Trump thinks he can change the Constitution via EO

The key statement that SCOTUS will have to interpret is this:
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States."

The question regarding "subject to the jurisdiction thereof"
Trump wants to end birthright citizenship — here's what the law says about that

Now the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952, the basic body of US immigration law, also says a "person born in the United States who is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States is a U.S. citizen at birth."
This though was a Congressional act signed by the president at that time.
Again... the key phrase "who is subject to the jurisdiction".

Exactly what does the "jurisdiction" mean?

Well I'm sure this will be the KEY element in the SCOTUS ruling, i.e. a person born or naturalized in the United States is "subject to the (jurisdiction)" what is
this "jurisdiction"?
Jurisdiction: Original, Supreme Court | Federal Judicial Center

Yup and because these illegals are Mexican or whatever nationality they belong to jurisdiction is the key.

They aren't American they are in the jurisdiction of whatever country they come from. That is the key. Jurisdiction.

So, they are not subject to our laws, if one kills someone, they cannot be arrested and charged with a crime?

If they can, then they are in the jurisdiction of the US.

No this jurisdiction is that of the mother.

If they commit murder then they will be tried as murderers.
the mother was in the US.

She was in the US illegally. She didn't have permission to be in the US.

Whatever her nationality is that the jurisdiction for the kids nationality.

Do you also feel that way about all of the Russian women who came to Miami and stayed at the trump hotel, had the kid, then went back to Russia?
We know the right wing doesn't care about natural rights. Why pay any attention to them in abortion threads.
Yup and because these illegals are Mexican or whatever nationality they belong to jurisdiction is the key.

They aren't American they are in the jurisdiction of whatever country they come from. That is the key. Jurisdiction.

So, they are not subject to our laws, if one kills someone, they cannot be arrested and charged with a crime?

If they can, then they are in the jurisdiction of the US.

No this jurisdiction is that of the mother.

If they commit murder then they will be tried as murderers.
the mother was in the US.

She was in the US illegally. She didn't have permission to be in the US.

Whatever her nationality is that the jurisdiction for the kids nationality.

Do you also feel that way about all of the Russian women who came to Miami and stayed at the trump hotel, had the kid, then went back to Russia?

Yup. I do and if you believe that bullshit you posted can't be very smart.
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Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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I think he just wants to test the Supreme Court to see if they have his back if he gets impeached.

You've been asked this before, and as far as I'm aware, you have yet to answer.

What the hell do you think the Supreme Court has to do with impeachments?
Not with the impeachment per se, but it would deal with the POTUS's ability to pardon himself and others that have proof of his guilt, his ability to obstruct justice and so on.

Also, if he can be held accountable for any crime while he is a sitting President , as well as if he can be held accountable later for crimes committed as a sitting President.

So basically, you're admitting this is all about your undereducated, Hollywood-influenced, hyper-triggered fantasy life.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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They were stupid enough to vote for him
They believe anything he rants about

This is code for "I'm a loser, but it's because I'm smart and you're stupid". A participation trophy of sorts. Outside those like yourself who are seeking self affirmation, I don't suspect anyone believes you're smart "rightwinger".

Once again "rightwinger" is ill-informed despite his declaration of a supreme mind...................EDUCATE YOURSELVES. I hope Trump cleans this mess up too. He's the guy to do it.

The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution - Fourteenth Amendment - anchor babies and birthright citizenship - interpretations and misinterpretations - US Constitution[/QUOT
arents or those having an American ancestor even if they live elsewhere?

Per International law:
Every country has to choose one way or the other to grant citizenship- either by birth or by ancestry. Period, that’s how things are. No country can refuse to grant citizenship on both grounds because that leaves many people without a nationality. Even with these laws in place, some people do suffer from lack of nationality, which is a serious problem. Having a country as large as the U.S denying nationality on both grounds would create a much more serious problem.

if you remove jus soli, then you’ll have to give citizenship based on jus sanguinis. That’s international law. Pick either one or the other. But if you change the law to jus sanguinis, that means that anyone who can prove that one of their ancestors is American can get citizenship.

Now, which group of foreigners would you prefer “invading” America? Those that are born there to foreign parents or those having an American ancestor even if they live elsewhere?
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When asked about it Barak Obama openly admitted he had ZERO authority to affect US Immigration law, acknowledging Separation of Powers and Congress' responsibility to pass laws.

Not long after, in a childish yet dictatorial hissy-fit for not getting his way, Obama attempted to impose his 'Dreamer' EDICT on the US through Executive Order, anyway.

Despite the FACT that he had zero Constitutional authority to do so, liberal judges and courts have attempted to block President Trump's reversal of the Un-Constitutional act by Obama.

Democrats, Liberals, and snowflakes did not bat an eye at Obama's ILLEGAL, UN-CONSTITUTIONAL act, they certainly did not go bat-shit crazy over his CRIME the way they are going over President Trump's mention of ending the 'anchor baby' issue through EO .

President Trump is TALKING about altering the Constitution through EO....Obama actually VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION by imposing his edict through EO.

The criminal hypocrisy of the left continues to be unashamedly on full display, continuing to show they believe they are above the Constitution & Laws and the rules they attempt to impose on Conservatives / Republicans...part of the reason no one takes the Democrats / Democratic Party seriously any more.
Felons and a host of others can not buy guns and the 2 nd amendment was not changed , so how come the 14th can not be changed to disqualify anchor baby's? After all it was all about blacks being citizens

Felons and a host of others can not buy guns and the 2 nd amendment was not changed , so how come the 14th can not be changed to disqualify anchor baby's? After all it was all about blacks being citizens

it is about natural rights.
The criminal hypocrisy of the left continues to be unashamedly on full display, continuing to show they believe they are above the Constitution & Laws and the rules they attempt to impose on Conservatives / Republicans...part of the reason no one takes the Democrats / Democratic Party seriously any more.

And this is some how different than all you people that whined about Obama that are now cheering on Trump to do the same thing?
So, they are not subject to our laws, if one kills someone, they cannot be arrested and charged with a crime?

If they can, then they are in the jurisdiction of the US.

No this jurisdiction is that of the mother.

If they commit murder then they will be tried as murderers.
the mother was in the US.

She was in the US illegally. She didn't have permission to be in the US.

Whatever her nationality is that the jurisdiction for the kids nationality.

Do you also feel that way about all of the Russian women who came to Miami and stayed at the trump hotel, had the kid, then went back to Russia?

Yup. I do and if you believe that bullshit you posted can't be very smart.

MIAMI — Lured by the charm of little Havana or the glamour of South Beach, some 15 million tourists visit Miami every year.

But for a growing number of Russian women, the draw isn't sunny beaches or pulsing nightclubs. It's U.S. citizenship for their newborn children.

In Moscow, it's a status symbol to have a Miami-born baby, and social media is full of Russian women boasting of their little americantsy.

Made in Russia, born in America: birth tourism booming in Miami
The interpretation currently used was decided by the Supreme Court in the late 1800's. The current Supreme Court "could" over rule that decision. SCOTUS decisions can be over turned. That is why the left fears the overturn of RvW.
it is about natural rights.
Now trump does have the authority to challenge and define/redefine that...good job.
only in right wing fantasy.
..but Obama had the authority to violate the Separation of Powers & By-Pass Congress, which he did frequently as, President to impose his 'Dreamer Act' Edict?

Again, hypocrisy on display....where is the Left's outrage over Obama DOING what Trump has only talked about?
Didn't that Obama asshole try to change the immigration laws of the US by EO?
So did Trump. But only Trump thinks he can change the 14th by EO. And by "only" I mean he's pretty alone on this. LOL

Wadda' ya' think.....anchor babies/birthright citizenship good for the country?

These stupid Moon Bats all think that importing welfare queens that will vote Democrat in order to make this country a socialist shithole is good for the US.

Sick bastards!
The criminal hypocrisy of the left continues to be unashamedly on full display, continuing to show they believe they are above the Constitution & Laws and the rules they attempt to impose on Conservatives / Republicans...part of the reason no one takes the Democrats / Democratic Party seriously any more.

And this is some how different than all you people that whined about Obama that are now cheering on Trump to do the same thing?

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