "worthless douche nozzle"? Three years ago Cruz was in favor of small government, lower taxes, and gun rights. Today he is still in favor of those things.
Three years ago Trump described himself as mostly a Democrat.
Trump is the douchenozzle here.
Those spectacular crowds he's getting must all homeless people who were in the vicinity at the time of Trump's speech, huh?

He's entertaining to watch. Do you really think everyone in the crowd is a Trump supporter?

Sometimes I think the crowds that show up are there just out of morbid curiosity!

I am not a Trump fan, but I would vote for Satan himself over the Democrats.
This is an example of blind partisan idiocy.
Those spectacular crowds he's getting must all homeless people who were in the vicinity at the time of Trump's speech, huh?

He's entertaining to watch. Do you really think everyone in the crowd is a Trump supporter?

Sometimes I think the crowds that show up are there just out of morbid curiosity!

I am not a Trump fan, but I would vote for Satan himself over the Democrats.
This is an example of blind partisan idiocy.
Tell us which Republican you would consider voting for.
Those spectacular crowds he's getting must all homeless people who were in the vicinity at the time of Trump's speech, huh?

He's entertaining to watch. Do you really think everyone in the crowd is a Trump supporter?

Sometimes I think the crowds that show up are there just out of morbid curiosity!

I am not a Trump fan, but I would vote for Satan himself over the Democrats.

People enjoy watching people they don't like. That's why The Apprentice was popular. People would tune in to watch Trump act like a dick. Same reason celebrities like Simon Cowell and Gordon Ramsey draw in such big ratings.
I disagree with that. When Obama or Hillary comes on tv, my skin crawls and I have to turn the station. Nope, people will not usually take the time to listen to someone they dislike. Not normal. As long as people are listening, there's a chance he'll get their vote.

Clinton and Obama are just boring. Like or dislike them, but Sanders and Trump are more high energy, and it shows in their larger crowds.
Trump is the best hope to beat Hillary.

And yet, he consistently does worse against Hillary than Rubio or Cruz.

Yet, even though he does worse than the other candidates, and has the worst unfavorables, Trump's supporters think he is their best choice.

That's hope over reason.


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Trump is the best hope to beat Hillary.

And yet, he consistently does worse against Hillary than Rubio or Cruz.

Yet, even though he does worse than the other candidates, and has the worst unfavorables, Trump's supporters think he is their best choice.

That's hope over reason.

And Romney was besting Obama in the polls, right up until he lost.

Trump came out of nowhere to pulverize those very candidates that led the GOP primary polls.

Remember when Bush, Walker, Christie and Rubio were on top?

What good would those polls have been to predict the current leader?

Less than zero.

Trump is hated the most by the far left...but able to sway the Reagan Democrats in the more moderate corners of the DNC.


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