Trump the Most Unpopular Candidate

Trump supporters are as naïve as they are delusional, their sophomoric fantasy of an ‘outsider candidate’ is both childish and inane; politics is a profession, responsible governance requires a fundamental understanding of the law, the legislative process, and sound public policy – all of which Trump clearly lacks, and the majority of the voters know that, that Trump isn’t a serious candidate, and has no business being president.
While I agree that politics is a profession, responsible governance and sound public policy left the building long ago. Politics today is, for the most part, inhabited by ego maniacs beholden to whom ever writes the biggest check.
40% seems to be his(Trump's) ceiling. That doesn't bode well for the general.
Says who?
I believe I did, at least I think I said it. Did I say it? Help me and Correll out here someone, there seems to be some question as to who is posting in my name. :rolleyes:

It is still the primaries.

He hasn't even been formally running against Hillary yet or targeting voters outside the GOP.

Seems early to say he has a ceiling.
40% seems to be his ceiling. That doesn't bode well for the general.
You have to remember that there is a bigger field of candidates in the GOP. If it was down to two candidates, he would be much higher.
Most of the other candidates are out of it. Why haven't their supporters seen that and switched to Trump? What are they waiting for? I doesn't seem to be for Donald.
40% seems to be his ceiling. That doesn't bode well for the general.
You have to remember that there is a bigger field of candidates in the GOP. If it was down to two candidates, he would be much higher.
Most of the other candidates are out of it. Why haven't their supporters seen that and switched to Trump? What are they waiting for? I doesn't seem to be for Donald.
There's lots of time. Be patient. Soon there will be two just like the Democrats. Some people are just now starting to pay attention. Who knows maybe Trump won't be getting the nomination, although it looks like it to me.
There's lots of time. Be patient. Soon there will be two just like the Democrats. Some people are just now starting to pay attention. Who knows maybe Trump won't be getting the nomination, although it looks like it to me.
We shouldn't have too much time to wait. Iowa will tell if Trump is really their second choice. If he isn't, it hurts him bad, IMO.
There's lots of time. Be patient. Soon there will be two just like the Democrats. Some people are just now starting to pay attention. Who knows maybe Trump won't be getting the nomination, although it looks like it to me.
We shouldn't have too much time to wait. Iowa will tell if Trump is really their second choice. If he isn't, it hurts him bad, IMO.
And what about the Demoncrats? Who's going to take Iowa there?
There's lots of time. Be patient. Soon there will be two just like the Democrats. Some people are just now starting to pay attention. Who knows maybe Trump won't be getting the nomination, although it looks like it to me.
We shouldn't have too much time to wait. Iowa will tell if Trump is really their second choice. If he isn't, it hurts him bad, IMO.

Why would Iowa tell that?
No kidding.

It’s hard to say exactly how well (or poorly) Trump might fare as the Republican nominee. Partisanship is strong enough in the U.S. that even some of his most ardent detractors in the GOP would come around to support him were he the Republican candidate. Trump has some cunning political instincts, and might not hesitate to shift back to the center if he won the GOP nomination. A recession or a terror attack later this year could work in his favor.

But Trump would start at a disadvantage: Most Americans just really don’t like the guy.

Contra Rupert Murdoch’s assertion about Trump having crossover appeal, Trump is extraordinarily unpopular with independent voters and Democrats. Gallup polling conducted over the past six weeks found Trump with a -27-percentage-point net favorability rating among independent voters, and a -70-point net rating among Democrats; both marks are easily the worst in the GOP field. (Trump also has less-than-spectacular favorable ratings among his fellow Republicans.)



This is not just a recent phenomenon; Trump’s favorability ratings have been consistently poor. It’s true that his favorability numbers improved quite a bit among Republicans once he began running for president. But those gains were almost exactly offset by declines among independents and Democrats. In fact, his overall favorability ratings have been just about unchanged since he began running for president in June:


Donald Trump Is Really Unpopular With General Election Voters
Democrats are hoping and praying that the Republitards DO run Donald Tramp ... he will lose bigger than Mittens.
No tax & spend liberals posing as conservatives please, Vagifail.

Why Bullshit, you need me to post what conservative agenda's Trump has stated...I KNOW you must have seen them!...Besides YOU are NOT a conservative, so why would a supposed moderate of the JakeAss's variety care?

You're not a conservative either if you're supporting Trump and his anti-freedom agenda.

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